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I cite WikiPedOia several times. WikiP is great until it gets you killed by lethal injection ("vaccine"). A number of their editors should be tried for mass murder, treason, crimes against humanity, etc. (I dubbed it WikiPedOia on May 1, 2024.)


October 4, 2024

recap on housing and work

This is one of my public answers to an email. In answer to one question, I posted to Craig's List housing wanted. I made a technical blog entry where I mocked the responses. I haven't started up on Gab again, but I plan to. For one, "Winter is coming. These are not just the words of House Stark. It is a fact." It's about to be a good time to move to Florida for that reason, too. Yes, I've been to 2 - 3 parts of Florida during the peak of summer.

Financially, work has been bordering on disaster as it has been for years. The law office project should go on indefinitely, but it's nowhere close to paying the bills in itself; it's only 5 hours a week, for one.

I started a second project several months ago. It came through a friend, not from Craig's List. The project is scheduled to go through December. It is likely to continue, but not certain. I'm doing it for a flat monthly rate in hopes that it takes off at some point. The good news is that I still have plenty of time for more projects, if I can find them. The bad news is that two projects together just barely pay the bills.

In late July I went through all of the 23 cities that Craig's List considers "US cities." I'm getting close to doing this again as of several days ago. In early August, I started my first Android project, but then it immediately went on hold. I did get paid a bit. In theory, it should restart soon, but it's a nice theory.

That will answer the basic questions. Posting after 23:09.

Sep 24

live from KSFO - mayday? pan pan edition?

First posted at 4:03am EDT. Update after 4:43am.

As of 4am ET, United 805 has been circling after takeoff from SFO for 54 minutes. It was scheduled for Seoul. It's a 777-222(ER). Normal traffic is going in and out of SFO. Looks like it's done 5 complete circles so far. 6,125 feet and 270 kt ground speed. I'm doing my best NOT to dig into this. I hadn't turned on LiveATC yet. I'm just noting it for the future.

Just before I tried to walk away, 805 started heading for the runway to land, so I turned on tower audio. As of about 4:20am, the situation is all mopped up. Sounds like something happened to their right engine. I don't know if it was running upon landing or not. They asked for an inspection of the right engine. There was mention of a United super tug, but I don't think the tug was used. When I turned everything off, 805 was headed back to the gate after spending a few minutes north of 28R. The northwest section has cargo services and hangers (including for United, I'm almost sure). UAL805 didn't have time to go to a hanger, but it was nearby.

UAL 2640 must have been asked by approach control to make a slight deviation to give priority to 805. UAL2640's landing was delayed by 2 - 3 minutes.

KAL 214 did a go around several minutes before 805 landed on 28R. I'm almost sure KAL had plenty of time to get off the runway even in a quasi-emergency, so I don't know what happened there. I watched KAL come back and land before I turned everything off.

There were references to "ops," which I take to mean something different than emergency vehicles. Given the relatively normal traffic, I take it there was not great concern of a further issue. I didn't hear references to an emergency. In recorded audio, I've heard "United XYZ, we are mayday" or some such.

Tower gave 805 frequency 128.65 to talk to the "vehicles." Soon after (very few minutes), the tower controller announced "Runway 28R back to tower." I take that to mean that all ground vehicles and aircraft had vacated, and the quasi-emergency was over as far as the runway was concerned. Minutes after that, 805 came back to tower for clearance back to the gate. (The same controller was working tower and ground.) Sometime during this, the tower controller said, "Nice work tonight, guys."

Sep 22

word limits

So her profile was 617 words, 2,819 non-whitespace characters, and 3,440 total chars. The implicitly claimed to be an intellectual and brought up "politics" quite specifically. My reply was 306 words, 1,322, and 1,636. Her reply was 3 words. The implication was that I was writing too much in way that wasn't interesting.

I've known for years that in many contexts I need to be careful how much time, energy, and verbiage I spend and type. This just brings it home. I may have to come up with a strict word limit with very few exceptions.

Sep 20

Polaris Dawn update

I'm almost certain I didn't update my Polaris Dawn interest. I did watch the launch. I watched a good bit of the commentary in the hours before the launch. I didn't follow details after that. I'm aware that the mission was successful, and everyone is back on earth.

Their webcast was surprisingly bad in terms of buffering. It wasn't just me. I wonder what was going on with that. Perhaps live net broadcasts are much harder than I thought.

One of their "news anchors" was quite the looker. The other one wasn't bad, either. The other one's hairstyle and such gave subtle signs of "libtard." In this context, though, I may decide I can live with that. There are a number of things I saw that one would never see with NASA employees. There is absolutely something to be said for being closer to one's self.

The medical officer of a recent SpaceX mission (Inspiration4), Hayley Arceneaux, is quite the looker, too.

Based on looking up previous relevant SpaceX flight paths, I had a tiny chance of seeing the launch, so I was outside watching on my phone. Maybe if I were on the roof I could have seen it. That may be worth some analysis if I ever get around to watching next time.

Yeah, I may wind up mostly talking about pretty, smart ladies.

So far I am assuming that Sian Proctor earned her spot on Inspiration4. On the other hand, her mentioning talking to Michael ("Michelle") Obama was rather grating. As for whether she earned it or not, I tend to think anyone in her position should spend a good bit of time condemning libtards and libtards' masters. Kinda like I spend a good bit of time condemning J--- because I am half J------.

September 17, 2024

others' night owl thoughts

I recently found a fairly active Gab night owl group, as opposed to inactive ones I found months ago. (I am ambivalent about linking to Gab is various contexts, but that's another story.)

I posted my theory that being a night owl is genetically hardwired. I got a couple of responses conveying understanding, which was nice.

The following is almost a quote. In this case I'm not linking to it because I'm not sure my linking to anyone is doing them a favor.

For millions of years we had to deal with horrific predators at night, such as gigantic killer pandas and an owl the size of a frickin' condor. Basically, having a dude who was a "night owl" to raise the alarm helped out the whole tribe. You bet your butt the "night owl" got to get laid and pass on his characteristics!

I did a Goo Search on "for millions of years we had to deal with horrific predators at night" and also found this Reddit comment: "Night-owls kept our species alive for millions of years protecting the day walkers from nocturnal predators and our repayment was... being scorned and told we are lazy a[*******]."

I got another response on Gab, (slightly edited) "I've heard of this theory. Its an evolutionary trait that didn't leave after we became agrarian."

I'm considering responding to both. Something like thanks for understanding or at least considering this. I'm going to muse on responses.

Thank you for backing this notion. I am at least vaguely comforted. It's been on my mind all these days, so it's time to respond. It has only dimly occurred to me to wonder if there is a relationship between spotting giant owls and Satanic "leadership."

As for the second response. I'm glad someone has heard of it.

Yeah, they are both right. Saving the tribe may have gotten one "laid" many years ago, but it seems to be an impediment towards passing genes on this time. Of course, I'm somewhat against passing genes on this time (this incarnation). As I think I've mentioned in various ways, it may be time for my final vote of no confidence for Group Soul Yahweh. As Jake said in Gunslinger (Dark Tower, book 1), "There are other worlds than this."

September 12

Elon Musk or "Elon Musk"?

I just got a reasonable scolding for not mentioning the possibility that Elon Musk suffered a similar fate to Biden. I am reasonably sure that Bi-Dan the Acting President is not the former Vice President Biden. I've addressed that elsewhere, somewhere around here. (Big Evil Goo will likely find the pages given a site-specific search of this site. I have reason to believe they index most of my site. Even if I am suppressed in a general search, Goo doesn't necessarily want to make it too obvious. If you already know about a site, they often give you a proper search of it.)

My correspondent thinks "Musk" is also an actor, presumably wearing a Hollywood-level latex mask. Her theory is that the real Musk was replaced soon after he broke up with Grimey and before "he" bought Twitter.

So, the worst case is that the now-fictitious character of Musk can be emperor or emperor-god. I have hope that Musk is the same Musk, but I'm not going down that research rabbit hole right now.

September 11, 2024

Meme post at 02:10. Bishop Strickland after 02:32.

Bishop Joseph Strickland apologizes for closing church during "Covid"

"I was duped by the media hype..." This is a good start. Would he please move quickly along to calling for trials and executions?

meme search

Soon after RFK Jr. endorsed Trump, there was a meme involving RFK, Musk, and Tulsi Gabbard. In the order of Musk, Gabbard, and RFK, the man-like Democrat donkey says to each of them "eff you." So each lines up with Trump. Then the donkey wonders why no one supports them anymore. (For Gab) Would someone please direct me to it?

I understand that one point of memes is to make them hard to search, but I can't find it after some degree of creativity.

September 9, 2024

Cape Canaveral post around 23:29. The Starliner and fractal post will be a bit later (after 23:42).


I was asked about Boeing Starliner's issues. First of all, no, I have never mentioned Starliner on this site or in private. Boeing is a "defense" contractor, so they are on my bad side for that. SpaceX is (almost certainly) such, too, but Elon Musk is the Emperor-God, so he can do no wrong. Thus, I enjoy seeing Elon Musk triumph over anyone.

I haven't followed the details of the Starliner problems. I don't really care. As I've (probably) said a number of times, we should have been able to buy cheap anti-gravity craft by the 60s or 70s. As I said in my first Polaris Dawn commentary, I've only become interested in those launches because I am proverbially worshiping Musk as Emperor-God. I have great hope that Musk will help bring us anti-gravity in the not-too-distant future.

I have some commentary on Boeing's more general problems, but I'll save that for some other time. It's several orders of magnitude down the fractal.

the fractal model

The first magnitude of the fractal are items such as domination by Satanists who literally eat children alive. (See my Jessie Czebotar commentary or look her up on a relatively useful search engine such as Yandex.) Then there are their first-order policies like Rothschild debt notes masquerading as a national currency, and thus the ever-increasing total debt. Boeing's problems are maybe 5 or 6 orders down.

memories of Cape Canaveral and such

Lest I be accused of being an idiot savant (or paid for) space geek like Randall Munroe of XKCD, NASA is most certainly one of the Big Lies. The purpose of NASA is obfuscate what's in space, not clarify. First of all, nasa is Hebrew for "to deceive." Duh. Then see the drawing of the red lines in the NASA logo as the extension of the forked tongue of the serpent. (Larger PNG of forked tongue.)

Randall essentially endorsed Kabala / Kabbalah / the Kamal / Camel because she likes Venn Diagrams. (Also see Explain XKCD for easier access to the title text.)

With that said, I remember waiting for one of the first Space Shuttle launches in '81 or '82. My family was several miles away from the pad, well outside of the restricted area. As I remember, the launch commentary was broadcast on a local radio station (in part for cars to receive). The launch kept getting delayed, so we gave up after several hours.

Years later, I saw the Shuttle's exhaust trail from almost 200 miles away. We were watching the launch on TV, and then could look out the window. Boy it goes fast. (I couldn't resist. Apparently maximum acceleration was only 3g, but that adds up quickly.)

I once heard the sonic boom of a landing Shuttle in metro Atlanta. I had never heard a sonic boom before, so it took me several days before I put two and two together.

I've seen the International Space Station pass overhead many dozens of times. It's brighter than Venus or Jupiter. Usually it's the 3rd brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon, although Iridium telephone satellite flares are brighter. Those only last a few seconds relative to any particular point on earth, though.

In related news, there is another Polaris Dawn launch window in a few hours. If they are still planning to go, the broadcast (netcast) will begin just after midnight Eastern Time. The planned launch is again at 3:38am ET.

September 3

First posts (lower down) around 1:10am. The Gab post after 1:15.

yet another Gab post

I found a seemingly active night owl group on Gab. Let's try this again:


Regarding what keeps me up at night, I'm convinced that I'm genetically hardwired this way. Historically speaking, someone needs to be the Night's Watch. Bad things happen if I wake up before noon too many days in a row. With a sunset of 8pm, I'm often sleeping until 4pm lately, although that's probably taking it too far.

I am trying my best to make a living as a night owl, and I could use some help. There is likely money to be had, but you'll have to assess that for yourself, of course. I discuss this in almost all of my Gabs, so you'll find more info. Also, I would really like more people to talk to or write to during the night, so please send me a message by one means or another.

remembering the "heavily armed" Michigan anti-"lockdown" protests

That was one of the most encouraging things I've seen since Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade ("Covid") began. I mention it because I often forget about it. I'm surprised (((they))) didn't go ape poop like they did a few months later on January 6. Here is a J-- York Slimes article comparing those two events and an NPR article. There were a lot of protestors, and they were in fact heavily armed by some standards, so (((they))) decided against trying to round them up.

I also want to remember Marlena Pavlos-Hackney of Marlena's Bistro in Holland, MI. It appears to be open, but she went to jail for at least several days because her customers weren't wearing masks and such.

Lisa Hanson has been rightfully denouncing Walz for sending her to jail for 60 days including Christmas of 2021.

celebrating the death (hopefully execution) of (((Susan Wojcicki))) - sic semper tyrannis

I didn't yet note that (((Susan Wojcicki))) died a few weeks ago. She's the psy war queen of Big Evil Goo Tube. That is, she was the YouTube CEO who conducted a large branch of the psy war by deleting her enemies' videos. Her enemies are of course 70% - 95% of humanity. She died of lung cancer. It's possible that some of (((them))) actually take the vax, so maybe that killed her. Benjamin Fulford claims she was executed. That is in the realm of possibility, I hope so, and I hope we know that for sure in a few months. He also points out that Fauci has "Covid" and West Nile "virus."

Sic semper tyrannis is actually on the flag of the Royal Colony of Virginia. I should clarify that it is the current flag of the Commonwealth / State. You may have noted that I usually call the states royal colonies because they rarely show independence.

August 25, 2024

First two Russia posts after 02:37am. The Polaris Dawn entry will be after 04:14. Saint Stanislav will be after 04:21.

Saint Stanislav Girls' Choir of the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, Ljubljana, Slovenia

I'd say this is a good advertisement for the reclamation of Europe and for the trial and execution of a few hundred (at the very least) mass-rapist, mass-murdering, Satanic ultra-villain scum. "Scum" is a massive insult to scum. There aren't words for these people. Our most famous Slovenian is of course Melania Trump.

I am trying to resist reading all the details again, but Hildegard Von Bingen (1098 – 17 September 1179) was quite the character. I noted her music 25+ years ago. Bingen was canonized in 2012. I'll again try to resist reading the PedOia for hours.

I wonder who Bingen incarnated as before and after? Even if she graduated third density, I'd imagine she's been back.

Polaris Dawn hopeful launch early Tue morning

As of a handful of years ago, I was skeptical of SpaceX. Rather than continuing to use rockets, it would seem Musk could flush the anti-gravity tech into the open. Now I'm leaning towards the notion that he may do just that. I've heard that JFK knew or highly suspected that anti-gravity was in use by the top-secret, special access, compartmentalized, unacknowledged projects. (Dr. Steven Greer's term.) JFK suggested the moon landing to flush the tech out, but NASA put on a space opera instead, after related parties killed JFK.

Now that I have elected Musk as Emperor-God, or emperor under Pope Vigano, I'm more inclined to pay attention. SpaceX plans to launch Polaris Dawn this Tuesday early morning at 3:38 am EDT. There are a couple of attractive astronauts. I may get (more) interested in this. They plan to go farther than anyone's publicly gone since Apollo, which is only 870 miles.

Jared Isaacman is a billionaire astronaut. As best I understand, he is sort of a passenger in the sense that he is paying for the ride. The other three astronauts are crew: another man and the two women.

I am trying to resist video, but, in the still pictures, they look very comfortable together. It reminds me of Heinlein in Stranger in the Strange Land. The (fictitious) Champion spacecraft had a crew of eight: four married couples, because they would be in space and on Mars for years. The crew was exhaustively sorted for compatibility. Heinlein's joke is that there was at least one murder. I don't remember how much detail Heinlein goes into as to who killed whom, but all eight adults were dead soon after reaching Mars. We're told that at least one human killed another, but I assume the Martians killed some of them. I find the contrast amusing.

update on my previous Russia post

Two days ago (23rd), I sent another email to my 3-degrees-of-separation potential pathway to Russian contacts. My email to him is in that entry. My friend replied (essentially) that he's too close to the military industrial complex, so he can't be involved in such a discussion. His surface job title is nowhere near the MIC, but, of course, that beast has its tentacles everywhere.

so: try, try again

Another Gab post:

Before the SMO, the Russian government had a visa program to attract Western tech workers. I'm interested in working in Russia because of the SMO. I have the qualifications to work for the US "defense" industry, but they serve evil, so I won't. I would work for Russia's. (That doesn't meant they'd let me, of course.) That's just one example. If I can find the contacts, I'd like to work in some way helping Russia, whether there, here, or elsewhere. Does anyone have thoughts, knowledge, or contacts in that direction? In related news, I don't know any Russian, but my history shows that I learn quickly.

August 24

I've been busy here up through 03:01am. I'll try to stop.

Musk keeps at it!

I love the irony. The notion that Elon Musk is the richest man in the world is yet another Big Lie. He has the most in stock that he must publicly disclose. The Rothschilds may be worth literally 1,000 times (or more). With that said, the product of (((their))) Big Lie is in open warfare against (((them))).

Recently I mentioned the UK grooming gangs. Here is Elon:

Looks like he keeps hammering (((them))) for days at least.

Also, I reject the notion that "being labelled racist" is the issue. It's far worse than that. Too many of them are conscious Satanists, and tens of millions of rapes is precisely their goal.

"Exclusive: Child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK: Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a 'national disaster' and is demanding a taskforce to fight the 'horror' By Lucy Thornton, News Reporter, 22:30, 5 Feb 2015."

Tens of millions is not an exaggeration. As I recall, Sarah Champion was demoted or worse after that.

sic semper tyrannis - the vax kills 30-year-old Pretty Pastel Please

She died of heart problems, "sudden[ly], [and] unexpected[ly]." She was complaining of vax "side-effects." (They aren't side-effects. That's the intended effect.) She was vicious towards "my people." She essentially wanted death for the unvaxxed. I believe Alex Jones said, "You reap what you sow." Similarly, a certain major political campaign organization is requiring a vax. Perhaps the same will happen.

yet more Lifelog bans

Richard Dawkins lost his Lifelog ("Facebook") account. I noticed a Middle East news site did. When I look it up on Yandex, it appears that Lifelog is of course "taking sides" and continuing to ban all sorts of people. Elon is of course hammering them over it.

alternative housing?

I got a suggestion that amounted to "van life" or live in a similar-sized vehicle. I should acknowledge the suggestion. I'm glad it works for he who suggested it. (I think he is a he. I didn't look hard, though.)

The "suggestor" was going through my Gab posts. My level of desperation has gone up and down over the last few years. I'll pass on thinking about the level right now. It's not the point I want to address.

Living in a van would increase my isolation. My major goal is finding "my people" or at least one person to trade with to start. Actually, that will do for a first-order response.


Thank you for the thought, and I'm glad that works for you. Living in a truck / van would increase my isolation. My medium-to-long-term goal is finding "my people" or at least one person to trade with to start.

Also, my level of desperation has gone up and down over the course of these posts. Right now the level is such that I'm seeking that medium term goal rather than being in an immediate crisis.

August 23

on the vague notion of moving to Russia

I've been making vague noises seeking Russian contacts for nearly two years. Russia has announced in the last few days the "shared values visa." I don't think that's an official term. They are making it easier for people to flee from "destructive neoliberal" countries. (That is an exact term.) As best I remember, they will soon publish a list of such countries. I'm sure the US will be high on the list.

One of my potential paths to such contacts has misunderstood my request. The answer (two removed from me) came back as "Do you have money? Do you speak Russian, and where specifically do you want to live?" She thought I just wanted to move there on my own initiative.

I wouldn't move there without a job offer. Before recent (open and dramatic) hostilities, Russia had a program to encourage tech workers from the West. I only became interested because of the hostilities. As I have (almost certainly) said a few times, I will not work for the US "defense" industry, but, if they would have me, I would work for Russia's defense industry because they are fighting the Satanists. Alternatively, I could stay here, and I would love to be what they accused Trump of being--a Russian agent. I'd put it on my resume.

As for the language, two sources have stated or strongly implied that I could survive without Russian in Moscow. If I moved, I would throw myself into the language, but I'm not going to spend that sort of time if I can't find the right contacts.

I've periodically spent a lot of time seeking the right contacts, whether here, there, or elsewhere. I have pretty much given up on any "normal" career path. I'm going to have to find some unusual people. I'm certain they are out there, and I've gotten close a few times, but I can't quite find the 3 - 4 factors I need. Roughly, those factors are below.

Perhaps obviously, I am a fanatic or zealot. One of my ideal jobs would be to spend a large portion of my time working towards the trial and execution of at least a few dozen "Covid" traitorous, murderous, Satanic ultra-villains. It doesn't have to be a formal job. It can be a barter to help keep me fed and housed while I plan and execute a proverbial attack. Alternatively, I can proverbially attack the same people from another direction. Pukraine's supporters are the same people who caused such destruction under the Big Lies of "Covid" and "the vaccine." Actually, that covers it, or at least it's a good start.

mulling my reply

So let's see if I can come up with my reply to my potential contacts:

I'll try to clarify. I would not move without a job offer. I'm looking for contacts towards that job. Before recent hostilities, Russia had a program to attract Western tech workers. As of the last few days, Russia announced a "shared values visa" to make it easier for people fleeing "destructive neoliberal countries." On a related point, I will not work for the US "defense" industry because I consider them to be a major branch of the Satanists who create "destructive neoliberal" policies. If they would have me, I *would* work for Russia's defense industry because they are fighting those Satanists. Alternatively, I would love to be what they accused Trump of being: a Russian agent. I would love to be an open agent and put it on my resume. Have you seen my "Go Russia!" article linked off my kwynn dot com home page? Maybe I have the potential to be a part-time or full-time pro-Russian "influencer," or at least an influencer against the "neoliberals."

I don't know any Russian at all. As your friend implied, I have heard that I can survive without in Moscow. If I'm fairly certainly heading in that direction, I'm willing to throw myself into the language, but I won't do it if there is no sign I'm headed that way.

To back up a bit, I have given up on a "normal" career path in the US. I've given up for a number of reasons. To survive, I'm going to have to find "my people" or at least one person who fits a number of parameters. In Russia, maybe I could follow a normal career path, and maybe Russians are closer to "my people."

As for exact location, that would depend on the job. I'm willing to try the coldest places on earth if it leads me towards "my people."

Does that clarify?

(End of reply) I just sent something almost if not identical to the above.

probably the final word on the conjunction

I'm now sure I was seeing one of the more extreme astigmatism effects I've seen. This effect was almost covering Mars, so it was a mixed experience. On one hand, I could barely see Mars. On the other hand, that's the definition of a very close conjunction.

August 14

Mars Jupiter conjunction near peak!

I was outside at about 5:15am. That was an impressive sight. I don't think I've seen anything like it in that sort of category. If I hadn't seen the planets approaching each other for at least two days, I'm not sure what I would have thought. They don't look like one object, but it was very hard to make them out as two objects. I'm sure thousands of people have posted photos. The combination had much more "twinkle" than either alone does. I wonder why that is? Jupiter does not twinkle very much relative to Sirius. I assume it has to do with reflected versus original light.

I thought there was another star above and to the left of the combo, but now I think that was Mars' separation becoming more clear as the thin clouds went by. Per Stellarium, I don't see any other candidates for that "star."

Up until 06:02, I was looking again. After turning on the azimuthal grid in Stellarium, that probably is Mars' separation becoming clear, but there are some interesting optical / perception effects. I said "twinkle," but that's not right. Twinkle is when, under some conditions, Sirius appears to rapidly cycles through different colors. What I'm seeing this morning is a ray effect like I've never seen before. Children will draw the rays from a star or the sun, but I don't think I've ever seen such a ray effect. That is, I see solid lines (segments) radiating from Jupiter / the combo. Questions to look up answers to at some point. A cloud came over that part of the sky (again), so I came in to look at Stellarium again. I'll probably go out for another look.

I was out until 6:30. I'm still going back and forth as to whether there's another object there. If not, that's some interesting optical illusions with the rays and its being difficult to figure out exactly where Mars is. It'd be fun to go on the net and have a zillion people reporting a UFO.

It looks like Mars is parallel to Jupiter on the azimuthal grid, or slightly lower and to the left. But Stellarium insists that Mars is where I'm seeing that object. Jupiter is -2.17 magnitude reduced to -2.01 by 1.2 "airmasses" (One word. I'm not completely sure what that means). Mars is 0.84 reduced to 0.99 by 1.19 airmasses. Interesting optical effects and illusions, in any event.

Sirius is -1.46 magnitude. I've mentioned it, but I'm referring to past viewings. Maybe I'd catch a glimpse of it now, but I think it's too low in the trees. I can't see it in Stellarium, so that probably settles that. I went out again at 6:50. There are scattered clouds, and it's getting quite light. That almost certainly ends this viewing. I came in the last two times because biting insects are getting me.

It will be interesting to see Mars and Jupiter as they pull away from each other over the next few nights. I just looked at others' pictures. Now I'm thinking that in terms of perception, the conjunction was less interesting than some effect making Jupiter seem brighter than usual. Again, it will be interesting to see what Jupiter looks like in the next few days.

conjunction postscript

I'm posting this several minutes later.

I'm looking at more of others' photos. "Diffraction spikes" appears to be the technical term for "rays." One guy used a filter to add spikes. That's what I was seeing. In his photo, Mars' spikes were non-trivial but not like Jupiter's, of course. I'm wondering about astigmatism and seeing double. Generally, thankfully, my eyes are quite good, but I had been at the computer for hours. Do brighter objects have might bigger doubling and astigmatism effects? I saw no such effect when I looked at other stars. I would see one star with minimal rays. But Jupiter looked like it was partially doubled with the second one to the left and slightly down, and that's not where Mars was. I guess this just isn't going to be resolved in my mind until I see Jupiter over the next several nights.

August 12, 2024

Mars-Jupiter conjunction posted at around 05:17am. The second post on the night sky was a few minutes later. Dr. Livingood will be after 22:54, and yet another study on the vax.

Dr. Livingood ("yes that is his real name")

I've drastically reduced my Big Evil Goo Tube consumption in the last few weeks. Today I was listening while driving, though. I usually skip ads, but one caught my attention.

He talks a good talk. Is he calling for executions over "Covid" and "vaccines," however? So this comment is not an endorsement. It sounds like he's going in the right direction on certain things, so maybe he's taken it to the logical conclusion. Or maybe not.

Livingood Daily: Your 21-Day Guide to Experience Real Health. "He is a Doctor of Natural Medicine and DC serving thousands of people in Morrisville, NC..."

Meanwhile, a reminder that Dr. James Thorp was quite explicit on executions. This reference will get you close. I didn't read it in detail. From memory, he said he'd testify at the murder trials against other doctors for vaxxing their patients. This was on Dr. Drew [Pinsky's] show in early October, 2022 (from memory). I've cited the details somewhere around here.

Thorp cites Nuremberg, but of course Yep, the 'Nuremberg Trials' were BS too. The just irony is that the descendants of those who pushed the Nuremberg travesty may soon get hung by their own petards. There has been a lot of talk about "Nuremberg 2.0" since "Covid." That is, there has been a lot of talk in "my" media. This time the right people may get hung for the right reasons.

Speaking of hangings, Mike King makes a decent case that Senator McCain was executed.

Dr. Hickey's (yes, also his real name) study on the vax and "lockdowns" / economic and psy war

That's Dr. Hickey of the CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest (non profit) corp.

In the Defender interview, one of my favorite quotes was "If there was a specifically virulent and dangerous pathogen that was spreading around the world, it would not wait for a political declaration of a pandemic to start causing excess mortality."

a similar part of the sky, years ago

At 05:19, I'm considering commenting on viewings of the same part of the sky on Sunday, August 10, 2008, but I might deem it too painful. As I have mentioned at some length, drum corps is "dead to me." Off hand, I could only confirm that BD 2024 required a vax to march, but it doesn't matter. Until those people get a grip on reality, I can't support them.

On that day in 2008, I was driving back from my high water mark of drum corps bliss. Orion was rising right in front of me. I went on at some length about the 2008 finals a few weeks ago.

I assume that the Satanic Era 2024 finals were two nights ago, but I won't even go on those sites. It's cold turkey.

Mars-Jupiter conjunction peaks early Wednesday morning

Depending on your longitude in your time zone and your view of the eastern sky, they rise and are visible at very roughly 3am - 3:30am (local time wherever you are) and of course keep rising and are visible until the sun outshines them. Using Stellarium, I would guess the peak of the conjunction is after dawn Eastern Time on Wednesday, but they'll be pretty close before dawn.

August 7

thumping again on these absurd Nazi theories

I'll try to make this short. As always, I have other fish to fry. Sometimes, though, I can't resist ranting here.

I generally like Kerry Cassidy. Someone sent me a video, though, in which she once again goes on with absurd Nazi theories. Even aside from that, I do NOT recommend the video because it's inefficient. Her guest may be worth checking into, though, for his inventions. He's working on "free energy."

I'll address a combination of stuff said in that video with other related claims I've heard. "The Rothschilds funded Hitler." During what period? When the Nazis came to power, they broke away from Rothschild debt currency. As best I understand, they issued a new currency denominated according to the potential economic output of the country. The Germans went from wheelbarrow inflation to being some of the wealthiest people on earth. Germany stopped paying "reparations," and they must have done some degree of debt jubilee. I cite the following without reading the details. I've heard about the concept of a jubilee for decades. Hopefully this is a good text:

Debt Cancellation: Biblical Norm, Not Exception, By Tim Atwater

The Jubilee campaign's origins are linked with the Biblical Year of Jubilee, outlined in Leviticus 25-26, a magnificent and widely ignored text which calls for periodic complete overhaul of the economy. In the Jubilee, there is release for those enslaved because of debts, a Sabbath rest for land and people, redistribution of lands lost because of debt, and a reordering of prices for land and labor based on proximity to the next Jubilee.

Leviticus 25 never even explicitly mentions debt--but the Jubilee is all about debt cancellation, restored community, and freedom from debt bondage. The Jubilee cycle of release builds on the Sabbath Year debt release and rest cycle outlined in Deuteronomy 15 and Exodus 21:2 and 23:10-11, building from an every seventh year rest and release to a super-release in the fiftieth year. It was no accident that rebels against colonial authority chose a line from Lev. 25:10 "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, unto all the inhabitants thereof...." as the inscription for their liberty bell.

Mike King shows a picture of vacationing Germans in 1936. I'm not going to post the picture because it's too easy an attack on my site. It's probably still under copyright. The picture centers around four German women jumping in a potato sack race. The woman and almost everyone in the audience have obvious smiles. They all seem very happy.

The scene is from the deck of a German cruise ship in 1936. As FDR's America and Europe remain deeply mired in The Great Depression, common German folk were enjoying the fruits of full employment, rising wages and a strong interest-free honest currency. For families who wouldn't normally be able to afford such a nice vacation, Hitler's "Strength Through Joy" program provided enjoyable leisure time with first-rate accommodations for people who, just a few years earlier, had literally been starving! More than 30,000,000 Germans were able to take advantage of the various vacation packages, weekend activities and theater excursions offered through the public / private partnership program.

Just look at the sheer joy on the faces of these wonderful people on board a cruise ship ... This was part of the miraculous economic, social, cultural and moral revival that Hitler and the big bad "Nazis" conceived and successfully implemented for the German "volk" -- the people --- and they loved Hitler for it.

That is the polar opposite of what the Satanic Rothschilds strive for.

Then there is the notion that the Bush family were Nazi supporters. The video mentions the skull and bones on an SS cap or some such. It's very likely that the various Satanic societies took over various parts of the Nazi apparatus. It's hard to purge all of them. Hitler is of course accused of being a mass murderer. The Holocaust™ is a Big Lie. I've address that at some length in this blog and elsewhere on the site. As for war, the Nazis were pushed and shoved into various wars because the rulers of the Allies were bent on reversing Germany's escape from their Satanic system. What part of Nazi Number Three parachuting into Scotland seeking peace is unclear? As I addressed recently, the Bolshevik J--- had already killed 30 - 40 million people before the Nazis came to power. That's a pretty damn good reason to oppose them and their cousins in Germany. The Germans had much better reasons for concentrating the J--- than the US Incorporated did the Japanese. Remember that George Takei and 120,000 others were sent to concentration camps--concentrating the population.

To come back to Bush, Bush "Senior" (HW, President 41) was one of the more evil people to ever live. He had a high body count in Iraq, he presided over MK-ULTRA horrific sexual torture, and he ate the brains out of the skulls of living children (see Czebotar's affidavit). Tucker Carlson and others have pointed out this technique: accuse the other side of the evil that you do. Bush is the monster that Hitler is accused of being. Why would Satanists like the Bush family support an escape from their Satanic system?

Then Kerry's guest had the notion of the first famous Getty in LA in the 1940s or 50s was actually Goebbels. WTF? We can be reasonably sure that Getty was one of the chief pederasts (pedophiles). If (((they))) want to accuse the Nazis of massive pedophilia along with everything else, it's a bit late. As an exception to "accusing your enemies," the pedophile charge seems absent. In order to accuse their enemies, they'd have to acknowledge the problem.

Then there is the notion that Merkel and Obama and a few others are descendants of Hitler. Fulford claims this. Just for sake of argument, let's say that's true. In that case, it would be the bad guys mocking Hitler. They must have co-opted or stolen children or something. Merkel and Obama are about as far from Nazis as you can get. A major Nazi policy was saving Germans, Europeans, and everyone else from the total destruction of J----- communism. Merkel imported millions of blacks and other Muslims into Germany, where they started a rape fest among other crimes. Germany was only 71% German in 2022. I assume Obama's import count was rather high. I won't take the time to count up Obama's continuing trend of destruction. America unfortunately got addicted to importing such people centuries ago. Then the various faces of J----- isms turned too high a percentage of them into a huge problem. Obama didn't do anything about that. White Americans have been the slaves of blacks for decades: trillions of "dollars" and issues worse than slavery. Ryan Faulk once counted up that the average white pays $500k into the system and they average black takes $250k.

Then there is Operation Paperclip. I suspect that was in part importing the German Satanists, and in part it was just what is said on the label--getting presumably valuable Germans before the Soviets did.

Given the situation all over the white-ish world, how can the Nazis be in power? It's absurd.

I'm going to try to stop there.

August 3

a quick note on the Malloreon

The Malloreon is the sequel to the Belgariad. They're fantasy series. I've read it on paper and listened to it at least once, years ago. I've gone back through the two series again. I have perhaps too many audiobooks of books I read on paper years ago. I listen while going to sleep. Given that I know what happens, usually I can fall asleep. Occasionally I get into the story and don't fall asleep.

I'm in the very last chapter of the series. Beldin the Sorcerer gets his reward for thousands of years of opposing evil. I may not comment tonight. I'll just make note of the place and perhaps come back to it some other time. This is the Audible version narrated by Cameron Beierle, Books in Motion (in Spokane WA), © 2005. Book 5 / 5, Seeress of Kell, chapter 28. The sequence begins at 9:45 into the chapter and ends at 21:16. 21:16 is 59:18 remaining in both the chapter and book (total book length 16:54:xy).

These series aren't near the top of my list, although I've enjoyed listening again. That scene (sequence), though, stood out to me the first time. It's about finding one's place or at least one's place being wherever one's mate is.

July 28


It's "great-circle," not great arc. I correct that in two places about 15 minutes after I first posted. I corrected today's entry and one from months ago.

laughing at the air routes avoiding Russia

I don't remember when I first looked on the flight radar services for pUkrainian traffic. It was months after the Great Russian Pre-Spring Housecleaning Operation of 2022 began, but I don't remember how many months. In any event, since then, I'm almost certain I haven't seen a single ADS-B ping over pUkraine.

On a closely related point, I was just watching an Air France flight from Seoul to Paris. It's over the middle of the Caspian Sea. Even though it causes me some pain, I have Big Evil Goo Earth Pro loaded. It's free as in beer, despite the "Pro." The great-circle route spends a large portion--probably most--of its distance in Russia. I'm literally lol'ing as I think about the time and distance difference.

I'm wondering how they even manage the traffic on the Turkish side of the Black Sea. Another Air France from Paris to Tokyo is just as comical, of course, going over the Black Sea. How much did the prices go up? Let alone the time.

I suppose it's an encouraging sign--one of many--that the bad guys are about to be broken. It's not a direct sign. Obviously the airlines have survived for 29 months. Who knows what subsidies they are getting.

The sanctions were supposed to isolate Russia. At least, that's the surface claim. An alternative is that the bad guys are being forced to do things they knew from the start will destroy them. Every week it looks more and more like the West is being isolated to the breaking point. By "West" I of course mean the J-----occupied West.

The current flight paths might literally be the scenic route. It's hard to say without a bunch of cross-referencing. Another sick joke is that the Chinese are getting the air fees the Russians would have. That of course is par for the course for (((them))). Russia: white, Christian, perhaps more "democratic" (gag) than the West. China: non-white, probably some degree of Han-supremacy complex, officially atheist and communist. Obvious choice, right?

As soon as I muse on Han-supremacy, though, I think of Andrew Anglin. He says the Chinese are not a threat. He said they wouldn't have a military if it wasn't for constant "Western" threat. Given his other positions, if that's his analysis, it bears study.

In any event, I would much rather see the fees go to Russia. If I could find the right contacts to encourage me and then help find me a job there, I'd seriously consider moving to Russia. I would consider being an open Russian agent, and put it on my resume. They still accuse Trump of being a Russian agent, so it must be a good job. At least, I assume they still accuse him of that. A quick web search is cluttered by more recent events.

For those who see the timestamp (after 07:02), I haven't gone to sleep.

July 25, 2024

I posted in 3 batches. The second batch was right around 5:22am. (I am going to bed, not getting up.) I guess the first batch was at 3:45am. I thought it was earlier. Then I made a non-important update after 5:31am.

I used Yandex to find a lot of the following.

Col. MacGregor and more Gaza horrors

MacGregor (just below) shows a clip from this CBS News Sunday Morning show, "Children of Gaza," by Tracy Smith July 21, 2024 / 9:48 AM EDT. Excerpts:

Dr. Mark Perlmutter, an orthopedic surgeon from North Carolina, and vice president of the International College of Surgeons, volunteered in Gaza from the end of April through the first half of May. Asked to describe what he witnessed in Gaza, Dr. Perlmutter replied, "All of the disasters I've seen, combined – 40 mission trips, 30 years, Ground Zero, earthquakes, all of that combined – doesn't equal the level of carnage that I saw against civilians in just my first week in Gaza."

And the civilian casualties, he said, are almost exclusively children. "I've never seen that before," he said. "I've seen more incinerated children than I've ever seen in my entire life, combined. I've seen more shredded children in just the first week..."

"I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest, I couldn't put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately, and directly on the side of the head, in the same child. No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by the 'world's best sniper.' And they're dead-center shots."

I got this very recent MacGregor video in response to my update on Charles Bausman (just below). MacGregor shows a clip of the "Children of Gaza" show.

Zundel trial footage, etc. ‐‐ connecting this to Gaza

Below I mention the SPLC, or ADL Junior. SPLC has a $1 billion endowment. Yahweh knows about the ADL's endowment. I'm going to resist looking it up; it's probably findable.

In the text above you read what the "Modern State of Israel" does. In a sense, the ADL's job is to enable double sniper shots to toddlers. That enablement is extremely broad and includes much larger crimes. They do this by inverting history. You have mountains of evidence on sniper shots and related horrors in 2024. The ADL promotes fictitious horror tales of the 1940s to justify what's happening today.

Jewish (by blood) David Cole's documentary on Auschwitz, David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper (52:30). That's a classic. There is some weird stuff going on in that particlar copy. You can probably find better copies, although that one seems viewable.

This is at least some of the footage of Ernst Zundel's trial that I saw in the mid-90s. Zundel published a pamphlet, Did Six Million Really Die? (title from memory), questioning a number of claims about The Holocaust™. In 1984 (ironically), the Canadian government charged Zundel with something to the effect of "publishing false [fake] news that might lead to racial or religious strife." By calling it false, they just put the truth of the Holocaust on trial. Zundel's attorney shredded the Big Liars. I'm going to try to resist watching that and looking for more footage. Again, it may or may not be everything I saw years ago. It will give you a basis to look, at least.

Robert Lenski's THE HOLOCAUST ON TRIAL: The Case of Ernst Zündel (1990) was also very useful when I was researching this. The book is hard to find, though. Here is a review by Mark Weber.

Speaking of Weber, here is an excerpt of his interview with Nazi German General Otto Ernst Remer:

I observed something in ... Zolochev, which [is] east of Lvov [in Ukraine]...

We had captured Zolochev and a couple of my tanks were stuck behind. The troops took a rest on the edge of the town because we didn’t yet know if there would be an enemy counterattack or if we were to continue our own attack... in that little town I saw small children who had been thrown out of windows, and I saw women lying on the street who had been beaten to death with clubs. They were Jews.

I called to a [local] woman, and she came into my vehicle. And she said to me: "I'll show you why we did this."

We drove to the local prison. There was an area surrounded by a wall for the prisoners to walk around in. And in that area corpses were lying there this high ... The blood was still flowing from the corpses.

Just two hours earlier, as the Russians were leaving the town, they had used machine guns to kill all of the local Ukrainian nationalists who were prisoners there.

In this case as well, it was the Jewish commissars who had done this. And that’s why the local Ukrainians had carried out pogroms against the Jews. And so, whenever a Ukrainian saw a Jew, he immediately killed him. But we were blamed for these deaths, even though we had no influence at all locally at that time. We weren’t able to establish order until later.

I'm repeating myself. I'll link to my JQ / JP (problem) article. Note Henry Ford's Dearborn [Michigan] Independent compilation / book, which is out of copyright and thus freely available. That is one of several if not many sources that demonstrates communism is a J---- movement.

A glance shows government-sponsored murders in the Soviet Union as between 20 and 62 million. Most or enough of that was well before 1933 or 1941 or whatever cutoff you want to set. The J--- make up stories about 6 - 11 million killed by Nazis, but we never hear about the undisputed evidence that (((they))) had already killed far more than that. The Holocaust™ relies on tens of trillions in publicity, spanning 80 years. I believe the count of Holocaust™ movies was 300+ in about 2014. How many evil Soviet movies do we have? Something like 2 - 4. When a few people spend a few hundred thousand, the Holocaust™ falls to pieces. On the other hand, NO ONE disputes larger Soviet numbers. The only question is how much larger.

Also see "Mass repression in the Soviet Union" linked from "List of massacres in the Soviet Union".

Charles Bausman / Russia Insider update

Bausman's russia-insider.com is gone. I didn't go back and forth too much, but, off hand, this is the latest Wayback entry I could find (Feb 14, 2023 16:55:31 [UTC I think]). I had visited the site a few weeks earlier on January 1.

Of course Big Evil Goo Search led me to (((the enemy))). The bad guys were the ones who told me where Bausman and russia-insider.com went. It would seem Bausman got too close to the Capitol on Jan 6 (2021). He went back to Russia after that. I'm not sure if (((they))) charged him, or if he simply suspected charges. Here is what the vile, malicious, mass-murdering, genocidal, ultra-villain SPLC bad guys had to say about it:

Bausman, 59, is an American who has lived in Russia on and off for the past three decades. He founded the pro-Vladimir Putin website Russia Insider in September 2014 while living in Moscow. In 2018, Bausman relocated to the eastern Pennsylvanian town of Lancaster about an hour and a half outside Philadelphia. There, Bausman collaborated with members of the pro-Hitler podcast network The Right Stuff, as well as promoted and attended "Stop the Steal" events in the region, pushing the lie that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election. Bausman appeared among the rioters inside the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, before traveling to Russia and leaving behind nearly $1 million in property in the Lancaster area. Neighbors told Hatewatch he has not returned.

I will NOT cite the site. You can go ask their bestie Goo. I'm sure any 5 sequential words of that will find it in a jiffy.

Meanwhile, I'm always happy when such hateful organizations make recommendations for me. Here is the aforementioned The Right Stuff. I'll try to put it on my endless list to search through. Let me know if you find good stuff. I'm sure lots of it is good stuff.

July 24, 2024

update for my long-lost DARPA Lifelog ("Facebook") friends - shorter summary

For those who are not friends (within Lifelog or otherwise), my Lifelog friends are mostly from high school. I skipped my senior year, so I was not valedictorian, but, as best I remember, I was in a 3-way GPA tie going into senior year. I suppose I was projected to do great things or some such. "Great things" are still possible. As the old man in Holy Grail said, "I'm not dead yet. I'm feeling happy." At this moment, though, I'm way off the projections from high school.

When "How are you doing?" is meant literally, I break the answer into money, health, and romance. I'll start with money. I despise Lifelog, but I've also been avoiding posting because I haven't wanted to address those failed projections.

Put one way, I need help. With that said, I am still an Ayn Rand-ite / Objectivist, so from that point of view, I have a lot to trade. I need the right trading partners. (Howard Roark needed clients.)

My money situation is between nearly a disaster and precisely a disaster. The problem has been long in the making. I'll try to tell the short version.

I suddenly developed night owl tendencies during our junior year of high school. I slept after school, woke up around 9pm, did schoolwork into the morning (3am-ish), and then slept a few hours before school. I was committed to school, so I managed this and functioned well enough during school hours.

Tribes have always needed a Night's Watch, whether against saber-toothed tigers, opposing tribes, bandits, wights, or White Walkers. Thus, some of us need to be genetically wired for the Night's Watch. That appears to include me. Trying to work 9 - 5 takes a serious toll on physical and mental health. Back then, I was committed to "education." Now I don't consider any day job important enough for the cost.

In attempt to solve this limitation, I've been a freelance software / systems guy for many years. I don't have the social skills to freelance, though. I have tried to figure out how to make a trade to get help, but it's never worked very well. One problem is I just can't believe how consistently inept I've been at sales. There is always more to the story, but I'm trying to keep this relatively short.

My physical health is quite good for our age. ("Our" age because I'm talking to my classmates.) I've traded money for health. My mental health is strained by the money problems. I've also gotten more and more isolated for other reasons that I talk about at length in this blog and elsewhere my site.

Romance has been limited. I'm single (never married), no children, and, sporadically, I'm looking. For those who don't know me, or in case there is a question, I'm male and straight and 50 years old.

for my DARPA Lifelog friends - longer summary

I've been whittling on this classmates entry for quite a while. I'm probably going to post the various versions. This is a longer summary, written before the shorter one above.

When I go for breakfast (at 5pm), I am sometimes asked "How are you doing today?" Generally, only new employees ask me that. One of my responses is mock-loudly appealing to a longer-serving employee, "Bob, she's asking the question!" A related response is "That's way too complicated to answer before I've had 4 cups of coffee."

Another variant, perhaps after coffee, is "What do you mean by 'today'? The calendar day, 24 hours, or since I woke up?" Next, is "Do you mean how am I doing in terms of finances, health, or romance? Please make the potential answer less complicated!"


For reasons I describe at some length, my finances are near disaster. Going back 30 years, one major issue is that I am quite the night owl. When I worked 9 - 5 software dev jobs between 1997 - 2002, I went from 133 pounds (very thin) to 190+. I got puffy in the face. I have tried freelancing for many years, but it never quite works. I don't have the social skills for freelancing. There is a potential business opportunity here.

I don't think I'm going to compromise on the night owl thing. There are various solutions even among otherwise "real" jobs. A "real job" solution would be worth several $10,000s to me, but we'd have to figure out what the payment schedule is. That is, I would eventually pay you out of the income once I get the job and keep it long enough. (For legal purposes, please don't read too far into "income," but that's another story.) I say "eventually" because the first paycheck or two would probably be "absorbed" instantly and in full. In theory, I should be able to make $160k in Atlanta-"dollars" as opposed Si Valley "dollars." (I have almost never seen anyone paid in legal silver or gold US dollars. What we deal in are Rothschild Monopoly (board game) debt notes.)

Doing freelance sales, or even indirectly helping me to do them would be worth something, too. In that scenario, you are more than welcome to collect the money, so you can figure out what to pay yourself and me.

Historically, freelancing was a slow failure until 2018. Then finances got a bit stressful. I rebounded somewhat, but then things started getting bad in 2020. It's been almost straight downhill since.

health - physical

As I implied, I've made a massive tradeoff between health and money. I have avoided 9 - 5 because all signs are that it would literally kill me in a small number of years. I haven't gotten back down to 133 pounds, but I'm happy enough with my weight. I don't remember what I last weighed; that was 9 months ago. The number is deep in my text messages and on another SSD. The scale is nearby, but I don't care enough.

Regarding doctors: in my adult life I have never been to a doctor for an illness or accident. I have been to doctors either 2 or 3 times (as an adult). All visits were screenings for jobs that had physical requirements. I passed each time. The last such doctor's visit was in 2003, so I don't suppose the details are relevant.

As of a year or two ago, people would sometimes guess that I am ~17 years younger than I am. (I'm 50 now.) They would guess "early 30s." I think they were being relatively sincere, as opposed to trying to flatter me. They had little incentive for flattery.

Last October, I noticed a big white streak in my beard for the first time. There are no gray or white streaks in my hair, last I looked, although I have some gray hairs if one looks closely. I noticed my first gray hair when I was 33 - 34, but they are still few, I think. It's possible the beard streak even got somewhat "better." I am the total opposite of a narcissist in that I don't look in the mirror nearly often enough or long enough. I don't have one handy enough to get up and look right now. (I'm not leaving my bedroom / office right now.)

Do streaks get "better"? I was having a very stressful time then. To some degree, my situation hasn't improved much. I was just new to the crisis at that point.

About 3 weeks ago I went fairly quickly from the Sawnee Mountain Preserve parking lot (south side of Tribble Gap Road) up the trail and across Tower Road. It was not so hot for July, but it was still July. That's a 400 - 500 foot climb over the course of ~2 miles. A month ago I would fairly often do 3 miles total that might have been 400 feet vertical. Some of those days were very hot.

Given that I have essentially never been to a doctor, I haven't taken any prescriptions. As for over-the-counter, *maybe* I've taken 3.2g of ibuprofen in the last 5 years. The bottle expired in 2020, and it's still maybe halfway full.

I've had maybe 2 colds in 4 years. During those, I only go 1/2 mile on the trail. I was a bit weak and sniffle-ey for 3 days in February, 2020. Is that what the Satanists and their dupes called "Covid"? That's the closest I got to "Covid." (Yeah, that makes almost all of you dupes of Satan. I have a LOT to say about "Covid.")

I damn sure did not take the clot shot, or "Covid" "vaccine." I never wore a mask, although that took some distortion of my life. I address that to some degree below.

I suppose I've had some other minor incidents in the last few years, but that gives you the idea.

health - mental

As I said, I haven't been to a doctor for anything other than job screenings. I've been to 2 mental health professionals in my adult life, between 1995 - 1999. Neither were qualified to prescribe (and thus didn't), and neither of them diagnosed me with anything.

I had 4 - 5 office visits in 1995. The circumstances are not really private but just too long a story for now. In part, it stemmed from my mother's death in 1993. After those visits, we both decided that there wasn't anything wrong with me that required (or was going to be solved by) expensive visits.

When I was about to quit my first software dev job, my boss suggested I see a therapist, so I did. I think I only saw him once, maybe twice. The visit was uneventful. I did quit the job. I knew then that the 9 - 5 hours were part of the reason. Now I realize that was the whole reason.

So that's the "professional" history. My financial situation is of course very stressful. At times I think it's safe to say I'm fighting off depression in the layman's sense of the term. I have become more and more socially isolated over the last few years. I address that at some length below.

Making (just a bit of) money would solve much of the problem. That doesn't necessarily solve the social side. Part of the social isolation, though, is because I try my best to keep thumping on freelancing sales. I don't feel I'm in a position for a social life or a real life. Freelance sales are very, very draining, so it's not productive in that sense. This has caused a positive feedback loop: failure leads to more failure. (Yes, I mean "positive" and not "negative" feedback. It's an engineering term.)


I have never been married, and I have no children. I'm looking, in theory. As above, I'm not in a great financial position for romance. For those who don't know me or have any questions, I am male and straight. Perhaps in "the current year" I have to specify that I was conceived / born male, and I have no questions about that.

Given that this is an update, I'll give a brief history. In the mid-90s I got fairly close to something serious and then skittered away. I had known her for years, but I found that she had changed too much in college, such as getting passed-out drunk. That was a rattling experience. It made me hesitant for a while. I am almost certain I made the right decision to "skitter."

If I'm going to get involved, it's going to be long-term. I've always felt that way. I remember a (USC) college classmate of mine saying "Sex isn't sacred." It absolutely is sacred.

For quite a while, I didn't feel ready, and I probably wasn't. Eventually I figured out what I was looking for and set out to find a lady in those categories, and I found her. I was pretty serious for 6 months. As to what happened then, I've considered publishing the details on my site. I'm still debating that with myself. On one hand, I don't see what harm it could possibly do. You may get far enough to see the things I say on this site. I already alienate a large swath of people. Meh. Now isn't the time to decide.

It was a specific incident that eventually killed the romantic relationship. It also led to my questioning one of the categories I thought I wanted. For way too long, I considered trying to re-light that fire, and I was also looking for other women. It wasn't until too recently that I finally decided to put a fork in the possibility of a re-light. With that said, I talked to her last week; things must not have gone too far wrong.

As I said, I've spent some time looking for years, always online. What I'm consciously and quasi-actively looking for, though, is going to be hard to find. I need a match in about 4 categories besides the obvious (female, age-appropriate). I keep getting 1 - 2 of those 4.

Other than the one I'm not ready to talk about, I'll list my specifications. Why not? Maybe I'll get lucky.

I have a "political" filter. You have to be fairly close to calling for Fauci's trial and execution, or at least you have to listen carefully to my reasoning on the matter. If you took the vax, you'll need to quickly decide that you were deceived, then you need to start calling for Fauci's...

If you support any of the following you are right out: Dan the Acting President ("BidAn"), Harris, Obama (either of them), Clinton, Newsom. I suppose there is a tiny chance the DNC will come up with someone reasonable, but I can't think of who that might be. I can't see their going for Tulsi Gabbard, for example. She would be reasonable. Same with RFK Jr.

You (my potential love) have to be relatively physically healthy. You probably have to eventually be ready to keep up with my walks. Eventually might mean months to get into shape. I don't go very fast, I should add, but a 500 foot climb by definition takes work (Your mass in kg X G X 152.4m === work in J, right?).

I talk about it several times below, but I haven't mentioned at this point that I take those walks barefoot on dirt trails. I suppose I'm going to specify that you eventually need to take the walks barefoot. That may also take months to develop the physical ability. I suppose one option is to move close to the beach where barefoot is common and both physically and socially easy.

I should explain why I specify this. I'm somewhat sensitive to "subtle [living] energies." The earth's energy is (almost certainly) feminine. Perhaps all planets are. I can only usefully absorb so much of that energy, being male. If I have a girlfriend, one of her many charms will be to absorb and transform that energy into a form I can get more life from. Otherwise put, the greatest works of the One Power combine saidar and saidin. (I read those books, thank you. I will not speak of the Amazon TV series.) It's been way, way too long since I've held hands with a woman while we're both barefoot on the ground. Also, it would be a good exercise to learn the social "armor" needed for this, right? I still get 3-legged chicken looks and such.

Most likely, you have to be pretty smart and intellectual (related but not the same). As an alternative, I've met a couple of women who were not as book smart as I ideally want, but they have a sweet, caring personality that is very appealing. One was an LPN. (Given her training, an RN will be smart enough.) My LPN friend struggled academically as she sought her RN. I don't think she ever got it. Maybe I should have explored that relationship. One grim joke is that she wanted to marry me on paper because she thought that would keep her ex-husband from getting her "social" "security" "benefits." (I was later told she was wrong about that.) The other grim irony is that she died early this year, so my straw man would have gotten her "benefits." Of course, nurses would have to have taken a stand against "Covid" and the "vax."

I didn't mean to dwell on nurses. My point was that an RN would almost certainly be smart enough because it takes a high IQ to earn the RN. Less educated caregiver personality types might not need to be as book smart. More generally, I've been attracted to accountants and a number of Georgia Tech grads.

You have to be certain you're a woman and certain you're straight. In the case of one friend, her ambiguity on these points affected her energy field. She was interested in me. I might have considered "going there" if not for that disturbance in her force field.

Then there are the categories that I won't quite make public, but it won't be that hard to get it out of me, given how close I am to putting it here.

longer summary outtakes

Given that I've taken the time to write all this, I don't want to throw anything away.

The first doctor's visit for job screening was in 1998. I'm not going into details because it's too long a story.

The second time, I was applying to be a long-haul, big-rig truck driver in 2003. My attractions were 1. Can drive at night, 2. Don't have to deal with people, 3. It's the best case of an outdoor view with climate control, and 4. involves travel. My straw man (long story) held the class A CDL for years, but I never did truck driving professionally. That's another story.

the longer updates

Looks like I went over the following 3 times over a day or two. I'm probably going to post all 3 versions. There is overlap and sometimes the exact same words. Nothing says you have read any or all.

A couple of early mornings ago I got in the chatty mood. I have at least one friend who will probably enjoy this, so, to a degree, I'm thinking of him. I should probably not assume anyone will read my mini auto biography.

for my Lifelog friends - an update - yet longer version (attempt 3 of 3)

Two days ago I ranted about the evils of Lifelog ("Facebook"). I posted to it for the first time in years, although the posts were just a pointer to this site / page. One of the responses was "I hope you are well dear friend," and I got other pushbutton activity ("likes"). I suppose it's time for a status report.

In several ways, I am not doing well at all. The situation I'm in has been in the making for a long time. Also, I'm largely updating high school friends, so I might as well go back that far.

Just before (or perhaps during) our junior year of high school, which was during puberty for me, my genetic night owl switch was activated. Tribes have always needed a Night's Watch, whether against saber-toothed tigers, opposing tribes, bandits, wights, or White Walkers. Thus, some of us need to be genetically wired for the Night's Watch. That appears to include me. That's my best theory. I had a weird sleep schedule that year involving two sleep periods. At that point, I was laser focused on and motivated by school, so I managed to function well enough.

Being a night owl has caused me no end of grief. For 4 out the 5 years from 1997 - 2002, I was a developer at two "real" 9 - 5 jobs. I went from 133 to 190+ pounds over that period. I was a mess. I have much more recent evidence that my work is above average even when I feel like I'm operating at 30% - 50%. Thus, decades ago I was doing the job well enough, but I was not happy. Other than a disastrous episode in 2015 (the "recent more evidence"), I have never worked 9 - 5 again. (Ok, I did it for one day this past January, but, again, that's another story.)

To try to solve the night owl problem, I have been a freelance software developer, Linux sysadmin, etc., but that has never quite worked financially. I don't have the social skills to solo freelance. I have tried getting others to help, usually by offering software apprenticeships, but I never quite got that off the ground either.

The night owl issue probably brings up more questions than answers. I can imagine quite a few questions, but I'm not elaborating now. I'm going to introduce another thread that has caused me grief.

A friend of mine has a train analogy. Most people get on a train in school as children and never get off. That is, they go from school to college to jobs for decades. The train has a lot of momentum, and, given that it's on rails, it steers itself. Some of us fall off the train, though. Once we do, we have a different view of life, and the train doesn't necessarily look attractive anymore. Also, given that it's moving, it's hard to get back on.

I'll sketch some of the reasons for my personal derailment. As some of you may recall, I skipped our senior year and went to U of Southern Cal (THE USC). The advisors for that early enrollment program tried to get our high schools to issue diplomas after our first year at USC. Given that I was an engineering major (computer engineering / CS) with a high verbal SAT score, USC allowed me to skip English 101 and 102. That little policy had a massive impact on my life, as will become clear in a moment. A major reason I decided to skip is that I wanted to focus on computers and save general education for later.

Given that I didn't have to take those English classes, my advisor recommended an honors humanities class. It grossly contradicted the plan I just laid out (general ed later), but she managed to talk me into it. As was my plan, I was pouring massive energy into CS 120 (honors CS that combined 101 and 102). I was putting enough energy into Calc I and EE 101. I could not get my heart into the humanities class. I got a B- in the class. Due to a fluke, my high A in EE 101 turned into a B at the last moment. I earned As in the other two classes.

If it was just the EE class, and I got an A in a hypothetical 4th class, I probably would have emotionally recovered. (Obviously, there is no recovering a 4.0 average mathematically.) For reasons that my high school classmates will understand, though, this result caused a bit of an identity crises.

When lightning didn't strike me dead, I realized there might be other things in life than 4.0 averages. That was a major input to falling off the train.

Also, my straw man with the similar name (long story) was eligible to vote in 1992. I went in search of what I now think of as both factions of the uni-party, where "uni-party" is a very polite term. Republicans were easy to find, but there literally was no DemoNcrat club at that time. I shudder to think what it looks like now. This seemed unbalanced to me, so I wound up finding a farther left group. I recovered quickly, but I still hold some of their views. I saw Noam Chompsky speak, for example, and I still see him as partially correct.

The point is that I immediately had my worldview rattled from at least two directions. Then my mother died in a car accident after my 2nd year at USC. That was more than a rattle. I tried starting the next semester (fall '93), but I didn't last long. I dropped out before the drop date. I wasn't sure if I was there for my own reasons or my mother's.

A few weeks after I came home, a friend of a friend recommended a seminar in Atlanta. That seminar led me to the "far right." A member of those groups was fighting a speeding ticket with a jury trial in a rural Georgia county. For both reasonable and petty reasons, they made her wait until near the end of the day. Thus, our group of friends watched the sheep shearing festival for hours. I knew I was witnessing evil, although I still ascribed possible good intentions to them. Now I see the courts as yet another branch of Satanic influence, or, more frequently, outright Satanism.

I suppose I'll continue that thread. That court experience was in '94 (maybe '95). During that time, I also watched 2 complete Federal trials. One of them lasted two weeks, and I was in downtown Atlanta every day before 8am to see it all. To back up a bit, I had the honor to see H. Ross Perot speak at USC in 1992, and my straw man had the honor to vote for him. In 1996 I did some work for Pat Buchanan's campaign. I went to his rally at the Cobb Civic Center. I have not followed his evolution in detail, but I get the impression that I would still be largely in alignment with his policies.

I went through the somewhat common evolution from Libertarian to libertarian to anarchist. I called myself an anarchist by '07 or '08. Now I would say "right wing anarchist" is more or less correct. The right wing part means a few things. The "abortion" (Satanic child sacrifice) issue might be considered a conflict of rights, and a right-wing anarchist is pro life. Similarly, we are anti-immigration / outright nationalist, where a nation refers to a genetic people and not a state.

I should add a non-"political" incident, although I see this as very closely related to "political" issues. In 2015 I was talked into a disastrous attempt at 9 - 5. The very short version is that the job recruiter advised me to lie by omission. I was miserable, but the joke is that the company wanted to keep me. That is, I was working at 20% - 40% of capacity, but they wanted to keep me. The recruiters would have gotten paid after ~5 weeks. I was not thinking rationally at that point. I was sleep deprived and sick due to the lack of sleep. In hindsight, the recruiters probably could have fixed the situation, but I was so furious at them that I didn't want them paid, so I quit. That whole experience rattled me.

I should go back to my high school times again and add another thread. Some of you may vaguely remember that I went to Governor's Honors Program (GHP) in the summer of '90, before junior year. Just in the last few weeks, I made or remembered a connection that I had not thought about in decades. Bear with me, I'm going somewhere with this. GHP had a curious rule emphasizing that we must wear shoes at all times. I don't remember the exact wording. A friend of mine even had a stare down with an instructor over this rule.

I can probably trace a number of my life threads to that rule and that stare-down. The obvious thread is that after GHP, I started taking longer and longer walks barefoot. This may have been one of the first times I started questioning rules. I suspect the rule made me question the necessity of shoes. At first I would go roughly 1.5 miles on the neighborhood's roads. I remember a few similar-length walks on the USC campus, which was mostly paved. When I came home from USC, I started going from Burnt Hickory Road to the top of (Big) Kennesaw Mountain and back. That's a long walk on dirt trails. Sometimes I did that 3 times a week.

I still take long barefoot walks on dirt trails. There have been periods when it's been every day. At this point, even if I'm otherwise bundled up, I'm still barefoot if it's 12° F or even if there is snow on the ground. The parks are often closed for snow, though, so I haven't gone that many miles in snow. On the other end, I have not met a parking lot that gets too hot for me, even at solar noon on a clear day around summer solstice. I might get very slightly singed, but I don't go out of my way to avoid black asphalt.

Here's where I combine some threads. A few months after that 9 - 5 job incident, I managed another interview. This time, I was quite clear on King of the Night Owls, the Andals, the First Men, Gondor, and Arnor. (I didn't get the job. I'm not sure why. I thought the interview went pretty well, but that isn't the important part.) A few days after that interview, I had a life-altering incident.

I was on the Sawnee Mountain Indian Seats Trail going sharply downhill towards the visitor's center. It was early October and still summer warm. The sun had set roughly 10 - 15 minutes before. I had a flashlight with me, but my night vision is pretty good, so I wasn't using it yet. At that point I'd been hiking Sawnee barefoot almost every day for 4 - 5 years. At the moment of the incident, it was roughly 7:45. (I'm going to try to resist looking up sunset.) The park closed at 9:30.

One point is that I had almost no beard, and I had a very recent haircut due to the interview. (I've let my beard get pretty thick many times since I could grow a beard. A handful of times my hair has gotten somewhat long.) The point is that I was almost completely "clean cut" at that moment.

At that moment, another hiker was coming up the hill towards me. Because it sort of matters, he was white, perhaps 65 years old, and had a neutral American-born accent. He said something like "Be careful," referring to my feet. In hindsight, there was an unusual degree of emotion to his voice. I don't remember what I did or didn't say to him.

A while later I was on the rocking chairs outside the visitor's center, watching the sky turn colors, and along come two sheriff's deputies. Apparently Mr. Jackass had called 911.

Legally, nothing came of my "chat" with the deputies. After they determined that I was sane enough for their purposes, they simply encouraged me to leave the park 30 minutes earlier than I otherwise would have.

I am well aware that a number of things could have gone wrong in that scenario. I am an anarchist, after all. In some ways I have views vaguely similar to those of libtards, although for different reasons. My heart rate went way, way up.

This was a relatively recent event that rattled me. I soon coined the phrase "shod muggles" to refer to most people. I was trying not to call them goy. I have a genetic basis for using goy, but the word is much, much worse than the dreaded n word. ("Dreaded" to libtards. I have absolutely no problem with people using the word. I'll take the 5th on my own usage.) If one is a shod muggle, that's a fact, not an insult.

I've suffered a trend of greater and greater isolation. "Shod muggles" was a turning point. I started to formalize the isolation with the term--me versus them.

Back to the "political" thread: when we left off, I was an anarchist but hadn't come across the term "right wing anarchist." In 2016 - '17, Q's Great Awakening was beginning. Sorry to be blunt and graphic, but that's when I found out that too much of "our" "leadership" are literally baby-raping demon worshipers. Here is Ben Swann of CBS 46 Atlanta in January, 2017, on "Pizza Gate." Also look for any Lara Logan interviews from the last few years. You'll have to look on Bitchute (or perhaps Rumble). She's probably not on Big Evil Goo Tube. WikiPedOia lists some of her "mainstream" experience, but they are white-washing (of course) her current content. She is calling them precisely baby-raping demon worshipers.

We can set aside Trump as a person. He accomplished a number of things in the open, but I am pro-Q, meaning that the Q operation is alive and well. The Q operation is much bigger than Trump. His major job was to order the op as Commander-in-Chief. Q promised "It's going to be Biblical," and we're going to see that soon. Thus is, Trump's (undisputed) second term may be the most important period in recorded history because the demon worshipers are going to be crushed. They have been largely in control for all of ("mainstream") recorded history and a very long time before that.

Back to work and money, in 2017 I was just barely making ends meet as a freelance software guy. In 2017 - '18 I had some housing disruptions and software project disruptions. At the end of 2018 I was misled by someone I trusted, and that got way, way out of hand. That had consequences for years.

In 2020 I may or may not have figured the freelancing thing out, but then Billuminati Gates and company began their Satanic Crusade. That is know to the dawn-supremacist, illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombie horde as "Covid."

I need to back way up. Several of us went to our first drum corps show in 1989 at Sprayberry HS. I wound up going for 31 consecutive years through 2019. That was 150 shows in 20 states and 58 - 61 unique venues. Once or twice, I went to 13 shows in a seasons. I went to all 3 nights of finals 11 times (minus one Thursday, but THAT is yet another story). Drum corps was life-giving.

For me, the first devastating consequence of Billuminati's Crusade was the death of the drum corps season. Since then, I've become increasingly angry at a large portion of Americans (and others, but they are outside of my immediate scope). Several times I've linked to the email I sent to the Countess of Forsyth on March 28, 2020. I basically called "Covid" fake. Fake in the sense that nothing "novel" was going on, at least not in terms of an allegedly novel alleged virus. I'd say my analysis was been borne out and then some. It's taken years for the extent of their Big Lie to be revealed.

I've addressed this at great length, so I'll try not to belabor it. I will mention that in private I was calling for Fauci's trial and execution by May or June of 2020. I was in Cumming at that point. I never, ever wore a mask. I distorted my life somewhat in order to avoid that confrontation. On one hand, I wouldn't have minded the confrontation. On the other, I was and am pretty angry. I might have lost my temper and gotten arrested. In hindsight, that might have been an improvement. It would have forced me to aggressively push the issue.

The suggestion that I wear a mask only came up twice. The first time I more or less ignored it because I was distracted. At that moment, I was trying to figure out what to do with a beautiful, young, very friendly stray kitten. The second time I was one word away from a potential shouting match with another customer. If she had said one more word on the matter, I was going to let her have it, but she backed down.

First most people were "shod muggles." Now they are the dawn-supremacist, illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombie horde. As I've mentioned in this blog before, zombie is not a joke. Some of those vax batches eff with your blood and you become a zombie who barely has a pulse and doesn't bleed.

I was then treated to vax mania. Billions of people ran out to get injected with a chemical and probably biological weapon for a non-existent disease. Brilliant. The only question is how many millions have died. Based on Barry Young's New Zealand numbers, 1 in 1,000 clot shots kill the patient. That is, they died quickly enough to be in the database. Who knows how many more are dead now. The serious damage count is obviously much higher than the outright death count.

I know three people who should have known better who joined the lemmings. Two of those three really, really, REALLY should have known better, as in WTF!!?!?! This of course adds to my isolation. I'm pretty much in the mindset of them and us. (Steve Kirsch joined the lemmings, but he has radically changed sides, so he's one of us.)

After 31 years, drum corps was and is "dead to me" because almost all of the major corps required a vax for 22 year-old kids in perfect health. That is between monumentally naive, monumentally stupid, and mass-murdering Satanic.

Ted Nugent speaks to the sheep.

a thorough personal update, going back decades (attempt 2)

Earlier (days ago, below) I explained part of my reason for my partial boycott of that literally damned site. Another branch is more personal. My Lifelog "Friends" are largely from high school, and my life path has turned from the projections people made then. In some ways, I am not doing well at all. Put one way, I need help. It's past time to admit that. With that said, I am still an Ayn Rand-ite / Objectivist. From that point of view, I have a lot to trade, but I mostly have failed at the usual methods of trade.

As soon as I mention Rand, I should mention religion. Recently I was asked yet again if I am a Christian. I finally decided that if it's a yes / no answer, the answer is yes. For now, I'm not going to look up when I addressed that. It's on this web page, and relatively recently. A search of "Christ" will find the entries. There are several of them.

But isn't that a contradiction? I don't think so, but I haven't worked out the details. It would probably take days and days and maybe longer. I'd probably have to read at least the Gospels again if not the whole Bible. I've had more pressing issues plaguing me for years.

I'll introduce one of these issues. Recently I started calling most people "dawn supremacists." The libtards like to talk about oppression, but they usually have the oppression backwards. In any event, try being a night owl. I've discovered what it's like to be at the wrong end of supremacy.

My theory is that tribes have always needed a Night's Watch, whether against saber-toothed tigers, opposing tribes, bandits, or White Walkers and wights. Thus, some of us need to be genetically wired for the Night's Watch. That appears to include me. This began during our junior year of high school, or more-or-less puberty for me. The night gene activating at puberty makes sense. I had a wacky sleep schedule then including two daily sleeping periods. Since then, my natural schedule pushes me to want to wake up 4 - 5 hours before sunset. My natural sleep cycle follows the seasons to a degree.

I'll introduce another thread and come back to the dawn supremacists later. From 1991 - 1993 a few events rattled my worldview. Skipping our senior year led to some expected consequences. For one, my advisor's attempt to get me a high school diploma led to an arguable disaster. One reason I decided to start college early was to focus on computers and save the general ed for later.

Also, my straw man (long story) with the similar name was eligible to vote in 1992. Thus, I went seeking both the college Republicans and (what I now call) DemoNcrats. There was not a Demoncrat club at U Southern Cal in 1991. I shudder to think what it looks like now. This lack struck me as unfair in my severe (near fatal) naivety, so I would up taking up with the far left. I got over that quickly, but some of their ideas are partially correct if distorted. In any event, this was another blow to my worldview.

I was programming for USC in June of 1993 but not taking summer classes. If that job had continued another week, I might have gone on to Silicon Valley, which in turn might have killed me several times over. And / or maybe I would have gone to the Dark Side. My mother died in a car accident, though. Specifically, she almost certainly fell asleep at the wheel after attending an almost certainly useless 8 or 9am meeting. That is part of my bitterness towards the dawn cult: useless meetings, and how most companies do business. A results-only work environment would have solved a number of problems, but that concept doesn't seem to have gotten very far.

After Mom died, I wasn't sure whether I was in college for her purposes or my purposes, and I didn't last very long during the fall semester of 1993. I dropped out before the drop date. Within a few weeks on coming home, I fell in with the "far right." Although it's not a perfect description, I now call myself a right-wing anarchist. The right wing part means a few things. The "abortion" (Satanic child sacrifice) issue might be considered a conflict of rights, and a right-wing anarchist is pro life. Similarly, we are anti-immigration or outright nationalist where a nation refers to a genetic people and not a state. One point to all this being that I had my worldview rattled from several directions.

During four of the five years from 1997 - 2002, I was developing for 2,000-employee software companies. In hindsight, the 9 - 5 hours were literally killing me. I went from 133 pounds to 190+ over those years, and that was fat. I lost enough of that fat soon after. I don't have an athletic build, but I'm not puffy, and I can go a long way up Sawnee Mountain quickly enough and without much strain.

I quit the first job during that period due to misery, and the second time I was laid off with 5 levels of management above me during the Dot Com Bust. Then I made the mistake of continuing my BS in CS. I took a break to get my straw man a big rig driver's license. The attractions were 1. Can drive at night, 2. Don't have to deal with people, 3. It's the best case of an outdoor view with climate control, and 4. involves travel. My straw man held that license for years, but a couple of really strange events kept me from getting a trucking job just after trucking school. I went back to my knitting: back to college. I now consider this a big mistake.

Years ago a friend said that grad school is the snooze button of life. In my case, finishing my BS was the snooze button, and I'm not sure I ever woke up, even after I got my degree in 2005. The degree has done me zero good so far. I should have taken that time to figure out how to make a living as a night owl software guy.

I should mention that I moved Mom's mom to Marietta in 2001. I was never her direct caregiver, but I spent a lot of time with her for years. She passed in 2007 at 101 years old. Her health declined over that period, and her changing needs were a wildcard over that period. I let that situation distract me from planning / getting a life.

interlude, the fabulous 2008 drum corps season

I'm going somewhere with the following, so bear with me. I mentioned in a previous entry that I continued drum corps true fan-aticism through 2019. The 2008 season was inspirational, especially Phantom Regiment's journey, their slave rebellion theme, etc. I saw them practice for several hours at Spain Park HS near Birmingham very early in the season. I believe they were ranked 5th at that point. My reaction was "What the heck is beating THAT?!" The answer would eventually be nothing. I saw them go from 4th to 3rd at Murfreesboro, 3rd to 2nd at quarter-finals, and then win it all against the 800 pound gorilla at the last possible moment, by the thinnest possible margin. Right up until the big announcement, I thought their chances of winning were near zero.

For years I bought an extra ticket to finals. The story of my sale on quarter-finals night was emotionally dramatic. I sold my extra ticket to a lady that hadn't seen a drum corps since 1958 when she was 10. She had been fascinated at that time, although I shudder to think what that must have been like. To me, modern drum corps starts between 1988 - 1990. In any event, then it was 2008 and she was 60. Crown, BD, and Phantom's shows were all in the top-tier of shows I've seen before or since. It's Crown's show that sticks mostly in my mind now. Phantom Regiment's journey was a joy to see, but I rank Crown's show a bit higher at this point. In any event, it was a joy to watch that lady both connect with her childhood memory and see something completely unexpected. When it was all over, I asked her, "So how are you going to describe this to your friends?" The answer is that it's impossible. At least we now have Big Evil Goo Tube, but I got out of the drum corps evangelism business just as Goo Tube was rising.

I gave her the option of buying my tickets for the next two nights; I gave her my number. She tried buying it just as the show was starting either Friday or Saturday night, but it was too late. Friday's buyer was not memorable. Saturday's buyer was very memorable.

Saturday's buyer found the slave revolt theme more significant than I did. He was very impressed that I identified as an anarchist, although I didn't know the term "right-wing anarchist" yet. We mostly talked drum corps for HOURS after finals (THE final show). He was also impressed that Star of Indiana 1991 was my favorite show even though I didn't see it on the marching field in '91. I saw the show performed as Brass Theater in 1994, though (in a basketball arena). I sometimes think Crown '08 is now my favorite-ever show, although Star '91 may still have the prize. I'm not choosing my proverbial favorite child.

As I said here in the last few days, the drum corps seasons re-energized me. 2008 was my high-water mark. That was supposed to be the first year of the doomed dome cold and darkness, but the drum corps angels gave us a fabulous season. Some friends of mine didn't go to finals in '08 because it was supposed to be in a dome.

More so than after other seasons, I was pumped / inspired by that 2008 season. It got me literally and figuratively moving. From '02 - '05 I went to school more or less full time, then Grandma's rapidly declining health caused drama until she passed in late '07.

I wrote the above in one sitting and then was pulled onto a friend's project for a while. I'm losing my focus, but I'm going to try to post something this early morning. [So much for that. It's been a few days, and I haven't posted yet.]

I should mention that almost all of my classes from '02 to '05 started at 1 - 2pm or later. On a related point, I guess I do have to describe my mindset before 2010.

On the gripping hand, I may try to rework this.

a thorough personal update, going back decades - attempt 1

I suppose I need to go back to just after high school. Some of you will recall that I skipped our senior year and went to U of Southern Cal (THE USC).

Actually, I need to back up a bit. Going to USC was my mother's idea. She thought that starting a year early would be prestigious or some such. I applied because it sounded like a vaguely interesting and exotic option. I suppose I wanted the confidence boost of an acceptance, but I didn't have much intention of carrying through. Despite contradictory messages as to whether I was interested in USC, they produced a favorable financial aid letter a few weeks before classes started. I already planned to visit my father in Arizona at the same time, so we decided we might as well visit USC.

One of my major motivations for starting early was that I wanted to focus on computers. My plan was to take general ed classes later. I was eligible to skip English 101 and 102, which had some interesting consequences 10+ years later.

The counselors of the early acceptance program at USC tried their best to get us our high school diplomas, so my counselor pushed me to take a humanities class. She thought it would help me get my diploma. That led to a major inflection point in my life. I knew the class was a bad idea; as I said, it contradicted my plan to delay general ed. I should have held my ground, but I took the class. I could not get my heart into it, so I did not get an A. In EE 101, I didn't get an A due to a fluke. If EE were the only problem, I probably would have recovered. As it was, though, I didn't get off to a great GPA start by my standards.

The short version is I left the life path I started years earlier. I had to reassess my identity, to a degree. I found that I survived without a 4.0 GPA.

This isn't a thriller novel, and most of you know that my mother died in 1993. Obviously that further disrupted my path. From an academic point of view, if she hadn't died, I might have switched majors to physics. My curiosity around computing seemed satisfied at that point. On the other hand, just before Mom died, I was programming (before "developing") for USC. This was dev'ing as a job as opposed to dev'ing for a class. If she had died a week later, I might eventually have gone to Silicon Valley. Of course, that might also have killed me on a number of occasions for a number of different reasons. (That's another story.)

I should introduce another thread. My similarly named straw man was eligible to vote in 1992. ("Straw man" is a whole 'nother topic.) Thus, when I arrived at USC, I went looking for both major parties. I found the Republicans, but there literally was not what I now call a DemoNcrat club. I can only imagine what it must be like now, though. In any event, that seemed unfair to me, so I wound up getting involved with the farther left. On one hand, I got over that quickly. On the other hand, they had elements of truth, but that's another discussion. The point is that I had my worldview rattled. Looking back, rightfully so. Again, the far left did have part of the truth.

I tried going back to USC after Mom died. I quickly found that I didn't know why I was there anymore. Was I there for her purposes or mine? I didn't last long. I dropped out before the drop date.

A few weeks after getting back home, I fell in with the "far right." How that happened is another story. My worldview was further rattled.

I suppose it's time for the train analogy. The analogy is NOT my idea, but the source would not want to be credited. When most of us are in high school and maybe college, we're on a moving train, and moving forward with all of the other passengers and cars is easy. If you ever get off the train, you may never get back on. I temporarily fell off the train.

For 4 of the 5 years from 1997 - 2002 I dev'ed for two different 2,000-employee software companies. The first time I may have made a mistake. In hindsight, I should have asked for more flexible hours, and I might have gotten them. (I'll come back to this.) I may have moved over to another products' off-shift support, although I'm not certain they had 24 hour support.

I was already considering long-haul truck driving at this point. The attractions were 1. Can drive at night, 2. Don't have to deal with people, 3. It's the best case of an outdoor view with climate control, and 4. involves travel.

I quit the first job in '99. I was not a happy camper. In hindsight, I wasn't getting enough sunlight during the winter, and I wasn't sleeping enough because I became a night owl with puberty. My theory is that tribes have always needed a Night's Watch, whether against saber-toothed tigers, opposing tribes, bandits, or White Walkers and wights. Thus, some of us need to be genetically wired for the Night's Watch. That appears to be me.

My first boss at the first company had moved to another company. After a year's hiatus, I went to work for him again. I had the same problems. At some point in this period I went from 133 to 190 pounds. I got puffy. I was heading towards quitting again, but then the Dot Com Bubble burst, and 5 levels of management above me were laid off with me.

I started back towards my BS in CS, but later I did get my big-rig license. After another weird series of events in the trucking world, I ran into some not quite literal roadblocks. I got irritated and decided to "go back to my knitting" and finish my degree. I did so in '05.

Finishing my degree was almost certainly a mistake. A friend used to say that grad school is the snooze button of life. In my case, undergrad was the snooze button, and I never completely woke up.

From 2001 - 2007 I was indirectly caring for Mom's mom. That is, I was making the care decisions and spending a decent amount of time with her. Her declining health led to some stressful times. She died in late 2007 at 101 years old.

now for something completely different - another Q hit - Nessun Dorma and the Sum of All Fears payback sequence

This is David "Nino" Rodriguez yesterday (or perhaps a bit earlier) with Juan O Savin. Nino says that is the Goo Tube edition, which means self-censored, but it's already gone from Big Evil Goo Tube, as far as I can tell.

Their telling of the story is somewhat inefficient; I'll try to do better. Nessun Dorma was performed live at the end of the RNC. The song was also featured during the "payback" sequence of the 2002 movie Sum of All Fears. In the sequence, the US and Russian Presidents are signing an agreement. Meanwhile, the bad guys--the enemies of both and all--are being killed. The English translation of the song (sung) is in part "At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!" (text).

Q posted "Sum of All Fears" a number of times. Juan O Savin is almost certainly part of the Q team.

I was just writing about Phantom Regiment 2008 when I took a break to have a snack and watched Nino's video. Here is PR 1991 Nessun Dorma. This also reminds me of the victorious ending of Star '91.

I'll underscore this all with "We leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Glorious Infinite Creator."

There is a LOT more to this. Even people on "my side" mock my pro-Q crowd for such comments as the above. They are leaving out a lot of context in part because the context is vast. I'm not going to take the time to argue for Q yet again. I just find today's connection yet more encouragement.

I had a quasi-mystical experience in October of 2020 when I could briefly feel a portion of the emotions from the coming victory. I thought Trump was going to win without (significant) dispute. Of course, he did win, but "the show," as it turned out, was just getting started. I am once again hopeful that the in-the-open crushing of the serpent is about to ensue.

Nessun Dorma source

She calls herself SamanthaRose, The Cottage Singer on TikTok, "Self taught, here to make my dreams come true." Her other links.

July 21 - batch of posts 3 - follow ups

speak of the Devil, and the Devil shall appear

Hours after I had my say about Lifelog ("Facebook"), I came across this Trump quote:

"If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck will double their business," Trump wrote on Truth Social at the time [March 7, 2024]. "I don't want Facebook, who cheated in the last Election, doing better. They are a true Enemy of the People!"

"Enemy of the people" is clear enough. "Schmuck" is insufficient, but perhaps it's appropriate for the zombie horde.

I am assuming Trump will follow through on the Q promises. Thus, Trump as a symbol is one of the most exciting prospects in hundreds of years if not thousands. I would interpret the Q promises to include smashing millennia of Satanic rule. With that said, I have spent very, very little time listening to Trump, ever. I don't deem it productive.

The Trump quote was from Gateway Pundit via Revolver News. I list Revolver in my news sources. Zuckerberg has some interesting quotes.

regarding the Kamal

That's an intentional misspelling of the creature's name. I was hoping that the bad guys would be forced to keep Dan on the ticket. For years the word as been that the Kamal is even less popular, which is hard to believe. So maybe The Show will get yet more entertaining, and Kamal will get shredded as thoroughly as Dan. Then again, perhaps the DemoNcrats will replace her, too. Q said "Enjoy the show!" The show is not bloodless, but it's better than a major world war. I can either shriek or find the entertainment in it. No matter what, no souls were permanently harmed in the making of this film. Or "All the world is a stage."

July 21 - batch of posts 2 - worldview into personal

First posted about 05:35, with a minor correction after 05:38. I'm going to bed soon, NOT waking up. I've been writing this for a while.

DARPA Lifelog ("Facebook")

First I should address my spitting hatred of that literally Yahweh-damned site. I will in a moment. So why do I still have an account? Because maybe I can get some use out of it. Given the epic destruction they have caused, that seems fair.

The WikiPedOia entry has changed somewhat in the last year or so, but they still have "'Pentagon Kills LifeLog Project'. Wired. 4 February 2004" in the DARPA Lifelog entry. In the Facebook entry, "Founded February 4, 2004." Which of these dates is exactly like the other? More to come shortly.

Why the rant today? A few days ago, I posted to Lifelog for the first time in years. Why I did, at least the full reason, is another topic that I may or may not get to. One reason is that I wanted to let people know that I am posting content, just not on THAT Yahweh-damned site.

So I suppose I'm speaking to that audience. I do have "friends" on there. Apparently I have 102. I thought it was higher (138?) at one point. A few friends had their accounts nuked, which is part of my issue, as I'll explain. (I suppose there are other perfectly good reasons why my friend count went down, aside from nukings.)

The next Lifelog points get weirder. Given that I'm speaking to people I knew once, I ask that you give me some credit. It's likely I'm showing various neuroses at this point. Emotionally I'm getting increasingly isolated and frustrated. Mentally, I'd like to think the evidence shows that I'm not slipping relative to high school. That would be an interesting compare and contrast, because some things have changed, although not necessarily for the worse. My public GitHub has a bunch of nicely working code. A lot of it is quirky and not polished, but it largely does what I want, or I wouldn't have given it its own repo. (GitHub was of course taken over by SatanSoft, which needs its own chapter. I suppose once again there is a question of why I use them. For one, if they want to store my code for free, that's nice. Yes, they are using it for AI that only benefits them. Another chapter....) The point being that I show public evidence of logical thinking. I can make a computer do what I want, generally.

I took up the following type of research withing weeks of arriving at USC in 1991. I have put a lot of research and thought into "this stuff" on and off for that whole period.

Before I continue (or start) bashing Lifelog, a relevant aside. Far be it for me to site authority, but Elon Musk is special. As I pinned above, I would like to see him as emperor, and I'm somewhat serious about that. My understanding is that Musk still kicks people off of Twitter / X. In some cases they're suspended for a day and that just calls attention to temporarily-banned users. Thus, there are questions as to what degree X is a "free speech" platform, but I'll leave that aside.

Elon Musk himself has been raining terror on the bad guys since he bought Twitter (if not before). I am stunned at how far Musk goes as he shreds the bad guys' narratives. His Tweet "Looks very slopey ..." is a case in point (3:17 PM [probably ET] Jul 16, 2024). Elon Musk has given a good deal of direct and somewhat indirect backing to much of what I have to say.

Before I continue with Lifelog, I should cite Cathy O'Brien at the Grenada [Granada?] Forum, probably in 1996. Take her testimony and cross it with DC Hammond, "The Greenbaum Speech" (DC Hammond, Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse, "The Greenbaum Speech." Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality. Alexandria, VA, 1992). In Hammond's speech, you can hear the background noise and applause and Q&A from the audience. That is, I have no doubt that it's for real. Putting them together, it's convincing. Put it together with a number of other items, and it nears certainty. It's certain enough to start seriously questioning the nature of our overlords. For more recent testimony, see Fiona Barnett on SGTReport. O'Brien and Barnett were victims of MK-ULTRA horrific sexual abuse for "purposes" of mind-control. DC Hammond had more and more MK-ULTRA victims come into his practice, as did his colleagues.

Back to Lifelog, I have not read the following in a long time, and I'm not certain I finished it. This is what I've gathered from a number of sources. It fits in perfectly with everything else I've learned about the bad guys: The Zuckerberg Dossier: Mark Zuckerberg is a Fraud Used by the CIA. That article does not use the term "MK-ULTRA," but it's pretty clear that Zuckerberg is pretty much literally a puppet. DARPA Lifelog became "Facebook." It was already running at Harvard. It was already called "Facebook." It took them 11+ years to spring the trap, but then we found out what "Facebook" was all about.

Regarding Lifelog, soon I'll get to Killary Clinton. To be "fair," though, I'll address Bush "Senior" first. For historical context, one of my conclusions is that all of the US Incorporated's wars starting with the Mexican-American War (1846 - '48) are based on Big Lies. Otherwise put, the people who push these wars are probably more evil than you can imagine. Bush "senior" ran up quite the butcher's bill in Gulf War I. That's the external actions. As for slightly behind the scenes, I'll introduce another witness. I've mentioned Jessie Czebotar a number of times in this blog and otherwise on my site. She's been interviewed many times since 2020. I first saw her on Sarah Westall's show. Her interviews are perfectly consistent with her affidavits. In one her affidavits, she swears to seeing Bush Senior doing what Hannibal Lecter does to his psychiatrist in Hannibal: Bush Senior was eating a living child's brain. Yes, given everything I've learned, I believe it and then some.

Killary didn't match the Bush family, but she ran up quite the body count in Syria and Libya. Czebotar says she was next in line after Gloria Vanderbilt Cooper. That is, Hillary was pretty much literally the Wicked Witch of the East. I don't mean a Wiccan. This is what I mean: there are a number of data points to indicate that frazzled.rip is real. It was on Representative Anthony Weiner's laptop. Sidney Powell confirms it to a degree. That video supposedly shows Hillary and Huma eating the face off of a living little girl. Once again, yes, this is consistent with dozens or hundreds of data points.

At this point I'll break my distinction between Lifelog and Big Evil Goo. On or just before November 8, 2020, Dr. Robert Epstein testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that Goo's manipulation of search results gave Killary between 2.6 million and 10.4 million extra votes in 2016. On a mundane level, that is a massive undisclosed campaign contribution. It is worth noting here that Eric Schmidt left his position as the executive chairman of Alphabet on the same day that Trump issued an executive order on "Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption"; this was December 21, 2017. The speculation, with at least some evidence, is that Schmidt is yet another member of the "elite" pedophile club, although I cannot find him (off hand) in Joachim Hagopian's Pedophilia & Empire. Their actions in 2016 were of course just the start of Big Evil Tech's eventually successful attempts at mass murder.

The Satanic, child-torturing bad guys are clearly terrified of Trump. Although it's another large topic, I am fairly sure that the Q Operation is real and ongoing. Any reasons to oppose Trump are dwarfed by the fact that all of the Satanists are terrified of Trump.

Big Evil Tech turned up the "shriek-o-meter" against Trump year by year before 2020. Then they brought out their pom-poms to celebrate the allegedly novel alleged virus, which I call Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade. I suspected "Covid" of being a Big Lie on March 28, 2020. I think I won that argument in that I was right. Now it's just a matter of how many get tried and executed for that lie.

On March 12 I ran / cited the nonsensical "Covid" numbers yet again. Just a few hours ago, I came across yet another study indicating a Big Lie.

The major purpose of "Covid" was to defeat Trump. "They wouldn't declare a global pandemic just to defeat Trump." Damned right they would! They did! It was one of the few catastrophes that could claim to defeat him. It tanked the economy, brought in ballot drop boxes in the street, etc.

As for the "vaccine," I'll just cite Steve Kirsch and be done with it, although Elon Musk has chimed in on "my" side, too. The vax kills at least 1 person for every 1,000 shots. Imagine what would happen if 1 / 1,000 meals at a restaurant killed the customer.

In case any of you missed the chapter, all of Big Evil Tech "censored" all of this material, from "Pizza / Pedo Gate" to the "Covid" Big Lie to the vax Big Lie. "Censorship" does not cover it. It's psychological war, economic war, mass murder, treason, etc., etc., etc. I want people at Goo and Lifelog tried and executed. Alternatively, it's about time that they start pointing fingers up the chain. If they want to claim that they were "fooled," they'd better point to who fooled them fast.

To go back to Lifelog specifically, I'll cite two more sources. Someone posted that February 4, 2004 date on 8Chan. Q responded with something to the effect of, "Whoever noticed this, please apply to NSA. That's the sort of analysis we want!" I take that as evidence.

Also, roughly in the last year, if not before, Juan O Savin has told this story of Lifelog. His testimony might be as good as Q's, although I'm reasonably sure Savin is part of the Q Team. Jaun O Savin is another story, though.

drum corps fandom history - ending with "Covid," and concluding my point on Lifelog

I'm going somewhere with this, and I'm speaking to my high school band mates.

Several of us went to our first drum corps show in 1989 at Sprayberry HS. I wound up going for 31 consecutive years through 2019. That was 150 shows in 20 states and 58 - 61 unique venues. (My spreadsheet is on another SSD.) I went to 13 shows at least one season. I went to all 3 nights of finals 11 times (minus one Thursday, but THAT is yet another story).

It's probably just as well that I didn't march drum corps. Everyone I know who marched can't just enjoy the show. They have to critique.

I went to my first winter guard show at South Cobb HS in roughly 1997. I just happened to hear about it, and I was still living at the same place. I went to a number of winter guard shows over the years and learned to eagerly watch the DCI guards. I eventually lost interest in winter guard because there are only a handful of world class independent guards whom I would ever see in the South. That is, no one to compete with the DCI guards.

This wasn't blind devotion. I almost quit at least 5 times over those 31 years. Then I would just barely get to at least one show, and then I was hooked again. Murfreesboro 2019 was a great show, and I was excited for 2020. Boston Crusaders 2019 guard was stunning even given how picky I had become over 31 years. The performance level just kept going up that night. I didn't think it would get better than Boston, but BD and SCV were a whole 'nother level. I tend to think SCV should have won, but anyhow.

To skip ahead, I want Fauci and a few dozen others tried and executed just for destroying drum corps. Drum corps is "dead to me" for now. I'll come back to that.

Aside from my opinions, drum corps has largely returned, in a horribly corrupted format, although SCV didn't march in '23, and CBC (Cadets) didn't march in '24 (now). (I don't know if SCV's zombie has returned.)

It's destroyed / dead to me because I can't go back until my "I told you so!" moment. From 2021 until the end of the 2023 season, I assumed that my attendance would not go well. I got the impression that both fans and staff were like, "Oh great! We can go back to drum corps because Fauci says so!" How is there not a howling mob calling for his execution?!?!? I am by no means the only one. There are some rather famous people in that camp. Elon has come close; I can't remember just how close he has come. Others have quite specifically called for executions of many doctors, not just those at the "top."

Near the end of the 2023 season, I finally looked into something I'd been avoiding, and I discovered the worst case. In 2023 almost all the major corps required a vax to march. Spirit of Atlanta did. I can find no evidence, however, that Carolina Crown ever required a vax. Even if you want to listen to the mass-murdering, Big Lying, Satanic CDC, pretty much no one who was 22 and healthy died from "Covid." You have to be such, by definition, to march.

Murfreesboro or its equivalent was my high holy day for 21 consecutive years. I mean no disrespect to Yahweh, Christ, or the One Infinite Creator. I see no conflict. The drum corps season re-energized me year by year.

Perhaps obviously, now that I know about the vax requirement, I can't go to shows. For one, I'm not going to pay anyone who ever required a vax. (Not until they offer a groveling apology, are sued into poverty, go to jail, and / or are re-educated.) For another, if I went near a show I would be in the face of the instructors and directors demanding to know what the eff is wrong with them! I would likely get arrested.

Of course I am also alienated from drum corps fandom. Obviously everyone should be boycotting until there is a howling mob of drum corps staff calling for executions. Put another way, all of the adults involved should either quit forever or go to re-education camps. Obviously they are too damn dangerous to have a whit of authority over anyone. This applies to pretty much every corporate manager, dean, etc.

All of Big Evil Tech cheered all of this on. THAT is why I want Lifelog destroyed. I want its shares seized, and the shareholders can go to Hell, literally. People who fund mass murder have no property rights.

a bit more on Fauci

I am nearly certain that Fauci is a member of one or more Satanic societies. RFK Junior's book shows that Fauci has been committing mass murder for decades, back to "AIDS."

So, on one hand, Fauci is a node. On the other, he obviously had vast, global cooperation. Also, he can't be highly ranked enough to act on his own. He's too specialized to be in charge at a higher level. He got a "go" order.

The buck stops with the Rothschilds, as far as I can tell. Billuminati is being very slowly prosecuted for murder in Bombay. (I cite that somewhere around here.) There are at least a few dozen people in the US who need to be tried and executed. That's at the very minimum, although a few dozen executions would send quite a message.

That's only a portion of the Biblical cleanup that needs doing. I address that to some degree in my first post today, and I've "nattered" about it for years on this site.

July 21 - batch of posts 1 - worldview stuff

preface for the day - worldview stuff

As is usually the case, I see room for improvement below, and I could whittle on this endlessly. As I have hopefully explained, though, I literally can't afford to keep polishing. Hopefully I'm close enough to getting my points across. The sections from "the big Trump event" to "Podcast Associate Producer/Partner (New York)" are being posted after 00:25.

the big Trump event

This topic is not productive as most are chewing on it, but I want to say a few things.

Some of this goes in the category of Irri, Daenerys' maid, "It is known." We have known increasingly for years that Trump cannot rely on any agency of the Evil Empire. Duh. So why would he all of a sudden be relying on such? I'm reasonably sure we've seen evidence of both private security and military security for years. I certainly count the military as "an agency," but I also find the claim of a Q faction of the military credible. That is, Trump knows which military units he can trust.

The whole national situation just keeps getting weirder month by month since roughly 2015. Part of this can be measured by Catherine Austin Fitts' "shriek-o-meter." I haven't heard her use that analogy since roughly 2018. (Nor have I heard her interviewed that much. She hasn't done anything to lose her ranking as one of our best. For whatever reason, I just haven't run into her as much.) The meter is the level of shrillness of Big Evil Media and other elements of Big Evil. She said the meter was at record levels in roughly '18. Now it's approaching Biblical proportions. Q told us "Enjoy the show." He talked about prominent actors. He said disinformation is necessary. The bad guys are being driven to actions that cause them more and more damage.

I'm not going to speculate too much on what happened because it's pointless, unless I spent dozens and dozens of hours of research at least, and then I'm not sure I would know much more. My best guess is that the good guys are once again using the techniques of the enemy. I would hope it's clear that I am not one to defer to authority, but there are cases where it's appropriate to at least set a default due to authority.

I'm almost sure that Dr. Jim Fetzer still asserts that Sandy Hook was an exercise and nobody died. (I'm not saying the Trump event was exactly the same.) He wrote a book about it. Then both he and Alex Jones were sued. I remember a journalist who hinted that Fetzer was crazy, but the journalist still said Fetzer was given a bad deal in court. Fetzer went all the way to the US Supreme Court. This is the case that has bankrupted Jones. I suspect they aren't going after Fetzer because 1. They don't want to focus on Fetzer, in part because Fetzer is closer to the target than Jones, and 2. Fetzer is old and would make a sympathetic martyr.

My point being that Fetzer has maintained his position against harsh opposition. I've listened to Fetzer quite a bit. Given all this, if he still says Sandy Hook was an exercise, I'll accept it as fact. My other point is that the bad guys can create fake events and make them stick as fact.

I suspect the good guys are using these same techniques that were used at Sandy Hook. I'm not saying nobody died. Everyone going to a Trump rally has every reason to know that Trump is a target. If you're sitting literally in the potential line of fire, you might die. It's similar with the January 6 folk who got too close to the Capitol. At the exact moment the J6ers were allegedly committing crimes, Trump was over a mile away at the White House speaking to another group of supporters. If you get too close to the Beast, it might bite. Those near Trump were not the ones prosecuted. Someone taking a shot at Trump on January 6 was vaguely possible, but (((they))) did not want Trump to be sympathetic at that moment. Ironically, in that case, being closer to Trump was safer.

Last week, though, it should be fairly clear that being close to Trump (or the public face of Trump) is potentially dangerous. Their January 6 ploy miserably failed. Prosecutions directly against Trump (including for J6) failed. It should be pretty clear that murder was their next option. They rather openly talked about it right up through a week ago.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." I'm not saying that the murders and prosecutions of J6ers are just. I'm saying that they took a fairly well known risk and have been martyred. Similarly, for the sake of argument, I will go with that notion that Corey Comperatore was a real person and died. I can see how the good guys would let him die because he made the choice to be in the line of fire. Again, he had every reason to know that he was taking a risk. For now, I will assume he is a patriot who died well and contributed to the cause.

So if Corey Comperatore really died (for sake of argument), what does that mean about Trump? I'm going to try not to go down that path. Any of my ideas would be mildly to moderately exotic. I would simply say that things have gotten insanely exotic over these past few years. Exotic makes more sense than mundane at this point.

It appears that all the results will go Trump's way. I am fine with that. That is, if the event was manipulated to a degree, the results will be well worth it. It seems that the event made Trump that much more popular. Once again, the Evil Empire is shown to be somewhere between incompetent and evil. DEI (DIE WHITEY) is in the spotlight. The benefits to Trump are so vast that it's all the more reason I'm almost sure the event is contrived to some degree. That is, the good guys would not risk the real Trump to a bullet being 1mm over.

I am open to what some would call Divine Intervention. I just don't think this is a case of it.

Q posts: "fight fight fight"

There are at least 3 Q posts with "fight fight fight." As he (or his avatar) gets up after the shots, you can just barely hear Trump (or his avatar) say, "Wait." Then he mouths "fight" 3 times. Interesting.

thoughts on certain Trump quotes

On a somewhat similar topic, one can point to a number of Trump quotes that are evil, spanning years up to the last few weeks. My best guess is that these comments are supposed to be grim jokes. It's a stereotype that politicians will say one thing to get elected and then do the opposite. Trump will say things to bring in some Zionists and the vaxxed and a few other groups. As far as I'm concerned, Trump can say literally whatever he wants before the inauguration.

There are numerous indications that the bad guys are genuinely terrified of him. Q warned us of disinformation, psy war, and all sorts of weirdness. Thus, Trump is the opposite of most politicians. He can say whatever he wants. I feel content to ignore his "Satanic verses." It would appear that he will be elected without significant disagreement. Then, relatively quickly, Q's promise will be fulfilled. That is, Trump will say the opposite at times but then take Biblical action against the bad guys.

the Q promises and the implementation

I'll try to sketch the Q promises. Q acknowledged just how bad the situation is. The world is (was) run by Satanists. All of their wars are evil. They eat children alive. Their monetary system has no other mathematical result than to enslave us. I can go on and on. Q heavily implied that there is a worldwide faction of military and others who will solve this problem. "It's going to be Biblical." "God wins."

The goal of the Dan Show ("Biden" "administration") has been to pull the foundations out from Big Evil. (((They))) are ready to fall.

I'm not sure how long it will take after his inauguration, but we will soon see big moves. At least, those who are looking will see big moves. It's hard to say what the zombie horde will see.

There are several indications that the zombie horde "can't handle the truth," as the famous quote goes. In 2016, all polite authority was against Trump, but "the people" voted him in. Q tried to get momentum behind the facts of just how bad the bad guys are, but the message only went so far. Thus, "you can't tell them, you have to show them." That is, in 2020 "the people" were still not ready to call BS in sufficient numbers.

The Dan Show is to show all the truth that "the people" can handle. For example, even if the real Trump wasn't at risk last week, it is absolutely true that (((they))) want him dead. This time, Trump's lead is going to be so overwhelming that I see two major (branches of) possibilities. The most likely is that the bad guys will concede defeat. They are already doing so. My guess is that some research will show that they have never, ever conceded defeat like this before in the case of Trump. A variant scenario is that they try to call the election for Dan again. This time, the response will be dramatic. Maybe the Q faction of the military will finally poke their noses out and call the game over. This time, the military would get enough of "the people" behind them to clean up the mess in a Biblical fashion. Q said "It's going to be Biblical," and the obviousness of that is still to come.

Back to what the zombie horde will see. Simon Parkes has had an ongoing argument with a few of the white hat leaders. For a few years, Parkes was arguing for big revelations, but he's conceded that won't work. "They can't handle the truth," at least not all of it, and not yet. Thus, it's hard to say how much will remain behind the scenes and how much will be dramatic. The results should be dramatic, though. The wars will end, the economy will eventually boom like never before, the birds and angels will sing, etc.

I suppose it's time to wind this down. The point is that last week's event, whatever the event actually was or wasn't, has been yet another blow to the bad guys. As I recall, Chris Cuomo (or his turncoat avatar) even said that it just won Trump the election. I just tried to track down that Cuomo quote, and I can't easily find it. I'm fairly sure that's what I saw, but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader.

along the same lines, pUkraine and Gaza

Q's statement "Patriots in control" does not mean exactly what it says. The good guys are not playing the bad guys' playbook. The bad guys are pushing pUkraine and Gaza. Perhaps it's more proper to say that their middle management is pushing it. Simon Parkes says that the good guys were surprised at how resilient the remaining tiers have been. The theory is that the top bad guys were removed several years ago. Given that the Dan Show is either unbelievably incompetent or very entertaining, depending on how you look at it, that's evidence that the bad guys are not firmly in control. That's one of many pieces of evidence. If the bad guys were in control, the wars would have gotten much worse years ago. The bad guys are approaching a million dead in those two wars versus billions if things got way out of hand.

The Gazans use the term "martyr," and I suppose that will be true. A few hundred thousand will die such that (((the Beast))) will finally be broken. "Saving Israel for last," Q said. Emily Youcis pointed out that now both the far right and far left hate J---. I don't think the International Criminal Court has gotten this far before. Even if it has, it hasn't been as well publicized. Maybe Turkey, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia will finally do something dramatic. Those "leaders" must be looking worse and worse to "their" people. It looks like something dramatic will happen. Eventually this will destroy the "Modern State of Israel."

As for pUkraine, the success of the psy war against the pUkrainians is stunning. I can't believe the J-- president has remained in power this long. How has the pUke army not staged a coup yet? My best understanding is that the pUkes have open internet to this day. Apparently they haven't used it very well. One point being that I have trouble being sympathetic.

Some headlines on Rense ask why Russia hasn't finished this yet. Then again, the Rense folk are generally anti-Q. That is, they don't believe Q's promises are going to be fulfilled. In any event, there are several reasons. Russia continues to gain ground on the world stage. Russia is trying not to destroy Kiev or Odessa. Bakhmut was destroyed, but I would hope most people had left by then. Presumably the pUke people are running out of running room. Russia doesn't want to destroy cities, and they don't want large civilian casualties. Another reason is that Dan the Actor ("Biden" / BidAn) can't get any credit. It's another case of a million people dying to prevent billions of deaths.

now I've seen everything, nth edition - weird CL ad

I'm tempted to answer this in a relatively serious manner. The format of the show could be that I can accuse him of all sorts of things, and he can answer the charges.

Podcast Associate Producer/Partner (New York)

no pay

SAG-AFTRA Filmmaker, TV Host, Actor, Published Author (2 works). Producer (Amazon 2 features), daily World Market Forecaster (Linkedin, Facebook), Scottish Rite Mason 32 Deg., Astrologer (Chaldean Cabalist), is looking for a Partner/Associate for a weekly podcast/talk show, zoom). It is a unique opportunity for the right personality (karmic). Kindly respond. Terms negotiable. Amen!

July 17

another ad draft / discussion / scratch pad / long form


The specific board used to be characterized as a Craig's List alternative. Rather than being divided by city and then topic, it's all one board. Looks like there have been 6 - 8 posts in the last day. Thus, it's not high traffic, but these should in theory be my people. (I've discussed the site before, but I'm just not feeling it now. I'll get more excited when it makes the connections I'm looking for. Looks like I mention the site, as it turns out.) In any event, given this format, I'll make this an omnibus post.

an attempt at the ad itself

As I remember, this used to be called an alternative to Craig's List. Craig's List is broad, so I'll mention a few things I want to trade with and for. 70% of my Gabs link to my website; I have much more information there.

I'm offering software services. I'd like software apprentices and / or help with software sales. The help can be sales proper or indirectly. I'm looking for housing / a room. At this point I'd probably move to any red state or maybe very red areas in blue states (which certainly exist). I don't want to be paying rent to libtards. I'd rather barter than pay in Federal Reserve Notes.

I'd like digital pen pals who may or may not move to voice and / or in person. I need more people to type at or talk to. I am quite the night owl, so people to talk to between 10pm - 2am Eastern are a big plus. The topics of discussion on my website are wide-ranging.


I can imagine several good reasons why "Craig's List" was removed, starting with potential trademark issues.

July 13, 2024

live from KSFO, episode 4

I stopped watching / listening around 9:55 PT / 04:55 UTC / 00:55 ET. I was watching for 30 - 45 minutes. It was quite a show. I saw roughly my 5th go-around. I now understand that there can be a significant delay between visual and audio--sometimes the audio comes very roughly 15 seconds after the video. Usually the delay is much less. Perhaps one day I'll try to figure out what the delay is.

In any event, with this go-around, the previous landing on 28R had not exited the runway when the next landing was too close. In a previous entry, I mentioned that I was surprised by the go-around. Now I realize I have to adjust for the possibility of delay. As I think about it, that's somewhat backwards. The surprise comes because by the time I hear the go-around order, the first plane is rolling off the runway. If I were watching more carefully, I would see the problem because the visual shows the problem, and the audio delay is not relevant. Again, the surprise is because I'm not paying enough attention visually.

It's disturbing watching two planes landing on both 28L and 28R. FlightRadar doesn't show a scale, and I haven't looked it up elsewhere to try to figure out just how close the planes are, but they are sometimes very close.

Tonight's tower controller was the lady I mentioned weeks ago. I've heard her a handful of times since then. Tonight she seemed 70% as happy as the first time. She wasn't being playful, but she seemed to be having a good evening into night. (FR24 shows sunset and the 3 twilight marker / terminator curves, so I can see evening and night. Whatever "evening" is.)

the nearly obligatory rant about "vaccines," anti-gravity and such

Obviously I find this fascinating. As I've said before, all of those tons of fast-moving metal, fuel, people, and luggage / cargo. It's quite a dance. It's frustrating, though, to watch them all have to deal with 85 - 121 year old technology (first flight to first jet-power flight). I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but Dr. Steven Greer says the documentation shows that the top secret, compartmentalized, special access, unacknowledged US military programs had mastered anti-gravity the early-to-mid 50s. (I've mentioned 1952. I see a reference to 1954.)

And then there is the point that air traffic controllers were required to be vaxxed in late 2021. They should have demanded that quite a number of people by tried and executed for attempted and successful murder. I'm fairly sure we can find controllers who died. Goo says there 14,000 controllers. The New Zealand data released by Barry Young shows that 1 shot per 1,000 killed the idiot. As best I can tell, results are similar in most of the world, or at least the Five Eyes countries. The number is likely higher than that, too.

I'm trying to find the status of Young's case. I came across this: Pierre Chaillot: "I'm coming out 'no virus'," 21st June 2024, Pierre Chaillot is a statistician and author from France who has been exposing the data related to COVID-19 since early 2020. Using official French figures he meticulously demonstrated that even on their own terms there was no "infectious disease" pandemic and it was all a show (‐‐ Dr. Sam Bailey).

Looks like Barry Young was in court sometime during April 22 - 25. He did interviews a few weeks ago in late June. Apparently he hasn't been buried under the jail or such, at least not yet.

July 10

history of "Israel" deliberately targeting civilians

"Why Israel Deliberately Targets Civilians," GDF [Goo Tube] channel, October 14, 2023. This was posted a week after the latest slaughter began. The body count has gone way up since. That's what J--- do. I watched this several days ago, so parts are already fading from memory, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't answer "Why?" He demonstrates that killing civilians is explicit policy. He cites their own official statements.

more nattering on what Satanism means

I've discussed "Why?" in some detail below and scattered around my site. (((They))) are a combination of consciously Satanic and ultra-racists in the Satanic sense, even if the Satanism isn't conscious. Satanic in the sense of the negative path of ascension and employing the calculus of evil. I've used that term before, but I should keep whittling on it:

Satanism, or the negative path of ascension, has an objective scoring system. The highest score is something to the effect of getting billions of people to eagerly torture themselves slowly to death. Blowing civilians into bits and pieces is actually very crude by this standard. I take it, though, that in third density, shredding people is good enough. Earth is currently third density, and our bodies are such. I'm reasonably sure that J--- are Group Soul Yahweh, but that doesn't mean they are descendants of Jacob (Israel) or even Abraham. Group Soul Yahweh are the native souls of Earth. The native souls of Earth are third density souls.

It would be lovely to organize these ideas from the ground up. One day.

Getting billions of people to eagerly inject pharmakeia gave them huge evil brownie points. Yet more points for those who died quickly and yet more for those who died slowly. That may have been their biggest score in history. They maximize points when the victim is most willing. Bombing people involves a tiny degree of free will, but nothing close to running out to get blood clot shots.

case in point: "I'm so excited!"

It took me too long to find it, but, somewhat surprisingly, the video is still out there, and now I have all the metadata. This girl is "So excited!" to get her first vax.

Perhaps unfortunately, she seems healthy enough, still. Maybe that sentiment is cruel of me, but I keep getting more pissed off that there isn't a global chant for Fauci's execution, where that is only the tip of the necessary payback and cleanup.

Obviously various batches of the "vax" were very different. As best I remember, the analysis is that 5% - 10% of the batch numbers accounted for 80% of the deaths.

I suppose it gets them brownie points simply to have pretty girls putting such energy into promotion. It gets them many more points if that video got others killed, which is very possible. I mean who wouldn't go running out to die because she's "So excited!"?

July 9

Dr. Paul Alexander continued

I've tracked back Dr. Alexander's calls for executions as far back as October 4, 2022. At some point I'll have to figure out how far back such comments go. Note that Dr. Alexander was on Trump's "Coronavirus" Task Force. "HANG Them HIGH! Fauci, Francis Collins, Farrar, Birx, Baric, Daszak..."

July 8, 2024

Nurse Hadley and lifespan comments were this morning. The lyrics entry is after 22:42.

The Other Side NDE outro music

It's Skyline by The Redactions (formerly A-Dub Cosmonauts), 2022, on the Akashic Records label. Official Akashic video on GooTube. User @ThoughtWave64 published the lyrics "1 year ago" and then others revised it. It would appear that this link puts that comment at the top.

For more keywords, this is the song at the end of videos on "The Other Side NDE" Goo Tube channel. Big Evil Goo Assistant found it when I played it into the phone from the end of a video. Assistant wanted to listen for another minute or so, but when I gave it silence it finally decided to find it.

Nurse Hadley Vlahos - more detail

I mentioned Nurse Hadley a few weeks ago, but she needs an HTML h4 section. :) Note that she has dozens of Goo Tube "shorts" in addition to a handful of longer videos. I'm considering entering her as a candidate for Empress-Goddess. (Stephenie Meyer of Twilight is a candidate.)

In all of those videos, I only saw 2 vague references to "Covid." I'm nearly certain I never saw her wearing a mask. That's a good start. Given that she was a hospice nurse during the peak of that psy war, she doesn't have to directly weigh in on it. She just has to avoid promoting it.

On a similar point, her short on "Why Did You Hate Working in the Hospital?" is pretty scathing of standard operating procedure. I of course like people who poke at Big Evil Pharmakeia-"Health" Care.

Her "End-of-Life Visions: Proof of an Afterlife or Hallucinations?" was well-done. With that said, I didn't spend the mental power to try to poke holes in it because I agree with her.

She has one of the purest jobs I can think of. Pure in the sense that I can't find obvious paths by which the job is tainted by the usual Satanic calculus of evil. Her patients are people who have stopped dealing with the usual malice of Big Evil "Health." They use morphine which has been used for at least 7,000 years (opium). Perhaps amazingly, "It is available as a generic medication," meaning the patent expired 6,980 years ago (ok, maybe 151 - 173 years ago).

I elaborate a bit below, but I'm convinced that our bodies in this space-time are not meant to last beyond a certain point. It's appropriate at some point to give it up, especially given the literally torturous methods of Big Evil.

I suppose I can't resist at least a few more comments. I assume Vlahos is her soon-to-be-ex husband. I was very saddened to hear that she is getting divorced as of "3 months ago" (Goo Tube's time). I assumed Vlahos was Spanish, but Goo says it's Greek, and Mr. Vlahos is very white. Also, her first child she had at 19 years old (almost certainly out of wedlock) is very white.

a tangent on lifespan - and some important witnesses

Based on Ra's confirmation and explanation of the relevant Biblical passage, these 3rd density Earth-human bodies are not meant to last past a certain lifespan.

I rather doubt that the Bad Guys work too hard on life extension even for themselves. They are absolutely certain we reincarnate, and, with a few exceptions, they follow those rules. David Rockefeller, Kissinger, Prince Phillip and others add a handful of decades with adrenochrome and the "Sublime Royal Secret." I suppose they are trying to live long enough to see the rest of us totally crushed. But I doubt they are working very hard on longer extension.

"SUBLIME PRINCE OF THE ROYAL SECRET" is a section / Degree / chapter 32 (XXXII) in Albert Pike's infamous Morals and Dogma. It looks like that is the formal title of a 32nd degree Mason. Bill Schnoebelen revealed that the "sublime, royal secret" is that sodomy of young boys extends life.

I remembered Schnoebelen as a 3 hour lecture, but it's 2:25:38 at the Prophecy Club. That video was listed at the same time on BeforeItsNews with Jessie Czebotar's Patriot Underground interview #2. They were listed in November, 2022, on BeforeItsNews. That's the interview where Czebotar says that a few of the Satanists can heal broken bones in minutes.

I'm going to add more keywords to Schnoebelen because I keep misplacing him in my mind. He was a Druid (I think) and New Ager and Satanist and (maybe) Illuminati. I described (in my mind and web searches) the church where he gives the lecture as "evangelical," which is probably true. I'll list 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998. I don't think it was before or after that. He mentions Bill Clinton as "president," and there were other relatively precise date indicators. I can't find the date off hand.

July 5

more Big Evil Media

I was overhearing a Big Evil Media true crime documentary and started getting hooked. Perhaps I was hooked because I was delaying another task. The other task got done, however. I'm not sure how much I'll talk about here, though.

Big Evil Media is telling the story of the disappearance of Cari Farver in Omaha in 2012. Spoiler alert! They are telling the story of one murder. How useful. Now we might have some idea of the signs in the very improbable event that a white former girlfriend (or some such) kills someone.

Where are the shows telling us about the murders of a hundred million people in the 20th Century? Oh, wait, that would be murders by the owners of Big Evil Media and Big Evil Everything.

How many have been killed in Gaza since October 7? 100,000? More? Are they even trying to keep count when the Evil Empire US Inc. is allowing it? Perhaps we should have continuous coverage of that until the killing stops.

To take the case of Farver, I'm not trying to bash police. The context of their jobs is really messed up. That is, they are in a Satanic system. I'll try not to go on about that.

It is of course my contention that governments are occupying armies that cause an utter disaster for the occupied people. To take this case, it took years for police to even start to figure out that Farver hadn't voluntarily vanished. They took the line that an adult has a right to vanish. But she was arguably abandoning her minor son (Max), which is by their laws a crime to investigate.

I could as always go on, but I wanted to note that. I'm feeling stupid for spending so much time listening and then watching that.

June 27

The Youcis entry was early in the morning. The Gaza massacre entry is after 20:22.

Al Jazeera (English language): The Night Won't End: Biden's War on Gaza, Fault Lines documentary, 2024/06/21.

It is appropriate to use Goo Tube's servers to watch this. There are no commercials. This is the Al Jazeera site link.

PedOia has an entry on the murder ("killing") of a 6-year-old girl named Hind Rajab, six of her family members, and two paramedics who were blown to pieces trying to get to her. The documentary went over that sequence in detail. At 34:39, Rajab's 15-year-old (female) cousin Layan Hamadeh is on the phone with the Red Crescent. You can hear the Synagogue of Satan's tank open fire at her with a machine gun. Layan starts screaming, and then she's silent because she is dead. I can't remember if it was the same call, but at some point Hind picked up the phone. She was the only one still alive in the car. The Red Crescent had to seek permission from the Satanists to send a well-marked ambulance with emergency lights and such. It took hours to get permission, and the Crescent was given an exact route to follow. The ambulance had its emergency lights on. As it approached Hind, you can sort of hear the explosion that totally destroyed the ambulance and mostly destroyed the two paramedics' bodies. You can only sort of hear it because the phone was likely destroyed in milliseconds from an enormous explosion. The experts determined it was a Synagogue anti-tank weapon. The noise is at 41:13. That's the most horrifically memorable sequence in the film. Obviously the rest isn't any more cheerful.

I am not certain how many hours of audio experts had, but I got the impression that they have enough that they can identify the audio signatures only of Satanic weapons and absolutely no AK-47 or other Hamas fire. In other words, the Army of Satan was just riding around killing whoever moved with no threat to themselves. Hind was in a tiny Kia Picanto, which is about the same size as a Soul if not smaller. The PedOia says "335 rounds" were shot through the car. I'm going to try to disengage and not identify the caliber. From the video, I would guess at 30 caliber. The holes are big but probably not big enough for 50 caliber.

PedOia, somewhat surprisingly has this to say about the Nakba:

The Nakba (Arabic: ... an-Nakba, lit. 'the catastrophe') is the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians through their violent displacement and dispossession of land, property, and belongings, along with the destruction of their society and the suppression of their culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations. The term is used to describe the events of the 1948 Palestine war in Mandatory Palestine as well as the ongoing persecution and displacement of Palestinians by Israel. As a whole, it covers the fracturing of Palestinian society and the long-running rejection of the right of return for Palestinian refugees and their descendants....

around 750,000 people, were expelled from their homes or made to flee through various violent means...

Revelation 3:9: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." That is one of many pieces of evidence that the "Modern State of Israel" has a dubious claim to Biblical Jacob / Israel. The Gazans likely have a much better claim through Abraham if not Jacob. Not to mention the Gazans / Palestinians / Judeans lived there continuously for at least 3,000 years. Also see the Balfour Declaration and the "Star of David" in the Rothschild family crest. "Israel" is simply yet another Rothschild property with a more obvious land grant as opposed to ownership through several layers of shells.

Emily Youcis and Isabel Peralta

I just discovered Emily Youcis. Here she is in early 2021 reporting on Isabel Peralta. Peralta is an 18 year old Spanish lady who named the J-- at a Spanish nationalist rally on February 20 (or 21), 2021. She gave a Nazi Salute. I'm going to try not to look up to what extent that has another name, other than Sieg Heil ("hail victory"). Ok, I noted that PedOia has an entry, and I'll try to leave it at that.

The event was organised by the Juventud Patriota, a nationalist organisation that openly fights against the liberal left and opposes modern and progressive national values.

Residents looked on as the march travelled through the city centre to commemorate the role of the Blue Division in World War II, a battalion of Spanish volunteers and Franco supporters that worked under Adolf Hitler.

The march was organised to pay tribute to the 78th anniversary of the battle of Krasny Bor, one of the main battles that the Blue Division participated in.

‐‐ "18-year-old influencer is Spain's new face of the far-right racism after viral march in Madrid" by James Warren, The Olive Press, 25 Feb, 2021 @ 20:00 [probably UTC].

The (((Powers that Be))) went after Peralta, of course. Her parents had already kicked her out of the house. I am also going to try not to look up what happened to her.

Yesterday, Rebecca / Blonde in the Belly of the Beast posted an interview with Youcis. I sent that to a friend, who informed me he'd sent me the above video of Youcis in September, 2022. (I've been increasingly distracted for years.) I haven't watched that interview yet. I only got 27 seconds in when "name the J--" was mentioned in a positive context. I'll try to watch it soon.

I wonder why Rebecca restarted her Goo Tube channel. She was active elsewhere, including her show Beauty and the Beta with Matt Christiansen as the beta male. I think it's still running, although I've only watched a tiny bit of it. I'm almost sure she was suspended from Goo along with everyone else who mattered. I wonder if that interview will stay on Goo Tube.

June 26, 2024

yet another Muslim-on-German rape case, made possible by J---, and certain people's commentary on such

I will qualify "Muslim." I spent quite a bit of time with a Muslim friend over the course of a summer decades ago. Mostly for his sake, I will qualify the statement. For shorthand, though, it is at least a loosely correct descriptor. The perpetrators are not genetically German, and I am reasonably sure they "identify as" Muslim. Also, I don't know of any Muslim groups that spend time condemning such orcs. Otherwise put, I don't think anyone disputes they are Muslims. (That doesn't much such groups don't exist, but I am skeptical that they do. I am reasonably sure I would have heard about them.)

The source I cite for reference is more or less random. I'm just looking for a reference point. "The 10 accused had been charged with raping the girl during a two-and-a-half-hour ordeal on the night of September 19, 2020." This was in Hamburg, either at "Hamburg City Park" or a city park in Hamburg.

Out of 10, I believe one was acquitted and 8 got no prison time. The 10th got some prison time. Meanwhile, a German woman who insulted one of the orcs spent at least a weekend in jail and was probably fined and who knows what else. I've know for ~15 years this is happening in Germany, but I learned of this particular case through a recent video.

I'm not going to name the author and presenter of the video. A mention here may make him more or less popular, but I'll lean on the side of not mentioning him in any event. He's too annoying; that's the point I'm going to make.

People like him will talk about the "Unspeakable Outrage" of the case, but, overall, he's inconsistent. Ayn Rand said that given two consistent arguments, the most reasonable (life-giving) will win. However, given an evil argument versus an inconsistent argument, the evil one will win. That is part of the problem we're up against: certain people won't be consistent.

Ryan Faulk once equated the case in favor of the Nazis to rolling a 10,000 pound boulder up a big hill by hand. That boulder is getting lighter, and it's time that *certain people* start pushing the damn boulder rather than being inconsistent. Of course, Q tried several times to lighten the boulder, and it remained stubbornly heavy.

My case for the Nazis is strewn about this site and needs to be unified one day. This is is the Information Age, though. Now that you know to look, please go look if you want. Let's just say that Hitler's Big Lie concept applies. Hitler was talking about the technique of (((the enemy))), and his enemy is our enemy. The (((enemy))) makes outrageous lies and then spends tens of trillions to make them BIG.

There were no homicidal gas chambers. There were not millions killed in concentration camps. Tens of thousands, and perhaps a few 100k, died due to disease despite the Germans' best efforts. When (((they))) whine and complain about their hair being shaved and having their clothes taken, they are leaving out the context. Typhus is carried by lice which live in hair, and there was a serious typhus epidemic, especially in the J----- "community." Their clothes were taken to honest-to-goodness gas chambers that could barely fit one human, and then their clothes were returned after being deloused. Germany had far better reasons for concentration camps than the US Inc did when they concentrated the Japanese-American population. Obviously there is more to the argument, but one thing at a time.

I just found a few more nuggets, though:

Historian David Dorado Romo told NPR in 2006 in researching his book "Ringside Seat to a Revolution" he discovered that U.S. officials at the Santa Fe Bridge in El Paso, Texas, continued to delouse and spray the clothes of Mexicans crossing into the U.S. with Zyklon B — a cyanide-based pesticide invented in Germany in the 1920s.

Also, there were gas chambers at Ellis Island.

Setting up a scenario where an exponentially increasing number of Germans are raped by brown males awards lots of Satanic brownie points. Collecting such points is what Satanists do. I'm nearly certain the Rothschilds are explicitly Satanic. Perhaps some of their underlings are in fact J----- by blood but atheists. In that case, they are J----- ultra-supremacists and ultra-racists who believe any woman not belonging to their group is a lower being to be horribly sexually abused. The earliest codification of the scenario that I know of is the Kalergi Plan in 1925. I refer to WikiPedOia because I find it amusing that they feel the need to have an entry so that they can debunk it. I'm fairly sure the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion mention this, too, and they are a few decades older.

As an example of the Information Age, with a few minutes I found that Cleon Peterson is the demon-in-training whose black-on-white rape images were "displayed" at the Eiffel Tower in September, 2016. The same images are on Edmond De Rothschild's sailboat / catamaran (?). If you dig a bit more you'll find videos and photos with a full view of the white women being attacked.

The point is that the Nazis saw this coming. That's why they came to be. That's why they fought so hard and what they fought so hard against.

*Certain people* will speak of "outrage" but not the context going back decades, centuries, and millennia. Condemning the "German" courts without supporting the Nazis is inconsistent and will get us all killed if it continues.

There is top-down evil pushing this, and a bunch of German traitors who gleefully implement it. I consider government to be evil in concept. Cory Doctorow (if he ever found out) would probably not appreciate my comparison, but I consider the Nazis to be an ad hoc committee who did their best to save their people (who are genetically my people to a large degree). Even as governments go, the current "German" one is heading in the direction of as bad is it can get. They are genociding their people. They are effectively an occupying army, but that army is out of uniform and not following any laws of war. Thus, they lose any protection of (legitimate) law, or they are outlawed, or terrorists.

Ad hoc committee in this context comes from Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. Down is part of my Anarchist Canon. That link goes to a legal copy of the whole book. Last I checked (many years ago), Doctorow's books are under a Creative Commons license.

when / why I'm motivated to write here

I'm writing this at 21:07, after sunset and as it's starting to get truly dark. Even for a native Georgian, it was hot out there, and I got stuck in the direct sun for longer than I would have liked. (That's another story.) I got stuck in a parking lot. I was barefoot, of course. This parking lot seems to have been very well built such that it hasn't needed resurfacing in a while, so it's more gray / white than it is black. I would guess that my radiating heat outward had a greater effect than the vaguely hot pavement.

I mention this because I was tired when I got back here. I got in bed for a while. There are a number of activities that I perhaps should be doing, but that I don't feel energetic enough to do. I've realized, though, that I can get myself motivated to write here. Perhaps this is a good thing, or it will be a good thing eventually.

Hopefully this is similar to my run where I wrote a few 10,000s of lines of public source code in the repository site that shall not be named. That kept me relatively happy and sane and somewhat productive in a tech context.

If I could make a bit over minimum wage writing something similar to this blog and site, I'd consider it. I enjoy this, and I probably need to do anything that will keep my mood up.

The point being that if I am not feeling up to anything else, but I can write here, I should probably write here.

interesting bumper sticker

Recently I sighted a very interesting bumper sticker. I was about to leave the owner a note, and then he showed up. Interesting conversation. Yet another vax dissident. In fact, he's a refugee from Big Evil Blue Land. Also recently, I had another long discussion with another vax dissident. So there is hope.

June 23

Michael Ellner, April 10, 1949 – February 26, 2018

I just came across this quote by Ellner: "Everything is backwards. Everything is upside-down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality." This is one of his "remembrances" or an obituary outside of a newspaper.

It seems his "official" training was most likely in hypnotherapy, but he was an AIDS "dissident." I'll come back to that. I'm trying to figure out how early that quote is. I think I've traced to earlier than 2014, and it may be decades older. I should probably stop looking, although the quote would be more impressive the earlier it is. I've been saying something very close to that for 10 - 15 years, but it's nice to see from a recognized activist. Again, if he came up with it decades ago, it would be more impressive.

As I've written previously, RFK Junior's Fauci book makes the argument that HIV is fake. Luc Montagnier, who thought he discovered an HIV-AIDS correlation, had changed his mind within 6 years from '84 to '90. It sounds like Eller was on that same path.

Ellner has an entry in the "Encyclopedia of American Loons." I hoped that guy who wrote that and mocked Ellner is dead from the "Covid" "vaccine," but apparently not. He was writing 2 days ago. I think (((they))) are up to shot #10. Maybe that will kill the "Loon" author. As with many people, the "Loon" author is hideously dangerous at best and a mass-murdering Satanist at worst.

Anyhow, Ellner seemed worth mentioning and remembering.

June 22

Kate Wand in full daylight using a selfie phone cam

I've only seen her "filming" (recording) inside (probably) with a tripod-mounted camera roughly 4 - 6 feet away. She is stunning in the daylight video, which was right at summer solstice, so, depending on the time of day, that was more-or-less as bright as the sun will get in the northern hemisphere. (One can probably figure out the time of day from the shadows, but I will do my best not to do that.) On a 23" (full) screen in 1080, there is some compression distortion, but using the default view, around 12 - 14" out of 23", that works fine in 1080.

I'm neutral on the content of the video. It was somewhat interesting. As for the longer view: despite enjoying looking at her under any filming conditions, I haven't watched all that much Wand. I take it she is largely on my side. In this video, she explains that her family is to a degree fleeing Canada for more freedom in ... Mexico? I can vaguely see that, and I'm sure they thought hard about it. It's not where I would be looking, but I wish them well.

June 21 (entries continue until just after 00:21 6/22)

The "pinned item reshuffle" and Archbishop entries were in the early morning. "You are approved[.]" is after 20:41. Cyrillic was after 21:28. KSFO episode 3 was after midnight 6/22.

live from (K)SFO, episode 3

I didn't call episode 1 "live from SFO," but I was listening to SFO, so I'll name this episode 3. I hope I have my numbering right. There will probably be more entries. The reference time for this entry is about 6/21 22:45 ET or 19:45 PT (SFO), or 6/22 02:45 UTC. In some cases, though, I'm talking about what I've seen and heard over the last few weeks.

The shocker today / tonight is that runway 28L is in use. (I've watched and listend a number of times without making entries.) I've never seen it in use before. I have no idea why. When 28L was not in use, the instructions were usually "turn left at Echo, hold short of 28L, and contact ground on (whatever frequency)." Then, more recently, it was "turn left at Echo, cross 28L, and contact ground..." I'm also not sure why that change.

Several days ago the crosswind across the 01 runways was something like 27 gusting to 38 from 290. I think that was mph and not knots, but I don't remember. The 28 runways are 284 degrees (magnetic), so that wasn't a big problem. The 01 runways were not in operation, and neither was 28L. So there were something like 20 planes piled up at one point. Otherwise put, there was only 1 runway in use for both takeoff and landing.

I've seen another goaround and the immediate evidence of a 3rd. I think I saw a 4th, too, but I'm not sure. The "evidence" was when I clicked on a plane and realized it had already made a tight circuit to the southwest of KSFO and then to the left and back around for 28R. The controller also says "welcome back."

I saw a helicopter coming from the south and going to a hospital in downtown SF. That was an interesting interaction. I missed parts of it, though. I think for most of the time the copter was "flight following." Perhaps they only needed specific clearance once to get across the airport itself, but I wasn't paying enough attention to be sure. The interaction ended with "radar service terminated" moments before the copter landed and turned its transponder off.

As of my reference time, planes are both taking off and landing on both 28s within moments of each other. I've seen one of the 01s active within moments, but there isn't enough traffic that all 4 runways have had traffic close to each other.

I haven't heard any female controllers again. There are 2 - 3 guys. I'm sure there have been 2 voices and perhaps 3. I'm still sticking with the tower and haven't wandered off in a while.

When I saw that second go-around, I wasn't sure what caused it, and I don't think the controller called it. Any number of things might have caused it. On recordings, I've heard the controller ask for the reason for the go-around, but I haven't heard that live.

During the reference time (20-ish minutes ago), I saw a Cessna Citation use a small portion of 28L to take off. I had heard of such takeoffs but never seen one.

I did see a propeller-driven small plane land at KATL a few weeks ago. I wonder what that was about. I didn't note the exact type. So far, I haven't gotten into geeking out on specific makes and models. I'll try to avoid that.

I'll probably cut this off soon. There are other fish to fry.

Cyrillic alphabet (and on to odd topic branches)

Months ago I went on a quest to try to determine the origin of a video clip from pUkraine or Russia. Whether it was pUke or Russian was part of what I was trying to determine.

I had to identify a particular Cyrillic letter that was on the screen. I believe I tracked down the letter and then the city, but now I don't even remember where it was. I'll come back to that.

In any event, I read that the USSR removed letters from the alphabet. Note to self to see if those have made a comeback. Either way, see if there is a UNICODE. It might be fun to use those as a symbol.

While I'm at it, speaking of pro-Russian symbols, I should mention again that the favicon for my site international maritime signal flag for Zulu or Z is the international maritime signal flag for Z, which is what the Russian Army puts on many of the vehicles during the Russian Three Spring Housecleaning Operation of 2022 - ongoing. I read recently that someone in Europe or Canada was either prosecuted for fired or both for using that symbol.

In case it's not obvious, pro-Russian symbols are in opposition to Soviet symbols. The Soviet Union was not pro-Russian, to put it mildly. Right now, Russia and pUkraine have their symbols reversed, of course. The notion that Azov Battalion is Nazi is absurd. Azov is following a J----- President, a J defense minister, and a J agenda against the Ukrainian people. I will grant Russia, though, that it was brilliant to get the ADL to declare Azov to be good Nazis. It's worth it to use backwards symbolism if the good guys crush (((them))) in the next few months. I think they are going to be crushed. The big question is whom to various parties claim is President (of the US) this upcoming January 21 (or January 20 at noon ET).

The video was of a pretty high school girl quickly breaking down / reassembling a rifle, presumably as a school assignment on school grounds. I'm not going to find it because I don't want to go down that rabbit hole again. The records of that quest are likely on another hard drive (SSD).

While I was at it, I came across a video of the Russian equivalent of ROTC students who were roughly 10 - 12. There were 15 - 20 students. All but 2 - 3 were white Russian. The others looked to be (Subcontinent) Indian. The Indians were likely members of the same family, although I don't remember looking at resemblance. I wonder what the story was with those non-bio-Russian students and how common that is. I'll try to resist looking up Russia's demography, although I should know that.

In any event, the non (bio) Russians were wearing the uniform and respecting the flag. If there isn't an invasion-level event, I suppose that is a symbol of diversity in its positive sense. Europe, Canada, and the US are suffering from invasion-level events, of course.

I never finished explaining why I like the Emberverse, and I'll try not to finish that now, but I will branch from the above. The army of Montival was diverse in its most positive sense. The various nations were dramatically diverse in terms of religion and culture. Their armies and militias specialized in different types of warfare. That was a great benefit and a great challenge for High King Artos (Rudi Mackenzie). The genius of the Battle of Horse Heaven Hills is how he used the various specialties to decisively defeat the enemy.

David Duke explains that white nationalists are the advocates of true diversity. The (((enemy))) wants a brown conglomeration, which is of course the very definition of the "genocide" of distinct whites.

"You are approved[.]"

I recently got a text that said precisely that. I won't get into the exact context, but by a once removed path it involved government. In this case, I am NOT directly dealing with those imps or orcs. The immediate person involved hopefully rates only at the imp or orc level, as opposed to demon or devil.

It's grimly funny that variants of "approval" come up only with the bad guys.

pinned item reshuffle

I'm moving the UnJected site pin to a new page for previously pinned stuff, which is in turn pinned at the top. It looks like they now ask for an affidavit rather than sending one to a doctor. Funny that's the third mention of affidavits in a few days on this page. It may have occurred to them that people who avoid vaxxes also avoid doctors. So that's a start. On the other hand, I don't remember a price last time. It seems to have gone way up. It's a reasonable price if the site is for real, but not something I can mess with now. As it's rolled around in my head, I wonder whether it's any better than any other forum. I can only know from experimenting. Perhaps one day.

Also, I'm going from Musk for Emperor-God to Musk for emperor and Archbishop Vigano as Pope. More below.

Archbishop Vigano

This is the last Vigano message I read that is consistent with what I've read for several years (a speech given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to the Catholic Resistance conference in Poland on May 31, 2024). It seems that at least one Twitter account specifically says it's not him. His real account may be in Latin.

If Vigano became Pope, I might become Catholic.

It appears that, coincidentally, hours before I'm motivated to mention him, Vigano has been charged with "schism" by the Catholic Church. I may have to add a category. I have previously said that one has not accomplished anything in life until 1. Condemned by the ADL (such as Andrew Torba of Gab or Blonde in the Belly of the Beast), or 2. Had US sanctions imposed upon them (Russian FM Lavrov). I'd have to pick a date after which schism charges add one to the list. Vigano counts in any event. On the other hand, I'm on Joan of Arc's side. It only took them 489 years to make her a saint.

"In 1139, then Archbishop Malachy went to Rome from Ireland to give an account of his affairs. While there he received a strange vision about the future that included the name of every pope, 112 in all from his time, who would rule until the end of time." The current anti-Pope Francis I is the last one. I'm not sure it will be the end of time so much as the end of the Catholic Church. Good riddance. If the vision isn't true, though, I have some hope of Vigano becoming Pope.

Yeah, it looks like the "schism" charges were announced in the last day or two.

June 20

Jury entry posted before 01:08. HTML-technical-only (hidden) change after 01:07.

my epic and successful jury excusal request

Despite NetBeans' complaints, "excusal" is the word. In fact, the Oxford Languages entry that comes up first on Big Evil Goo says, "(typically in legal contexts) the action or fact of excusing or being excused. '[H]e harbored views that would prevent or substantially impair the performance of his duties so as to support his excusal for cause.'" That's fitting.

I crack myself up. To a degree, I enjoyed reading my own work. Unfortunately, I'm not any better off than 2 years ago, but I am in better mental and emotional shape, and I have more hope.

There is a small chance I might have saved someone from the ravages of the Satanic Royal Colony. My online record was already too clear by then, though. I would have been very unlikely to get through voir dire, as I argue in my email. They probably don't want anyone who knows the term voir dire. I probably couldn't have lied well enough if I wanted to, and it would be just like them to call a mistrial and prosecute me for perjury.

It seems I didn't point out the timestamp of 12:43am. Also, the hyperlinks were not in the original.

I got another 11 or so emails from Amazon job recruiters just after that. I addressed that situation in my tech blog at the time, I believe.

I should add that I am forced to have car insurance via one of their many hooks that amount to slavery. And, yes, I am aware of the straw man and that "driving" is different than "traveling," "citizens" are different from "inhabitants," etc. Years ago, I wasn't willing to take on that quest. Now we have a much more obvious basis to dissolve the state between "Covid" and the treason of stealing the election.

I went looking for a link to the Constitution of the Royal Colony of Georgia. I came up with a reference to Secretary of State Raffensperger. I highly suspect that a search of the NSA database would find that he's a Satanist, traitor, being bribed, and a few other things. Perhaps he'll receive justice in the next year.

the request itself, and the reply

May 17, 2022, 12:43 AM

Subject: deferral / excusal request for "other reasons"

Dear Clerk [...] or to whom it may concern:

I am writing to request a jury deferral or excusal for "other reasons," per item #11 of the "deferral/excusal from jury duty" list. I am Kwynn Buess, juror reference # [xxx]; your letter is for the June 13, 2022 jury pool.

I am in the worst financial shape of my life. I am working on solutions, and I have hope that the near future will be better, so I would like some chance of solving that problem before spending time on jury duty. It appears that Forsyth jurors get $25 a day. If you were to offer me a job paying $25 per court work day with an arrival time of midnight rather than 8am, I would consider that as a full time job, perhaps for several months. Along with the part time job I have right now, that might pay my bills.

For the purpose of explaining that I have documentation: [I mentioned objective documentation of financial problems]. I have already filled out the online jury questionnaire, so as you see I am a self-employed (freelance) software developer. Why is a software developer somewhat literally starving, as in eating less, since 2020? As I've partially explained, the 8am summons is part of my problem, and I'll elaborate:

To list further items I can document with cryptographically signed emails: in the last week or two I've received two emails from Amazon job recruiters, offering minimum salaries of $160,000. The first thing they want me to do is sign up for a software test. Rather than "Sign me up for the test!" my response was

I would need extremely flexible hours, an overnight shift, or working remotely to Hawaii or someplace west of Hawaii. That requirement takes precedence over money, location, job title, or anything else.

I should add that upon further analysis, Hawaii is too close. I would need to interact with business hours between India and eastern Australia.

I have years and years and years of similar emails, including documentation of a disastrous attempt at working 9 - 5 in 2015.

So, at a minimum, I ask for a deferral until I figure out a solution and at least start [getting in better financial shape].

While I am "at it," though, I should add some other points:

Many years ago, at two courthouses relatively nearby Forsyth, I gave potential jurors Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) pamphlets. I'd like to think I handed out a few hundred of them in total, but it's been a long time. I am aware of the Georgia Constitution Article 1, Section 1, Paragraph 11 (XI): "the jury shall be the judges of the LAW and the facts" (emphasis mine). This is otherwise known as a codification of "jury nullification."

I haven't even heard of FIJA in decades (although they still have a web presence), and I otherwise don't claim to speak for them. Speaking for myself, though, in criminal cases I have an extreme anti-prosecution bias. To quote the entrepreneur, lawyer, and legal theorist Lysander Spooner, "All legislation whatsoever is an absurdity, a usurpation, and a crime."

That's just a start. I think it's safe to say that voir dire would eliminate me from any criminal cases, and I'm not sure you want me in your jury pool, ever.

As for civil cases, as I indicated on the questionnaire, I have [...] (car) insurance, so that's apparently an added complication for the June 13 jury pool.

If I can get my finances in order, and if you don't think I'll taint your jury pool, perhaps some day I would be viable for a civil jury. I can think of more arguments against that, but I have gone on long enough. I hope I have made my point.

So, again, I ask for at least a deferral, and I have perhaps sketched a reason for an excusal.

Thank you,

Kwynn Buess

The reply:

May 17, 2022, 11:26 AM [less than 3.5 business / court hours after I wrote. (Court is a Satanic business.)]

Good morning—we have received your email and we have excused you from jury service at this time. No further action is needed & have a good day!

[...] Chief Deputy Clerk [...]

June 17, 2024

Megan Brown's NDE was posted after 01:41. Star of Indiana after 01:55. Circe after 03:24.


The following was my response to a singles ad. I would imagine some trad(itional) women find "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen" to be the good life. That notion has some appeal to me (from the man's point of view). I don't appear to be in any position to have children, though, although that could change quickly.

The recipient identified with Circe, so she would likely find the above phrase an insult. In every portrayal of Circe I can find, she's barefoot. She's "kick ass" in that she turns her enemies into animals or monsters. Circe does not necessarily have the best judgment on "enemies," though, so I suppose that should be cautionary regarding this woman. Aeaea was Circe's island where Odysseus encountered her.

A barefoot goddess is a good start. It's ironic that barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen is on one side and kick-ass Circe is on the other.

This system says we used to be 1,940 miles apart, which almost certainly means you were in Los Angeles at some point. I've seen other instances when the system does not change its geo IP. You list New York, which likely means you moved there since creating your account.

Did you go to New York City? That seems like the frying pan into the fire, or perhaps vice versa. As a native speaker of ancient Greek, you'll understand when I say that Hochul aspires to pharmakeia in the worst sense by all definitions. Circe was arguably a practitioner of pharmakeia. I don't suppose you went to battle Hochul? Scylla's fate would be apt for Hochul. She could serve as a warning to others in New York Harbor.

I'm not expecting you to keep Aeaea for 3,000 years, but LA and New York seem out of character for Circe.

Hopefully that gives us basis for discussion.

Star of Indiana 1991, Roman Images - Star's one win at DCI

A quick search shows I haven't mentioned that one yet. For quite a few years (roughly 2006 - 2016) I named this as my favorite drum corps show ever. I didn't see it in it's DCI incarnation, but I saw it once as Brass Theater with the Canadian Brass in 1994 in Winston-Salem, NC. It was on a basket-sports-ball court. I was in the front row, so sound distortion probably wasn't as bad as further away.

I can't decide on a favorite anymore. I also won't start listing candidates, or I'll be here all night.

Christians' original symbol was the fish. I tend to agree with the notion that the symbol of a horrible death is less appropriate, no matter what the implications of the death were. With that said, that show counts as Christian (religious) art. At the end, the double cross first leaning left and then leaning right were quite the images. I took a quick look to see if I could find a good picture of those final color guard flags, but no luck.

I was inspired to watch parts of that after Megan's recounting of her meeting with Jesus.

Megan Brown's NDE (posted after 01:41)

"Atheist Dies Of Kidney Failure; Encounters Jesus In Heaven During Powerful NDE," Megan Brown, 2024/06/15, 27:24.

That was intense. Early on it involves yet another stupid doctor, so it had my attention. The doctor says something to the effect of "I raised you from 2mg to 4mg of morphine. I think you're drug seeking." He had decided there was nothing wrong with her and was going to discharge her. Spirit spoke to her and told her she'd better make a scene, or she was going to die, so she fired that doctor, and another one eventually showed up. The second doctor realized she'd gained 43 pounds of fluid and pointed immediately to her kidneys (creatinine levels).

I think she was saying she was raped at age 20, got pregnant, and aborted the baby. In yet another instance of "censorship," the channel's editors feel they need to edit those details or Goo Tube will kick them off. Goo Tube knows damn well how old I am, and they should know in their infinite AI wisdom whether I'm going to be driven to suicide or violence by a few words. There is Big Evil and then there is annoying, stupid pettiness. Damn them. They're not afraid of being put on trial for mass murder, but they delete a few words. (Or the editors feel a need to delete a few words.)

I think the timeline is that she was raped and had an abortion at age 20, the NDE was when she was 38, and she's 55 now. I'm not saying this is vitally important. I'm trying to help everyone with details while I remember them.

When she refers to Judaism and the Star of David, I'm not going to get bent out of shape until (and if) I read her book. She doesn't know to be careful with her terms. Some J--- practice Talmudism, some Satanism, and some are ultra-racist atheists. Presumably there was a practice in the Old Testament that may have some value.

I would be curious to know how she identifies the Star of David. I've dealt with the Rothschilds' symbol in enough detail already. There may well be a truly holy origin that they have perverted. Actually, that's likely to very likely.

She mentioned "Goddess," implying a capital G. That was interesting. I wonder if she identifies that entity any more completely in her book (details below). She also had interactions with the Prophet Muhammad, several Hindu gods, at least one Native American god, etc. I'm reasonably sure she met Yahweh and not the One Infinite Creator.

Her book is A Catalyst: My Five Days in Heaven, November 11, 2022. There is a Kindle edition but doesn't appear to be an Audible edition.

When she mentioned the nurse at the end, I thought of @NurseHadley and found this short. Nurse Hadley would probably fully believe that Megan had just met Jesus.

June 16, 2024

First post after 21:43. Small changes after 21:45.

US Congresswoman Jeannette Rankin

I just had a thought a while ago wondering if anyone voted against war with Japan. The answer is yes, precisely one. She was both a "committed pacifist" and a Republican elected from Montana.

"Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to Congress and a dedicated lifelong pacifist, casts the sole Congressional vote against the U.S. declaration of war on Japan. She was the only member of Congress to vote against U.S. involvement in both World Wars..." (History.com / History Channel. Home / This Day in History / December 8 / Jeannette Rankin casts sole vote against WWII)

WikiP says she was one of 50 votes against the First Global War of Communist Expansion, as opposed to the only vote against the Second. Continuing from the History.com article:

Rankin, however, believed that Roosevelt deliberately provoked the Japanese to attack because he wanted to bring the U.S. into the European war against Germany; she was determined not to cooperate with the president’s plan. After a 40-minute debate on the floor of the House, a roll call vote began. When her turn came, Rankin stood and said, "As a woman, I can’t go to war and I refuse to send anyone else."

Rankin was vilified in the [J----- communist] press, accused of disloyalty [to (((their agenda)))], and called "Japanette Rankin," among other impolite names. She stood her ground, however, and never apologized for her vote.... She continued to be an active advocate for pacifism, and led a campaign against the Vietnam War in 1968 when she was 87 years old.

June 15

First several sub-headings posting after 01:53.

probably mostly Bill's Crusade rants

James P. Miller, MD - one of the few MD good guys

This one I had trouble finding on both Yandex and Goo. I had to go back into my SMS log. In my new series (?) of affidavits, Doctor Miller wrote one dated May 31, 2024. I'll link to the HTML version, which in turn links to the PDF version. Dr. Miller describes his experience during the early "Covid" era. It's not much that we don't know, but it's interesting to see it in detail and in such a format. The affidavit has 72 points. Number 17 is a classic:

17. On or about July 2020, I was working and in the hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU). At this time, there were so few patients in the ICU that nurses were being sent home due to the low census. At one point during the shift, myself and multiple other providers and nursing staff were sitting and drinking coffee at the nurses station because we had completed al the work there was to do at that time and no patients needed assistance. Whilst we were sitting at the nurses station, a news article was seen that had been published in a local newspaper indicating that the hospital, specifically our ICU, was overrun with a flurry of COVID-19 patients which was causing difficulties for the hospital's function. This was obviously the opposite of the truth as we were currently sitting in the ICU and it was only approximately 30% full. However, another physician sitting with me at the nurses station, who was an ICU director, began to panic after reading the article that we had to respond to the crisis and immediately called leadership and began strategizing with hospital administrators to deal with the crises that existed only in the news. The hospital administrators then escalated the poor care and civil rights violations which were occurring to patients and members of society through their promotion and publication of statements to the community that provided and amplified false and misleading information of patient volumes and outcomes. I attest that this instance is reflective of the broad-sweeping inappropriate and unscientific responses to clearly false and misleading information that hospital administrators engaged in during the COVID-19 pandemic.


59. I attest that it is my professional opinion that exposure to or supplementation of vitamin D, i.e. sunshine, in the treatment of those with COVID-19 has positive patient outcomes.


[For purposes of ID]

1. I have an M.D. from the Loma Linda University School of Medicine, 2000. I completed a residency in general surgery from UCSF Fresno in 2006. I practiced as a general surgeon, trauma surgeon, and critical care doctor until 2022 when I retired from surgery and critical care. Following my retirement, I now practice as a primary care provider. I certify that I am board certified with the American Board of Surgeons and the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons.

He's roughly 51 years old right now (per other sources and matches the above), and he's practicing in Plantation, Florida now. Most of the above "action" was at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett (PRMCE).


Given that I had trouble:

The Price of Truth vs. Deception In Healthcare. A brave doctor's eye-opening testimony exposes the grotesque treatment the unvaccinated received throughout COVID-19.... [by] A Midwestern Doctor [This appears to be an official pen name.] Jun 06, 2024

Probably the original at Midwestern Doctor's site. This goes under the heading "The Forgotten Side of Medicine."

"The Price of Truth vs. Deception In Healthcare" pulls it up on both Yandex and Goo.

another beautiful 17 year old killed by the vax - Aubrynn Grundy

From her death certificiate: Aubrynn Shay Grundy, October 13, 2004 - August 6, 2022. Death cert issued by Wayne County, [Royal Colony of] Michigan [Wicked Witch of the North Whitmer, Royal Governess-General].

"AUBRYN'S FAMILY DID NOT TAKE ANY COVID SHOTS. AUBRYN WAS FORCED TO TAKE COVID SHOTS TO ENTER CANADA." She went to Canada, probably from Michigan, for a "trip she earned through school due to a vote among teachers and students, specifically pertaining to human rights." I read elsewhere that her family begged her not to take the shot and thus not to take the trip.

There is grim irony that she would be killed by Canada for a trip involving "human rights."

HHS Whistleblower Jodi O'Malley: Project Veritas (roughly September 21, 2021)
Looks like Bitchute is having problems right now. (For the record, they first started random ads in the last few weeks. That's random ads as opposed to those inserted by the video creators.) Given the problems, I could only find a video within a video. She is being interviewed by James O'Keefe.
Blonde in the Belly of the Beast interviews Laura Towler regarding Sam Melia

Sam Melia is a UK subject serving at least one year in prison for publishing stickers. Blonde's description: "Streamed live on Jun 13, 2024. Laura Towler is the wife of political prisoner Sam Melia, a mother of two daughters, the Deputy Leader of British advocacy group Patriotic Alternative, and the owner of Grandma Towler's tea shop." Mark Collett is almost certainly associated with the group if not a founding member.

I can put it under the "Covid" heading because it's the same evil from the same people.

a brief encounter with a Covidiot

Recently someone recognized my Carolina Crown drum corps T-shirt. He said he went to shows in the Georgia Dome (Doom) from roughly '09 - '14 when he was in high school. I mentioned that drum corps was "dead to me" for thoroughly aforementioned reasons. He said that they required the "vaccine" so that "it ['Covid'] wouldn't spread through the buses." The full-sized corps have 150 members who usually travel in 3 buses.

We both had a naturally imposed deadline. (Is that vague enough?) I may see him again. Hopefully we'll have time, and I'll be in the mood to rip into him next time.

It's between sad and maddening that anyone offers any defense of these people.

and now for something somewhat different - the Swaruu family

This is in a different category from most of my topics. The notion that Satanists largely rule earth has vast evidence. The danger of the "Covid" "vaccine" has much more evidence because there is simple math involved.

With this topic, I am speculating. I'm not asking anyone to dig into this. Even if it's true, I'm not sure how dense the information is. I'm not sure how important it is. Also, the information is between unprovable and extremely hard to prove. Also also (sic), I was introduced to this a few months ago, and I've spent 2 - 3 hours at most listening to the information. That's a brand new topic relative to other stuff. With all that said, it's interesting, and I'm entering it into my mental data banks as perhaps true and something to consider.

I said "Swaruu family," but I am not sure if they are a family, a clan, something in between, or not quite any of the above. I am usually listening to Mari Swaruu. Remember that I've only listened to a bit, so I'm extrapolating to a degree. The short version is that Mari claims to be one of the much ballyhooed Pleiadians, non-Earth human-ish. Based on the lore and what she has said, that would make her 4th density positive. The Pleiadians are said to be very attractive and northern-European-looking. From Mari's pictures, they fit the bill. I understand that both the pictures and the voices are not direct photos and voice. That is, they are both run through computers. My best understanding is that she can't present direct data because it might contain characteristics that are solid evidence that she's not Earth human. That would likely be a violation of free will or the Prime Directive or agreements among the various parties.

Specifically, Mari says she's from the Tagyetan, by which she may mean 19 Tauri B, the smaller and dimmer yellow star near the larger, much brighter one. Only an hour ago did I learn that Tagyeta is the Earth-human name for the star. That is, that's what Stellarium and WikiP call it.

As an aside, it's interesting that Tagyeta is a double star. The WikiP says "For the Heinlein novel, see Double Star." I recently listened to Double Star after reading it once or twice decades ago. Spoiler alert: the story is about an actor who stands in for a prominent politician and then for all intents and purposes becomes the politician. I wonder how much of that is going on right now. Q said "What makes for a great movie? Great actors." I have looked for Ben Fulford's commentary on John Barron, and I can't find it. I did find WikiP's take on John Barron interesting, though. I'll reserve any judgment on Trump, but I'm nearly certain that BidAn is the Acting President or Dan the Actor. I simply wanted to find Fulford's source. He mentioned an article from the 80s in which a reporter mentions that he's never quite sure when he's talking to Barron or Trump. He may have even been confused in-person. Perhaps that info is in the WikiP's footnotes.

This is Mari's main channel. I decided to write about this, however, after listening to a video on a related channel. In that video, two other Swaruus address negativity. They tell the story of a guru who taught his flock not to recognize negativity. (I assume this is an Earth-human story.) One of the guru's flock broke her leg, and she was crawling around asking for help. The flock thought it was a test to avoid negativity, so they avoided the issue, and the woman eventually died.

Similarly, the Swaruus paraphrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick." I think they said "Speak kindly." They specifically recommend carrying a gun.

The following is quite the extrapolation on my part, although I hope it is correct. I suspect that total non-violence is a late 4th density positive or early 5th lesson. Trying to implement it in a 3rd density body may just get one horribly killed. Those in third density bodies are welcome to try, of course.

commentary from the carry a gun comment

I'm going to take this as some encouragement towards my fantasy of "kill them all and let God sort them out." The Children of Yahweh, like the citizens of the Naked Empire, can't conceive of ultra-villain evil. I would hope that their lesson is to get the message and then "kill them all."

This reminds me of this story:

Five female cyclists fought off a male cougar in the Pacific Northwest wilderness for 45 minutes, KUOW reports.

The cyclists from the Recycled Cycles Racing team battled the cougar to protect their friend, Keri Bergere, who was being mauled in Washington state on February 17, 2024.

Five women cyclists in their 50s to 60s had embarked on a ride at the Tokul Creek trail, east of Seattle....

‐ ‐ Rebecca Rommen, Women cyclists used a $6,000 bike to fight off a cougar who was mauling their friend. Mar 17, 2024, 10:44 AM EDT. Business Insider

If a black man had bitten and clung to her, the other four would have bent to one knee and started worshiping him. I'm surprised they brought themselves to fight a cute kitty.

Comparing (((them))) to a cougar is an insult to cougars. I was about to insult Komodo dragons, but WikiP says "Komodo dragons do not wait for prey to die and track it at a distance, as vipers do; observations of them hunting ... reveal that they kill prey in less than half an hour."

Given that we're talking about followers of the metaphorical snake, perhaps vipers are appropriate. Zombifying parasites are close. Catherine Austin Fitts refers to the "tapeworm economy."

This is a problem. It's hard to find analogies of how evil (((they))) are. Super-villains are puny.

The point being that I hope even the Royal Colony of Washington libtard subjects soon come to recognize that a predator has bitten them, and then they start bashing the predator with metaphorical $6,000 bicycles.

June 5

The posts through Czebotar's affidavit will be posted after 01:02. Bill Dannemeyer's link is after 01:32.

The Florida grand jury on "Covid's" second interim report is mentioned after 01:52. It will be posted at the same time through the "Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023" section. All that will now be after 02:13.

SIDS post after 03:00, and President Bukele of El Salvador.

Dr. Paul Alexander calls for trials and executions

Dr. Alexander was on the "Covid" task force with Fauci (ultra-villain) and Dr. Scott Atlas (good guy). In an article dated either the 3rd or 4th (2 days ago or yesterday), he went far enough. He ends the following. I don't know if this is his usual writing style.

Age cannot protect them, retirement cannot protect them! they will answer legally…they must!

these f[***]ers, IMO, build as many gallows as possible, as me for rope and wood, I will donate money….and drag each and every CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID, HHS, Health Canada etc., each health official….who made deadly COVID policy….every vaccine maker CEO like Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc., all mRNA inventors like Malone, Weissman etc. of the mRNA, and try them in proper courts so they can have fair hearings, and if we find they did no wrong, were just morons and inept and had no malice, were just money fame hungry whores, then we celebrate them, but if we find they were reckless, dangerous, malicious, deliberate, and harmed people, caused deaths, we hang each and every one of these f[***]ers, and IMO have a firing squad on the Rose Garden lawn of the White House and invite the legacy media each day to witness carrying out the judge and jury orders, only what judges and juries and courts say….we put them to death day by day and many legacy media folk from CNN etc. would have gone through trials too and if judges found them guilty, like Wen, Gupta, Cuomo, Hotez etc., and say they must face death penalty as they costed lives, that their actions killed people or contributed to their deaths, then we impose the death penalty…no one must escape and this is why we need Trump.

an MD, Annette Bosworth, starts dragging herself in the direction of Dr. Alexander

The following are the BitChute entries and thus not the originals. I assume the written commentary is not original, either. I'm not motivated enough to find the originals (exercise for the reader). Dr. Bosworth is reviewing a paper by Steve Kirsch and Dr. McCullough and others. (In full: M. Nathaniel Mead, Stephanie Seneff, Russ Wolfinger, Jessica Rose, Kris Denhaerynck, Steve Kirsch, Peter A. McCullough.) Kirsch's reference to the retraction, linked above, is dated Feb 19, 2024. Bosworth also references the retraction in her shorter video I link below. She sticks with the good guys.

Bosworth is starting to get angry and feels she was lied to. She admitted that her followers have been bugging her about the vax since the vax came out. At 26:52 she's talking about an Army retired colonel and MD who warned her, but she didn't listen. Referring to her younger self, she was thinking something very close to "They would never be that evil."

on (((their))) evil

(((They))) of course are always that evil. That is their conscious mission spanning many lifetimes. They are members of various Satanic (or other negative entity) religious sects that literally do evil for a living and for their souls' progression over many "livings." It is progression in that both the positive and negative paths eventually lead to the same place. There is only One Infinite Creator. You, me, and the Satanists are part of the One. In this here and now, though, I would like to see them dead.

For the moment, I am not into forgiving my enemy. Wanting them dead is not at all stooping to their level. They got nearly hundred million people directly killed by their "own" "governments" outside of war from 1917 - 1976. The WikiPedOia only goes to 20 million for the Cultural Revolution. I've seen much higher numbers. I'll stick with mine between China and Russia.

In Mein Kampf, Hitler cites 30 million killed by Soviet J--- before July, 1925, when he published. Those numbers kept going up. The Holodomor was years later. Given the tens or hundreds of trillions (((they))) have spent demonizing Nazis, I'm inclined to accept Hitler's number. I would imagine there are other sources of such numbers, too.

Russia furnishes the most terrible example of such a slavery. In that country the J[--] killed or starved thirty millions of the people, in a bout of savage fanaticism and partly by the employment of inhuman torture. And he did this so that a gang of J[-----] literati and financial bandits should dominate over a great people.

If you don't want to go with Hillary's off-the-charts, ultra-villain evil just with her own hands (or teeth), go a bit further for sworn testimony of Bush senior's acts.

They eat the faces off of living little girls. That's from Hillary's Frazzledrip video, on Anthony Weiner's hard drive, labeled "insurance." NYPD seized it when Weiner was sexting a 15 year old. Sidney Powell gave indirect evidence to that: she confirmed that the word is that the NYPD officers who saw the video threw up. I believe most of them are now dead from "suicide" (Arkancide) or perhaps legitimate suicide. When they realized that a more-or-less woman who was almost President does that sort of thing, they may actually have killed themselves. (I have not tried to watch Frazzledrip.)

Bush senior "cut the top of the skull off the first child and using a different tool that was kind of like a melon baller, served pieces of his brain slowly so the child knew he was being eaten alive." I'll refer to the sworn evidence for that just below.

Jessie Czebotar's affidavits

To start my references, I'll start with Jessie Czebotar interviewed by Sarah Westall on or just before October 8, 2020. Czebotar has kept at the interviews for years. As usual, see BitChute. I assume Big Evil J-- Tube "censors" her. I take it that Czebotar has gotten more and more explicit in her interviews. They add credibility to her affidavits. I have not read the "brains" affidavit. Add it to the endless list of things that I literally cannot afford to do in that I'm barely keeping myself fed and housed, perhaps because I can't stop posting about these things.

Czebotar "brains" affidavit details
  • Czebotar "brains" copy on my site
  • Jessie-regarding-Cathedral-of-St.-Peter-in-Rockford-IL.pdf - I did not alter this title.
  • "sworn under the pains and penalty of perjury"
  • the notary name and ID are clearly visible on page 24
  • 7.2 MB
  • 7472879 or 7,472,879 bytes
  • SHA2-512(Jessie-regarding-Cathedral-of-St.-Peter-in-Rockford-IL.pdf)= af15d29763ad22d2c99f29a6ccbb0d6552bb5fff918be77cad46b514c5c61de502deb59092f84fdfe9541c4e921f038194163a4b956ec603f79f6ceeb6a3b15f

13-year Congressman Bill Dannemeyer on J----- supremacy

Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the "crime" of worshipping Jesus Christ! .... On March 5, 1991, in the House of Representatives, and March 7, 1991, in the U.S. Senate, without any knowledge of, or input by, the people of the United States, U.S. Senators and Congressmen passed a law ... that ... forces the American people to be bound by a set of monstrous rules, called the Noahide Laws, rules that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation by guillotine!
NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANS, by Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day), U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992.

He goes on in some detail citing the Talmud, which is the true J----- "holy" book. Enslaving and killing goy is quite specifically allowed.

Florida grand jury

The formal name is the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury. The second report was submitted May 21, 2024. I never saw a mention of the first report. I believe it came out in February (4 months ago).

I read the article below, not the report. It seems they are heading in the right direction. I'm not sure when they end, and I'm not sure if they are charged with returning indictments.

H.R.6090 - Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023

The above link shows the "progress" of the bill. It doesn't look like the Senate has done much. Surprisingly, even a search of Big Evil Goo showed that the gig evil J-- press ("mainstream") was mostly against the bill.

The Bill serves as a useful list of what's true. At some point, I might make it a point to violate all the points.

In part, the Bill would definitions of antisemitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance law.

SEC. 4. Definitions.

For purposes of this Act, the term "definition of antisemitism"—

(1) means the definition of antisemitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the IHRA, of which the United States is a member, which definition has been adopted by the Department of State; and

(2) includes the “[c]ontemporary examples of antisemitism” identified in the IHRA definition.

Pulling from IHRA:

On 26 May 2016, the Plenary in Bucharest decided to:

Adopt the following non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism:

"Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."

To guide IHRA in its work, the following examples may serve as illustrations:

Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:

  • Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  • Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  • Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  • Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
  • Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  • Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  • Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  • Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  • Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  • Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  • Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries).

Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property – such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries – are selected because they are, or are perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews.

Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries.

Sounds like a confession to me. They came up with "stochastic terrorism." I mentioned that a few days ago. How far would they like to take that?


40 years later, a mother finally realizes that vaccines killed her son. @toobaffled 2024/05/25 2:19am (probably EDT) - He or she seems to have dozens and hundreds of such posts.

Bukele more or less spells it out

President Bukele of El Salvador at CPAC, 2024/02/22. If the government can "print" money, why do they need to collect taxes?

I would annotate that a bit, but he's getting close.

May 29, 2024

Gab not-yet-followup (posting after 19:49)

I got at least a small flurry of activity on my Gab post, as evidenced by notifications coming from my desktop Firefox. I got diverted last night, though. Then, this afternoon, I did my usual routine of launching myself out of this place with a catapult. I want to clear an email right now, then I should probably see what Gab has to say.

aviation and the red pill (same as above)

From one of my usual correspondents: "With all of your commentary and fascination with ATC, you might start getting some aviation readers on your blog some day." I have to laugh at that, but not quite out loud. For one, I haven't gone to much trouble to attract Big Evil Goo. For another, they may not "like" me. I suppose I should be looking into this, but I can't bring myself to care right now. All this reminds me of a more important story.

Here is a path-to-the-redpill story. Person Codename Otter was fascinated with Second War of Great Communist Expansion equipment--tanks and aircraft and such. He would later become an engineer, so he was fascinated with German equipment as an engineer. He couldn't reconcile such great machines versus the Nazis being the most evil people ever.

He hadn't had a TV for years, then he turned one on in the early 90s. He saw the miscegenation propaganda (DIE (diversity inclusion and equity) WHITEY) on MTV and elsewhere. He came to see that the executives' last names in all media credits were the same people calling the Nazis the most evil people ever. Then he started figuring a few things out.

The immediate connection is that it would be funny for av enthusiasts to come here and get redpilled. Then again, I'm not sure this site is actually set up to redpill random people. It's one of those things I'd need a small budget or small relief from expenses to worry about.

Dionysian religions (posting a stub after 19:52)

I mentioned this a few weeks ago. I was not consciously making the connection at the time, but I should give credit to Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land for my latest exposure to the idea.

May 28

Gab Linux group post - slightly longer version

There are two partially redundant versions below.

This is (more or less) my introduction to the group. I started using Sun OS UNIX a few weeks before the first release of Linux (1991). I saw Linux run in 1993, but it unfortunately took me until 2004 to start running it. Then my percentage use between LUX and SatanSoft kept rising until I ditched Satan's OS (SOS) in 2014. I've used Ubuntu for years.

I'll mention my software dev / Linux sysadmin apprenticeship offer here. You'll find details linked from my home page in about 2 clicks.

Unfortunately, posting here will probably not be my thing for the foreseeable future. My goal is to seek people at the intersection of Gab and Linux. I need to find virtual and then physical community, even if the physical starts out as roommates (community of 2). Otherwise put, I need to build my (people) network. I need to be careful of geeking out on Linux (and a bunch of other things) until I find that community.

I chatter and rant away on my website at some length. I'd imagine some will find it interesting.

In part, this is my introduction to the group. I believe I posted a reply once, but not a top-level post.

I started using UNIX a few weeks before the first release of Linux (1991). I saw Linux run in 1993, but it unfortunately took me until 2004 to start running it. Then my percentage use between LUX and SatanSoft kept rising until I ditched Satan's OS (SOS) in 2014. I've used Ubuntu for years.

There was a recent meme here that SOS is [dung]. Its quality or lack thereof is way down the list of my cares. The fact that Billumanti Gates is making a bid for the highest body count in the history of the world is much more relevant. I want to see SatanSoft and a bunch of other companies totally destroyed, and I may get my wish in the next few years.

May 26

Looks like there will be at least 4 entries on ATC, and I may not be done for the day.

more pilot stories of ATC and related stuff (posting after 23:33)

These conversations were over 10 years ago, so the pilots in question can remain anonymous. I remember one pilot complaining about ATC generally. He was a private pilot who did his best to avoid ATC entirely. He was complaining about needing to talk to 5 controllers just to leave Chattanooga, presumably heading towards an uncontrolled airport well north of Atlanta.

He was also once given a phone number to call, which is the pilot's equivalent of being sent to the principal. (Harrison Ford got a phone number once.) A flight going into KATL claimed my acquaintance was too high and in KATL's airspace. My acquaintance challenged ATC to replay the tapes. I think ATC sided with my acquaintance in the end.

I also heard second-hand of this acquaintance's run in with New York City controllers. My acquaintance was repeating stuff back in his slow, Southern drawl, and the NYC controllers were having none of it. I don't remember the details, but this is in response to my current friend's comment that NYC controllers can get "cranky." I don't think my acquaintance ever went back that way when he was the only pilot. This also goes to my first entry today: the Northeast is apparently a different beast from most of the country.

I haven't listened much to NYC controllers. I've heard some of the compilations of Kennedy Steve. I also saw Captain Joe's interview with Steve right around the time Steve retired (2 - 3 years ago). That was kinda fun.

In response to my friend, I'm pretty sure FR24 has almost all private planes now, after the ADS-B apocalyptic requirement of 2020. They usually do not have military, though. It seems that I sometimes see military.

A few days ago in the wilderness of central Florida, I saw a (an almost certainly unmanned) balloon at around 61,000 feet on FR24. There was a Big Evil Goo Project called Loon, to provide internet via balloon, and my first searches indicated that the balloon was theirs. But that project went defunct in 2021. I saw mention that it was a military weather balloon. I never figured it out.

KATL before May 11 - thunderstorms (posting after 23:16)

A friend commented that in the days before May 11, KATL must have been quite a show due to thunderstorms. I didn't hear any of that on LiveATC, but I did see it on FlightRadar24. It's kinda a funny story.

Sometimes I watch FlightRadar24 at random times. In this case, I was watching planes take off into the west from Hartsfield (KATL). I kept watching them, and they never turned sharply south, even if they were headed for Florida. I saw one plane fly to or near Montgomery, AL. That's about 130 miles southwest of when they'd usually turn.

Several planes were doing this, and there were other oddities. I was scratching my head. I thought FlightRadar might be broken in some way. I tried a number of things on FR to crosscheck. Then it finally occurred to me to check AviationWeather. Then I realized there were thunderstorms and a huge area of south Georgia that was walled off. I'd never seen that sort of distortion before. A long lines of planes were flying south of the Georgia-Florida border towards Jacksonville. Some of them might have been diverting there, or maybe it was being used as a waypoint to re-route them (in the air) from there. I didn't drill down on the details. It was time to take my walk and stop straining my eyes reading my phone. Sometimes I can stop the geekery.

funny ATC story - "Smooth ride" (posting 23:06)

This is probably not on the web (yet). I'll just say that I heard it via a reliable path. This was in 2020, give or take a year or two (maybe 2021, probably not 2022 or 2019). I think it was on the East Coast. When a controller passes a plane off to the next controller, they often say "g'night" or "g'day" very quickly. I mentioned that recently an SFO tower controller was saying "au revoir" to Air France and "adios" to Avianca and such.

In hindsight, the controller signing off with the pilot in my story was simply wishing the pilot a "smooth ride." That is, she signed off with "smooth ride" rather than "g'day." The story was that is was with a sexy voice. I'd imagine it was like the SFO controller when she was happy, before she took over ground. Her comment led, however, to a few moments of confusion. The pilot thought that she was either asking for a weather report or telling him that was the weather. Rather than moving on to the next controller, there was an exchange or two to clarify.

I just thought it was interesting enough in context to add.

a grimly funny ATC exchange (posted 22:54)

I might have spared everyone the clutter of this particular ATC exchange. The reason I'm adding it to my blog is that I sent it to a friend via email. He had some commentary, and I realized I should add commentary. If something doesn't have to be private, I try to add it here. I managed not to the first time, but can't seem to resist the second time. Obviously I'm conflicted on this "policy."

I don't really like the title, but I'll use what's there: "Pilot pissed off the controller. Runway incursion. REAL ATC" (12:25). The description is "9 MAY 2022. A Cirrus SR-22, registration N...., performing flight from Norwood Memorial Airport (KOWD) to Hickory Regional Airport (KHKY). Being on apron pilot had troubles with receiving clearance and after that the airplane deviated from ATC instructions made a runway incursion." I removed the N tail number because I don't want yet another record on the web. The pilot must be horrified as it is.

Someone in the comments realized that the pilot was trying to program his nav system directly from the IFR clearance. That was his basic problem. Put another way, the strong recommendation is to write down the clearance by hand on paper, repeat it back, and then process it.

Almost Captain Morgan shows us how it's done. The controller is very hard to understand due to audio quality as much as the phraseology. At the very end he must say something like "readback correct."

That comment made an impression on me. All of the pilot's problems start with that one failure. Then he just gets more and more flustered. He probably should have given up and waited a few hours to calm down.

The comments also said that he made his destination, almost certainly without further incident. The various flight tracking services have records of such things, and the audience has his tail number.

This pilot almost certainly hasn't flown much in the Northeast. My understanding is that the airspace is so dense that it's a very different experience than most of the country. It's possible he's never had to deal with such a complex series of instructions, even though he may have vast experience in some ways.

Again, I tend to think he should have given up early in that process and consulted someone, or hired an instructor or something. However, I thought it was important to point out that his problems started with the simple mistake of not writing the clearance down.

Myself and many people in the comments assumed the controller is a black woman. Then a commenter said that he'd met the controller who is male. Once I heard this and listened again carefully, I could hear that the controller is male. I mention this to clarify the "he" below, because you'll probably hear the audio as a female controller.

To elaborate a bit, the pilot was trying to program the clearance directly, and he was probably getting (at least) the start of it right. The problem was that his nav system expands the instructions to additional waypoints and such. That is, the basic clearance has a lot more data implicitly built into it. The nav system was unpacking that additional data. Thus, the pilot would repeat stuff back that was likely correct in terms of his flightpath, but it wasn't a procedurally correct readback of precisely what he was given. For that matter, the controller probably wasn't thinking about this; it didn't occur to the controller that the readback may have been correct but with further detail. It's possible the controller doesn't even know those additional waypoints and such, although maybe he would if he thought about it. I'm not faulting the controller. I'm not sure how much thought it would have taken for him to realize what was going on.

May 22

Big Evil Goo Tube channels and reincarnation

I'm not sure if I've mentioned Mr. Ballen, or John B. Allen. He was a Navy SEAL until roughly 2018. He's in his early-to-mid 30s now. I mention this for further ID. I've enjoyed his channel and spinoff channels. He's usually journalistic in the sense that he's telling true stories. I was happy with the way he treated Dr. Eugene Mallove. He didn't call him crazy. Ballen makes a decent case that Mallove's death had nothing to do with free energy. Mallove had told his tale; I doubt he was doing much additional damage to the bad guys. It seems their motivation to kill him would have passed some time earlier.

Some of his episodes are so messed up that they are compelling just for the "I can't believe that" factor. He also comes close to some truly important issues. I'm struggling as I write this to decide whether to classify him as fluff. I'll just say he's enjoyable.

The Bedtime Stories channel has recently been incorporated into Ballen Studios. I've watched (listened to) a perhaps too-high percentage of Ballen stuff, so I'm going through Bedtime Stories.

I don't find Bedtime Stories as good as Ballen, even though Bedtime is in theory closer to stuff I've historically found interesting. I suppose it's entertaining enough.

Bedtime Stories "Renascence" (reincarnation) episode was excellent, however. The Pollock parents getting their girls back brought me to tears (Hexham, England, 1958). Without digging at it for now, I'm provisionally willing to go with precisely that explanation.

I got excited when Bedtime said Dr. Jim B. Tucker was at UGA. I think, though, that they got UGA and UVA confused. Bedtime said that in 75% of Tucker's studies, he could identify the / a past life. I'd heard of James Leininger before, but not the other two stories, and I didn't realize Leininger was in part brought to public attention by Tucker, nor had I heard of Tucker.

Ra said that reincarnation was deliberately removed from Christianity. I'm not going to go look it up, and I don't remember how specific Ra was. As I best I remember, the implication was that it was removed decades or perhaps centuries after Christ's death.

On that point, I wonder how much money and other influence the bad guys spend steering science away from reincarnation. Then again, for various reasons, maybe they don't have to. On one hand, if it was given enough research, it seems the answer would be definitive. On the other, that might be a violation of free will, so Lucifer and / or his replacements have to muddy the waters. As Ra said, third density is not a density of knowing. That both makes sense and is very frustrating. I'll add it to the long list of frustrations with this incarnation.

May 21, 2024

First posted about 3:34am. I hope to continue after 4:00am. I am posting my Joan of Arc sub-entry after 4:36am. I originally lablled the first entry as "starting 02:36am." I then removed the label when the day was over.

a bit on ATC Live and such - the contrasts on this blog

My handful of readers--I do have a handful of quasi-consistent readers--may note quite a contrast in my posts. I go from rants about very serious issues to nattering about air traffic controllers. I've wanted to rant about (((them))) for quite a while. The ongoing "Covid" disaster pushed me to the point that I don't have anything to lose. I've committed to "political incorrectness" to put it mildly.

I would like to plot (((their))) defeat for a large portion of the night. Right now, though, I can't sustain ranting either financially, emotionally, or energetically. I'm damn sure not getting paid for it, and I have not solved the basic problem of income (in the generic English sense of "income," not the sense of capital gain or interest or such). Thus, I can't spend to much time on ranting. I would hope that some of my writing shows that if I were paid a bit, I could put out much better work because I could focus. A few hundred "dollars" a month would go a long way. Trading for housing would go a very long way.

On that point, I spend a lot of time trying to keep myself calm and move towards a positive attitude. It's fun to watch and listen to ATC. I need a ratio of fun to stay sane.

If I were to romanticize, I'd say I was listening to the goddess of the sky protecting air travelers. I'm almost jealous of her job. She's working a night job that is critically important. I don't think I could stomach working for the Evil Empire, though, and I don't think I'd want the responsibility of that job. Given that Q heavily implied that NSA had been liberated by the good guys, I give some thought to applying to NSA.

Also, aircraft tech is 60 years behind where it should be. Air travel may be safest in terms of person-miles traveled, but a vehicle that must maintain 150mph (at the bare minimum) and has quite a few moving parts is fundamentally dangerous. I'd rather help bring in anti-gravity rather than shepherd obsolete tech.

With that said, I can appreciate the wonder that so many hundreds of tons (and zillions of joules) manage to fly around so safely and routinely. The tech may be obsolete, but it's certainly a wonder as of 121 years ago.

more ATC and aircraft tech stuff / specifics

The Atlanta departure controller would also sometimes say "delete speed restriction." By the time they get to departure, they are usually past the 200 knot restriction within 3 nautical miles of an airport. The next restriction is 250 knots below 10,000 feet; that's the one the departure controller is talking about. ATC can waive ("delete") the restriction, though.

On Flight Radar 24, I saw two diversions in the last few days. I've never seen one of those before. One was ATL to GSP (Greenville / Spartanburg, SC). It can back to ATL. The other was going to MIA and diverted to West Palm Beach. I have not searched these. I suspect that one or both were mentioned.

Sunday evening (May 19, 2024) at around 8pm EDT (Atlanta / New York), I saw the House of "Orange Pride" KLM 777 descending towards ATL. It was 15,000 feet up and roughly 12 lateral miles away, but it was distinctly orange and BIG. I thought the orange was an effect of the setting sun until I found the plane on FR24. As for the lateral mileage, when I'm slightly richer I could figure that out. I can find the STAR (standard terminal arrival route) or just see the same route again and figure out the lateral distance.

a fantasy of what the House of Orange could become (and the horror of what it is)

The current King Willem-Alexander was a pilot for KLM (Royal [House of Orange] Aviation Company). I don't think he pilots now that he is king, but I could be wrong.

A Big Evil Goo search "Willem-Alexander site:pedoempire.org" (without the quotes) seems to indicate what I suspected: "Chapter 36: Netherlands – The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World" (July 13, 2020). The King is mentioned several times.

So is there any hope for the Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia? Especially considering that she's a partially inbred noblewoman, she's pretty.

Her fictitious self under another name and possible with a different birth year was a main character in Neal Stephenson's Termination Shock. Stephenson has turned to the Dark Side, however. The novel was entertaining enough that I carried it through, but I haven't checked to see if his next novel is out. I'll try to resist.

The fantasy is that Catharina sides with the white hats, stages a coup, declares herself Purifier of the West, and starts ordering hits on various organizations and people. She could then rightfully declare herself High Queen of the West, the Andals, the First Men, and Numenor.

My fantasy reminds me of a scene in Braveheart. Wallace says something very close to "If you would just lead them, they would follow you, and so would I." He's talking to Robert the Bruce. It's also the appeal of the Return of the King of Gondor.

I would follow someone like that. It'd be like the return of Joan of Arc except with a wider scope.

Joan of Arc

On that point, I tend to think Joan was inspired by some higher being. I wonder if the importance of Joan's mission was that France (eventually) have its own nuclear weapons. France successfully tested a bomb in 1960. The WikiP says, "Since then France has developed and maintained its own nuclear deterrent, one intended to defend France even if the United States refused to risk its own cities by assisting Western Europe in a nuclear war."

Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan, most certainly including the very long introductory material, was a great read. I saw it performed at Agnes Scott U. around '96 - '98. It was very well done, as I recall. The Audible version is 3:15 but very specifically says "abridged." Crud. They probably took out the introductory material which was roughly as long as the play itself, as I recall. (An Amazon review says 31% in the book and is complaining about that length. The introduction was as good as the play.)

Back to France's weapons, I didn't realize that France took until 1960 to get a bomb. By then, (((they))) had decided that a further Soviet kinetic invasion was less interesting than psy war. I have some impression that the Soviet Union had taken back some degree of control from (((them))), because the region / state had been sucked dry. The USSR had gone way past the optimum point of the calculus of evil. The parasites were worming their way yet further into the West.

Given that 1960 date, I may have to rethink my theory. Has a vaguely independent France done any net good since Joan contributed something towards its independence? Obviously it hasn't been at all independent for decades. It's galloping towards genocide of the French like every other Western country is galloping towards genocide of all whites.

May 11

live from KSFO continued (posted 03:46am)

The Bay Area has generally gone full Satanist, but not much is going on at KATL at 3am Atlanta time, so I listen to KSFO. I have fond memories of flying out of KSFO in 2000. I can't remember when I figured out the 2 X 2 crossing runway system. I may have been able to see it as I drove to the airport. I then figured out that all 4 runways were in use. That was somewhat disturbing. It's interesting to watch the details of that in action 23+ years later. [Added moments after the first post: ] Actually, when I've been watching, it's been 3 active runways. 01L and 01R for domestic takeoff, and 28R for Asian-bound takeoff and all landings.

Also, at one point KSFO was the default for the FlightGear flight simulator, and I tended to stick with the default. I sim flew in and out of there quite a bit, years ago (2011 - 2013 or some such).

Early Thursday morning my time, the controller with the nice voice became both tower and ground at roughly 12:01am PT. She may have gotten on a different headset. Her tone changed in at least two senses. It sounded like a different microphone, and I suspect the added work took some of the enthusiasm out of her. Before she took over ground, she would say "au revoir" to Air France and "adios" to Avianca. She became closer to minimal after that. Even though she was only working tower when I briefly listened Friday morning my time, she still wasn't as peppy as the day before. She's not on duty right now (12:01am PT Saturday). At least, she's not on tower. Hopefully I'll keep this new toy to a minimum, but I'm curious how that goes over time.

The controllers I've heard have all been great. I heard one phraseology mistake from the aforementioned controller on Friday morning (my time), and thankfully the pilot landing picked it up at the same moment I did. He clarified immediately, and she clarified, and all was well. I'm almost certain she'd cleared him to land several minutes before, and that was the origin of the mistake. When the landing pilot confirmed landing clearance, she simply said "clear to land," not "ACME Air 123, runway 28R, clear to land" (or maybe the order is a bit different). He asked for clarification, and she repeated it correctly with no sign of impatience or embarrassment or any such thing. (Treebeard spoke in her head, "Musn't be hasty.")

At roughly 00:10 PT, a few minutes ago, I just heard and saw a go-around order. A heavy going to Asia was taking off on 28R, and another plane was close behind it, coming in to land on the same runway. The controller gave the go-around order, and the landing plane acknowledged and reacted immediately. I wonder if the landing pilots would have decided to go around the next second anyhow. I had already discounted the go-around possibility. It didn't look drastically closer than any other such situation I've seen. That was mildly exciting, though. I think the go-around rate for the big boys is something like 1 / 1,000 landings. It's like a 4 leaf clover. By roughly 00:25 PT, the landing plane apparently had already come back around to land. I didn't make note of the flights.

Several hours ago, while it was busy, I listened and watched a bit of KATL tower and south departure. The south departure guy was a pure minimalist, although that was my first-ever listening to departure. With the airline and number, it was "Atlanta departure radar contact," "Climb to 14,000," and "contact Atlanta Center at" something or other. There are a bunch of "Atlanta center" frequencies. I didn't know that until hours later.

Pilots get an initial clearance long before they start their engines. The planes going through departure control were following that, going to 10,000 feet, so that didn't need repeating. The incoming and outgoing planes were facing west, so he cleared them for 14,000 after they passed under the KATL-inbound flights from the west.

When I looked at KATL a while ago at 3:00am ET, not a creature was stirring. Not a Cessa 172, not a sparrow. (Cessna 172s are very rare at KATL, as far as I know. The fees are very high, for one. It is an option in an emergency, though. They have very bright lights.) Nothing incoming, nothing outgoing. There were 4 parked planes that still had a blip on FlightRadar24.

May 9

listening to LiveATC.net while watching FlightRadar24.com

I've watched FlightRadar24 on occasion for years. I've never listened live to LiveATC before, though. On 2024/05/09 02:29am EDT, I am listening to KSFO Tower on frequency 120.5. The same controller has been on duty for at least 15 - 20 minutes. She has a nice voice. I won't follow flights to NorCal Departure because I don't want to turn her off yet. I need a girlfriend.

28R is the only landing runway. 28L is basically being used as a taxiway and is clearly under ground's jurisdiction. Takeoffs are on 01L and 01R. She's giving landing clearances to the 2nd plane out. Those planes are usually just inbound of the Dumbarton Bridge / Route 84. That is, another plane that is closer already has clearance when she gives a second landing clearance. I'm sure that is standard. It just puzzled me for a few minutes until I figured out she was talking to the 2nd plane.

May 7

stochastic mass-murderers?

In the last year or so I've seen the (((enemy))) use the term "stochastic terrorism." Just before that, Neal Stephenson said that sea level will soon become stochastic. (I was a great Neal Stephenson fan until the last 2 novels I listened to, which may not be the most recent 2 anymore. I thought Stephenson was one of the best we had. He has gone to the dark side, though. That is, I reject his mention of sea level and, given other stuff he's written, it seems that he's gone full Satanist.)

Stochastic means something to the effect of "can only be defined by statistical curves." In his (maliciously unlikely) future scenario, sea level is stochastic in that it can't be defined as a single number--it's a statistical curve of rapidly changing values.

Back to terrorism, a Big Evil J--Goo Search turns up a story from 2022. I'm not reading past the mention of Tucker Carlson because I've heard the "argument" before. Apparently Tucker is a stochastic terrorist because, statistically speaking, some of his viewers will become ax (or hammer) murderers.

This is a case of accuse the enemy of something you do all the time and the enemy does at either a 1,000,000:1 ratio or not at all. By their logic, we can look at what happened when J--- took over Russia, spent a few trillion on Big Lies to get the US Inc and the UK to protect the Soviet Union, and then continued spreading communism. Perhaps 40 million (or many more) were killed in the Soviet Union directly by the government and outside of war. Then 100 million in China, millions in Cambodia, etc.

Then we can observe that all of the institutions that they dominate, which is just about all of them, are evil. Some of those institutions not-very-subtly push towards mass-murdering, baby raping evil. Individually (stochastically), they vote between libtard and lib-Satanist. Their foreign policy (US Inc policy) has killed tens of millions in addition to the "internal" communist killings AND outside of combatant war casualties. Recently, perhaps a few million in Iraq, tens (100s) of thousands in Syria, too many in Libya, and now Gaza.

There are zero of their institutions--with their name on it--that do anything good. The only possible candidate I can think of is J--- for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. They are an anti-Nazi organization, though, as much as a pro-gun-rights organization. Even if I assumed they believe the Big Lies about Nazis and their intentions are pure, I'd have to think about it. To what degree is their unstated motto, "We need to be ready to more easily kill white Christians"?

I've been asked "Are all J--- bad?" To which I respond that it's onion layers, or stochastic. I just made the connection to "stochastic" a few minutes ago. The Rothschilds are the center of the onion. At the outer layer you have a bunch of doctors and lawyers. "Medicine" and "law" are two of the most effed up professions there are.

They have to viscously exaggerate at comically high ratios to make their arguments. We don't have to exaggerate. I'm not sure what their numbers for Tucker are. One ax murder every 500 episodes? If we used pure statistics, how stochastically dangerous is the average J--? What about donors to the ADL? What about DemoNcrat voters? Victoria Nuland? Their body count just in the last 107 years is extremely high, so how do the probabilities work out?

Put another way, let's accept their argument of x ax murders per y episodes. What if we used historical data the same way? How does it stack up for every breath each one takes--x murders for y breaths? How does that compare to any other group?

Please note that the Holocaust™ was a Big Lie. That's important to my thinking. I don't think anyone disputes that there is at least one document (not many) with the phrase "final solution." To quote the first incarnation of David Cole, however, "The 'final solution' to unemployment does not necessarily mean killing all the unemployed." (At least, I think that was Cole in the early-to-mid 90s.) There is documentation that one possible "final solution" was sending them all to Madagascar. I sometimes roll with laughter when I consider that. (I may have to incarnate into that timeline. Then again, I need to remember that I'm getting tired of Group Soul Yahweh, and it may be time to detach.) On the gripping hand, we may see the final solution in terms of the Q operation.

I'm not sure the Q operation concerns itself with the onion layers outside a certain point. If the leadership is fully exposed as mass-murdering, baby-raping ultra villains, maybe most of the layers will finally get it through their heads that they have also been manipulated. Or perhaps that's too generous.

I'll try to wind this up. I just wanted to make the point that this is another case where we can use their logic without exaggeration and make an infinitely stronger case against them than they have against us.

May 6

Elon Musk for Emperor-God

I'll address the "Emperor-God" term below. Musk has been hammering at the bad guys since he bought Twitter. Today I spent 10 - 15 minutes reading Musk's feed. He Tweeted about Telsa and SpaceX, but plenty of his Tweets and reTweets were bashing the bad guys in very effective ways.

Musk mentioned Marie-Therese Kaiser of Germany's AFD party. Musk: "Are you saying the fine was for repeating accurate government statistics?" The original post (not by Musk) said "Her crime? Posting statistics showing that Afghan immigrants are disproportionately committing sexuaI assauIt [sic] in Germany." Kaiser asked, "'Afghan refugees, welcome culture for group r*pes?', then posting stats to bolster her concerns."

In that picture, Kaiser is quite attractive. She's already named "king." Empress-Goddess material.

He reTweeted the"Fair Election Fund" which, at a glance, means that in the proper way. (That was on 5/4.)

"Doesn't make sense that American taxpayers are forced to fund anti-American activities" referring to Federal funding of Columbia, U. of Penn., NYU, etc. Each gets about $1Bn.

Number of Border [Patrol] agents versus IRS agents. A reference to Fauci sending bio-weapon money to China. Those 2 are responses, not Musk reTweets. I'll stop reporting those.

"Whether you agree with Bolsonaro or not, the people of Brazil have a right to hear him speak" -- Musk

These are not Musk's words, but Musk reTweeted: "X is proud to fund a lawsuit filed by Dr. Matthew Strauss, an Ontario critical care physician and professor, against his former employer, Queen's University. After Dr. Strauss argued against wide COVID lockdowns and mandates on his X account..."

Regarding the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act," Musk says, "This bill might have the opposite effect of its objective."

I'm not sure if Musk interacted or not, but the threads I was following led me to a user "The Coerced Nurse." She was coerced into a vax that effed her up.

That's just going back to 5/3. There may have been more.

Yes, I see that Musk is still wearing his Satanic costume as his profile picture. Perhaps that's meant to be ironic. Given the context, I'll live with irony and sarcasm, even when it comes to Satanic costumes.

I did not read the books after Dune, but "Emperor-God" is a reference to those books. I suppose real-world monarchs declared themselves gods, but I'm not sure how seriously that was taken in various instances. The idea of "Emperor-God" is in part somewhat serious on my part, but the term is also is meant to poke fun at most Christians. I decided a few months ago that if you need a yes / no answer, I am a Christian, but that just makes me more angry at most of them, such that I have a hard time with "us."

As always, I could go on at length, but I'll stop.

US and Russian soldiers dancing a few days ago

This video from Niger (of all places) brings me to tears. It's several male US soldiers dancing with female Russian soldiers. (Twitter user S.L. Kanthan @Kanthan2030 May 3, 2024, 11:57pm (probably US Eastern Time)) Please send me any better quality video. That's surprisingly bad for 2024. A search of J--Tube only found those literal baby effers beating the war drums against Russia.

I wish we'd seen something like that in 1914 - 1917, but the US Inc.'s foreign policy was going straight downhill since 1846 with the Mexican War.

I'm not saying it's quite Q BOOM time, but there is a good chance that dance will be open reality by January 21. Who will various parties claim is President then? We should have clarity.

May 4

yet more on Emberverse

Peter Jones (posting after 03:05am)

I said weeks ago that Peter Jones shows up against orders to save the Bearkillers. That's not what happened. When fussing about it, I believe it's Sandra who says that what happened was "unconstitutional" relative to Corvallis' constitution. It's definitely high-level Protectorate associates bemoaning the event. There was not a legal declaration of war. There was not an order given to send out Corvallis' militia. Corvallis had an element of nearly pure democracy "balanced" by the Faculty Senate. The people who wanted to fight with the Bearkillers showed up at a public meeting in Corvallis with their weapons and armor. They formed a volunteer unit, asked for more volunteers, and then set off towards the ruins of Salem to fight. Thus, technically they were independent from Corvallis because they were volunteers.

I am still pretty sure Jones was a Major at the Battle of Salem, and he must be the Brigadier General whose Sixth Regiment stood at Horse Heaven Hills. He was a Lieutenant when Juniper first meets him. Juniper has just left conceiving Rudi with Mike Havel (leader of the Bearkillers / Lord Bear). Then she continues her scouting tour towards Corvallis. Jones is commanding the units enforcing quarantine against the Black Death.

May 3

Cavaliers drum and bugle corps 2003

I mentioned to a new acquaintance and hopefully friend that this Cavaliers 2003 studio recording is the best recording of tenor drums I've heard, and they are quite good. It was a good show. I believe the show was called Spin Cycle. A search of Goo Tube shows a high camera angle of the live show and probably the multi-cam.

May 1

Note that one part of my April 29 entry was posted with this entry. Looks like there will be several sections listed under today. "WikiPedOia" and below was posted at roughly 4:36am.

Santa Clara Vanguard drum and bugle corps, 1999 (posted after 05:10am)

SCV 1999 multi-cam on Big Evil Goo Tube (10:58)

A few months ago I mused about the Book of Revelation and whether higher beings had better things to do than continuously sing the praises of God. Ra signs off the first session with "I leave you in the glory and peace of unity. Go forth in peace, rejoicing in the power of the One Creator...."

When I can get into the right frame of mind, that is the signature at the end of a great drum corps show. Many shows get that status, but SCV '99 has been on my mind and in my ears for days. I've been listening to it while driving, so I haven't watched it (while not driving) very much.

WikiPedOia (sic)

I haven't seen anyone else use that. Perhaps I coined a term. I don't think it would be productive for me to start listing articles and phrases justifying the term. There is an internet personality who goes by NeoTriesToWarnYou. A reliable source thinks very highly of him. I've barely listened to him. I have nothing against him; I just never got started. In any event, he pointed out that non-J--- lose the forest for the trees, which is one advantage Js have when running a 5,000 year psy war against the dawn-supremacist, illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombie horde.

The point is that the reader should be able to find ample evidence that Pedoia serves the Dark Side in many ways. Anyone serving (((them))) is supporting pedophilia or pederasty on an epic scale. There are a number of vaguely interesting questions I'd like to know about how their system of evil works at a mechanical level, but, again, not productive.


I'll connect a handful of images and concepts:

"Kill them all; let God sort them out" (WikiPedOia on the phrase). This is attributed to Arnaud Amalric (Abbot of Poblet, Grandselve, and Citeaux; Archbishop of Narbonne). It's the typical attitude of minions of evil. The dilemma at hand was that not everyone around the Cathars was a Cathar. Some of the officers of Amalric's army were wondering how to kill the heretics without killing Catholics. The above was Amalric's reply. (I'm not neglecting the fact that killing one Cathar was evil in itself, let alone 200,000 - 1 million dead.)

Then I imagine the opening scene of the original-run X-Files episode "Blood" (1994, s2, e3). I can't find a perfect video example, but the relevant scenes are "out there." In any event, the episode begins with a postal worker entering ZIP codes before digital scanning. The machine shows a series of codes he's entered, and then "kill... Kill them all." The point of the episode is that a government project is using digital displays and chemicals to drive people crazy and "go postal."

Although it's not quite as dramatic, then I think of the enemy's concept of "just following orders" is no excuse. For the moment, I'm going to make no comment on the notion in itself. We can be damn sure, however, that the Nuremberg trials were a hightened instance of their evil. Tens of trillions of dollars of direct and indirect anti-Nazi propaganda is probably not an exaggeration.

In any event, I fantasize about using their own concepts against them and their minions. Just how many people should be tried and executed over the clot shot? Company doctors who signed off on a mandate? Even Jim Thorp, OB/GYN in Florida, says that, so perhaps that's not quite as fantastic. Company nurses? What about non-medical company officers?

those trying to kill you have no rights

On a related point, people who are trying to kill you have no rights. They are not only at war with us, but they are out of uniform. Which brings up the related enemy action of executing the operatives of Operation Pastorius by military tribunal, including US citizens. The enemy of course being the US Inc.

Discussing whether Big Evil Goo is private and thus can censor is not the point. They are a large part of the psy war. The psy warriors are out of uniform; they follow no rules of war. "Combatants are persons who are authorized to use force in situations of armed conflict by international humanitarian law." Armed conflict can include a genocidal psy war. They aren't authorized. Given that companies are persons, the company can be executed--dissolved, seized, whatever.

"Free speech" does not include psy war. People trying to kill you have no rights.

[written] April 29 - [some parts posted] May 1

At least 2 entries today:

population density (posted 5/1)

I am arbitrarily rounding. Also, the list produced what I wanted, so I have no reason to check it twice. I was using WikiPedo-ia.

  200,000 /  470 - Hall County, GA
   42,000 / 1265 - Gainesville, GA
  250,000 / 1100 - Forsyth Cnty
    7,000 / 1000 - Cumming
   27,000 /  125 - Dawson Cnty
  950,000 / 2123 - Gwinnett Cnty
1,110,000 / 2000 - Fulton Cnty (exclave of Hell)
  750,000 / 2800 - DeKalb
   67,000 /  333 - Spalding
  750,000 / 2200 - Cobb
  144,000 /  721 - Douglas
  170,000 /  537 - Paulding

fractal worldview

I may post the base of my worldview fractal, or at least a start. Update: yes, I did.

April 28, 2024

re-introduction to the day

I posted with date ranges at around 1:10am. I'm taking the date range out after 1:27am. There are going to be a handful of entries labeled under today.

continued ranting about Christians' "see no evil" trait (posting after 2:03am)

I may have a beam in my eye, but Hillary Clinton and the Rothschilds have a 380 foot sequoia tree in theirs. (That's the best I can do because that's as tall as trees get. The original Biden may or may not have been as bad as Hillary.)

There is all this talk about my sin and your sin and we don't want to stoop to their level. You have to turn 179.xy degrees out of your way and go a few tens of light years to begin to stoop to their level. You people are not conceiving of how bad they are. Pizzagate and what's been openly reported about Epstein and Maxwell is the tip of the iceberg. Frazzledrip (Frazzled Rip) is getting much closer, but that's two on one horror. These are the people both genetically and ideologically who summoned the Soviet Union from hell and killed 40 million people by execution, working to death, freezing to death, starvation, etc. 40 million is a reasonable estimate before 1933. I wonder why Germans wanted someone to protect them from blood thirsty J---? Why do you believe these peoples' direct descendants when they claim the Nazis killed 6 - 11 million AFTER their own 40 million? "Accuse your enemy of what you do" and they do not.

Do they spend tens of trillions in movies, television, schoolbooks, and museums telling you about how horribly they killed tens of millions of white Russian Christians? The Czar's four daughters were 17 - 22 when they were shot (and / or bayoneted). One day perhaps I'll add their pictures. Meanwhile, see for yourself by clicking on the four daughters.

reworking (posted roughly 1:10am)

This may get posted early Sunday morning the 28th.

I started this Friday evening, the 26th. As of late on the 27th, I have not posted yet. Perhaps I'll start the practice of a date range as above. I don't think I've done that before, or, at least, not often. If I started looking at my own site to see what I've done, that might not go well. "Always going forward because we can't find reverse."

As I hinted at recently, I'm going to try my best not to delete stuff. The original entry goes pretty far afield from where it started. Perhaps I can add some context now that I've had a day, and I'm a bit calmer.

The following is my jumping off point. It was written to me. The context is that he and I have tried to communicate in real-time, and it's not working. With the following message, I now realize it's not working because we're on almost exactly opposite schedules. Also, I recently wrote a "broadcast" message asking about night owls. He's probably responding to that.

"I think you might need to learn some self-discipline, like getting yourself up when you decide. I decided that I will get up at 3am, and it's been quite a struggle, but it's what I need."

I start out by answering that directly. In case I forget, I'll add that my mother died in a car accident because she fell asleep at the wheel. She died under perfect driving conditions around solar noon if not clock noon (12:30pm? 1pm? I don't remember.) She had gone to what I have every reason to believe was a pointless meeting in downtown Atlanta. The meeting might have started anytime from 8am to 10am. Thus, I have specific reason to resent the dawn supremacists.

I pointed out that I did work during the night during my junior year of high school in that I did homework during the middle of the night. Authorities I trusted at the time said education was important. I now tend to consider that notion one of many twisted lies. I now consider just about all institutions evil to varying degrees, and I mean "institutions" in a very large sense: companies, governments, schools of various types. I can get plenty of technical work done at night. I just have trouble bringing myself to go to the sales trough again.

When I worked 9am - 5pm for most of 1997 - 2002, I gained 60 pounds. I was depressed. I could not sleep properly. I was making what still would seem like good money, but money was not buying happiness at all. I think it would have killed me eventually.

I'm pretty sure that this past January I got up for 18 business days straight in order to make a call before 6:12am. I am almost certain it was at least 18 days, and I'm also pretty sure I didn't go past 6:12am or so. I couldn't call before 6am, and I figured it was rude to jump on them immediately. I can't remember if I wrote about that, and, again, I don't want to look. Let's just say that it did me limited good, and I eventually could have died by a number of means. One would be driving too early heavily against my nature. Also, the one time that the call nominally succeeded, the job was itself very dangerous. I did it. I lived. I was almost completely undamaged with no lasting effects.

Similarly, I left messages for 25 - 30 job recruiters the week after Thanksgiving. That timing in itself is probably not good, but they should leave an outgoing message, "We're going into a coma from mid-November to mid-January, so please don't bother us." That did me no good.

He's assuming getting up early will do me good by some means. I'm skeptical of that. By sleeping during my natural schedule, I manage to keep myself just functional enough to keep banging my head on various avenues. In other words, there is more to the picture. It would be nice if he took a full analysis before sniping at me. And he probably wasn't intending to snipe, but it just rubbed in yet again that I'm different even from those who should be more compatible (in a business sense of compatible). We met on what should be an echo chamber, friendly-to-me site.

Then again, he also doesn't seem to understand who the good guys were during the Worldwide War in Total Support of Mass-Murdering Bolsheviks. Anyone on that site should know better.

I then started up on Hidden_Hand (Lucifer), Ra, densities, Group Soul Yahweh, and Wanderers. (I'm pretty sure that in my "JQ" article I discuss in part why I assess all of that to be real. That needs a thorough treatment at some point, but probably not now.)

The point of bringing that up was that I just keep coming back to the notion that I'm not from around here on a soul level. I'm pretty darn sure I'm a Wanderer. This raises the question of what I am doing here-now.

To spin some more thoughts from below, Group Soul Yahweh are the children of Yahweh / Jehovah / "God" near the start of Genesis. Yahweh the logos (god) and the children of him are one and the same. To start to understand that, consider that the universe doesn't move through time. It simply is. Ten minutes ago or ten minutes from now is no more or less real than ten miles away. Ra said that our higher self is our soul as it exists in mid-sixth density: more or less an angel. Ra said that our eight density self spins off the higher self just before vanishing into the next cycle. Finishing this cycle is probably the same as spinning into the central black hole of the galaxy. Various events simply are, even though from our living perspective (in 3rd density Earth bodies), they happen a very, very long time apart.

Perhaps Yahweh (Y) the singular god as he existed in the Garden of Eden was the embodiment of Y the collective when he hit the free will wall at the end of third density. That doesn't work, though. Lucifer said that at 6th density and close to 7th, Lucifer was arguably more advanced than Y the logos / god. This needs thought.

To put it another way, I'm getting a bit tired of Group Soul Yahweh. As in the Naked Empire (Sword of Truth 8), Y the children still can't seem to conceive of evil. "Perceive" evil is incorrect in the Ayn Rand-ite sense, because evil is a concept, not a percept. The point is that Y doesn't notice evil when extremely evil people have been victimizing them for thousands of years.

ranting and raving on being a night owl and such (posted roughly 1:10am)

The above was the original title from Friday night. I'll leave it. The following I'll repeat:

The following is my jumping off point. It was written to me. The context is that he and I have tried to communicate in real-time, and it's not working. With the following message, I now realize it's not working because we're on almost exactly opposite schedules. Also, I recently wrote a "broadcast" message asking about night owls. He's probably responding to that.

"I think you might need to learn some self-discipline, like getting yourself up when you decide. I decided that I will get up at 3am, and it's been quite a struggle, but it's what I need."

Let's review my title as King of the Night Owls (KOTNO), the Andals, and the First Men. First of all, given the trouble that KOTNO causes, I might as well claim the Iron Throne while I'm at it. Fighting for the Iron Throne won't add very much more trouble.

I have no recollection of night owl tendencies until the various stages of puberty were in motion during my junior year of high school. Yes, that makes me late along those factors. That may be just as well. Testosterone is very distracting to this day, although thankfully it does get somewhat less distracting with age.

Humans have always needed a Night's Watch, whether against saber toothed tigers, opposing tribes, etc. (I have too much in common with the Night's Watch without intending it.) That is, a percentage of the population very likely has night owl tendencies built in. It would make sense these would be triggered at puberty because that's when one is ready to fight.

During my junior year I would come home at 4pm, fall asleep until 9pm, get up, do homework, go back to sleep at 3am, get up at 6am, and repeat. That is, I made the night owl tendency work by working from 9pm - 3am. At that point, I was laser-focused. I was dedicated to the importance of "education." I look at such differently now. Part of my problem is that it's hard to take anything at all as seriously as I took school at that point.

I skipped my senior year of high school and went directly to college. I had a really ugly incident during my first semester of college that damaged my focus. I was persuaded to take a specific class that was a really, really bad idea to take at that moment. (I don't think I've told that story on my website.) I knew it was a bad idea, but I succumbed to my advisor. I think it was a 9:30am class, which did not help at all. That wasn't the primary objection I had, though, although it should have been one of the objections.

After that, for the most part, I was able to avoid morning classes throughout college. When I couldn't avoid them, I tended to fall asleep in class, even when I was 18. The subject should have been very interesting, but it's hard for me to be interested in squat at 8:30am. Also, as I said, my focus was bent after that first semester. That one class changed my life. I still can't tell if it's been a good or bad change because I don't think the effects have come to a conclusion. A number of events seem to keep me away from the standard software developer path. I hope there is a reason, but it's still unclear.

After my 2nd year of college, during that summer, I had my first full-time programming job. I was working remotely as we would now say, but I didn't own a computer. Shockingly, I sometimes got to the computer lab at 8am. I don't think I worked 8 hours at a time. I think I was budgeted to work 40 hours a week, but I wasn't getting any benefits, so there wasn't any reason to work 40 hours. I just don't remember how many hours I put in. I do remember being in the lab at 8am a number of times. I had that job for roughly 3 weeks, for reasons I explain momentarily.

If I had kept that job just one week longer, I may have kept right down that path for decades, but that's when my mother died. It really makes me wonder if I was being pulled away from the muggles' path.

Regarding paths, the evidence that we reincarnate is vast. For one, there are thousands of therapists who do hypno-regressions. My father has done thousands, but he's only one source of my input. In some cases the memories can be validated. I suspect that the memories can be validated in many more cases if anyone bothered. Just like everything else, the research on this is aggressively steered by the usual suspects.

Then we have Hidden_Hand, Ra, and their concept of densities. I've taken some stab at summarizing that. Summarizing and explaining why I think it's true are high on my list, but I have to not starve first. I justify this writing versus not starving for a handful of reasons, but that is another topic.

In any event, our bodies are third density. It doesn't mean our souls are. Hidden_Hand at least indirectly mentioned Wanderers, and Ra went farther. Then Carla L. Rueckert, the "vessel" / channeler of Ra, wrote about Wanderers in more detail. At least some of the native souls of Earth are Group Soul Yahweh (Jehovah, "God" in the Old Testament). More specifically, I suspect most northern Europeans are Yahweh. I suspect the Jews are too. I'm northern European on Dad's side and Jewish on my mother's. Note that I do NOT consider Jews to be white or northern European. They may have a good bit of European DNA, but do not consider them to be white.

Carla mentioned that Wanderers don't feel they belong. Given a number of factors, I'm reasonably sure I'm a Wanderer and not from around here. I am getting really fed up with Yahweh's drama.

Which brings me to another related topic. An acquaintance of mine had a hypno-regression done in front of several friends of mine. This was in 1996. Under hypnosis, the acquaintance said he had been a historian from the 28th or 30th Century AD. That someone would incarnate back in time makes sense to me because the "dead" are outside of time. We live in space-time where time by definition measures changes in space. When you're "dead" / non-corporeal, you are in time-space. You can't change anything, but you can "see" all of time and space. Ten minutes ago is no less real than ten miles away. The universe doesn't move through time; it simply is. Put another way, everything happens at once just like all of earth exists at once.

That doesn't make our lives anything less than real. I get a bit irritated at the Buddhist notion of "illusion." This life is damn sure real at the moment. It's not permanent, though. I am not this life, although I am this life now, and now is all that is important now.

Back to the regression (or progression). My acquaintance was a historian from the future. After the historian died, he decided to incarnate during his area of study, so he was born in roughly 1954. The regressionist asked him what he thought of the 20th Century. He said "I made a mistake." He was in his early 40s. Within a year of the regression, he died of a mysterious illness. The illness amounted to "I made a mistake, and I'm correcting it. I'm done; I quit."

So that brings up the question of what I'm doing here and now. Supposedly the "star seeds" / Indigo Children are supposed to help Yahweh with their Rapture / Great Harvest / decision between the positive and negative paths of ascension. I'm not claiming I'm a star seed in that sense.

Wanderers are in danger of getting emotionally and / or karmically attached and getting sucked into the local drama. They start incarnating beyond their intended term. I wonder if that's what happened to me. Thus, I wonder if this lifetime is meant to detach me and leave Yahweh to their drama. I think the 5th Density is a lesson in tempering love and compassion with wisdom. That is, leaving the children to grow up on their own.

I also wonder if I'm on the negative path, and this is karma. It's karma or else I'm questioning the negative path, or both.

The negative path of ascension is in fact a path of ascension. Ascension can be measured in several ways. One is that at each death or perhaps after a number of deaths, we approach the Light of the One Infinite Creator. Whether we can pass to the next density depends on whether we can bear the next intensity of Light. In turn, that depends on balancing chakras and the traits associated with each. The negative path ascends without the 4th / green / love chakra / ray. (Or perhaps it twists it.)

Roughly speaking, the first chakra is survival--saving or preserving my butt; it's at the butt. The second chakra is reproduction. I'm stretching my knowledge, but the 3rd chakra is part of the split between positive (service to others) and negative (service to self). The third chakra is either the belly button and thus connection to mother or else it's a punch in the gut. Similarly, one can survive by exploitation or cooperation. One can reproduce by force or cooperation.

I stopped here on Friday. On Sunday, I'll still leave this hanging.

April 23

some thoughts on expanding this site (first post after 02:48am)

This is in response to a specific person. As is usually the case, it may be useful more generally.

"First, 'who' does your website [kwynn.com] audience consist of?"

That divides into potential / intended and actual. As far as actual, very few people so far. In response to a related question, the very few times I've gotten feedback from potential employers, it's gone both ways. Someone on Gab saw my "business" ad and looked at this site and got very interested. Let's just say there were tangible benefits, but then he decided he wasn't quite ready to temporarily retire. The guy who rented me a room just before this one looked at my site, too. That was a net benefit, I suppose. For that matter, he may have work for me in the future. I need to get back in touch with him.

Another potential employer blasted me. I never read the whole email, although I still have it. I wasn't ready to read, and right now I don't see the point. I knew when I wrote him that he was probably deeply in the military industrial complex. I had some hope there was an alternative explanation. Thus, I don't really care what he has to say. He probably voted for Nikki Haley--the "neo-conservative" daughter of Killary.

I've had a handful of other contacts. There was the guy who wrote about the sealed indictments. There are a bunch of people who use my clock for their NFT purchases. People use the numerology calculator and a related feature linked from my dad's site. A few people asked me about the Podesta Email ZIP file I used to have.

So, the answer is that I don't have all that many active users--active in the sense that I ever hear from them.

As for intended audience, and indirectly answering some other questions, I'll take a stab at that. To borrow a Biblical phrase, I suspect my intended audience is a remnant of a remnant. To some degree I really mean it that way, and to some degree I'm being sarcastic. I think I really am looking for the very unusual intersection that you mentioned: people interested in a number of broad topics I discuss.

I would isolate the topic I asked about to one page or subset of pages. I'd probably pin a link to the top of this personal blog. I probably wouldn't start by simply dumping that topic here. Then again, over time, I might. That is, there would only be one way "in," from this page.

Put another way, finding work with "real" companies is probably a lost cause for many reasons. This site is already way over the line for many people. Again, remnant of the remnant.

Secondly, what kind of benefit or fulfillment would you get from writing about it? I know that you said the pro side is harder to explain. But if it helps you express yourself, connect with others about the topic, and simply provides some sort of joy, then I say go for it (especially if it positively benefits your mental and emotional well-being).

Expression, positive benefits. Yes, maybe. I think it might help that way. Connecting with others? Maybe, both actively and passively. That is, because I refer people to the entries and they find it through other means.

I understand that your openness and curiosity are unusual. As for a "taboo" subject, so is calling for Fauci's trial and execution and nattering about the J--- and bashing US Inc foreign policy back to 1846. Mr. Military Industrial Complex found all the red lines. I'm not willing to remove anything I've posted. It seems kinda like the Red October analogy as Juan O Savin uses it, which is probably how Q meant it, because Juan is associated with Q. In Red October the so-named submarine steered towards the torpedo because the torpedo doesn't arm before a certain point, so it didn't explode. Or perhaps I can sarcastically toot my horn and say "Damn the torpedoes! Full steam ahead!" Go towards the enemy. I think I've already made that general decision.

I still have some concern that "taboo" makes this site that much weirder. But, again, remnant of the remnant. That may be my best hope.

"...but there is a fine line when taboo subjects intersect with your professional work, such as some of the content on your website." I think I've addressed that just above.

I don't think I realized until later in your email that your recommendation is to write about it but not here. "I think you should keep it separate from your professional work..." "My final question is, have you thought about other platforms/avenues where you could publish your [...] writings?" As above, I'm kinda leaning towards do or do not. There is a site I'm using, but it's comically bad in some ways. The whole point of the thought is to have total control on here.

"But then again, perhaps there is an audience that will find your diverse writings about tech, worldviews, and [...] to be very appealing. Perhaps that is part of your objective here?" Yeah, remnant of the remnant.

I don't know that I have a conclusion after all that. I'll take it sleep cycle by sleep cycle (rather than day by day). Right now I'm not in an optimistic mood. As I told you in another email, yesterday was an usually tiring day, but I'm not tired enough to go back to bed. I did take a nap around 9pm.

an odd incident of getting blocked

I think I've had people block me before, but definite incidents are not coming to mind. I started this on April 20. Upon further thought, I probably won't go into this. I'll leave it as a note for possible future reference.

April 17

a handful of plane crashes and implications

I mentioned to a friend the crash of Pakistan International Airlines Flight 8303 in 2020. He countered with Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 in 2004. (Pinnacle was also reviewed by Mentour Pilot, roughly 2 years ago.) The Pakistan crash is pretty high on my WTF list of outrageous pilot actions. My friend listed Pinnacle as another example.

I have a different take on Pinnacle, and my take involves much larger issues, so I'm not just geeking out on aviation. For this entry's purposes, let's set aside all the events after their decision to climb to 41,000 feet. That was the limit of their (company's) plane. Nothing after that is important to this entry.

As my friend noted, only the two pilots were on board. From what I remember, we can be nearly certain that they would not have climbed if they had passengers. They died; no one else did. They were duly "punished." They were within the published limits.

That whole scenario is very different from the Pakistanis. The Pakistanis had passengers, and they broke several rules right off the top of my head. In the video thumbnail, Mentour's title is "Every Rule Broken." With that, nothing else about the Pakistan crash is relevant to this entry.

I'll make a minor point about Pinnacle before moving on to my much larger points. In part, Pinnacle reminds me of AOPA's "High Aspirations" crash review. Per the "owner's manual" of the plane involved, the flight was just within takeoff limits. As I remember, AOPA recommends cutting those numbers in half (or doubling them, depending on how you look at it), which is mind-boggling. Why the heck would the owners manual be 2x from AOPA's recommendation? Similarly, the Pinnacle plane was as light as it was ever going to get. If the plane miserably fails exactly at their upper altitude limit at minimum weight, perhaps that should not be their published upper limit.

Now I'll move a bit towards the larger issues. I don't remember the exact state of video gaming in 2004, but history has shown that people will do a lot to earn merit badges and gain levels and whatnot. It's apparently human nature, and there are plenty of examples before video games. The WikiP entry mentions that the Pinnacle pilots wanted to join the "410 club" (flight level 410 is 41,000 feet). This goes back to the fact that 410 was the published limit but should not have been that high. If the term "410 club" exists, people are going to try to join it. The manufacturer had better make it the 400 or 390 club.

The larger issue I wanted to address goes to Apollonian versus Dionysian religions / societies. I only know the basics of the terms. The basics, and perhaps an oversimplification, goes something like this: Apollonian religions are intellectual and staid, while Dionysian religions involve ecstatic ritual.

(If I'm totally butchering the concept, I don't care for now. I'll hopefully make my point whether my usage is correct or not, but I wanted to give readers that reference.)

In any event, "mainstream" Christianity is Apollonian. I highly suspect this is one of many manipulations of (((the enemy))). THEIR rituals are damn sure Dionysian--ritualistically murdering children in horrible ways, for example. And I don't want to digress, but I'm reminded again of Ben Swann's CBS Atlanta 46 Pizzagate report. That's the best that a "mainstream" reporter could have done, and he was ultimately fired for it. That is one of many launching points to get to the truth.

As for positive Dionysian, I'm reminded of a scene at the very start of book 4 of Emberverse. Ingolf Vogeler is a (not particularly religious) Christian who wanders into Clan Mackenzie's Wiccan Samhain (Halloween) celebration. I'm tempted to find the exact verbiage, but a young woman is vividly described as not quite being in this world as she dances and capers about with her friends. Emberverse is a good advertisement for Wicca.

The enemy actively suppresses healthy Dionysian expression. One major result is drug addiction, and then (((they))) criminalize that to cause vastly more misery. In a recent tech blog entry, I observed that cocaine and heroin were over-the-counter drugs until the early 1900s. It was a tech blog entry because it went to the notion of bad things being done with crypto. They are only bad things because the bad guys push in many directions to drive people towards bad things. I'm not saying those drugs are good for people. I'm saying that the world didn't end when they were over the counter, and it is pure viciousness that drives (((them))) to create the drug mess we have.

(I should add that there weren't murderous drug cartels when they were over the counter. Duh. People didn't spend decades in prison for sales. Etc.)

The DCI-federated drum and bugle corps are Dionysian. The 2020 season was destroyed, and then many of the corps went to the dark side with vaccine requirements. "Covid" "restrictions" had a number of goals. That sort of destruction was one of them.

This also goes to speed limits as another example. I'm an anarchist. One major purpose of government is to, well, govern. One definition of "govern" : "conduct oneself, especially with regard to controlling one's emotions. 'men would give in to passion and become unable to govern themselves'" In other words, Satan forbid people experience healthy Dionysian experiences and emotions.

Speed limits: for several years in the mid-90s and before 1974, Montana didn't have a daytime limit on certain roads. The world didn't end.

My daily barefoot walks on dirt trails are a Dionysian ritual that helps keep me functioning. Scientifically, it's the best anti-oxidant, but it goes beyond that.

I know that I often leave my connections too vague. The Pinnacle crash touches on lack of Dionysian experience because the pilots were going for a limit and wanted an experience that they should have been getting in other ways.

Once again, I could go on forever, but I need to stop for now.

April 16

inspired by a specific person - starting with philosophy

As of 04:50am, this leaves off in the middle, but I'll post it. Actually, I was ready to post but didn't. As I remember at 22:22, I was happy enough with it to post, so I'll do so.

This is in response to an OP / original post(er). I can't / won't cite the OP for a number of reasons. For those who ask, I may give you some of the details.

I'm going to start in order of the base OP, as opposed to timed entries.

Everything I learned about philosophy comes from Ayn Rand. I've read Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged twice and listened to them twice. I've read perhaps 80% of Rand's work in book form, as opposed to newsletters. I wonder if Rand was even mentioned in the OP's studies. I'll come back to Rand in a moment.

I am fairly sure that USC's (Southern Cal's) engineering school was top 5 when I was a student there for two years. USC overall was probably not top 20; maybe USC never has been. I'm not interested enough to look it up.

Rand considered Kant to be the enemy of humanity, or the root of all evil, so that's probably a good start vis a vis the OP.

Oh my, we come to Rand's atheism. That's a long topic. In roughly 2006 I was talking to a acquaintance and was unintentionally imprecise. I loosely implied that Rand had proven that God doesn't exist. When challenged, I realized that Rand did not claim that. Her position was something like the following. (Mind you, it's been many years since I thought about this hard.) Roughly, Rand said any definitions of God deal with the infinite, but the infinite, by its nature, is impossible to deal with in rigorous terms. Thus, God is not a useful foundation (axiom) of metaphysics. (That's metaphysics as defined by philosophers, not New Agers.) Given that I'm not in any mood to hurt my head right now, I'll just say that Rand's statement was convincing in its context.

Also, Rand spoke of the fallacy of the primacy of consciousness. Consciousness is being conscious of that which exists, so consciousness cannot exist before existence. Again, that's convincing in its context.

To take an aside, some writers in the circles I follow consider Rand to be an apologist for the "elite" / Illuminati / global Satanic power / J---. (Rand was Jewish by blood. She would not have received a visa to leave the Soviet Union otherwise.) I completely disagree with that notion. Rand's description of (((the enemy))) is strikingly close to reality even though she derives evil from her own philosophy. That is, the descriptions in John Galt's speech, the Ellsworth Toohey character, and others.

Her philosophy is one of joyous life, as she says on the label. Galt's Gulch is perhaps more magical than Rivendell or Lothlorien because the Gulch is vastly closer to possible. The Gulch is not based on magic or the faint, remaining shine of Valinor (Light of Aman). (At least, I think the Light of Aman is the phrase Tolkein uses. There may be another, similar phrase.) Otherwise put, our real-world bad guys are bad guys by Rand's ethics, and vice versa.

With that said, Rand's historical models are incomplete. For one, both her historical and ethical models of evil are incomplete. She spoke of the evil alliance of the mystic and the muscle. There is truth to that. She would say that a mystic is evil based on a few steps of reasoning. That is, she would say that any mystic is evil based on her definition of mystic. That's as opposed to the notion that mystics can be good or corrupted.

April 15

I never got to why I like the Emberverse, and I trail off somewhat abruptly. It's almost 6am, and the sun will rise soon. Even I've had about enough. I've read over this, though, and it's hopefully worth posting.

Why I like the Emberverse

This is one of several or many situations where I probably won't go back and read what I said even in the last few weeks. Perhaps I'll repeat myself. Ok, I at least look for the word "stood" and read some of what I said.

A digression on American government

Yes, this is relevant to the Emberverse.

I'd imagine I've said it before, but I am a (political) anarchist. "...among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men..." What history books were they reading? Governments are the destroyers of the above. Was that supposed to be an idealized notion? There is idealizing and then there is ludicrous. This brings up the question of whether the American Revolution was a just war. I'm not going to rule on that right now. For now, I'll just say maybe, probably, in part, and it may have become just as it went on. I should note that the Battle of Saratoga was interesting in this regard. As best I remember the history, neither Congress nor the centralized Army was particularly important to that. Saratoga was one of the more important American victories. America won because the British had set Indians to raping, pillaging, and murdering civilians. The local militias were understandably pissed off and showed up in great numbers. They voted with their bullets.

For that matter, Lexington and Concord were justified to keep the cannons under American control. And that was the start of the war. There are some questions as to what brought the situation to that point, though. Just before he was murdered, Robert David Steel had at least one and perhaps a handful of guests discussing some big holes in the American justification. I remember his talking about it, but I didn't go back and hear the guests. The arguments were to the effect that taxes were too low, and thus the smugglers (branches of the Adams family) couldn't make money. I'm sure there was more to the argument. Something to look into at some point.

Remember that the US Constitution came years after the war was over. Jefferson opposed it, and there were other anti-Federalists. Patrick Henry "smelled a rat." My memory is that there were very few men who both signed the Declaration and witnessed the Constitution. The Declaration signers were, for the most part, dead or impoverished. I'm 95% certain that it's in this Freemason event that they talk about America being the Masonic ideal of equality, which I interpret to mean that "some animals are more equal than others" (That quote is from Orwell's Animal Farm. The video: THE LONDON EVENT CELEBRATING 300 YEARS OF THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND WILL BE HELD AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL IN SOUTH KENSINGTON ON 31ST OF OCTOBER 2017.) We know that Washington was a Freemason, and, on the whole, I'm not a fan. He marched the militia on the Whiskey Rebels: comply or die, the same message of almost every government. "You will be assimilated.... Resistance is futile."

John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight gave us one tidbit on 33rd degree Freemasons. He was being interviewed by Pamphlet Anon and his wife Radix Veritas (??? - "Root of Truth"). This was roughly late 2018. Wells' father almost became 33rd degree, but that involved an oath of obedience to Lucifer, and his father walked away. (Pamphlet Anon has been using his real name for years, but I don't remember it.) Wells' account is consistent with what Hidden_Hand said ("Dialogue with 'Hidden Hand', Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider [compiled] by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27, 2008. This is the most important document I've ever read, at least given the decades of hobbyist research that primed me for the reading. Once again, I found that particular copy easily on Yandex and not easily on Big Evil Goo(gle) Search.)

I have weaker evidence, or at least evidence that I'd have more trouble remembering / finding, that Masons at a lower level contribute to other severe problems, but I'll just leave it at that lest I make accusations that I can't back up as well (at least not quickly in that I can't be diverted every time). Then there are various quotes from Albert Pike; that's direct evidence. Given the whole picture, I can't see how the Masons can be anything other than one of the important middle managers of the Satanists. The modern Freemasons are NOT the root, though. (The Rothschilds are close enough to the center.)

US foreign policy

As for American foreign policy, it was all downhill after the Battle of New Orleans of 1815, featuring Brevet Major General Andrew Jackson. Mexican-American war: the Mexicans are negotiating to sell a huge chunk of Mexico, but we'll just kill 53,000 people.

The "Civil" War was NOT a civil war. The South was NOT contending for power over the US Government. The South had left the government. A key technique of Satanists is to increase cost of living (relative to wages). Politically increasing cost of living is slavery in that it takes more of one's life. The war was largely over tariffs that increased cost of living. 700,000 dead. Even if you want to argue about the evils of the US Inc before that, the US Inc became so much worse afterwards that there isn't much argument that it should have been destroyed then.

Spanish-American War: boilers were notoriously dangerous, but this time we're going to blame the explosion on the Spanish. 60,000 dead. "Huge tracts of land" seized by the US, which led to more bloodshed.

The First War to Kill 17 Million White Christians and Position J----- Bolsheviks to Kill 50 Million More. Perhaps that's enough said for now. The US Inc. damn sure didn't do anything to shut that down and then joined the slaughter.

The US Army also intervened in the J----- takeover of Russia. Supposedly the US Army was doing some sort of peacekeeping, but that had the totally unintended (scathing sarcasm) effect of helping the J----- communists.

The War of Global Communist Expansion: Fighting the J----- Communists' Enemies on Two Fronts. 73 million dead, then communism spreads to China for another 100 million, then to Cambodia, etc. (Vietnam is an interesting case. I'll get there in a moment.) Patton concludes somewhat late in the game that the US Inc is fighting the wrong enemy. "I'll tell you something Bedell, up until now, we've been fighting the wrong people" (IMDB from the 1970 movie Patton). I quote the movie because I'm not going digging for other relevant quotes.

Korea: The US Inc has spent 40 years doing everything it can to expand communism, and THEN we're going to fight communists? Also, we're not going to fight the Chinese communists in China. No crossing the river. It'd be one thing if a few thousand traitors had been executed at this point, but oh no. We're just going to mysteriously and narrowly change policy. I truly don't know WTF this was about.

Vietnam: First of all, same as above: no one has executed 1,000s of communist supporters before a change of policy. This was about keeping land under the Catholic Church. I remember seeing former South Vietnamese generals interviewed in Vietnam decades later. Under most communist governments, the opposing generals were no longer alive. I could be missing something, but I don't remember any reports of the sort of purges that the Soviet Union and China reveled in. This seems like a different brand of communism, apparently not to the (((their))) liking.

There was a documentary The Fog of War (2003) in which a Vietnamese official says something like "You were concerned we'd ally with China? Have any of you people read a history book?" Yes, they have. They have perfectly accurate-but-secret history books that almost certainly go back 5,000 years if not 50,000 or 200,000 or literally Yahweh knows how far back.

That's part of what the Hidden_Hand material clarifies: earth has been largely ruled by Lucifer and minions thereof for a very long time. Hidden_Hand explains that in some detail.

Two Iraq Wars, Serbia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, creating ISIS, etc. I am not going to count up the dead.

Their aren't words for these people. Movie "super villains" are laughable compared to the reality. I'm not even getting into the ritualistic child torture and murder and a bunch of other stuff beyond words.

beyond foreign policy - a bit of theory

That's just foreign policy and the US Feds Inc. The 50 states occasionally show some signs of Goodness. The Confederacy was a bright spot. The South mildly to moderately pushing back against "Covid" "regulations" was a good sign.

But the 50 states still grind out evil by design.

some other Emberverse notes

The word "Holocaust™" shows up in book one. Juniper says it in the usual mass-murdering-malicious context. I suppose (((they))) do a word search and don't publish a book unless it has the reference. There are a number of such grating points, but eventually I may get around to why I like the Emberverse nevertheless.

April 1

In chapter 8, around 34:26 (4:49 remaining), we learn that the Larssons' ranch in Montana was owned by the Walkers--General Walker of the CUT and Lt. Walker who went rogue on Nantucket. Signe had dated or at least hung out with William (who became a US Coast Guard Lieutenant). She said there was something creepy about him and his whole family.

As best I remember, General Walker is never given an exit scene. It seems the story just drops him without comment. Perhaps the implication is that the Prophet Sethaz takes over command when he is possessed, but that doesn't entirely make sense. Perhaps I missed the the exit story. He wasn't that important a character.

March 31


Dun Juniper is near Artemis-Butte Creek. There is a Butte Creek, and that's close, but I think that's too far north (see correction just below). Juniper arrives home in Chapter 8. So far, I haven't found Artemis Creek, and I'll stop looking. Meanwhile, someone has done a two part Montival tour. At a glance, and from other research, years ago, the fictitious Sutterdown may be Brownsville, OR, and that is closer to Dun Juniper. When Rudi, Edain, and Ingolf start east, they go along US 20, as I recall, but Dun Juniper is likely several miles from Highway 20.

The Huttons are introduced in Chapter 7.

The above link is where Butte Creek flows into the Pudding River. The source of Butte Creek, though, I think is still somewhat north of Dun Juniper.

During Orlaith's Queenmaking, she goes back in time and gives an 8-year-old "Juniper" the name Juniper. I don't think we're ever told her birth name.

Juniper is introduced in chapter 2 (Mike Havel in chapter 1). Soon after Juniper, we meet Dennis Martin, the manager of the Hopping Toad Tavern where Juniper is performing when the Change happens. Dennis gives Juniper a Roman gladius sword. The sword was forged by Dennis' brother John. John Martin(s) is the blacksmith abducted by Lt. Walker in the Nantucket series. John winds up in Greece and becomes a spy for Doreen Rosenthal (who marries Ian Arnstein). (I see a note "There is no known explanation for Dennis Martin and John Martins having slightly different last names.")

back to Emberverse book 1, Dies the Fire (posted 8:11pm)

I finished the last Emberverse book (Sky-Blue Wolves) and then started with book 1. This past time, I started with the second generation (starting with book 4). It's been years since I listened to or read the first generation. Both in the 3rd generation and in the first few chapters of the series, he does some usual ass kissing of the (((enemy))). I'll try not to hold it against him on net. On the other hand, Moishe Feldman essentially admits that his people killed tens of millions of Russians; perhaps one day I'll cite the chapter. I believe he was talking to Price John onboard the Tarshish Queen on their way to the south Pacific. He doesn't quite say the words "no man, no problem," but that Russian expression has been used before in the series, and that's the concept he's referencing. Otherwise put, using my own words, Feldman is saying, "If forty million people are giving you a problem, no 40 million people, no problem."

Also, within a few paragraphs of his introduction, Norman Arminger said he had been a Jesuit. THAT's interesting. I think that's chapter 4.

We also get to hear tennoheika banzai from the Japanese point of view. It's something to the effect of "Long live the king! Ten thousand years!" In this case, the former Americans ally with Japan against evil as opposed to the other way around.

This spot in Idaho (46.23071 -115.41601) is close to where Mike Havel and Eric Larsson come out of the Idaho Centennial Trail onto US Hwy 12. (Also see the Idaho government site on the matter.) This is book 1, chapter 7, when it's just Mike and the Larsson family after his employer's plane's crash landing. This is the second option northeast of the first (46.34456 -115.30755).

I wonder if anyone has created an Emberverse tour company? I can put that on my bucket list once the relevant "states" (Rothschild debt collection districts) are liberated. Or I can at least take my own tour.

March 28 (in progress 22:44)

My usage of "SatanSoft" came up. The dawn-supremacist, illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombie horde calls that company Microsoft.

I'm unfortunately not kidding at all. I'll leave the corporation aside for now, but Billuminati Gates is demonstrably evil. The company can either disassociate or remain associated and benefiting the near-demon Gates: near-demon and almost certainly a variant of demon worshiper.

I refer to "Covid" as Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade. A mother plus an attorney (advocate) in India had the guts to charge Gates with "mass murder." I document that on the just-linked page. As of a few minutes ago, the case is still open. I'm sure the Indian courts are slower than most, and most are slow. The fact that the case is still open is a good start. Whether a prosecution really gets moving is another question. The fact that someone had the guts to make the legal claim is the point.

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY."

In other words, it was the final dress rehearsal for something they'd planned for decades. I mean they planned the psychological / information warfare. As I said in my "Crusade" particle and my March 12 entry and elsewhere, Covid was essentially fake in that there was nothing "novel" going on in terms of people getting sick. The only thing "novel" was (((their))) response. I haven't watched very much of the Event 201 videos, but my understanding is that it was almost word-for-word what they said less than 4 months later.

Then there is a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation paper. They are "predicting" what will happen 2 years later, and phrasing it as if it were past tense: In their profound wisdom, they "predicted" that:

The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

This is usually called "Operation Lockstep," although it is Lock Step in the paper. I had trouble finding this on Big Evil Goo, but I found it on Yandex easily enough. I still had trouble finding a downloadable PDF, so now I'm hosting it. There were claims on Goo that this wasn't a real thing. I'm pretty damn sure it's real in that it's really a Rockefeller Foundation paper.

Lock Step / Lockstep bibliography

SHA2-512(2010 - Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development - Rockefeller & GBN.pdf)= f704601a618a4726c90eac43c786f7ea9ff6ab09fbe208401815cd344e6487335b2818c46bf32193f5a1a765a82fac7d5df20618b1b071e2648425708bde0348 The above was the original final name. I renamed it to 2010_Scenarios_for_the_Future_of_Technology_and_International_Development___Rockefeller_and_GBN.pdf 5804835 bytes / 5,804,835 / 5.6MB.

Supposedly Melinda divorced Bill over Bill's involvement with Jeffrey Epstein. It's a Vanity Fair headline, which is a bit of a surprise: "Melinda Gates Says Bill Gates's Work with 'Abhorrent' Jeffrey Epstein Led to Divorce" (Kirkpatrick, Emily, March 3, 2022).

Now I'll speculate a bit. Billuminati's mother is a Maxwell. "J-----" is not in her WikiP article, but I suspect she's related to Ghislaine Maxwell who was of course Epstein's Israeli Mossad boss. There is debate over the picture of young Gates with Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The Maxwells were bankers, so that's a hint.

Whether we can show Gates' direct connection or not, Chabad-Lubavitch is worth a bit of elaboration. It's one of hundreds of cases of "accuse the enemy of what they don't do or barely do and you do on an epic scale." Chabad-Lubavitch is a foaming J----- supremacist organization that wants everyone else as their slaves or dead. What's up with their tunnel? I'm not even going to read the WikiP entry. I'm just demonstrating that something happened that was odd enough that even WikiP had to document that something happened.

Chabad-Lubavitch is only one branch of J----- supremacy. It was grimly funny to hear Maria Farmer call a handful of specific J--- "supremacists." Maria was a victim of Epstein, although her sister Tiffany got it far, far worse. Tiffany has been in the "news" suing Epstein and his estate. (Whitney Webb's phone call with Maria Farmer, sometime before or on April 24th, 2020.) That's part 1 of 2. I don't remember which part that's in.

"Lawsuit Claims Epstein Trafficked Girls in Caribbean Until 2018: The attorney general of the Virgin Islands says Mr. Epstein and his associates used a database to track victims as young as 11 years old." (Watkins, Ali, New [J--] York Times [Slimes] Jan. 15, 2020)

I wanted to note that because that's when we get down to 11 years old in the "mainstream" press. I'm almost certain it gets years younger than that.

I could go on endlessly, of course, but I'll try to stop there.

March 25

the "political" chickens come home to roost in a town near me

This happened roughly 2.5 weeks ago. Someone I know was sent home from work 4 hours early. He works at a major manufacturer of heavy equipment in metro Atlanta. He didn't understand the details, but what I noodled out is the following. At least some of their parts come through the port of Savannah, (Royal Colony of) Georgia, unfortunately ruled by the Evil Empire / US Inc (as opposed to the country Georgia that borders Russia). Many of those parts come from India (he says), which is surprising, and I would assume from other parts of Asia. Thus, they TRY TO go through the Red Sea. Enter the Houthis of Yemen. The Houthi defense of Palestine caused a blockage of parts, and so there was nothing to do at the assembly plant, so he was sent home early.

He of course was annoyed about losing hours. I just laughed, and tried not to literally roll on the floor. When I figured out what he meant and mentioned the Houthis, he said "Pirates?" I had another name for them. Far be it for me to support those who have been officially designated terrorists by the Evil Empire. He might have been confusing them with Somali pirates.

My memory was that years ago the Russian Navy executed some Somali pirates, which I am reasonably sure they can do under laws I consider more-or-less legitimate. When I look it up, I see that in 2010 "Ten captured Somali piracy suspects are thought to have died after the Russian navy released them in an inflatable boat without navigational equipment..." I won't comment.

In any event, people tend to say "I'm not interested in politics." I find it very amusing when "politics" slap them in the face. For months we've watched the latest blatant massacre openly perpetrated by J---. It's nice to see that has tangible, if minor, consequences near me.

I've said a few times that one hasn't accomplished anything in life until condemned by the ADL or had US sanctions imposed upon them. Perhaps I need to add "declared terrorists" by the US Inc. More precisely, "declared terrorists who are not in fact supported by the same people who rule the US." That is, ISIS were true terrorists, but they were created by "Western" (J----- / Satanic) powers.

other news nuggets - Owens, Shapiro, Nigerians, the election, etc.

On a related point, Candence Owens seems to have joined the above club. She has been condemned by the ADL and fired by (J-----) Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire. Ben Shapiro is a really bad guy, although I'd have to research to figure out what tier he is. I don't give a hoot if he can make an eloquent defense of economic conservatism. He's a defender of the "modern State of Israel." That makes him a really bad guy in itsself. Look at the house seal of the Rothschilds (with the "Star of 'David'") and the Balfour Declaration. "Modern" Israel is the Rothschilds' personal state, and the Rothschilds are the center of the J----- Satanic Beast.

I'm not going to bother to look, but I believe Shapiro's stance on immigration is that Nigerians with an IQ of 100 are welcome in America. I was about to say welcome by the tens of millions, but there aren't tens of millions of Nigerians with an IQ of 100. There are an astounding 227M of them still in Nigeria (plus God knows how many in Ireland, the US, and other previously white countries). "Reliable" sources, at a glance, report an average Nigerian IQ between 68 - 71. They are "reliable" in that I will accept that for immediate purposes. I believe that's enough information to know the bell curve shift and thus how many are above 99. My finger to the wind guess is that there may not be 10M, let alone 20M.

I cannot afford to spend the time on the long version, but the short version is that white people won't survive at this rate. That is obviously (((their))) intent. I am optimistic that we're going to see a dramatic shift in the next year. It looks like the plan is to make Dan the Acting President look so bad and demonstrate such a "double standard" against Trump that Trump overwhelms the cheating in November. Andrew Anglin argued against the logic about a week ago. His point is that they can cheat as much as they need to, and they got away with it the last several times. I think what he's missing is that they are being discredited to the point that they can't get away with it again.

A British MP finally says it

In a bizarre speech Independent MP Andrew Bridgen, who was expelled from the Tories after appearing to compare Covid-19 vaccines to the Holocaust, told business questions: "I've always opposed capital punishment on the principle that it's wrong to take a life so it can't be right for the state to take a life in revenge.

"Events have caused me to reconsider my position.

"So can we have a debate on crimes against humanity and the appropriate punishment for those who perpetuate, collude and cover up for these atrocities, atrocities and crimes so severe that the ultimate punishment may be required?"


‐‐ Richard Wheeler PA, Thursday 29 February 2024 12:55 GMT

The comparison to the Holocaust™ is of course brilliant for several reasons. I'll leave it that.

"Black Hitler [Mark Robinson] May Become Next Governor of NC" and is currently Lt. Gov.

I highly recommend Mike King's Real News and History. That links to the relevant article on March 19.

a note on Harriet Tubman

Supposedly Harriet Tubman said "I freed a thousand slaves [and] I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." The quote is in dispute, and in this case the truth could go either way.

Whether the quote is real or not, it occurred to me that the "Underground" Railroad was almost certainly tolerated by some or most of the Southern leadership. John Brown's attempted slave revolt of 1859 went nowhere, and I don't recall ANY revolts in the history books or even the new, woke history books.

If you set the perceived risk of escape at a certain level, and set the actual risk at a lower level, you'll get rid of your revolt leaders. The politics and economics make sense.

In very roughly 2018, Ryan Faulk (Alternative Hypothesis or People's Veto Goo Tube channels) did a video in which he argued that escaped slaves integrated into society very well. Whites started out "racist," then decided that the escaped slaves were ok. When the slaves freed by Chief Slaughterer Lincoln showed up, then whites became "racist" and remain so for a reason. Or they have "racism" beaten out of them by 70 years and tens of trillions of dollars of psy war J----- media.

a musical recommendation - Dandelions by Ruth B. (2017)

I know someone who plays this all the time, but, for weeks, the volume was so low that I couldn't pick out enough notes to sing it to Goo and get the song identified. I finally got the song identified and listened to it. Now I understand why I couldn't quite pick out the notes--she works the dynamics (volume) very well.

I've barely read the words yet. I can pick most of them out, and I get the gist, but I don't have the full context. It's usually very difficult for me to pick words out of music. This may become a favorite, though. I don't need to process all the words to assess a song.

I wonder what her exact genetics are? I do NOT recommend that anyone get a DNA test. New paragraph on that below. Meanwhile, I looked up that much. She's Ethiopian, which doesn't fully answer the question. I would assume she has a high percentage of Arab.

The (((Wojcicki sisters)))

I do not recommend a DNA test until at least (((Susan Wojcicki))) is tried and executed. For years, Susan ran Goo Tube at full mass-murdering psy war blast. Meanwhile, her sister (((Anne))) ran 23andMe.

Susan's actions are far more brazen. Without some research, I'm not as certain that Anne's intent is the same, but it's extremely likely. In any event, if Susan is (tried and) executed, the DNA companies are probably safe.

March 20

I came across another favorite Emberverse scene. First, I need to back up 3 chapters. I'm on book 13, Prince of Outcasts, which is the 3rd book of the 3rd generation. At the start of chapter 11, Philippa ("Pip") Balwyn-Abercrombie appears on screen for the first time, although she's been mentioned a few times before that. In chapter 14, at 7:14, Pip sees "a steel man." It's not quite what I remember, although maybe she re-states her thoughts in a few minutes. I think she (later) mentions a "robot." She's seeing full plate armor in use for the first time, worn by Prince John Arminger Mackenzie.

Pip's introduction is pretty funny. I didn't remember that. I remember her later in the series beating a foe to death screaming, "Do you have a flag?!"

I'll stop commenting, post, and get to work on various stuff.

March 12 - early AM

I recently saw "Covid" rules still posted on a company's wall. I'd imagine the poster has been there for years. These are my thoughts.

First, let's review the 2020 data from the Centers for Disease Fantasies and Mass-murdering Propaganda, known to the dawn-supremacist, illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombie horde as the CDC.

All we should care about is the data through April or May of 2020. The usual mass-murdering liars claimed that something was happening that hadn't happened since the Great London Plague of 1665 that killed 25% of London. I refer to "World War 2" as the War to Promote Global Communism, Second Edition. That was (((their))) greatest crisis. In 2020 (((they))) managed to impose restrictions and do damage that they didn't even attempt domestically in 1944.

If there really was a 500 year event, there should have been a pile of bodies by May of 2020 that were unquestionable attributable to a "novel" cause. Instead, they claim:

So, they destroyed the incomes of tens of millions of people to allegedly save people who weren't earning an income anymore. How does putting people out of work save Grandma who is not working? Even if their above body count was caused by "Covid," which I will dispute momentarily, it does not justify the damage they did.

I'm willing to concede that 386,000 people died from something unusual, where 311,546 of them were 65 and over. First, families were kept out of hospitals and nursing homes. That is going to kill elderly people at a high rate for a number of reasons. One, I understand that elderly people can starve themselves to death like dolphins can asphyxiate themselves consciously. That is, elderly people can stop eating much more easily than younger. If no one is visiting them for weeks, that seems like a good reason to die.

Second, there is evidence that the nursing home workers were told there would be a high death count. That has a way of becoming self-fulfilling for several reasons. I have too much experience with nursing homes. A high percentage of those workers, and probably a higher percentage since my experience (2001 - 2007), become somewhat to much less motivated if no family are around to watch them. There is one lady on social media literally screaming about how her father was starved to death. I believe it, and I believe that happened a lot. That's in addition to starving themselves.

31 out of 32 people who went on ventilator died, and Remdesivir was a new pharmakeia (evil sorcery - that's what the Greek word means) that suddenly became the required "protocol" rather than what doctors had done for decades. I talked about this in my first "Covid" article. The evidence for the cure being the cause of death has only mounted over these years. This is a constant topic on my news sources.

I could go on, but I'll try to wrap this up. The only poster on a company's wall should be something like this: We apologize for being blithering idiots and taking the word of fairly obvious ultra-villains. We call for the trial and execution of a handful of such, and several tiers under them should neither be a supervisor over one person nor dog catchers until they have repented and been re-educated.

The list of my demands is longer than that, but, as I mentioned in my tech blog a few hours ago, I need to cut this out.

March 9

(First posted 02:19. Added some details a few minutes later. And more details at 2:34.)

Regarding my previous entry, I had the context of the Sixth Regiment somewhat wrong. Rudi and his family are not on tour. The veterans of the regiment come to the hippomotive (horses transferring power through gearing) train station to present their respects to Rudi's remains and memory. This happens in Corvallis, as opposed to Corvallans who have moved elsewhere.

The Empress of Japan is remembering seeing the Sixth Regiment. She's thinking about it as she approaches the manor near Castle Ath, on May 25, 2044 AD (CY 46) (The Golden Princess, book 11, Chapter 10, 42:20 into the chapter is "We Stood." 19:44 remaining in chapter. 10:15:xy left in book.) We meet Susan Clever Raccoon when she delivers messages to Orlaith in McClintock country, on May 17, 2044. Those are the messages from Chancellor Ignatius and Matti where they suggest Orlaith travel by hippomotive.

Regarding reading about the "present day," book 9, Lord of Mountains, ends on December 18, 2023. Rudi has come home to Dun Juniper for Yule, before continuing the war against the United States of Boise and the CUT. Book 10, The Given Sacrifice, begins on June 12, 2024, in the Seven Devils Mountains of Idaho. Alyssa Larsson, Eric's daughter, crashes her reconnaissance glider.

I came across another favorite scene. Book 11, chapter 5 starts at Amon Tam, previously known as Mount Tamalpais. That's Amon Tam like Amon Sul where Frodo was stabbed by the Witch King of Angmar in his Nazgul form. "Amon" is "hill." Mary Vogeler's oldest twins and their first cousin (by Ritva) Faramir Kovalevsky are keeping watch now that the Motivalans know that there are organized, powerful enemies active in the area. That's on May 10, 2044 AD, CY 46. Rudi was killed a few days before that.

The view from top of Mount Tam is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen, so it was moving to envision it's being used by the Dunedain as a watch point, just like Amon Sul near the end of the Second Age of Middle Earth. One of the seven palantiri was at Amon Sul.

February 29

Emberverse notes

Perhaps Emberverse should not be italicized. The proper name is Novels of the Change by SM Stirling, starting with Dies the Fire (2004). Since late 2018 I've been listening to audio books that, in almost every case, I've already read. I read the 15 books of the Emberverse, then I listened to it several years ago, and now I'm going again through the 2nd generation stories (books 4 - 10).

I try to confine such listening to when I'm going to bed or otherwise can't get much else done, with mixed results whether I can confine listening to such times.

The premise of the Emberverse is that a worldwide Change takes place at 6:15pm PST on March 17, 1998. At that moment, several laws of physics change. Man-made electricity simply won't work anymore, although living cells still function and lightning still strikes and such. Also, high gas pressure cannot be achieved, no matter how long one boils water. Thus, no combustion of any sort: no engines, no firearms. (Some low pressure engines will work, but nothing that can be used for travel or war.) Nuclear reactions won't cause harm, but they can't be used for pressure or electricity. The Change centers around Nantucket. I never read the Nantucket Series. I listened to it for the first time about a year ago. In the Emberverse, we learn that the 1998 Nantucket is replaced with the island as it existed before (widely recorded) whites came to America. In the Nantucket Series, we learn that the 1998 island is taken to the year 1,250 BC. Their technology works just fine, but there are of course no white people or signs of 1998 AD technology on the mainland.

I finally made the connection that Coast Guard Lt. Walker is General Walker's son--General Walker, the supreme military commander of the CUT. At least, I think they are father and son, and they are definitely the same family. Lt. Walker talks about coming from cowboy country. And, of course, when Rudi reaches Nantucket, the representations of the Maiden and the Crone (Wise One) are Dapa (Swindapa Kurlelo - I think Swindapa means "deer runner") and USCG Captain Marian Alston.

I was originally writing this to make note of something I couldn't find on the web some time ago. I was trying to find which Corvallis regiment it was that heroically held at the Battle of Horse Heaven Hills. Now that I've gone over it again, I don't think the regiment is named during the action. It's not identified as the Sixth Regiment until a few days after the battle: book 9, Lord of Mountains, chapter 14, at about 31:08 (16:03 left in chapter, 3h 38 minutes left in the book, the Tantor Audio edition released in 2012 with Todd McLaren narrating, 12 hours 52 minutes total). The battle is on November 1, 2023 (Change Year 25). The naming of the Sixth Regiment is on November 6 at Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood, when there is a small meeting to take a large step towards formalizing the Kingdom of Montival. The Corvallan banker "Professor" Turner is arguing against pressing the war. Signe Havel is acknowledging the sacrifices of Corvallis. Rudi then agrees. "They [the Sixth Regiment] stood and died where they stood.... I'm going to have 'We Stood' embroidered on their standard, and present it by [? Brigadier General] Peter Jones if he lives." I'm not sure why "by" is used rather than "to."

[Update: the following isn't quite right. I correct this in my next entry.] A generation later, there is a scene where Rudi and his family are on tour. They pull into a train station where the people have come to cheer him, and the "We Stood" banner is present with veterans of the battle. It's one of the first scenes in the 3rd generation, as I recall.

Just before that part of the battle starts, Rudi notes that usually the Corvallan army has women with streamers doing acrobatics and chanting. He doesn't know the word "cheerleader," and doesn't quite know that they come from Oregon State U. sports ball games before the Change. Benny the Beaver is of course on the Corvallan national flag.

The Unabomber shows up slightly off screen as a character during the second generation. He escapes from prison after the Change and winds up with the Church Universal and Triumphant (CUT) in Montana. I didn't read about the real CUT until a few days ago. It's very interesting that the WikiP describes them as anti-communist, ultra-conservative, etc. I take it that the CUT didn't exist in a coherent enough form in 2007 to get upset at Stirling for their portrayal.

In any event, the Change is the dream of the Unabomber. I haven't read whether Stirling was directly influenced by the Unabomber Manifesto, but very likely so. I should read it again some time. I read it when it came out in 1995: when at least one "major" paper published it because the FBI thought it would flush the Unabomber out, and it did. Ted Kaczynski, the "Unabomber," argues that technology destroys meaningful human life. I wish he'd waited a few years before he started killing people. The web started showing signs of technology exposing long-ruling evil. Today the jury is still out as to whether tech will help win that battle rather than help the Enemy.

The Manifesto is an interesting read with interesting points, but he's missing that the same evil has existed forever. It's unclear whether tech helps or hurts them on net.

The world of the Change is compelling socially, politically, spiritually, etc. Assuming one survived the Change, parts of that world are very appealing. I'd want to live in Mackenzie territory just across the border from Corvallis. Some of the Corvallans are the geeks, but Juniper Mackenzie would be worth following and hailing Chief. Come to think of it, though, the Dunedain are the ultimate geeks and fan girls and boys. Astrid Larsson "re"-forms the Rangers / Dunedain in the Fifth ("or is it the Sixth?") Age of Middle Earth. The Rangers make for quite the story arcs.

Stirling's premise is that the Change was needed to preserve what it means to be human. Technology could assist that sort of world, too, though. Again, that jury is still very much out. The jury may return very dramatically in the next year.

Given that I'm reading about fictitious events of November, 2023, I've almost caught up to the real world's time. That's kinda funny. The events of book 3 end in (roughly) 2008, and book 4 begins on October 30, 2020 (Change Year 22). Previously, I was reading and listening to the books between those dates. This is the first time I'll be listening to "current" events. Book 4 begins with Ingolf Vogeler riding into Sutterdown, the largest town in the Mackenzie land. He makes it sound like a nice place.

I'm pretty sure Brigadier General Peter Jones is the same one who showed up against orders to save the Bear Killers in the first generation. (See correction on May 4.) I believe he was a Major then. That was during the War of the Eye (of Sauron). In addition to the Unabomber and the CUT, the Dunedain, etc., Stirling has all sorts of fun with how the Changed world plays on the real world. I'll try to stop typing and let others tell the story of how the Eye of Sauron shows up in the Changed world, or read it all for yourself.

January 5 (prepping to post 16:15)

Good riddance to 2023! It can always be worse, but that was pretty bad. Happy New Year!

When I created my tech blog, I meant that as my work blog. It never occurred to me that work and tech would be separate. I think I'm going to go with the policy that non-tech work stuff goes here. For that matter, I may start to isolate the tech blog to the tech itself rather than seeking tech work.

With that said, I gave freelancing on Craig's List computer gigs another hard during the week just before and after Christmas, which is even less ideal than I would have thought. This time I actually called people, left voicemails, texted them, texted them again, and otherwise made a nuisance of myself, at least with some of them. They DID post just before and after Christmas, so do they want responses or not?

Then I put less time but still some time into CL a few days ago. Overall, I actually banked $100 so far. There are other nibbles and bites and potentials, but none of that matters much until it's banked.

As of Tuesday, I started on the staffing / temp agency route. There is a tiny chance I'll get some result before this afternoon is over. There is a somewhat greater chance I'll have some result Monday. Then chances increase that I may have a medium-term solution once I get a first paycheck. Perhaps more to come on that.

To go a bit farther, I now have 4 (?) applications in for jobs that I have reason to believe are real and should move fast. With that said, I've never gone down this path before, so I can't be sure this will be any better than the CL or job recruiter path.

Meanwhile, I'll probably comb through CL again over the weekend.


December 15

predictive cats? (20:54 - starting)

After my first entry today, below, I thought of another oddity. A good friend of mine and I started our first meeting with a discussion of cats. Roughly six months before we met, I was living with and then taking care of 6 cats. Then two of those cats were in the house I was living in when we met. I managed to natter on for what I remember as 20 - 40 minutes on cats. I decided by that point that I really liked cats.

Fast forward several years. This friend was connected with where I living previously. Then he came to visit at this place. This place has one of the friendliest cats I've ever known; it loves everyone at first sight. My friend said that he usually avoids cats, but he couldn't help playing with this one.

Again, I'm not making any claims, just an interesting series of memories.

predictive arcs? (20:29)

When I went through the grueling application / pre-hiring process for a job last spring, my boss would have been in Europe. So I would often imagine flying my UFO to see my boss. (See my how to build a UFO article.) I was looking at the great arc circle paths and saving the arcs on Big Evil Goo Earth. (The "Pro" edition is still free as in beer, including for Linux.)

As my previous entry leads you to see, I am moving tomorrow. I was studying the area around the new place, looking for a couple of my usual routine places including hiking trails. I have found what look to be nice hiking trails. I'm not sure what the elevation changes are--perhaps plenty good enough--but they are long trails and several of them.

OpenStreetMap has better trail data than Goo does, so I was switching between Goo Maps and OSM. Then I opened Earth. (Off hand, I don't remember why I thought Earth would be more useful.) My arcs to Europe are still there. Given that I was zoomed way out, the arcs tended to originate quite a few miles away from where I was living at the time. One arc passed within 0.6 miles of the place I'm at right now, and another passes 0.2 miles from where I'm moving tomorrow.

I understand that there are statistics on that. I'm not saying it's anything mystical, but it's interesting. It's also interesting how far both of these new places are from where I was living when I created the arcs. That probably has something to do with seeing Lake Lanier as I was zoomed out, so it makes some sense. On the other hand, I'm not quite sure how the origin points were so consistently so far off. All four origins are much closer to where I am right now than where I was living then.

Seemed worth noting.

December 11


For the moment, my blogging operations have moved to my Gab account.

November 28 (19:15)

False start: I started an entry and then erased it.

I started one entry that became a private Gab message. Perhaps that should go public. Also, I sent an email yesterday that perhaps should be public, but this is a case of self-censorship. If you look at my tech blog, I'm facing a potential conflict on what new content I post.

November 27

Christ - yet another take (19:19 edition)

I don't use "Jesus" below because I suspect that name is another layer of manipulation on the part of the Satanists. Matthew 1:23 says "they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." I use "Christ" below, going back a few months. My previous Christian entry was on October 9.

In response to a Gab query, I'm going to tackle this again. "Do you believe in Jesus?" That is the question. Upon more thought, the simple answer is yes, but it still needs elaboration. I'm not sure all Christians (or other interested parties) would agree with "yes," given the following.

First of all, anything I think of Christ is evaluation of evidence, although I suppose at some point one has to have faith that the evidence is valid. Or one has to make a judgment call that is as much faith as logic. I could go on with that endlessly.

Did Christ lived in Judea from roughly 4 BC to 26 AD? Yes. Did he heal the sick and raise the dead? Yes. Did he rise from the dead? Yes, although I haven't given that one as much thought.

Does belief in Christ save one? At LEAST metaphorically, and perhaps quite literally, yes, in at least two senses. I elaborate on that in an earlier entry.

Perhaps what needs qualification is that, to whatever extent I am a Christian, it's hard to identify with other Christians, because "Christian" is too vague. In previous entries, I natter on about how foolish most "Christians" are in that they get led around by nose by Satanists. I think I've mentioned how in 2004 or so I felt I almost fit in at Dragon*Con, but almost fitting in is more frustrating than fitting in.

I understand that "fitting in" isn't the point. I'm just trying to explain that the question of "Am I a Christian?" is frustrating to ponder.

November 3

some Wheel of Time commentary - "The Flame of Tar Valon"

I was current with the Wheel of Time novels by 2003 - 2004. I was probably in the audience for one of Robert Jordan's last talks before he got sick and then died. That was at Dragon*Con sometime within '04 - '06. He was submitting to pharmakeia by Dragon*Con in '06, and I'm not sure I went in '05, so '04 seems likely.

I read all the books on paper. Then I listened to them on audio book. That took me 6 months. The audio books are over 19 days long. Months ago I started a second pass of the audio books. I can only say that this is a stress relief measure. I'd like to be in an emotional state to do more productive things.

In any event, I am writing this to make a note of one of my favorite scenes in all of art (video, literature, music, etc). During the Last Battle, the phrase "Flame of Tar Valon" in its brand-new usage is at 8:31:30 of "The Last Battle" chapter of my edition of the audio book (bib below).Yes, that chapter is over 9 hours long.

Egwene is one of the all time great characters. I invite people to look at the artwork portraying Egwene before the usual suspects picked an actress. The usual suspects of course went for murderous, genocidal hatred towards whites rather than portraying what she looks like. I could of course go on in that vein, but I'll try to get back to my room-hunting knitting soon.

When I went looking for some of the biblio information, I didn't realize that I pre-ordered the hardcover of the final book a few days before its release. I didn't invest in an apt ebook device for 2 - 3 more years.

I would at some point like to compare Wheel of Time to the real world. The very short version: as is almost always the case, in some ways the situation in the real world is much worse than the fiction of good versus evil. Our world is largely run by Darkfriends / Satanists. There are very few monarchs or governments who fight evil, historically speaking. Most of them are evil to varying degrees. Russia's fight against Ukraine is an exception.


I'm not going to include all the usual info as I was taught in 1990. This is the Information Age. As Daenerys Targaryen's handmaid Irri likes to say, "It is known." There are of course any number of things that the usual suspects would like to "be known." In the context of identifying an extremely popular work, though, that's pretty easy today.

Wheel of Time series book 14, the final book, titled A Memory of Light. Macmillan Audio. Narrated by: Michael Kramer, Kate Reading. Length: 41 hrs and 47 mins. Release date: 01-08-13, same as the hardcover book.

The relevant chapter is Chapter 37: "The Last Battle." The chapter is 9:04:06 long. Again, the relevant phrase is at 8:31:30. At that spot, there are 5hr:04min to go in the book.

November 2, 2023


Most people I now term dawn-supremacist, illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies. Dawn-supremacist in that if you're not relatively functional soon after dawn, it's hard to function in their society.

October 31

a perhaps-informative rant

I started this on the night of the 30th. I was heading towards an uplifting message, and my original heading was "a sermon?" You'll see where the scathing sarcasm cuts in. I got diverted when I decided to at least list the 13 Illuminati families.

We'll see if I get to the point of at least setting up the uplifting message for when I'm feeling more uplifted. Last night was probably the warmest it will be for a while. It was almost summer warm. For that and a number of other reasons, I was going for uplifting.

(Update: I did at least introduce my uplifting topic.)

This is where I started last night:

Why not do sermons? It's hard to be more pathetic than most "Christian" preachers who shut their churches down for months in worship of Mammon and wear masks and get pharmakeia potions ("vaccines"). Oh yeah, not to mention Christian pastors who think the modern State of Israel houses God's chosen people. As I've mentioned a number of times, my mother was full-blooded "Jewish," but that gets my cousins no mercy from me. "...the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie..." (Revelation 3:9).

The Star of "David" is the Star of Remphan from Acts 7:43--a demon, or 5th or 6th density negative being. The Star of Remphan is on the family crest of the Rothschild family. It's a little left of top center. Note that the Balfour Declaration that led to the modern State of Israel was a letter from UK Foreign Secretary to Lord Rothschild.

That would be the Rothschilds who appear to be the most powerful of the 13 Illuminati families. (If you want to touch CIA's site, here is the CIA library copy of Bloodlines of Illuminati, by Fritz Springmeier, 1995. One day I should, like, read that. Perhaps when I'm not facing homelessness and starvation.

Now that I'm looking at it, I will list the 13 families:

  1. Astor
  2. Bundy - almost certainly including Ted the serial killer who may have been recruiting women for sacrifice. The Edge of Wonder guys (Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts) did a show on that roughly in 2020. Bundy was being groomed for political office. His exposure and conviction may have been infighting more than anything else.
  3. Collins
  4. DuPont
  5. Freeman
  6. Kennedy - I did not know that. Duh.
  7. Li
  8. Onassis - as in Jackie Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
  9. Rockefeller - as obvious as that should be, I did not know that either. Duh.
  10. Rothschild
  11. Russell - as in Russell Elementary School in Smyrna, GA and the Richard B. Russell Federal Building in downtown Atlanta (start on page 164)
  12. Van Duyn (begin 182)
  13. Merovingian (199)
  14. Disney (202) - I can't quickly tell, but he seems to be calling Disney an important agent, but apparently not one of the 13.
  15. Reynolds ("The Reynold’s family is not one of the 13 primary bloodlines" - 270) - as in RJ Reynolds Tobacco

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The PDF is 932252 bytes or 911K.

In any event, the Rothschilds have been creating "national" "currencies" out of thin air and loaning them at interest for at least a few hundred years.

I heard about the "out of thin air" stuff in the 90s, but then my economics text book spelled it out. I'm pretty sure it was chapter 14: "How Banks Create Money." Campbell R. McConnell Stanley L. Brue, Economics, 15th edition, October 15, 2001.

I also found it in two other economics 101 textbooks. The examples I've seen online bring cash into it, which confuses the issue. With that said, the following WikiP entries almost spell it out clearly. What I have found hard to find is the account books of the bank. When you get a mortgage or the US trades debt notes for "money," the bank puts "your" house (or a US T-Bill) in their asset column and CREATES a liability column from which you (or the US) pays for the house (or death shots or bombs to be dropped on Gaza). (The WikiP entries were loaded starting 2023/10/31 11:34am EDT (GMT -4).)

From "Money creation" - "The banking system can expand the money supply of a country beyond the amount created by the central bank, creating most of the broad money in a process called the multiplier effect.[18]" -- I might add that almost every country allows their banks to do this, so it's more than "can." The Swiss vote would have revoked that power.

If 99.99999% of all "money" is created from a loan, that means the entire currency is loaned by the banks, and the debt on the collective loans is mathematically unpayable because the creation of every unit will require far more in interest to repay. That is why some parties celebrate when inflation is "only" 3%. There will always be inflation in a debt-money system because that's the only way to service the debt.

As Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars spells out, this is slavery. An enormous amount of effort goes into paying interest on "money" the banks simply created.

background for my potential uplifting sermon

Starting around Revelation 4, there is talk of angels and other powerful beings around the throne of God, for long periods, singing his praises. I read that decades ago, and it stuck with me. It seemed that such beings would have better things to do. I thought "Hidden_Hand" was more dramatic, but he signs off with "We leave you all in the Love, and the Light of our One Infinite Creator. Namasté." (I talk about Hidden_Hand and at least indirectly about Ra in my JQ article.) Ra signs off with "I am Ra. We leave you, my friends, in the love and the glorious light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai." Ra uses somewhat different expressions each time he (they) sign(s) off, as I recall.

It's not that Ra is promoting gender confusion. If anything, Ra spoke somewhat against that when talking about high-density cities and "aura infringement" (the term is from memory). I believe the Egyptian sun god was male, but Ra never claimed to be any sort of god; that was the Egyptians' doing. Ra is a group soul, so the term "they" is apt.

Perhaps without being able to put much passion behind it, my tentative conclusion is that no, powerful beings don't have anything better to do. Perhaps every act of living should be "rejoicing in the power and peace" and various expressions Ra uses.

Seane Corn, the yoga teacher and author, refers to yoga as "body prayer," which sounds a lot like "rejoicing." Drum corps was my and the performers' "rejoicing" (and there are still many moments adequately conveyed on Big Evil Goo Tube).

I could go on, but I've present the thought for now, at least.

October 29

for one of the Gab barefoot groups (starting 19:38)

Four years ago I would call most people "shod muggles." "Muggle" is from Harry Potter, and it's not an insult; it's a fact. A muggle is someone who is neither a wizard (nor witch) nor from a wizarding family.

During Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade ("Covid"), people eventually became masked, vaxxed zombies. "Zombie" is more or less literal given testimony relayed by Steve Kirsch.

Then a few weeks ago I declared them Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies. The video conference software company Zoom is profiteering from the "Covid" Big Lie. Such profiteering is supporting mass murder. On a lesser point, I am not an actor nor a salesperson. Seeing me on video is not relevant to what I do. Also, libtards natter about "...not color of skin." Then they want to see you.

As of the last day or two, many people are now illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies. Due to the "call me" crowd that I rant about on my tech blog, they almost got the illiterate label years ago, but I got pushed over the edge in the last few days. That's another discussion, though.

The immediate purpose of this entry is that, to be somewhat sarcastic, I am facing housing discrimination from the shod. As a possible solution, I found a handful of barefoot groups on Gab (at least 2). This brings up a question that has been on my mind for many years about various attributes of people and how they do or don't correlate. For example, I found out the hard way that being drum corps fans doesn't necessarily imply any other correlations between two people. I'd realized that many years ago. Then (almost all) the drum corps organizations went completely to the Dark Side during the Crusade.

The Crusade is unfortunately ongoing. At this rate, almost all the corps will require lethal injections next year, too. Then again, I have hope that the Enemy's "narrative" will collapse in the next few months. I think it's likely to collapse in the next 2 years.

Do barefooters have other correlations? We have to be willing to go way outside the norm and put up with all sorts of strange looks--as if if we're 3 legged chickens, to quote a favorite libtard story. We have to put up with stupid comments. I've also suffered one call to the sheriff's department / 911 / the police. So, what we have to put up with is some indicator of other correlations.

On the other hand, I had one lady, many years ago, assume I was a pot smoker. I've never tried it. I have nothing against it, no one has the power to criminalize it, and it's somewhere on my bucket list to try in a royal colony where it's "legal." The point is that it was a failed non-correlation.

As for the case of people who are both barefooters and Gab users, THAT gives me hope. Perhaps they'll be people to correlate with.

my barefoot factors / dimensions / superpowers

I looked over one of the Gab barefoot groups today. I found some similarities with a DARPA LifeLog ("Facebook") barefoot group. There appear to be a handful of dimensions of different barefooters, so I'll list mine.

My "superpower," or what many people to think is so, is that I go barefoot on "rocky" trails. I've walked many 1,000s of miles on such. People seem to think that rocks are alive and aggressive. I've been slightly injured on rocks a number of times over the decades, but the cost-benefit calculation isn't close--being barefoot is massively worthwhile compared to the cost.

My next "superpower" is that I can handle north Georgia hot asphalt well enough, and I can handle the coldest it ever gets here. I've walked on some degree of snow a handful of times, but I've never had the conditions to give that a full test. I've been on 35°F wet ground a few dozen times. At least twice I went roughly 2.5 miles on such. I've gone that far or farther a number of times in 25 - 27° and 20 mph wind gusts. Last January, I was wearing jeans, a heavy coat, and gloves, but I was still barefoot in 12°. I went about 1.2 miles that time. I would likely have gone farther, but it was getting dark, and I was worried that the park rangers would worry about me. And when law enforcement gets "worried," things can get way out of hand.

Both the LifeLog and Gab groups seemed to have a contingent that goes barefoot in stores and restaurants. I've never done that. More power to them, but it's not high on my list of fights. "No shoes" has been on signs for my whole life. I'm not saying that is good. That's just to set up the notion that I damn sure do draw the line at masks. I never wore a mask, although I also distorted my life to avoid many places. There are categories of places, in fact, that I didn't go back to until a few weeks ago.

With that said, if I find my barter with a barefooter who wants to push the commercial building (battle) front, I would seriously consider joining in.

With that said, I doubt that one is electrically grounded in commercial buildings. That is most of the point. The earth is generally alkaline / negatively charged and conductive. Our blood is supposed to be slightly alkaline. Various core metabolic processes--such as burning energy (ATP), I believe--are oxidizing, which I remember as meaning stripping electrons. Thus, if we're barefoot on negative, conductive ground, we are built to suck up the free electrons. Our body's design assumes we're replenishing electrons.

Similarly, buildings' floors lack texture. The texture, from rocks to mud, is part of the experience.

Gab post

Often I write a longer article and then try to distill it down to the Gab post:

the barefoot Gab post itself

To be somewhat sarcastic, I am suffering housing discrimination from the shod. I support the right to discriminate, so I'm not exactly complaining. I figure, though, that someone who is both a member of Gab and a barefooter might be the one to barter with for a room. I'll come back to that in a moment.

For purposes of laying out my "superpowers," I've gone 10,000s of miles barefoot on "rocky" ground in temperatures starting from 12°F. On the other end, I am highly resistant to near-direct-sun-angle asphalt (at solar noon on summer solstice) with a 95° air temperature.

I put "rocky" in quotes because that's what the illiterate, Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies say. They seem to think that rocks are alive and aggressive. I have hope that the people in this group are none of the above--not illiterate, etc.

In theory, I support the notion of being barefoot in commercial buildings (stores, restaurants), but I've never tried that. If that's part of the barter, though, I would seriously consider it.

Below is my link to my barter ad. If you're concerned about clicking links, look over my Gab postings. I would hope I've established a track record. With that, my barter ad: https://kwynn.com/t/8/04/housing.html. Also, here is a somewhat more detailed version of this post: https://kwynn.com/t/21/12/personal_blog.html#e2023_1029_Gb_19 (Many moons ago I was taught that it's a bad idea to have a hot link that boomerangs back to its own page.)

an amusing-to-me tech note

For the first time on this page, I added 1 dimension of CSS to the "h5" HTML tag and 3 points (dimensions) to the "h6" tag. The h6 tag was not in my CSS at all until the above post, or the above section of this post, or whatever you want to call it.

October 28

moving update - seeking the unshod (barefoot - starting 19:48)

The sale / closing / move out date for this house is still looking like 3 weeks from now. I may have mentioned a possible destination, and I may continue looking into that, but it's hit a possible snag. Thus, I'm inspired to go for that 1 in 500 connection. Hopefully it's not 1 in 10,000, or, if it is, perhaps a minor miracle will occur.

This blog's sections mentioned below are an addendum to my housing wanted ad.

There are a number of barefoot groups out there. I plan to post to them in the context of finding a new home. Thus I added some headers and HTML id attributes so that I could link directly to the appropriate sections. I added a barefoot id to my 9/30 entry.

October 24

housing update 2

Minutes after I wrote the following, I learned that the husband "loved" this house. The inspection begins or perhaps entirely takes place tomorrow. To recap, this house is under contract for sale, with a possible closing of November 21. I have a promising lead on where to move next, but I'm in the very early stages of negotiation. I'm still looking for the barters mentioned on my home page.

housing and more update

Since this house went on the market, I believe there were 4 showings over weekends. No showings on weekdays. One open house.

Even with what I hear are 8% interest rates, the house went under contract, but I was told that it was the early stages of the contract. The wife was excited enough to put it under contract two days after she saw it, but the husband first looked at it 3 days after she did, which was a few hours ago. I have not heard what he thinks, although I'm sure I'll have an update in another few hours.

In other news, I finally started sales again. From Oct 16 - 21, I put out 20 inquiries. I got 3 responses. One wrote to say that he'd found a (probably small) company who had already done what he wanted in another state. I'm hoping he'll have some ideas for me, though. The other two are in my court. I was busy Sunday and then in shock yesterday when I got the house contract news. Even if I get these projects, I don't see signs that they are particularly big. One of them would have been worth small, but it's run into some odd complications. The other is still a wildcard until I know more.

Much of my outgoing communication went silent for the previous 2 days. My sleep schedule still hasn't settled down, to add another complication. I'm sometimes falling asleep at dark and sleeping for much of the night, which isn't productive during 12+ hour nights.

When it's up to me, I'm leaving for breakfast around 11am, so this isn't early enough for a 9 - 5 job. Even if this weird sleep cycle keeps up, I'd still tend to to think that 9 - 5 would literally kill me in a few months. That's been the trend every time I've tried it.

the magic dog

This was on October 17, posted days later. I'm not entirely sure how or why I got inspired to write this up, but I did write it up just after the incident, so I'll post it.

Now I've seen everything. This incident started around 10:15pm, about an hour ago, as I'm writing this. My temporary room (in the temporary house) looks over a deck which is in turn 20 - 25 feet above the ground. There is a stairway leading up from the ground, but the gate was probably closed. The only light on the deck was from my room.

I looked up, and there was a medium-large dog on the deck. He was similar to a Jack Russell terrier but, as best I understand their size, this one was much bigger. I don't think he was seeing me. He was attracted by the light, as best I could tell. He wasn't aggressive. I eventually decided he was simply feeling lost. Mind you, given the layout of this property and what's around it, I was quite puzzled that the dog would appear where he did. That he was seeking the light seems the best answer.

I waited a few moments to see if he would go away. Then it occurred to me that even though he may have pushed the gate open, he might not be able to go back the other way. So I decided I'd have to open the gate for him. I went to one of the doors to the deck, and he was right there waiting for me, so I had to make sure he didn't come in. All of his behavior was friendly. I opened the gate and shooed him down the steps. I thought that would be that.

But no, minutes later he was back on the deck. I made a call thinking that he must be a dog I had just heard about a few days before. I hoped the person at the other end would still have the phone number of the owners. Given my description, though, it was obviously a different dog. The callee asked me about the collar. I'd noticed that there were a number of items on the collar, so it seemed I would have to try that next.

I took another look outside, and the dog had left the deck. I went out the front door, which is above the deck and closer to street level. The terrain down to the deck, at night, would not be fun to navigate, even with my nice flashlight, so I tried calling the dog. I eventually realized that it was able to jump through the slats of the deck and porch rails. The gate was never an issue for him, it seems. The dog appeared next to me on the driveway, jumping through slats.

Before I tried the collar, I thought that simply leading him to street level might get him on his way. He was excitable, so ideally I didn't want to have to grab him and look at the collar. All indications were that he was friendly, but I was still being cautious. Indeed, he went down the driveway and seemed to disappear. A few moments later, though, he was back.

It took a little doing to keep him still enough to read the phone number on the collar, which thankfully was there; there were two numbers, in fact. (His name was on the other side of the collar, but it was in cursive in mediocre light, so I never made it out.) I called the number and got a puzzled male voice answer after several rings. He may have been asleep. We quickly agreed that it was his dog, and he was more-or-less across the street. He pulled up a few minutes later, and all was well. I introduced myself and got his name, so I have a new contact in the neighborhood.

Several days ago I was nearby petting another lady's dog, so that was my first contact in the neighborhood, also over a dog. That one was a pug who was falling asleep from my ear rubbing.

I'll call tonight's dog T for not-quite-a-terrier. I did get his name, but dogs deserve privacy, too. In any event, T was quite fun to pet once I knew his human was coming for him. When I went back inside, I just had to literally laugh out loud at the weirdness of it.

October 13 (2 entries)

contact from Poland (entry 2)

I mentioned the Podesta Emails in a recent post because someone from Poland asked me about them. Once upon a time, I had a link to 58,000 of the emails in a ZIP file on my Big Evil Goo Drive. Mr. Poland noted that my links to WikiLeaks don't work anymore, and he was wondering if I knew anything about that. The short answer is no, but I'm surprised it took this long for those links to break. Assange has been in prison for years, and the bad guys are no fans of WikiLeaks. I did find other ZIP files, though, as I noted in the previous entry.

When I asked, he said that he found the Podesta Emails via Alex Jones. Then he asked me if it's true that we have 100% inflation in the US. Others would have a better answer than I do, so I won't post my reply to him. He said inflation is 8% in Poland.

move / new location update (entry 1)

A reminder that I just moved, but this house just went on the market. I have to move again before it closes, and I have no idea where I'm going next. Well, I have some ideas, but they are very tentative.

First, this is in answer to paring down my belongings, or getting to that answer, at least (eventually). Last week I moved 3.2 carloads--all my stuff--over 5 trips. That is, 3 trips were not totally full and added up to 1.2 trips. I won't specify the model of car; that's another topic. I'll just say it's a manual transmission, which puts me in one of many minorities. I think I've mentioned that for a straight male who is more-or-less white, I'm in quite a few tiny minorities.

To restate one point, because multiple people are actively reading this, I look white. It's hard to say how white I am by genes; I am damn sure not getting a DNA test until the relevant people are tried and executed. They are the same (((usual suspects))). My mother was Jewish along all know branches of her family, so make of that what you will. As far as I know, my father is extremely close to all white. There are rumors of Indian (Native American) ancestors, but I don't know that they were ever confirmed.

One day I need to try to find out how genetically J the average J is. That's as opposed to genes from Germans and Poles and Russians and such. Also, to restate the point, I do not consider Js white because their self-proclaimed leadership has been trying to enslave and kill whites for thousands of years. Unfortunately, too many outside of that core leadership layer go along to too large a degree, but that's another discussion.

To get to the moving and paring questions: from October 2 into the 3rd I almost didn't sleep, but I still managed a very productive day on the 3rd. For the next several days, I slept 3 - 4 hours a night, and I still managed very productive days. I took one moving trip each day from Oct 2 through Oct 6. Saturday (10/7) was only quasi-productive. I lost almost the whole day Sunday (10/8) as an effect of this house about to go on the market.

Finally, Monday into Tuesday, I slept a LOT. I finally started recovering. Before that, I was getting some complaints from muscles when I moved in the wrong way. Over the past two days, I have caught up with the lawyer project's hours, and I have gotten project codename Jack somewhat farther. Perhaps I'm ready to start doing sales again.

The good news about Sunday is that I found my new walking spot. I was there for quite a few hours Sunday, and then I went Monday through yesterday. I might still go today. I'll probably have plenty to say about my new spot, sometime soon.

Today I decided I'd better do in-house stuff. I shaved for the first time in a few months. My beard was already quite fuzzy.

Then today I did some leaf blowing. I have used an electric leaf blower a handful of times, but I hadn't used a gas (gas/oil) one until a few days ago. I'm earning my oil-gas leaf blowing merit badge! :) The blower will give me exercise. It's heavy. Hopefully it won't seem as heavy in a number of days.

To finally answer the question, I don't think I've done any paring of stuff at all yet. I had to buy a few things, which added just a bit to my possessions. There are a couple of related tasks I need to do in the next day or so, and then hopefully the paring will begin.

As for being settled, that's hard to say. For the last few days, I have taken my usual breakfast trip with an average departure of (roughly) 11am rather than 2:30pm. Since I moved, I've been active before 9:45am every day. A few times I was active earlier. For many years, my average time of falling asleep was something like 4:30am, and my average time to get out of bed was 1:30pm. I'm not sure if this new schedule will last.

The above was being written around 5:15pm. Then the real estate agent came over. We had a nice talk, but meeting anyone new will cause a minor reset. I suppose I should stop and post.

October 12

response to someone specific part 3, including general-audience info

First posted around 19:02 with the specific stuff, and then I'm adding the general stuff before informing my correspondent. Latest update 19:27, after I informed corr.

specific to my correspondent

I should mention something about the relevant website. Take a look at your outgoing messages. You tried to ask me where I got my "information," but it comes out as "ination" (sic). The site is engaged in one of the most insane methods of web security I've ever seen. It's almost certainly removing most or all of the JavaScript keywords and a number of HTML keywords. A likely list is something like: form, object, class, function, most punctuation, and God knows what else. That's one reason I've been replying here.

So far, I don't think I've lost any of your meaning, but that may change. Do you have an alias email address? One of my addresses is on my resume on my home page. May we use email? There are a handful of things I'd rather communicate in writing, but you've passed my writing tests for the phone. Alternatively, you can keep using that site, and I can start posting private messages on this site. I am a web developer. I should be capable of that. :)

general audience

The important part of your response is that you haven't run screaming. I think you're saying you're ready to ask lots of questions. Under some conditions, I will answer questions endlessly. The answers can be public. The conditions under which I'll answer questions can't quite be public, so hopefully we'll come to that soon.

We have to be able to determine the truth of history long before our time. Or, at least, we need to be reasonbly correct on important points. It is possible, but it takes work. Of course history is written by the victors. People know that phrase but don't apply it. For at least 109 years the good guys have generally lost.

Obviously not everyone who has been double jabbed has keeled over yet. I suspect that some batches of "vax" were placebos. Some contained varying doses of varying materials. There is a likely correct claim that a specific number--I think it was 5%-- of the batches in the US were very deadly. That doesn't mean any of it is safe, but some batches killed a lot of people quickly.

With that said, thorough tests show myocarditis in many seemingly healthy people, which doesn't necessarily kill you quickily. Similarly, the D-dimer test shows micro-clotting in many seemingly healthy people. I'll have a bit more to say privately.

I've heard from perhaps 5 people that their elders pushed them to get shots. In some cases, their elders were 82. In some cases, they were younger than I am. I am somewhat puzzled by the specialty of the doctor who "required" your jabs. I'm sure I've mentioned in before in this tome, but I'll repeat what Dr. Jim Thorp (OBGYN) said on Dr. Drew's show almost exactly a year ago. He said that he'll testify as an expert witness at his colleages' murder trials. He thinks many of them should be executed for pushing the shot.

It became difficult to buy and sell without both masks and jabs. Three people were ordered to stand 6 feet and 6 feet and 6 feet apart. It hasn't quite made it to the hand or forehead, but it's getting close. Even if masks or jabs are not the Mark of the Beast, it's an immediate predecessor, and the people pushing all of it are pure evil.

October 11 (3 short entries)

update on me

In answer to one question, yes, I moved. However, where I am right now is going up for sale in a few days. I have no idea where I'm going when this place sells. (Posted 22:20)

response to someone specific part 2

The short answer to your question is my news sites page.

Podesta emails update (first posted 22:07)

Based on a web page of mine on the Podesta emails, someone wrote me a few weeks ago to say that WikiLeaks' site didn't seem to have the emails, or at least not in the same place. I did Yandex searches for "all of the Podesta emails" and "all of the Podesta emails ZIP file" without quotes.

Someone put them in the Internet Archive. That 3.9GB ZIP file is almost certainly all of them, or it's more than I downloaded. There are other results that probably put it all back together.

October 9

The Christian entry was mostly written on September 30, so that day would have had 2 parts. I mention this in case I don't remove all the references to that draft entry. This Christian entry was potentially for a software project specifying Christians. I have absolutely no problem with people asking such questions; however, I find the term "Christian" hard to define. So far, I haven't answered the software project ad. To say I got distracted in the last few days is quite the understatement, but that's another entry.

Am I a Christian? (at least background eventually leading to that answer)

Lest you be in suspense, I only partially answer the question, at best.

It's probably best to read my 9/30 entry on Christianity first. To recap, though, I was certainly not raised as a Christian. I have never been a member of a church, and I have only been to services perhaps 10 times in my life. I have come to think based on evidence, not faith, that the salient points of Christ's life are true. The notion that belief in Christ saves us is, at a minimum, metaphorically true in at least two senses.

In my earlier (9/30) entry, though, I didn't address the negative side. Andrew Torba, founder and CEO of Gab, most certain says he's a Christian, and I don't dispute it. He gets condemned by the ADL on a regular basis. As I've said before, one has not accomplished anything in life until one has been a) condemned by the ADL, or b) had US sanctions imposed upon him. As best I understand, Torba does what he does in large part because he is a Christian. He's up there close to my heroes list. I definitely respect him.

On the other hand, I have to look at the actions of others who prominent label themselves Christian, such as members of a huge church I drive by every day. The church belongs to a very popular denomination (in the South, at least).

The Bible tells us that Satan is the prince of this world. There are various passages about how much influence Satan has. The historical evidence supports this notion.

I introduce the concept of densities in my "JQ" article (and I refer to my sources). Regarding Satan, to be more specific, the evidence supports the existence of multiple 5th or 6th density negative being who could properly be called demons, devils, or Satan. (The evidence also supports 6th density positive beings who could be called angels.)

I am well aware of the Satan worshipers who largely rule the world. They have names. This is indeed the Information Age, so it's easy to know these things like never before. It's also very easy to identify Satanic actions.

So what does the Christian church I drive by do? First, they let (relatively obvious) Satanists shut their Church down for weeks or months. Then they get themselves injected with Mark of the Beast (or close enough to it).

(For the record, this begins what I'm writing on 10/9.)

Thus, who is acting in their capacity as Christians? Andrew Torba, that church, neither, both? I'm not sure I can accept that both Torba and that church are Christians. I'll come back to this in a moment.

The definition of "Christian" is something about believing that Christ saves us from sin and gives us eternal life or some such. (If you detect sarcasm entering my writing, I am both being sarcastic and not.) We have eternal life because we are part of the One Infinite Creator, not to be confused with Yahweh. Yahweh is real, but he is 4 or 5 iterations down the Logos fractal. He is either the creator of Earth or the creator of one of the peoples of Earth--the true Israelites. The people calling themselves Jews today may or may not be one of the Tribes of Israel. As I address in the JQ article, too many Jews are actively or passively on the negative path. In any event, the bulk of the Israelites are the northern and western Europeans (see Herbert Armstrong).

Hell is real enough in at least two senses. Fourth density negative might as well be Hell. The followers of the negative path of ascension want to go to Hell / 4th negative.

Some people who have near-death experiences experience going towards Hell. That is a real experience, although I may have to whittle on what "real" means in that sense. Perhaps I'll come back to that.

Even if both Torba and this church believe in Christ's salvation, I have trouble accepting that those who follow a Satanic agenda are Christians. Very roughly in June, Torba posted about the church's beliefs are corrupted such that they are taught not to concern themselves with this world. They are alleged Christians who swallow fairly obvious Satanic Big Lies.

I'm going to close this out for now. I may have some other updates soon. October has already been one of the most eventful few days in my life, so there are other fish to fry right now.

September 30

I added a couple of headers on 10/28, a few weeks after the post. I added a header on barefoot hiking and then another on reading for consistency's sake. Generally, I try not to modify older entries, but there is a reason. I may discuss that on or after 10/28.

For the record, I posted this around 1am and let the primary recipient know it was posted.

response to someone specific

Almost all of this was written on August 31. September was not a happy month, but I can't get into details now. Things are looking better as September ends.

Regarding my previous conversation with "someone specific": In my first entry (2021/12/30), I explain that Facebook is DARPA Lifelog. Also, my home page goes from professional to personal for the most part. I take it that you stopped with the professional part.

On the Myers-Briggs test, I max out the introvert scale. (I understand that the Myers-Briggs usage of "introvert" isn't the same as common usage.) I am an INTJ. NT are solid, J is weak.

I am not visually creative. That is, I am no sort of visual artist.

I'd like to think I am creative with ideas. I'd probably have to think about definitions and such, but there is creativity to software development.

To the extent that music performance is creative, I had some rank as a concert drummer (I suppose percussionist is more proper). In middle school, I just barely made the county honors band back when my county was very competitive nationally. I made some sort of honor's band in high school. It must have been (the same) county, although I'm not remembering that detail as specifically. It was certainly not state. I wasn't that good, nor did I work hard enough to try to be that good.

I did make Georgia's Governor's Honors Program (GHP) in math, as a rising junior. That is very competitive, and most students make it as rising seniors. I made GHP in part because of a hands-of-a-clock-angle formula I derived. Various teachers I interviewed with hadn't heard of the formula before. Now it's on the web. I'm not claiming it traces back to me. I'm sure others could derive it.

The formula is |(60H - 11M) / 2| where || is absolute value, H is hours, and M is minutes. Then subtract from 360 if you get the larger angle: the formula could give you either one.

In the "always willing to learn" category, I could go at that from several angles. As I like to say, my resume has a dizzying range of technologies. Almost all of those are solo freelance, so I had to learn quickly if it was something new. Two days ago I saw yet another instances of developers unwilling to go outside of their bubble. I think it will cost the client many thousands of so-called dollars (Federal Reserve Notes / Rothschild account money). I probed a few hours ago to see if he might consider me for the whole project, but I think he's committed to his course.

To stay in the technical realm, several months ago I did a detailed study of how GPS works at a fine-grained level. I mostly focused on signal processing. I thought I understood it several years ago, but it turned out I had some of the key details somewhat far off, and I had no idea how in-depth the signal processing was.

Someone with some professional knowledge of aviation said of my flying saucer essay: "Really fascinating write-up. A lot of thought-provoking thoughts! I enjoyed the read -- thank you" (Apr 21, 2023, for my record).

Strewn about this site you'll find my diggings into religion, politics, history, etc.

"Intelligent ... problem-solvers." I think I get points for that in some realms. As for handy, I've changed brake pads without dying. I once fixed my cruise control, and my house's master circuit breaker. (I sold the house decades ago. That's a whole 'nother tale.) I am willing to learn carpentry and plumbing and more extensive electrical and such. I'd imagine I could learn.

As for outdoorsy, I take a ~1.5 mile walk every day. The elevation gain is 155 - 226 feet. The higher end of that I think is accurate. One day I'll try to nail that down. It's a dirt trail in the woods, although not far from civilization.

Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies

I suppose I should back up here. I have nattered on at great length about Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies. Zoom-ing refers to their obsession with Zoom since they became masked. Many vaxxed people are rather literally zombies, per my September, 2022 entry on Steve Kirsch.

Before the big reveal, I should mention that before Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade--known the the Zoom-ing, shod, masked, vaxxed zombies as "Covid"--I referred to most people as shod muggles. "Muggle" is of course from Harry Potter. A muggle is someone who neither has magic (not a witch or wizard) nor is from a magical (wizarding) family. Being a muggle is a fact, not an insult.

"...(un)shod..." - my 1,000s of barefoot miles on dirt (soil) trails

I refer to either group as shod because I haven't taken one step on those trails with shoes in something like 7 years. I can easily go around the whole 5.3 mile trail barefoot. 5.3 miles and a lot of up and down. I would guess the total climb is 700 or 800 feet (way up then down then up some more--the total up is 700 or 800). I was out there this past January with gloves, a heavy coat, and jeans in 12°F weather but still barefoot. I did the usual 1.x miles. I've been in some degree of snow barefoot a number of times.

I would guess I've gone at least 1.2 miles barefoot on dirt trails for 60% of all the days back to 1994. The percentage for the last 13 years is probably 90%. I didn't learn the notion of "earthing" until 2013 or so. Note that there is an Earthing Movie documentary with Deepak Chopra as the biggest name. I knew there was a good reason long before that, although I didn't know as precisely what it was.

I'm not going to thump on this too much longer. It's something that I experimented with starting when I was 16 or 17. Then I would go farther and farther. At some point, it feels way wrong to wear shoes. I find it amusing that so many people seem to think it's impossible.

what I've read

In some ways I'm a "country boy" politically.

I'd imagine I've read 10,000 pages of sci-fi and perhaps unfortunately more of fantasy. I'll stick with the sci-fi. I've read dang near all of Heinlein. Lately I listen on audio, but I've read all of it before. Recently I've re-re listened to Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers, Citizen of the Galaxy, Time Enough for Love, and several others.

I've read Foundation including the relatively recent prequels, and all the robots series. I can come up with more, but you get the idea.

Atlas Shrugged has a number of aspects of sci-fi. I've read dang near all of Ayn Rand, too.

Christianity (and "religion" generally)

Let's see if I can do the short version, or else I'll be at this all night, into the day, and more nights. Now is not the time for the long version.

What I think about Christ is based on evidence. My chains of evidence are scattered about this site. I'm not going to rehash those now. I know that "faith" is quoted as important, but I am pretty dang sure based on the evidence.

I was most certainly not brought up as a Christian, so, no matter what, I don't think I can ever see the religion like those brought up in it. Then again, they say converts are the most zealous, but I'm not sure I've entirely converted.

Christ lived close enough to the stated time (and place). He created loaves and fishes, healed the sick, and raised the dead. I am fairly certain of these. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do." I believe that, too. This is where I start to take issue with Christians, not Christianity. What part of those words of Christ are unclear to Christians? Christ is telling us what is relevant in this life: we shall do these things. I am mostly interested in Christ's message for this life. I'll come to "other words than this" in a moment. (Jake in The Gunslinger: "... there are other worlds than this.")

As for other worlds, the notion that belief in / knowledge of the truth of Christ saves us from hell is, at a minimum, metaphorically true in at least two senses. (I could expand on that for a while, but I won't this time.)

As for eternal life, we have eternal life. The One Infinite Creator is all that is. "The universe is a daydream in the mind of God." You and I are a series of decisions or daydreams circling through time. I say circling because the Wheel of Time concept is close. The universe doesn't begin or end. It is. Ten minutes ago is no less real than 10 miles away. Living (incarnate) beings almost always experience time, but lower incarnate beings don't have the full perspective. "Lower" includes 3rd density. We are in third density bodies. That doesn't mean our souls are third density. I discuss that to some degree and site it in one of my very ancient history articles. (The daydream quote is (close enough to a quote) from What the Bleep Do We Know? (2004).)

The aforementioned article sites sources who say that Yahweh is roughly 3 - 4 steps down from the One Infinite Creator. Yahweh is the creator of Earth or perhaps of one of the lineages of earth. He is not the One Infinite Creator. When I say God from now on, I mean the One Infinite Creator, not Yahweh.

I should mention that we reincarnate. That was removed from Christianity. Satan is the father of the Big Lie. If you'll excuse the pun, there is no way in Hell we have the pure message. There is no way we have the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. We absolutely have the means to get to the Truth, or at least get extremely close, even in 3rd density.

On a related point, Satan is very real, although I'm not sure which entity is which. There are a number of 5th and 6th density negative beings who are worshiped by physical (and soul) earthlings right now. Lucifer and Satan are different beings, although there is a relationship. I get into that in the above article. Various beings in the running for Satan are Baal, Baphomet, Moloch, Remphan ("the star of your god Remphan" - Acts 7:43), and one of the Egyptian gods. I haven't gotten straight whether the bad guy is Osiris or Set. I think Set killed Osiris for a good reason, but I'm not certain of that yet. Perhaps Satan is a separate being, but the "Star of David" is very likely the Star of Remphan.

I'm going to end this entry here. It may be an abrupt ending, but hopefully it accomplishes something.

August 26

BitChute, etc. - entry 5 today

This again abruptly ends, but I suppose I'll post it.

entry 5 try 2

In reply to someone whom I just introduced to BitChute:

I assume you're reading WikiP and related info on BitChute. In case there is a question, I personally witnessed perhaps 60 people kicked off Big Evil Goo Tube / YouTube. The rumblings of such began in 2015 in 2016, and it started blatantly in 2017. Then it just kept getting worse. Now anyone whose information is good enough is long gone. There are various qualifiers to that statement, but it's close enough. That was just 60 people who I watched occasionally. I'm sure the number is in the 1,000s and 10,000s.

I'll make sure you see my news site page. (The email version won't have that link because it's a spam filter risk.) Video is not necessarily efficient for news, and the concept of "news" isn't necessarily efficient, but that's another discussion.

Actually, I'll try to address that in brief. BitChute came up because I mentioned that John O'Looney is often on BitChute. That's in the context of both "Covid" and "Covid" "vaccines." This is where one can get caught up in "news": endless elaboration on evidence the vax is deadly, for example. I equate this to getting obsessed with the 7th level iteration of a fractal rather than focusing on the core. "News" usually involves adding detail at the 7th layer.

By 2020 I knew these people were literally mass murdering, baby raping demon worshipers. I knew about the Big Lie long before that, although I'm not sure how far I'd thought it through. When Hitler gave his Big Lie speech, he was talking about the techniques of the enemy, and we face the same enemy. More specifically, we face their descendants and the same people ideologically. Their ideological can be called Satanism, but I can be much more specific than that. I have been in various parts of this site, but organizing such stuff is more than I'm willing to do. I need to get back to worrying about eating.

I wound up sending a few parts of this entry in email. This is part of what I said: I mention my news site because video is not necessarily efficient. I have other "news" sites. Also, "news" isn't at all efficient, but that's a long discussion. I just want to give you something more specific than trawling through BitChute.

the stream of consciousness version - entry 5 try 1)

My news sites need to be pinned somewhere, but I'll try to keep listing them. BitChute is listed there. I just introduced BitChute to someone. He looked up BitChute's origins. The WikiP article is interesting. I was unsurprised to see that the ADL "endorses" BitChute.

It's possible that 60 people I was somewhat familiar with were kicked off of Big Evil Goo Tube / J-- Tube. One J--ess sister runs Goo Tube and the other 23 and Me. Then you have the Russian government more and more loudly demonstrating that the (((US))) is trying to develop ethnic-specific bio-weapons. There is NOTHING suspicious of 23 and Me openly run by one of (((them))).

With that said, David Seaman was one of the first big names kicked off YouTube in roughly April of 2017. That's big names within a certain small pond. Seaman introduced me to Hidden_Hand who in turn introduced me to The Law of One, so I am eternally grateful. I kept up with him for a while afterwards, but his focus isn't the stuff I'm most interested in.

I was considering this as a reply to my new BitChute viewer, but I think I'm wandering even farther than usual.

catching up - entry 4 today

Overall, my health is plenty good enough and unchanged for many years. I have continued to attempt software freelancing, but that is going very badly. I applied to ~75 nighttime but otherwise "real" jobs from November until May or June. I got 2 interview requests out of that, but no joy.

I wasted an enormous amount of time on Canonical's candidate process. Canonical packages Ubuntu Linux, which I'm typing on now. I would cast several of their statements as deceptive. I'm not saying it's intentional, let alone actionable, but it amounts to deception. I thought they were different for several reasons, so I poured heart and soul into the process. Only after the fact did they say they get 50,000 applications a month. That's not only for the job I was applying for, but still. They are a small company; they can't handle that. I might as well play roulette; it has a higher mathematical expectancy.

I also need to find a new room / place to live. I'd like to barter, in part because I can't really afford rent. My home page has my "housing wanted" ad. I would move to quite a few politically red areas. I emailed the Russian Consulate on Thursday. I'd move to Russia and learn Russian. My "Go Russia!" article is also on my home page.

I am fairly certain I went to the Planet Smoothie near the drum corps show in 2019. I am also nearly certain I haven't had a smoothie since. For the record, I used to be a big fan of the Chocolate Elvis. I am NOT expanding this blog into food, though, or food and health.

> It was good to hear ... [that] you still have some firm opinions that you are willing to express openly.

I'd say I have crossed pretty much all the red lines on this site in the last few years. That might have something to do with why no one is hiring me, but I don't really want to work for the shod, masked, vaxxed zombies.

catching up after several years - drum corps stuff continued (entry 3 today)

I'm trying again to respond to a drum corps friend. This is scattered through entries going back a few weeks. Some of this is redundant. It's meant as part of an email to him.

I won't tell you who won or came in second because they're shod, vaxxed zombies, and too-often masked. "Shod, masked, vaxxed zombies" has replaced "shod muggles" for what I call most people. The evidence is that Carolina Crown never had a vax requirement, and there is also evidence that their 2023 show was about natural rights or "human rights" or "civil rights" or such. That is, they may have been mocking everyone else. The only reason I checked rankings was to see if Crown won, but they came in 3rd.

As for who performed (top 12), it was fairly standard going back decades except SCV was dormant this year, for the first time since their 1967 founding, other than worshiping Billuminati Gates in 2020. They did have shows in '21 and '22.

My vax-specific drum corps rantings began on July 31. On June 22, I responded to a mutual drum corps friend of ours, mourning that I wasn't going to the local outdoor show.

For the record, decades ago some color guards marched barefoot, so they weren't shod: notably SCV 1990 (Carmen, so barefoot gypsy girls), and SCV 1991 (Miss Saigon). SCV was not at Boston University in 1991, but I happened to be. I was only at the evening show, though, not prelims, back when "prelims" earlier in the day were a thing. It was a hot day for Atlanta, let alone Boston. I saw a story on rec.arts.marching.drumcorps (I think) that during prelims, barefoot color guard members suffered 2nd degree burns, but they marched on, did the show, and marched off.

emails - part 2 - today's entry 2 (an update a few minutes later)

To put it another way, I am learning the hard way that it's just not worth spending too much time on such emails. It sounds like you did far more than I expected. Whether you did more than is sensible is a statistical question. I'm not sure you want to go for a statistical universe. :) "Sensible" is meant as sarcasm mostly towards myself for banging my head on this for 14 years on Craig's List. I just found a 2012 interaction where I described Craig's List as "low probability." Perhaps this is a hint, or 1,400 of them. 1,400 is pretty close to how many CL ads I've answered over 14 years.

regarding emails - today's entry 1

A friend is exploring the idea of helping me with the "call me" crowd and otherwise help with sales. I was about to send him this email, and then decided to make it an entry.

friend: > It was a very polished and professional e-mail that I sent -- but I assume that the lack of any credible business name or portfolio in my e-mail didn't really appeal to him.

You're making a lot of assumptions there.  Here is my working model:

For one, a very large percentage of the population has lost control of their inbox(es) and don't really use email.  I wouldn't assume [John Doe] saw it.  When I mentioned setting you in his direction, it was with the assumption that you'd probably have to call him to have any chance.  With that said, I'm not pushing your calling him.  I'm disgusted with the "call me" crowd, where [John] is a variant.  I don't want to deal with them, so I'm not pushing you.  I thought that our communication styles might be different enough that you *might* be more successful, but no need to push.

For another, even GMail to GMail, there is no telling how much is eaten by spam filters, and most people don't check.  I'm not even thorough about checking the spam box of the Indian-job-recruiter-tar-trap email address on my website.  The emails are forwarded to me, but not the spam.  I don't always check before it rolls over in 30 days. 

> credible business name or portfolio in my e-mail

I found him on Craig's List.  He answered this address (not the tar pit address), even though my name is infinitely weirder than yours.  A good number of people on Craig's List are specifically avoiding businesses because that heavily implies a lot more money.  John wanted his job done for a few hundred dollars. (Where "dollars" are assumed to be fake account money / Federal Reserve Notes.)

My sales guy apprentice and I debate this point of custom domain email addresses.  I've never been convinced that such would make any difference.  I guess the only way to know would be an A-B test or some such.

Back to communication in general: it seems that by far the most likely outcome of any attempt at communication with strangers is silence, and it often isn't much better with friends.  It seems to be a social law. 

August 22

John O'Looney - a heroic funeral director

John O'Looney (co?) owns Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK. At risk of oversimplifying his statements, he's been in the Covid is fake camp from the start (or so viciously exaggerated that it amounts to the same). Then he started loudly observing that the "vax" has killed a lot of people. Along with former Pfizer Vice President Michael Yeadon, O'Looney made a complaint to the International Criminal Court at the end of 2021: "Top Public Health Figures Accused of Genocide in Historic Complaint Sent to the International Criminal Court" (2021/12/31).

O'Looney can still be found on BitChute regularly. I note that some of the recent videos appear to be attacking him, but welcome to the world of the really close to free internet, as opposed to Big Evil Goo and company.

Who knew that funeral directors could be heroes in their capacity as funeral directors?

August 16

The first post is after 00:14. This is a draft, but it's good enough to post for now. A few minutes later I separated this from the 15th's entry.

entry 2 - catching up with a drum corps friend

On August 14 (yesterday unless I re-date this) I started introducing a drum corps friend. I'm trying to divide my next response to him into what can be public and not. Below is the public part. Some of it is redundant relatively to recent entries.

the Satanic drum corps seasons

I have very little information on the Satan worshiping drum corps seasons. Unfortunately, that's how I view them, and fairly literally. There is no sarcasm or humor there. I refer to "Covid" as Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade. I just looked again to confirm that the public interest litigation accusing Gates of mass murder is still alive in the High Court of Bombay. I doubt that is going to be the big case that breaks this situation open, but it's nice to see such a thing in black and white in court documents.

I do have significant hope that justice will come for the Satanists, but that's another discussion. I would hope that the situation will be much clearer by the end of January, 2025.

I suppose some relatively brief explanation for "Satanists" is in order. In mid-2017 I read the Hidden_Hand dialog. I reference it (again) in my personal blog entry of Aug 15 (or perhaps a few days later). Before that, I had a pretty good idea of who the bad guys are historically. I knew something of the who, when, where, and how. I could never understand why. Money and power aren't sufficient. Hidden_Hand explained the "why." He explains the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in 21st Century English. He explains who Lucifer is in some detail. For a number of reasons I think that document is 99% true. Some people take issue with the 1%, but that's another discussion. Satan and Lucifer are different entities, but that's also another discussion.

In any event, the world has largely been ruled by a Satanic religion for all of recorded history and beyond. "Religion" is not even be correct because it's not speculative. To a degree, they know various truths a lot more solidly than we do. The Satanists are following one of the true paths of ascension. It is a path to ascension, which is another discussion. This doesn't mean I have to help them ascend.

The Satanists operate by a very specific calculation. I call it the Calculus of Evil. Their goal is to convince as many people as possible to follow their agenda as voluntarily as possible. On a vaguely related point, I have heard that Satanists do some of their rituals wearing masks and standing 6 feet apart. Three people "social distancing" stand 6 and 6 and 6 feet apart.

I avoided the 2022 season because I could see all sorts of reasons how it go badly for me. Only days after the season did I see SCV Cadets' 22 year old young women in perfect health wearing masks as they received their trophy. That is Satanic on several levels because it's a sacrifice and a sign of submission to their "Covid" Big Lie. It's also a sacrifice of oxygen and an overdose of CO2. It's covers their Divine beauty. I'm sure I could think of other reasons.

Then I learned they 22 year olds in perfect health were required to get vaxxed. The "vaccine" is extremely dangerous. I'll just site Steve Kirsch's Substack and leave it at that.

other drum corps news

I have tentatively concluded that Carolina Crown never had a vax requirement. I have some evidence that their 2023 season theme was a not so subtle slam against "Covid" tyrants. "Tyrant" is way too mild. I'm more explicit on my website. I *think* Crown's show was called Right Here, Right Now where "right" refers to natural rights (what some call "civil" or "human" rights). I say this without being sure because I'm trying to stay away and keep from continued mourning.

These tidbits on Crown, if true, are nice. It doesn't get me too excited, though. Certain things would have to be prominent on Crown's home page to get me excited, and I don't see them. Let's say that this is no time for subtle.

Santa Clara Vanguard was dormant in 2023. I only learned that a few days ago. I was curious to see if Crown won, and I was looking at the final rankings versus history. I noted SCV wasn't there. Crown came in 3rd, by the way. The corps who beat them are "dead to me," as Kevin O'Leary would say. I saw one of their vax requirements in black and white, and I have reason to believe the other had a requirement, too.

Back to SCV, they were founded in '67 and, when not worshiping Satan by canceling the season, operated continuously through 2022 inclusive. They did have some version of a 2021 (Satan worshiping) show, too.


August 15

There was only one entry. I separated the 16th's entry.

entry 1 - various nattering on airplanes and fiction

I shouldn't be nattering on something that is so irrelevant to me during a time of personal (and global) crisis, but I've been thinking about it, so here we go.

On July 7, 2017, at SFO, Air Canada 759 nearly caused the worst aviation accident in history. As it turned out, nothing at all happened, except some other pilots were terrified. (Apparently they all took off afterwards, though.)

The landing was at night but in good weather under visual rules. The pilots almost landed on a taxiway with 5 fully fueled planes with 1,000 passengers. They went around ("go around") just in time and missed one of the planes on the ground by 14 feet.

I've known about the incident for perhaps 2 years. Obviously the pilots made mistakes, but in the end they made the right decision even though they didn't quite understand what was wrong. The pilots should be cheered. Three cheers! I suppose they faced mild embarrassment if they had flown over a perfectly clear and functional runway. Then again, I get the impression that the industry does what it should in that situation--it doesn't question go arounds.

Go arounds can be dangerous. Mentour Pilot might advice pilots to assume a go around, and every landing is a bonus, but airliner pilots do a go around every 6 months if that. It's rare. It can also be dangerous. I can think of at least 2 crashes caused when the pilots didn't rev up the engines after the go-around. I'm pretty sure there is a 3rd rolling in my head, but I can't bring it up. It's a startling situation to be in. My web dev professor would call it a violation of the "principle of least astonishment."

On Feb. 13, 2017, in daylight, Harrison Ford did land on taxiway Charlie at Orange County (John Wayne). No one was injured or even frightened that time. When he called the FAA phone number that is the equivalent to a trip to the principal's office, he said "I'm the schmuck who landed on Charlie" (or close to that. There is a recording out there.) In the end, he wasn't fined or suspended. As best I understand the process, the FAA decided that he was paying attention and otherwise following procedure. It was obviously a mistake but not one that indicated likely future problems. A friend suggested that autographs were involved, but I don't think any bias was needed. It seems a sound decision.

To wander into fiction, the Air Canada pilots' decision remind me of a comment in SM Stirling's Nantucket series. The good guys' army has sprung a trap on the bad guys. The good guy's commander (Kenneth Hollard) thinks to himself that the bad guys' command has "moral courage" (or something close) because the evil commander recognizes that he's been suckered and retreats. If the bad guy couldn't accept his mistake and persisted, he would have been slaughtered.

I only listened to the Nantucket series a few months ago, even though I knew about it many years ago. It was quite good. The Emberverse is even better, though. The Emberverse begins with Dies the Fire (2004). Emberverse may be my favorite series ever, and I've read / listened to quite a few.

I'll try to stop and figure out how to feed myself.

August 14 - yet more on drum corps; perhaps less sobbing

The following is kinda cut off in the middle, as I recall, but I'll post it.

To review, as Kevin O'Leary says, drum corps is "dead to me." The evidence so far is that Carolina Crown never had a vax requirement, and I have some evidence that their 2023 season theme was a not so subtle slam against "Covid" tyrants. I would use stronger words than tyrants, but that's not the topic.

I still listen to corps while I'm driving. Even though Big Evil Goo Tube is controlled by mass-murdering, Satan-worshiping, baby raping tyrants--literally all those things--I will happily listen to the vast drum corps archive on there. I own quite a few of those shows on CD and DVD. The Blu-ray era unfortunately corresponded precisely with the Dark Age of the Final(s) Dome, so I don't have any of those.

DCI was founded in 1972. Musicians wanted to take control from military people (VFW and American Legion). So there were 48 seasons from 1972 - 2019. I don't recognize anything after that. There were 3 ties, so 48 years and 3 ties means 51 winners. The percentage is based on 48 years.

1972 - 2019
W % t
BD 19 40 2
CBC 10 21 1
SCV 7151
Cav 7 15 1
MS 24
PR 241
AK 12
CC 12
BlC 12

DCI winners


I met a drum corps friend in 2002. We went to quite a few shows together from 2002 through 2009. We may have gone to a show after that, but I'm not sure. We went to the premiere theater event several times after that, perhaps as late as 2017. I may have seen him at one or two local shows after that.

I hadn't written him since I wrote him to announce the cancellation of 2020. At the time I was simply sad and kept getting sadder. Privately, I was calling for Fauci's trial and execution by roughly June, 2020. I wasn't angry at drum corps folk yet.

In any event, I didn't write him again until a few days ago. I wrote him after I learned of the widespread vax requirement.

(A couple of small corrections made 8/15 22:52. It does cut off, but whatever.)

August 12 - 2 posts, roughly an hour apart

post 2 - more sobbing over drum corps stuff (as midnight approaches)

I just discovered that the Santa Clara Vanguard (SCV) drum and bugle corps was dormant this year. They were founded in 1967, were a founding member of DCI, and one of the all-time great corps. They are tied for the 3rd most wins (7 wins). If I started listing great SCV shows that I saw in-person, it would be a long list. There are a few more that I didn't see in person but came to enjoy.

I did not look hard for an SCV vax requirement in 2021 or '22. I would tend to think they had a requirement. Perhaps not marching is far better than a vax requirement. Part of me is still sad that they are gone, though.

Obviously Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade ("Covid") was involved in their dormancy.

In related news, as I wrote days ago, I can find no evidence that Carolina Crown ever had a vax requirement. They just came in 3rd for the season. I have some evidence that their show was a not-so-subtle message about "rights" as in natural rights. I probably won't go digging into details, though. At least, I'll try to resist until I'm not facing starvation.

post 1 - UnJected (ca 10pm)

I discovered and pinned UnJected today: the dating site for the un-vaccinated. Now I've seen everything, in a good way. They require an affidavit and a doctor's certification of non-vax. They claim to have matched a couple in 2021 who got married, and they show another marriage photo, too.

I've haven't been to a doctor in 20 years. The only times I've been to a doctor in my adult life were for employment reasons, for jobs that had physical requirements. I actually didn't do either of those jobs, though, for different reasons. But I went so far as to successfully get the medical clearance.

I assume they are referring primarily to not cowering to a "Covid" "vaccine." I wonder if it extends to any vaccine in the last several years, many years, as an adult, etc. I'm sure I qualify, in any event. I'm in no hurry to go to a doctor, though, for any reason.

August 8

Per my previous entry, I am trying to figure out if Carolina Crown drum and bugle corps has or ever had a "vax" requirement. It occurred to me that there is some hope, given that Crown is the other major Southern corps, along with Spirit of Atlanta. I am not done searching, but the vax requirement doesn't jump out if there is one. This Reddit thread started on May 24, 2021, is a mixed bag. The original poster is trying to avoid the vax, so that's a good start. There is an exchange where a vaxxed zombie starts praising the vax but gets an appropriate response. "I know for a fact that Blue Stars, Cavaliers, and Phantom are all requiring vaccines for members." I've confirmed Phantom below. Bluecoats joined the Satanic club within the course of that discussion. The posters claim that Madison Scouts and Govanaires did NOT require in 2021, but I would take that with a grain of salt.

After more searching, I have some hope that Crown never had a vax requirement. That is, it was easy to find the requirement for other corps, but I have not found a requirement after doing similar and perhaps somewhat more rigorous searches.

Crown has been in the running to win finals since 2009. They won their first title in '13, as I remember. I have no idea what they have been doing after 2019, of course. It may give me some incentive to see who wins this year. In a "normal" year, finals would be this Saturday, but I have no idea how normal this season is.

July 31

This was first posted around 3am. After 18:07, I am adding an addendum at the bottom of today's entry. Second addendum after 18:33. Third after 20:22.

Several weeks ago I wrote about an event that I would not attend because I felt betrayed, because the organizers and management were "covards" (sic)--"Covid" cowards. It's worse than cowardice, though.

Up until 45 minutes ago, I had not gone digging for "vaccine" requirements, but requirements are far worse than I thought. Thus, the situation all this time has been somewhat worse than I thought. There are requirements right this moment for people who are by definition 22 years old (or younger) kids in perfect health.

So they betrayal is yet worse than I thought, and my boycott is justified indefinitely. It doesn't matter if they drop their requirements next year. They have to be calling for trials and executions. And / or such must happen despite the shod, masked, vaxxed, zombies.

I'll drop the pretense of hiding what I'm talking about.

the worst-case betrayal


Spirit of Atlanta: "... you must submit a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination card" -- Spirit of Atlanta Medical and Corps Care Policy | 2023-2023 (sic). Captured 2023/07/31 02:00 EDT.

The PDF document is 1504547 / 1,504,547 bytes. SHA2-512= abe37434fb2d51087c30aa2a3f672f0470e1d3ba9c648143e8a9bf3c0459197948eb8235fc2bda1bbec262d0c39c749ad9b1a632cfaf04c5d10c099de6f5106c

I initiated a Wayback archive for Spirit 2023. Requesting the creation of that archive is a grim task. I can't correlate the exact time it was given yet. The indexing hasn't caught up. We'll call it 31 Jul 2023 06:48 GMT. Update: Fifteen hours later, the official capture time is Mon, 31 Jul 2023 06:48:35 GMT.


Cadets 2022: "COVID-19 Protocol for 2022 Season: ... All Participants must be fully vaccinated prior to arrival at their first in person event. Any of the vaccines currently available are acceptable whether 1 dose or 2. If a Booster shot is available based on the CDC guidelines you should get your booster shot."

PDF: 191728 / 191,728 bytes SHA2-512(Cadets 2022 COVID-19 Protocol.pdf)= 4db5468c9a02f4618c4d1255f7e6c339b7017de953a07fda88f5e24d10fca46f2c1694a5b5db59ec32934ac174b20877877e0642fa4fd119812f2b8ef5190cf3

Captured about the same time as Spirit's doc unless otherwise noted. It doesn't really matter to me what year this was. I couldn't quickly find 2023, and it doesn't matter.

The Cadets 2022 Wayback capture was already done. Captured Tue, 05 Jul 2022 13:32:14 GMT.


Phantom Regiment 2023: "Phantom Regiment will be requiring all participants to be current in regards to COVID vaccines and/or boosters." (PR audition page, live link, PR 2023 Wayback entry captured Wed, 15 Mar 2023 05:46:05 GMT).


Blue Devils 2023: "We will continue to require all members, staff, volunteers, etc. to be fully vaccinated per the CDC COVID recommendations for the 2023 season. Although being vaccinated is not a requirement to audition, Pfizer/Moderna COVID vaccination schedule requires three vaccines." BD audition live link, Wayback BD 2023 captured Sat, 03 Dec 2022 03:01:11 GMT.


I feel no need to continue. I don't see evidence that DCI imposed a requirement, but it doesn't really matter. And DCI had all sorts of lay-it-on-thick, vile language in praise of the vax.

All I knew for relatively certain until two hours ago is that all these people were not calling for trials and executions. I also knew that a handful of 22 year olds in perfect health were wearing masks in August of 2022. That was enough to keep me away. I feared that there were vax requirements, but I wasn't sure, and I am moderately surprised that requirements run through right now.

On a somewhat related point, several months ago Kevin O'Leary moved his operations from MA to Florida. As he would say, "Mass. is dead to me." It would appear that drum corps is dead to me until fairly drastic things happen. I am fairly optimistic that they will happen, but I don't know if it will be in time for next year. I have more hope for 2025.

addendum 1 - from DCI

I'm going to try to bring this to a close, but I found a bit more stuff early this morning that I feel compelled to post for the record. This live page is mostly by "Laura VanDoren, nurse practitioner and chair of Drum Corps International's Marching Music Health, Wellness & Safety Project (MMHWSP)." It's a bunch of vile lies. I suppose there is a 2% chance she has recanted, and perhaps an equal chance that she is dead from the vax. I'm not going looking, though. The fact that it's still online without comment says enough. Here is the nurse Wayback entry captured Sun, 18 Apr 2021 08:14:48 GMT. The still-online page is stamped 03-03-2021 14:30.

addendum 2 - ranting

I should add that the DCI page I mention above has an original photo featuring a number of people wearing masks. It was originally a cartoon of drum corps fans wearing masks that was a further step towards my rift from DCI. That was on DCI's home page 2020-10-01-13:02:14 GMT.

I find that I'm still mourning the vax requirement 16 hours after I confirmed it. I very distinctly remember being upset at DCI over what I called the Buzz Bowl incident in 2007 at the Rose Bowl. Those lights buzzed louder than anything I'd ever heard in the dozens of venues I'd been to by then. Then I discovered evidence on the web that DCI knew about the buzzing in 2004. That's the sort of thing that upset me. Also, finals were supposed to be in a dome in 2008, but the drum corps angels gave us a high water mark and saved us from the dome for a year. I tried the dome in 2009, and it sounded as bad as any dome. I stopped going to finals after that. (I went to finals in '98 and then '00 - '09.) I thought that was a betrayal.

When I wrote about my boycott weeks ago, I talked about how frustrating it is to be partially connected to a group but not quite. Finding out about the vax requirement might actually be good for my overall morale. The rift is yet wider such that I can more easily walk away. There is no doubt now that it's "dead to me."

In case there is doubt, one of the problems with the above is that, statistically speaking, corps kids have almost certainly died from the vax already. Some or many have probably been sterilized. I can't say I've kept track of the best guesses as to how many waves of death there will be from the vax. Steve Kirsch said that the first wave is 7 months after the vax. There will likely be waves for years and decades.

addendum 3 - "YES!"

I still can't put this out of my mind. On Phantom's page, the exact quote is:

Will Phantom Regiment be requiring a vaccine against COVID-19 to participate in winter camps and the summer tour?

YES! Phantom Regiment will be requiring all participants to be current in regards to COVID vaccines and/or boosters.

I did not add capitalization to "YES!" It's in the original.

I am trying to put it out of my mind because I am almost literally facing starvation in a matter of weeks. I would be thrilled to get food, and / or a room, and / or be paid a tiny bit to try to take this larger matter on. I should be elaborating about that soon. I'm writing my "pitch" for the Gab introduction board, seeking a place in the parallel economy, or perhaps creating a place.

June 30

The Telegram user GhostEzra posted a meme that "pride month" can be seen as "priDEMONth" or "pri demon th" or "pri-demon-th".

In other news, note that my June 29 post was actually posted early on the 30th.

June 29 (posted early on the 30th)

email I just sent

The context was an email from a job recruiter who represents "life" "science."

Hi ...,

Anyone hiring for "life" science has to explicitly and loudly distinguish their clients from Pfizer and others. I'll paraphrase Dr. Mike Yeadon from March or April of 2021, and he's only gotten louder and more explicit since. (Yeadon was a VP of Pfizer roughly 15 years ago.) He said in 2021 that the intent of the "Covid" "vaccine" is clearly genocide.

Now RJK Jr. is running for President on a similar premise, and Tucker on Twitter backed RFK a few days ago with 29 million views just on the original video (let alone copies).

People need to get their due process of law--trial by jury and such--but for justice's sake, after trials, perhaps a few dozen people in the US need to be executed for both the Covid Big Lie and the "vaccine" Big Lie.

I have trouble believing anyone can hire for "life" "science" with a straight face without making some clear distinctions. Why are any of those other companies different from Pfizer? That's the first of many such questions.

Unless some members of "life" "science" start throwing other members under the bus in the next few months, I'd like to see the whole industry dismantled--companies seized, stock prices going to zero, etc. I may partially get my wish, too.

You might want to figure out if anyone really is doing life science and make some sharp distinctions. Otherwise you may not have anyone to hire for in a few years.


June 24

Below, as requested. My June 21 entry is also as requested.

  • Ubuntu Linux install
  • LibreOffice exports to .DOCX / SatanSoft Word format. It has a spreadsheet, etc. You can download it for Satan's OS, or it comes with Linux.
  • John Jay Singleton is an attorney who tells you how to prove that (((they))) sell birth certificates and trade them as commodities. He says you can look this up by CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures). You may have to add a prefix or some such to your straw man's Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN). I never looked it up myself. He named one or two websites (at least) you can use. Sarah looked up her childrens' and possibly her own info and confirmed it. He has been on Sarah Westall's show several times. This might be the video I saw (Westall Singleton). Yandex brings up much better results on this than Big Evil Goo.
  • Ronald Bernard said that (perhaps specifically Dutch) children's straw men bring 500,000 Euros. You should be able to find him on BitChute or Yandex or maybe even Goo. You'll want to see his story where he talks about being a world class money launderer and then he is invited to sacrifice a child. Bernard is described as a "Dutch banker," which isn't really correct, but it's how you find him.
  • Prime Minister David Williams has one of several takes on how to leave their system. I saw Williams on Sarah Westall, too. He comes up with his title on Yandex.
  • Anna Von Reitz has another take.
  • Jordan Maxwell (1940 - 2022) yet another.
  • I remembered The Federal Zone by Mitch Modeleski from decades ago.
  • Otto Skinner of If you are the Defendant. Seems to be on Amazon.
  • Marc Stevens, Adventures in Legal Land. Should still be on Amazon.
  • I actually found this on Goo: "Frog Farm". I picked that document because, at a glance, it's the people I remember from that period. From there, you should find more. As best I remember, those guys put out some good stuff.
  • I think it was a 1991 SCOTUS decision Cheek v. US. I think Cheek was a pilot. He created a precedent that a sincere belief might shield you from criminal charges in certain instances. Lloyd Long used this decision in Federal Court in Chattanooga in roughly 1993, and he won. This does NOT keep them from seizing everything, because that is civil and not criminal.
  • I saw video that I think was from September, 2022. A ~70 year old lady in a northern Florida county was doing something similar to "sovereign citizen" stuff, but she very specifically rejected that term. She seems to be on the right path. That particular court appearance was inconclusive; however, the judge was extremely polite in hearing her out for roughly 20 minutes. The county was west of Jacksonville, probably bordered Georgia, and may have been the one that I-75 goes through. I doubt you can track it down. If you really want to see it, I might be able to. I have tried and can't find it so far, but I know where else to look. It wasn't particularly valuable in itself. It might be worth figuring out where she got her info, though.
  • Steve Kirsch demonstrates that ChatGPT is yet another mass murderer and thus should be tried and executed / shut down. Perhaps some of its creators should be, too.
  • my news sites are worth listing again
  • In one of my Q documents, I mention Trump quotes: Trump at a rally in Johnstown, PA, October 13, 2020, "'He’s shot, folks. I hate to tell you, he's shot,' Trump told a big rally crowd in Johnstown, saying there was extra pressure on him to win because Biden was the worst presidential candidate of all time." Then approximately September 19, 2020, "Now he's shot. He's got like half of his head left..." The speculation is that the real Biden was shot by a firing squad. Last I checked, they go for the heart, but it makes for a metaphor that half his head is left.
  • I also mention the mysterious envelopes at Bush Sr.'s funeral.
  • The Podesta Group began a rapid decline at almost the exact moment that Q started posting; it soon ceased to exist. That is undisputed record. As a separate issue, has anyone seen Tony Podesta since?
  • Tucker on Twitter episode 6. 25 million views roughly 1.3 days after its release. This is evidence that the "Covid" promoters will eventually go down hard.
  • Elon Musk has said several dozen astounding things since October. He's helping bring (((them))) down hard. I understand the neurolink concerns and several others, but his comments have been truly astounding in that he seems to have them targeted and is using his position to do damage.
  • DeSantis set up a grand jury early this year to investigate Big Evil Pharma. In my May 14 entry I cite a Florida attorney who says that such grand juries are indeed secret, so we should not expect to hear anything for another few months to a year.
  • The Russian Housecleaning Operation is doing a lot of damage to (((them))), including dismantling the petro-dollar.
  • Mozilla has a WEF page, which looks like and probably is a "partner" page. Of course that's disturbing, and I've heard their management are libtards. However, Firefox is open source; the whole world can see their code, and probably a few thousand qualified, independent people have been over large portions of the code. Do we have any hard or even soft evidence that they leak data at the browser level? Or I should say that they leak data beyond the inevitable, unintentional bugs. I am NOT necessarily arguing that Firefox is better than anything else. I'm just saying it may be worth backing up and digging at this.

June 22 (posted early June 23)

An annual event is coming up soon. Well, it's annual until mass murdering, baby raping demon worshipers come along with one of their more brazen Big Lies in all of history. The 2020 event was canceled in late March, 2020, several months before the event. That was more or less understandable. However, in private discussion, I was calling for Fauci's trial and execution in June, 2020. (It may have been late 2021 before I said it on this site.)

For the better part of 25 years I was quite the evangelist for this event. Now I don't even want to mention the specifics because I'm not keen on advertising for them.

To demonstrate one of my many sources of fury, the participants in this event (not the audience) are young and in perfect health. They have to be both because of rules and then nature of the event. Even the Centers for Fake Disease Promotion and Information Control admits that almost no one of that age died of "Covid," Let alone youths in such perfect health. During last year's event, I didn't consider going, but I griped about it. Finally, days later, a friend got tired of my ranting and looked up pictures and videos. Indeed, young women in perfect health were wearing masks less than a year ago. That may have me booing and heckling. I just can't imagine my being happy at such an event. That's only the start of why.

The response to the Big Covid Lie must be revolutionary. The notion--"Oh yay! We can do events again because Dr. Fauci says so!"--is woefully inadequate. "We can do events because we've tried and executed Fauci" is getting there, but we need to do much more. I'm not sure I can be around people who have the "because Fauci says so" attitude.

A major reason I am so furious over "Covid" is because it took a wrecking ball to the 2020 event. It gets worse, though, because now I put my former fellow enthusiasts partially in the camp of the enemy, for wearing masks in the summer of 2022, taking the "because Fauci" attitude, etc. People should have stopped wearing masks in April or May of 2020, let alone 2022.

For the record, I never wore a mask. No one ever asked me to, for that matter. Of course, I have avoided a lot of places since they put their mask signs up. I've continued to avoid them to this day. Taking signs down isn't good enough. Calling for justice or revenge on a massive scale will bring me back. Just as I've avoided many places, the same goes for this event.

To be slightly more practical and specific, there is a non-zero chance of my getting arrested if I did go to the event. For one, if I find out that any of the participants had to be "vaxxed" during the '21, '22, or '23 events, I will be in the face of their management. I'm not sure I can remain civil, either. If I were 20% sure I'd go, I'd probably have to look that detail up in advance. Right now I'm at a 0.2% probability of going. That's after my "event friend" bought tickets for me; at least I think he did. I very specifically and consistently poured water on the idea.

I have addressed this at some length elsewhere, including in yesterday's entry, so I'll just paraphrase Dr. Mike Yeadon in April, 2021. Yeadon was the Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy and Respiratory disease research. He said that he can see no reason for the "vaccine" other than genocide. He's a good source, but he's not at all necessary. The evidence is vast. Thus, if the perfectly healthy youngsters took a deadly vax for something that no one claims killed them, I would see management as parties to murder. I could likely point to specific deaths if the vax was required. For that matter, I can probably find specific deaths of former participants because so damn many of them, statistically speaking, took the vax for other "reasons."

I very specifically remember Yeadon saying that. I've heard of references that he's coming around to both "Covid" being fake and perhaps the "understanding" of viruses being fake, but I don't want to put words in his mouth. Perhaps the Yandex search engine will find that properly. God knows what Big Evil Goo(gle) will say.

I am nearly certain that "Covid" was fake, and it seems that viruses are, too. RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci goes into that in great detail, I've heard. I read Ron Unz' reviews of the book, not the book itself. That aside, it's pretty clear that "health care's" purpose is the opposite of health. That was clear before "Covid" and crystal clear since.

Let's assume there was no vax requirement. I am rather intolerant of anyone uttering the term "Covid" or "pandemic." I almost always use quotes, and imagine dripping sarcasm in my tone. I can't imagine sitting in an audience for that period of time without references to such. I will not let them get away with that terminology. Once again, I'm not sure I can remain civil. It may come to a screaming match. I'm beyond pissed at (((them))), but my anger at anyone who isn't angry is also continuing to rise.

Put another way, I'm not sure I can go back to these events until the revolution has happened. I have hope for that, but it may take another year or two. RFK Jr. spent hundreds of pages documenting Fauci's mass murdering career going back to the 80s. Now he's running for President. This is of course President Kennedy's nephew and 1968 presidential candidate RFK's son. Both of them were murdered by the exact same people (and / or their genetic and ideological descendants) who created the Covid Big Lie. Even if the revolution is delayed, I can go back when there is something close to consensus that dozens of people in the US need to be tried and executed.

I should add that this event was an annual renewal of hope and enthusiasm. Calling it religious or spiritual ecstasy is more or less right, but it's more tangible than that. I have mentally and emotionally deteriorated because I haven't gotten my dose since 2019. That's an intertwined reason I'm more pissed than most over this whole thing.

The solution at this point is NOT to try to get my dose, as I'm trying to explain. It just won't work. It's much more likely to get me yet more pissed and / or arrested.

And that gets into intertwined personal reasons why I probably shouldn't or can't go. I haven't made it a secret on this website that my finances just keep getting worse. On a related point, I mentioned to my "event friend" that I made a specific commitment on the day of the event. I'm not sure I can justify paying someone to fulfill that commitment. Also, I would probably have to select that person from a very small list, so that would take time. These are intertwined because lack of this event has hurt my finances by hurting my mental health.

Then there are reasons that I can't blame on (((them))), at least not as directly. There are details that I won't get into on a public site, but I've gotten myself into some boxes that are related to money issues but are also partially separate. To be vague, I really need to be doing some community building or finding my people, whoever they are. But I need to figure work out first. But lack of "my people" leaves me isolated and makes seeking work harder. And around and around I go.

One of the first traits of "my people" are those who will start pushing back on every front such that it's "Never again!" for such disasters as fake pandemics. And I mean "Never again!" for a disaster that obviously happened. I am deliberately mocking the people who use that phrase for one of the central Big Lies.

I used to think of "event people" as sort of my people, but they have lost that status, as I've explained in this entry. Thus, yet another reason not to go. In roughly 2004 I almost fit in at Dragon*Con, but that was worse than not fitting in because it's so frustrating to be so close. I knew at the time that one major difference was that I relate sci-fi and fantasy to the real world. George Lucas is a Sith Lord, for example. There was an Australian YouTuber in roughly 2016 who very loudly, and in detail, accused Steven Spielberg of being a pedophile / pedorast. Spielberg is on Q's list of such. I suppose Spielberg is a Sith Lord in his own right, or perhaps he's the apprentice. George Lucas is not on Q's list, but I've heard a handful of things over the years, and he just about has to be one of the bad guys.

I could go on that theme for a while, but I will try to stop expanding this. Let's just say that in hindsight, the fact that Dragon*Con meekly folded in 2020 is not surprising, and then they had a vax requirement in 2021. They should have used their Stormtroopers against City Hall in 2020. They're organized enough to look like Stormtroopers, but they can't identify an honest to goodness evil Force user / Sith Lord / Satanist / mass murdering, baby raping demon worshiper. As always, I wish that characterization was an exaggeration, but the evidence is overwhelming that every word is true.

June 21 - clot shot updates / recap

I was just talking to someone I haven't talked to since 2019, before Billuminati Gates Satanic Crusade. Several points for her and everyone else:

  • Last September I talked about Steve Kirsch in this blog for the first time. In that I entry I quoted an oral surgeon in California who observed his patients have become zombies: they have low blood oxygen saturation, the don't have a pulse, and they don't bleed. That sounds like a zombie. Before the Crusade, I referred to most people as "shod muggles." Then I downgraded them to "shod, masked, vaxxed zombies." I thought it was a joke; then I found they are zombies.
  • Kirsch's Substack often has good stuff. In addition to the AirTable with the oral surgeon, another highlight is his 152 points of "Why can't we talk about it?", or 152 points that (((they))) won't discuss.
  • The D-Dimer clotting test is showing very small blood clots in seemingly healthy people. I won't even bother with what Big Evil Goo(gle) Search has to say. A Yandex search on "D-Dimer test Covid vaccine" without quotes pulls the info right up, though. The D-Dimer test has been around for years and is part of "mainstream" "health care," as best I understand. Big Evil Goo pulls the test itself up. I haven't bothered to see what it does with the connection to the clot shot, though.
  • My first longish "Covid" article links to the High Court of Bombay and tells one how to find the public interest prosecution of Billuminati. It was still an active case as of a day or two ago.
  • My news sources are worth mentioning again. They have been all over this stuff.
  • Three or four weeks ago I saw the term "covards" (sic) for the first time. I thought that was very clever.

June 9

A few weeks ago I was given a long lecture on all the absurd things SpaceX is doing to get more out of decades-old rocket technology. I was told that Musk is on the record saying that anti-gravity is not yet possible.

After David Grusch's statements generated some publicity a few days ago:

Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic spaceflight venture has seen its shares jump following whistleblower claims that the US is concealing crashed alien spacecraft and the remains of extraterrestrial entities.

According to trading data, the company’s stock gained 4.26% on Wednesday, with trading volume eclipsing its 50-day average by nearly 20%. Stock has surged 10.93% over the past five days.

Virgin Galactic has outperformed most of its competitors, including Raytheon Technologies, Boeing and Lockheed Martin, although their shares also showed significant gains following the whistleblower report.

"Virgin Galactic shares shoot up after UFO claims," Russia Today, 8 Jun, 2023 11:28. Business News section.

Branson is very likely in the mass murdering, baby raping demon worshiper camp. The name "Virgin" is a mockery on at least two fronts. Branson aside, my point is that I have some vindication in that the "marketplace" seems to be taking Grusch seriously.

May 28

I'm going to try my best not to comment too much on this. I just want to save it for future reference. I only watched small parts of Justin Pilliam's shorter video from May 3. I'm not sure why we have such high-quality video. Therefore, I'm only 92% sure this event is real. There is probably a really good explanation for the video, but I don't know what it is.

  • Incident involving the Freeport, Texas Police, on or before May 3, 2023. The arrest may have been 2+ weeks before. I vaguely gathered the she's been in jail for 2 weeks as of May 3.
  • "The video of your officers arresting a deaf and blind woman is very hard to watch."
  • "Freeport police arrested a tiny deaf blind"
  • Those 2 quotes were at some point on the Freeport Police DARPA Lifelog ("Facebook") page, but I didn't search hard. They may have been removed.
  • The young lady arrested is Christie or Kristi or some variant.
  • Corruption Report—Justin Pulliam YouTube vide on this #1 (26:52) "'We’re human' Police Arrest Deaf, Blind Woman during Breakup". May 3, 2023
  • Justin Pulliam 2 (2:31:27). "**TYRANT ALERT** Freeport TX Cops Arrest DEAF, Legally BLIND Ex-Girlfriend" May 3
  • Senseless Cops ARREST Deaf-Blind Woman (7:28). Channel: Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey. May 10. I did not watch any of this. I'm only noting it for future reference. I have no idea who this guy is. I am glad to see that he's a black commenting on the arrest of a white, but who knows what this guy usually talks about?
  • The woman is totally deaf and legally blind. I take it that she can see some with glasses, and at one point her glasses come up, but she's obviously not wearing her glasses.
  • I take it that her family didn't know where she was for 2 days, and she was still in jail on or before May 3, 2 weeks after the arrest.

May 15

I heard a comment that the current US border invasion is a very bad sign because it would be so easy to fix if the "patriots are in control" as Q (somewhat incorrectly "QAnon") said. I am 70% sure of the Q "enjoy the show" model. The invasion is fairly easy to fix even after the fact; thus, it is consistent with the "show" model.

One goal of the show is to make BiDan the Actor / Acting President look really, really bad, preferably using events that are short of nuclear war, full scale war with Russia and / or China, etc. Reversible and relatively minor points are allowed to get worse. The "vax" is a matter of free will. Despite talk of "mandates," I have had almost no concern here in the Royal Colony of Georgia that I'm going to be forced vaxxed. I would have concerns going to the libtard colonies, so I won't go there until they are liberated.

Perhaps the invasion can be used as Hagelian dialectic against them for once: allow a problem (an invasion), play up the problem, and then propose a solution. The solution may be one more reason for the Actor to resign. I don't think the actress playing Harris will last very long or even take the role at all, which leaves McCarthy.

The House committees' accusations against the real, late Biden are getting serious to the point that Big Evil Media is having trouble ignoring them. This is a headline and top bullet points from the Daily Mail from May 12:

Majority of Americans say Joe and Hunter's business deals and links to alleged bribery scheme ARE serious: BidenGate gets real as new poll shows half of DEMOCRATS believe 'influence-peddling' scheme is a scandal

  • 69 percent of US voters say they're taking BidenGate seriously
  • That goes for most independents and nearly half of Biden's own Democrats


We get ever closer to the 80% necessary for more openly dramatic steps to happen. That's the number Juan O Savin has cited several times in the past 2+ years.

With that said, my concern is growing that parts of New York City and Silicon Valley will be nuked. Those are the bases of the old and new Big Evil Media. On one hand, that would be awful; on the other, it would probably be one of the last steps in breaking (((them))). This goes all the way back to John Titor's scenario that he laid out soon after the 2000 election, and Ben Fulford has mentioned the possibility in the last few weeks.

Israel has been "kind enough" to pioneer low radiation / fallout nukes. ("Xerxes is kind.") Israel needs low fallout if they plan to use it against targets relatively nearby and possibly upwind. I would assume that tech has been spread, so the targeting can be relatively surgical.

Under this scenario, North Korea or possibly Russia would essentially be invited to help solve all of our problems, so there would be no retaliation. The residents of those areas have clearly been warned that their "leadership" are mass-murdering, demon worshiping baby rapers. The "warning" keeps getting louder. I have mixed feelings in terms of sympathy. On the whole, it may be a very low cost solution versus the huge die off (((they))) want. For that matter, the death toll might be equal to the vax deaths in the US. That would serve them right. It would be a fitting end to Big Evil Goo, DARPA Lifelog ("Facebook"), the J-- York Times, MSNBC, CNN, etc. CNN may need to be hit in Atlanta, too. I will hope that the low fallout works as planned, but I suppose I just warned myself, too.

"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all" (Revelation 18:21, KJV).

May 14

I'm going to pull down the pinning for the Florida grand jury against the "vaccine" makers; I'm pulling it down for what I hope is a good reason. My statement a few months ago was:

As of the end of 2022, the vaguely sovereign State of Florida showed some degree of sovereignty by moving towards a grand jury against the dark sorcerers / dark witches (pharmakeia). I'm pinning this on January 10, 2023. Off hand, the last news on the matter was on December 22. Hopefully this will be "interesting."

A Florida attorney who has been prominently against Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade ("Covid" "responses") says that grand juries work in secret, so we should not expect to hear anything for a while: "I noticed a comment the other day impatiently suggesting Florida’s Covid Grand Jury must have fizzled out, since we haven’t heard anything, but be patient — grand juries operate in secret. It would be bad if we did hear anything" (May 3, 2023).

I have only read small bits of his blog. What I saw annoyed me. He is inconsistent. I'll just leave it at that for now. However, he may know what he's talking about with the grand jury. From the little I know, he may well be correct. In any event, it doesn't seem worth pinning something that may not be updated for months.

While I was looking for that, I came across an interesting New York Post article (April 30, 2023 10:21pm US EDT). Reporter Miranda Devine goes about as far as I'd expect such a paper to go--surprisingly far. Not far enough for the general case, but, perhaps as far as she can go. ("Texas AG Ken Paxton’s COVID-19 vaccine investigation could stick it to Big Pharma execs ")

March 11

a crowd of mask dissidents in April, 2021

Floyd G. Brown was on Scott McKay's show yesterday. The immediate context was Brown has written a book, Counterpunch: An Unlikely Alliance of Americans Fighting Back for Faith and Freedom. I guess it's in pre-release. It's on Amazon with a release date of April 4. (For the record, I hadn't heard of Brown before.) It was a more-or-less interesting conversation. Given all that's out there, I don't necessarily recommend that specific episode. (I really like Scott McKay generally.) With that said, the reason for this entry:

I was moved by what Brown says from 3:17 - 4:19. I don't think he specifies the exact date, but I'm reasonably sure the ReAwaken America conference he's speaking of was in April, 2021 (in Tulsa). (It was Clay Clark's first such conference; I take it Gen. Flynn was a co-organizer / co-sponsor. Even though NPR is engaged in an instance of the usual mass-murdering Big Lie, I refer to NPR simply to pin this down. It's the first result that helped me pin the probable date down.)

In any event, Brown describes going to Tulsa in April, 2021. The airport is abandoned. He can't find an Uber, Lyft, or taxi. He doesn't specify how he gets to the church hosting the conference, but he says there were 5,000 people and not a mask in sight, and people were hugging, happy, exited, united, etc.

I could rant for quite a while, but I'll have to be satisfied with posting that for the record.

yet another epic Musk Tweet

Musk is responding to two Tweets by Zuby on March 8. Zuby 1:

What are the biggest media lies of the last few years?

-Covid-19 (all of it)
-Jan 6 'insurrection'
-'safe and effective' jab
-Jussie Smollett
-Bubba Wallace
-Covington hoax
-Kyle Rittenhouse story
-'Very fine people' hoax
-'drinking bleach'
-'horse dewormer'

What else?
5:29 PM [EST] · Mar 8, 2023

And Zuby Tweet 2:

-Russian collusion
-Ghost of Kyiv 
-Hunter Biden laptop
-'Don't Say Gay' bill
-Twitter collapse post-Elon
-Nord Stream pipeline
-'Transitory' inflation
-Men can get pregnant
-BLM narrative
-'2 weeks to flatten the curve'
-Blaming Russia for missile that landed in Poland

Musk's response was "We are running out of 'conspiracies' that turned out to be true! Can someone manufacture a few more? The shelf is almost empty." (at 2:57 AM [EST] · Mar 9, 2023)

March 8 - 2 groups of entries

The earlier entries are lower down.

some long-term "news" items

I'll post this entry after 9pm. Two videos / topics of note:

'No Virus' Goes International! (15:22). This copy was posted on Jim Fetzer's BitChute channel, 03:08 UTC on March 8th, 2023. This is assembled and presented by Dr. Sam(antha) Bailey of New Zealand. More evidence that viruses are fake.

Mark, Danielle and Testimonials Discuss Fake Money to Real Money with Nicholas Veniamin (22:18). This is a 100% gold-backed money system. They mention the "7k Club." I'd like to annotate this more, but I'm starting with this note to self.

more clot shot pushers

Entries made early AM.

exchange 1

Yesterday a job recruiter from one of the retail clot shot pushers contacted me. My response:

A Big Evil Goo(gle) search on "... covid vaccine" (without quotes) brings up a paid ... ad on scheduling a "vaccine." It is bordering on "mainstream" that the "vaccine" has killed a few hundred thousand just in America and injured several times that. Go find Steve Kirsch's Substack / newsletter. He's a Silicon Valley magnate who has made it his life's work to expose the "vaccine." He's one of dozens of "prominent" people; off hand, he is best at assembling many facts. I'm not interested in working for .... I rather hope the company [in its artificial, corporate capacity] is utterly destroyed--perhaps seized for criminal charges of mass murder and its stock price goes to zero.

I didn't link to Kirsch because it may be be targeted / cause for auto deletion. This is Kirsch's newsletter.

His response, "I think you need to see a Doctor urgently. Good Luck!"

my response 2

Per your suggestion, I'll limit this to Medical Doctors and Doctors of Osteopathy. Jim Thorp was on Dr. Drew's show on October 4, 2022, calling for the executions of his colleages; he said he will testify as an expert witness. Joseph Mercola is Mercola dot com. Simone Gold is a prominent member of America's Frontline Doctors (dot org). They are MDs or DOs. Deborah Conrad is a PA. Her interview with Del Bigtree on the "Highwire" show (late October, 2022) was quite moving. I could name several more MDs / DOs from memory, but that's enough to get you started. Good luck in your search!

more doctors and the murder prosecution of Billuminati in India

I may or may not send any of this, but here are some more notes I made.

  • In October, 2022, the Surgeon General of Florida, Joseph Ladapo, recommended against the clot shot for males 18 - 39. That is slow government-speak, but he's gone farther than any other "health" "official" I can think of.
  • Elizabeth Anne "Betsy" Eads, DO, Ormond Beach, FL. She has a Telegram channel and reported that the executions had already started in Malaysia, I think it was. As of a couple of weeks later, I couldn't find any solid information, so I don't know what to make of that specific claim. I'm assuming Dr. Eads is a good source on the general topic, even if she got too excited in that case. With that said, I haven't followed her channel.
  • Dr. Daniel Nagase is in western Canada. You'll find him on BitChute and such. He had some good, short videos.
  • Dr. Peter A. McCullough comes up a lot, but I've actually never heard him interviewed. Blonde in the Belly of the Beast interviewed him in the last few weeks.

In my old "Covid" article, I mentioned the "public interest litigation" in India accusing Billuminati Gates of murder. The job recruiter in question is Indian, so I looked it up again on the official High Court of Bombay website. The case is still in "Pre-Admission" status, and the next event is next week on March 16. This "stage" / hearing type is "for admission." So, it's still work its way through the court. It's easiest to search ("case status") by advocate (lawyer) as the criminal-case petitioner. Advocate SHIVAM MEHRA filed KIRAN YADAV v. THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA AND ANR.

Interestingly, "World’s First Vaccine Murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India’s High Court" with the quotes pulled up relevant results on Big Evil Goo a few minutes ago (around 02:50 EST). I got that search key from a press release.

February 15 - 2 entries

later entry - Gab night owls - first posted after 23:19 Eastern

I had been searching Gab for "night owl" without quotes. It took me a while to realize that search results and people results were separate, and there are night owl groups. I've been thinking about what I want to say to such groups, and what I want to say to them applies to what I want to say to a larger group (outside of Gab), so it seems best to put my thoughts here.

"Discrimination" is one branch of the psy war. Various libtard groups claim they are discriminated against. In almost all cases this is a Big Lie or has become one in the last several decades, but that's another topic. If you think you're discriminated against, try being a night owl.

Most broadly, I propose a support group. I have precisely one person I can usually talk to during the night. Both he and I are male / he, we are both very straight, and thus he is not a significant other. Finding a SO would be lovely, but that isn't quite my point. I'm just saying one other person isn't enough in this case. Males are welcome to this hypothetical group, although I mean group is a larger sense than based on Gab. Perhaps we will settle on Gab, but we don't have to.

The point being that I'd like more people to talk to during the night. If it's directly productive talk, so much the better, but it doesn't have to be. In the productive realm, my apprentice offer is pretty much always open.

That's a good start.

earlier entry - posted roughly 7pm Eastern

As with WikiPedia, a few people associated with Big Evil Goo Tube need to be put on trial for mass murder, treason, crimes against humanity, etc. Meanwhile, I will happily enjoy the somewhat literal hymns to their coming downfall and death.

The Goo-ey algorithm found me this: an excerpt of Tchaikovsky's Hymn of the Cherubim. For a day or two I thought this was a work sponsored by the modern Russian government. If Goo is correct, it was actually the USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir. I wonder what the history of censorship was around such. I doubt a communist government can sponsor very many such performances without collapse. Perhaps it didn't. I suspect the recording was made much later in Soviet history than sooner.

I'll consider the performance a premonition / envisioning and creating the reality of a Russian church and state that is slaying the dragon as I write, or at least making it bleed significantly.

February 7

I added to this entry at least once, still on Feb 7.

Os justi

I'm glad I saw the Tenebrae Choir's 2019 performance before this one (see my December 5 entry). Os justi was published on December 4, 2020, and the performers are somewhat over 6 feet and 6 feet and 6 feet part (666).

"The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. The law of his God is in his heart: and his feet do not falter." Those are grimly ironic lyrics as they bow to the Satan worshipers. Perhaps I'll come back to ranting later.

The few seconds starting from 3:39 are glorious.

That part starts with measure 52 assuming a common time signature, the whole piece is 70 measures, and a tempo varying from roughly 53 - 65 bpm at the beginning, but my math shows 76 for the whole piece on average. (the first score I downloaded, the parent page).

Bruckner, Anton. Composed 18 July 1879 Vienna. WikiP's entry

further musical commentary (22:47, 45+ minutes after first post)

That lovely high note is A5. (The octave numbers start with C, so B4 and C5 are next to each other. Middle C is C4) If tuned properly, A5 is 864 Hz, one octave above the famous 432 Hz as opposed to the infamous 440 Hz. (With A5 as 864, C4 is 256 Hz.) So far, I can't tell which it is, after briefly trying a couple of techniques.

I have the software to answer the question pretty quickly; it's not hard to find, but I should move on to not starving. (a few minutes later.)

NIH has a record of 3 studies mostly by the same researchers which found 432 Hz beneficial to health over 440. NIH seems to be housing the record and has nothing to do with the studies. This of course is the same NIH that needs a few people given their due process of law and then executed. Then it needs to be abolished with a "never again!" for the historical record.

There are other authors, but the common authors are Diletta Calamassi, University and Continuing Education Center, AUSL Toscana Centro - Empoli - Florence (Italy), and Gian Paolo Pomponi, independent film score composer and sound engineer.

January 10

Florida grand jury and lawsuit

As of the end of 2022, the vaguely sovereign State of Florida showed some degree of sovereignty by moving towards a grand jury against the dark sorcerers / dark witches (pharmakeia). There may be lawsuit, too, but I haven't distinguished that from the grand jury, off hand.


SCOTUS denied the Brunson case after a "conference." See my Nov 29 and Dec 1 entries. At least, that's what the docket says. In this week's report, probably written Sunday, Ben Fulford says 3 sources told him SCOTUS had ruled in Brunson's favor, 5 to 4. On one hand, keeping such thing a secret for a while and faking the docket would make sense. On the other hand... Maybe one day I'll catch up with what Juan O. Savin has to say about this.

For the record: Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner v. Alma S. Adams, et al.

Even if the world is collapsing around me, it doesn't let me skip out on figuring out how to survive as a software dev or negotiate something with someone to be a revolutionary. In case I haven't said it, I will literally work for food and preferably board.

January 4

I list some Babylon Bee picks, below. They are all very roughly 5 minutes long.


I may never watch Rings of Power. It's been too thoroughly mocked in the media I watch. There are lots of shows I would catch up on first. Therefore, I'm pretty sure one doesn't need to watch it to get the humor. It does help if you've seen Peter Jackson's movies. There are a handful of in-jokes from that. I've probably watched this 6 - 7 times, and I'll probably watch it every few days for a while.

I have not done a thorough research study, but I would tend to agree that Ben Shapiro is "a great evil," although I tend to think so for different reasons than the characters.

I hope to see the day when Chandler Juliet (the elf) gets a big role. Between the elf and the bedroom scene in Californians... (ep 5: Buc-ee's), she can really act. Although he's even better in the bedroom scene. I don't claim to be much of a judge on acting, though.

There are at least three funny in-jokes relative to Walking Dead. It does help to have seen at least up through roughly 6 seasons.

January 1

I just listed the news sites I visit.


December 20

(Big Evil) Goo Tube traveler Eva zu Beck

There are all sorts of important videos I could link to, but I would say I've been borderline enchanted by Eva and her videos. I've watched most of her videos for the last 2 months. I've watched her border crossing into the US then saw some of the next ones. I saw the Texas video and the Montana rodeo video and then at least part of her approach to Prudhoe Bay. I saw her go a few dozen feet into the Arctic Ocean and then I've seen all the videos until where she turns around from some back roads in Baja California (2022/12/17 video).

Her experience crossing into the US from Mexico reminds me of the security scene from Airplane II: The Sequel. (Keep watching the passengers going through the metal detector all the way through.)

I'm going to refrain from my usual sarcastic "political" commentary. She was thrilled by the rodeo, and she seems to like Texans and Montanans enough that I'll give her credit.

Fetzer update

Fetzer's SCOTUS case seems to have ended in his defeat. Hopefully that doesn't mean Big Evil will go after Fetzer for $2.75 trillion (with a T, as in 1012 like they did Alex Jones).

December 5 - sacred choral work - Versa est in luctum, Alonso Lobo, 1598 AD

Tenebrae choir conducted by Nigel Short.

This is my latest and greatest--it took me 424 years to catch up--but, for now, it competes with Barber's Agnus Dei (see my May 30 entry). The Radiokoor Barber piece was sung by 13 women and 11 men. This one is 7 women and 9 men. At least when weaving air, it would appear that women are more powerful in the One Power than men. Tenebrae's balance is much better. The ratio of men could be higher, most likely.

The One Power is a Wheel of Time reference. I have read the books and then listened to the books. (The audio-books are 19d 5h 25m total). I have not watched the first / only season, though. As I think about it, now may be a good time to start....

December 1

As of yesterday, the Brunson case was scheduled for conference on Jan 6, 2023. Given that the case addresses the events of the (in)famous Jan 6, 2021, that's fitting.

November 29


The Brunson lawsuit has the attention of the US Supreme Court. Loy Brunson was interviewed a couple of days ago. We're hoping the status of the case will change any day. The suit addresses the actions of Congress and Mike Pence on Jan 6, 2021. The Brunson brothers allege that almost 400 members of Congress violated their oath of office by failing to listen to roughly 100 Congressmen plus at least a few Senators. Those members of both houses had serious concerns that the rest ignored.

Loy has an identical suit stuck in one of the US Federal Appeals Circuits. Raland is his brother whose suit is pending at SCOTUS. A third brother is involved. The first few minutes of that interview are quite efficient in explaining the situation. By 8 minutes it's clear something very interesting may be going on.


Meanwhile, Dr. James Fetzer's petition will go to conference this Friday, Dec 2. Alex Jones' situation (also against Pozner, I think) is infamous. Pozner is the alleged father of one of the alleged victims of the alleged Sandy Hook mass shooting; I'll come back to "alleged" momentarily.

As best I understand, Jones didn't fight in the courts. I don't know to what degree he's addressed the situation, but there is no telling how he was threatened or whether he is otherwise compromised. I haven't followed Jones closely enough to have an opinion on the latter. Jones has absolutely done a great deal of good, but I haven't followed him closely enough to figure out where his walls are. As best I understand, he won't go outside of certain walls, such as backing off of Sandy Hook.

Dr. James Fetzer did fight in the courts. He lost a few rounds, but SCOTUS will decide whether to hear his case this Friday. The fight started in Wisconsin courts. I remember a journalist who expressed skepticism about Fetzer's premise but still said that Fetzer was treated unfairly by the courts. That "unfairness" may be further addressed at SCOTUS.

"James Fetzer is a UMD Philosophy Professor Emeritus ... He retired from UMD (Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth) in 2006." His UMD site is linked from WikiP, but his currently active site is, at a glance, hard to find via Goo. Yandex pulls up Fetzer's currently active site as the first result. Yandex is Russian. Go figure. Go Russia! Kick Satanist ass! That's in all seriousness. Perhaps I'll write about that (more) extensively at some point.

Fetzer on Sandy Hook

I thought Fetzer had written a book specifically about Sandy Hook, but, off hand, it seems that his evidence is partially to mostly in From Orlando to Dallas and Beyond: Living in a False Reality where even Hillary is Played by Doubles. As the advertising indicates, it is still banned by Amazon. I can't find it, at least.

Fetzer argues that Sandy Hook was a FEMA exercise / drill. I understand there are photos of everyone, including the children, eating pizza during the breaks. There are big problems with the death certificates. Beyond that, I don't know where Fetzer's argument / evidence ends and other stuff I've seen begins. I recently watched a video, probably on BitChute, that gives the real names of several of the children. (The Sandy Hook video I was just talkng about.) It shows them singing at the Stupid ("Super") Bowl a few weeks after their alleged deaths, as a tribute to their deaths. There are numerous pictures of them after their deaths, and I understand these pictures continue to this day as they get older.

Fetzer more generally

Fetzer is one of the best researchers and commentators we have. I've listened to him recently go past pretty much all the walls that Jones is within. Fetzer is fairly high on my list to listen to / watch, such as on Fetzer's BitChute channel. This is a case where if he says Sandy Hook was fake, I will go with it.

November 24 - Thanksgiving

On "Turkey Day," perhaps the Republic of Turkey will leave NATO rather than becoming Thanksgiving dinner. Some of their people becoming dinner is a horrifically literal possibility. Some of them have throughout history, and people of just about every other nation. Leaving NATO might reduce that number drastically. More precisely, the same set of actions that would result in one would result in another.

October 15 - updated 03:45am

another new hero: Dr. James Thorp, MD, OBGYN (first posted 3:02am, commentary after 3:11am)

"This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where physicians need to say 'no.' And, I will remind you, physicians, in the Nuremberg trial there were seven physicians… and they tried to use this sloppy illegitimate defense: "oh, I'm just following orders – they would have killed my family." You know what? All seven of those physicians hung. They were sentenced to death and they hung.

This is where Austria got it right [recently]. They know that this [vaccine] is killing people, and they're saying: 'you know, physicians, this is your responsibility.'"

They're right. It’s a physician’s responsibility to do their due diligence – like I did. It's their responsibility not to follow orders [blindly], but to do their own due diligence. They are killing patients if they are being told what to do, and I personally will act as an expert witness against them if they continue to do this."

-- from Gateway Pundit, published October 8, 2022 at 8:00am, by Julian Conradson. In turn, they are citing Dr. Drew [Pinsky's] show on October 4.

US General Curtis LeMay said, "I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal." No poop, Sherlock! It should be understood in my blog that I am no fan of Nuremberg, Great War of Communist Expansion edition. It would be true justice, though, for both the ideological and genetic descendants to be rather literally hung by their own petard.

Also, what the heck did Austria get right? They had a universal mandate for a few weeks. Brittany Pettibone Sellner talked about that in early 2022. She was there. Some Austrian officials need to be investigated for mass murder.

With that said, I am pleased to hear him say that.

What does the non-normal checklist say about that?

Specifically, what does the non-normal checklist say about when the non-normal checklist is thrown about the cockpit of a plane and the spine breaks / opens and the pages are shuffled around the deck? See Mentour Pilot's 2022/07/30 video on the 7th January 2017 incident over the Indian Ocean. A Bombardier Challenger 604 (max 9 - 10 passengers) was caught in the wake turbulence of an AirBus 380. The checklist reference is just after 14:10.

It also reminds me of what the checklist says about what to do when there are bloody footprints on the ceiling of a plane. That happened during Federal Express Flight 705 on April 7, 1994. Methinks affirmative action was involved there. WikiP of course does not mention that Auburn R. Calloway, the perpetrator, was black. Big Evil Goo images shows him, though.

yet another beutiful, naive, brainwashed Swede dies

Viktoria Theresie Izabelle Ljungman, 23, died on October 6th when her Nigerian flight student, Oluwagbohunmi Ayomide Oyebode, 18, (most likely) got her killed. The AOPA Air Safety Institute had some interesting input into this. Apparently flight instructors having to overpower or vigorously distract their students is more common than one would think. As a tiny woman, was Ms. Ljungman trained in this at a "Historically Black College"? I am going to guess that Mr. Oyebode was much, much stronger than she was, as would be all of her male students and almost all the female students.

September 27

I am a member of a very small chat room. Last night one member posted about a recent "news" incident. It was a murder with some grisly details. I would caution against posting such stuff without context. It's just the sort of Big Lie that the Big Evil, Satanic, baby-raping media manipulators (psy warriors) engage in. The gristly detail was that the murderer ate the victim's testicles. There is reasonable evidence to suggest that Hillary Clinton and the Podesta brothers eat testicles. That would imply the same of some the Rothschilds and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, Soros, etc. They are likely all members of one of the Satanic cults.

That news story goes to the psy-war "media" notion that people are evil. That is rich considering they are the most active participants in evil on a mass scale, such as promoting fake viruses and genocidal vaccines, and that's just in the last 3 years, let alone the last 30 or 110 or 3,000 in various forms. The only thing this particular murderer did wrong (in their eyes) was not to belong to the right club, or perhaps he didn't pay his dues. Be very careful of all the vile poop they spread.

September 19

I need to update the phrase to something like "shod, masked, SatanSoft-using, iCultist, 6am-waking, vaxxed zombies."

September 4, 2022

Abby Martin on the modern State of Israel

Once again, go look at my mother's ethnicity in my January 8 entry.

Just the first few minutes of this Abby Martin interview by Joe Rogan are something else. I had a decent notion of how bad Israel's occupation is for Palestinians, but she spells out a lot in a few minutes. That's the modern State of Israel's occupation of Palestine as opposed to the occupation of the whole earth by the (descendants of) the people who created the modern state.

I could comment on her politics for quite a while, but I'll go for the short version. She suffers from the same inconsistency as many on the right. Ayn Rand observed that in politics and elections, inconsistency is worse than being dead wrong but consistent. With that said, Martin appears to be a seeker of truth and reporting very important information.

Although it has the usual vile "bias," her Wikipedia entry is a useful start. One of the ways I've put it recently is that Wikipedia is great until it gets you killed. Now it's easy to die from the clot shot "Covid" "vaccine" because WikiP has a position other than the trial and execution of those involved.

Steve Kirsh - a new hero

Kirsh has been blasting the "Covid" Big Lie almost from the start. That is, he's heroicly on my side. His AirTable of vaccine injuries has a number of disturbing entries. And I mean disturbing to me who in June, 2020 was calling for Fauci's due process of law and execution.

Entry #134 by the "Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon in private practice in California" might be the most jarring. Before masks, he wouldn't operate on patients with a blood Ox saturation less than 98. Now everyone reads 96, "Patients' hands are ice cold now in the middle of Summer and the finger probe is having a hard time picking up the [pulse] signal..." The vaxxed patients aren't bleeding when he cuts into their gums; the unvaxxed (pure blood) patients still bleed as before, although they are few. So when I call them shod, masked, vaxxed zombies, I now have a medical basis.

As of a few days ago, Kirsh is still talking about logic and arguments and reason. That's great to an extent, but the logic, arguments, and reason were pretty damn clear by April or May, 2020. I'm waiting for his tone to change.

I've said that I might be satisfied with a few dozen instances of due process of law and then execution just in the US. That number starts to climb as I read his AirTable and think about this more. The toxic rot has spread throughout society. A tiny number of people with any authority or wealth or power are doing anything to put the brakes on this ongoing massacre. I'm told Kirsh is worth $280M, so he has wealth. US Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin has some authority, and he's hosted dozens of speakers on how deadly the vax is. I'll have to think about that list; there aren't many. I'm not counting whatever wealth doctors have; there are quite a few doctors speaking out--not remotely enough, but quite a few. I would guess I've seen the names of several hundred doctors on various relevant documents.

Back to Kirsh, he admits to being a huge Democrat donor until very recently, although he's also admitted this grave mistake. He helped found Media Matters which now attacks him. Kirsh is one of the tribe promoting "Covid." It would be lovely if he got to pointing that out.

Fortunately, the tribe has pointed it out themselves. In February they gave the Genesis Prize to Bourla of Pfizer. See their video "... Heroes Battling Covid: In Honor of 2022 Genesis Prize Laureate Dr. Albert Bourla." They hang the millstones or nooses around their own necks, taking credit for their latest Big Lie. (Again, these are my cousins on my mother's side.)

August 28

I suppose the following is a spoiler for Neal Stephenson's Termination Shock, 2021, November, so bail out soon if you care. I was a big fan of Stephenson. His Snow Crash (1992) and Diamond Age (1995) are part of my Anarchist Canon--a number of novels and essays that show what can be and should be. All of his main novels since Diamond Age through Fall were good to great.

In Fall (2019), though, I wondered if Stephenson was going libtard. In Termination Shock, I'm afraid there is no doubt. I'm something like 1/4 into the audiobook. I will probably try to finish it because there are elements that are interesting, but I'm getting pretty upset with him.

I think he was friends with Eric S. Raymond of Cathedral and the Bazaar fame. Cathedral is in the Anarchist Canon, and Raymond himself is perhaps a member of my Anarchist Hall of Fame. He got ticked off at the creator of Revolution OS and walked away from the interview. The creator was comparing open source software to communism.

The point being that if they were friends, I wonder what Raymond has to say. I'm trying not to read any of the outside "stuff" until I either finish or decide not to finish.

Termination Shock begins in roughly 2029. Apparently there was a Covid-23 and Covid-27, and there are apps that determine whether a group of people have to distance and wear masks. Perhaps I could write that off to parody, but the main theme is about the dire effects of "Global Warming." A high temperature of 113 (F) in Texas in September is apparently normal in that world.

A few words on "Global Warming." Assume from now on that the term is in quotes and meant with sarcasm. I could come at this a number of ways. When Hitler gave his speech on the Big Lie, he was talking about the techniques of the enemy: make the lie big enough, and no one can believe it's a lie. We face the same enemy, and please go back to my January 8, 2022 entry and note my ancestry. There are a number of Big Lies floating about. They are all either true or false. Global Warming (GW) is sponsored by the same people who sponsor "Covid." If Covid is a lie, so is Global Warming.

I am reasonably sure that it's the 2007 documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle that mentions that Lord Rothschild was at the 1988 meeting in which the "Global Warming" psyop was launched. That almost says it right there.

I should specify the nature of the GW lie. There are different facets. To whatever extent the globe is warming, I have heard that the rest of the solar system is, too. Thus, clearly the sun is a factor. That is very different from human-released carbon. I believe the Satanists' problem in 1988 was that oil was going to become too cheap. According to one of George Noory's guests from the early 00s, we should have reached Peak Oil in 2010. The notion of fossil-derived fuels is likely a related lie. One theory is that oil is produced by bacteria and is renewed relatively quickly. Another theory is that it is abiotic, was created with the earth itself, and thus is not limited by the amount of biomass 100M years ago.

I haven't dug hard at those theories, but there is something wrong with the whole story. Again, my conclusion is that oil was going to become too cheap, so they had to come up with a way to divert society from it. It has a number of added benefits to their mindset. They ban planes, trains, and buses to the non-compliant, non-vaxxed, and they try to take away the independently owned vehicle, too.

Looked at another way, say that man-made, carbon-based GW was real. The obvious solution is to bring out the anti-gravity tech they've been hiding for 70 years. One of many references is Mark McCandlish's Blueprint for a UFO (Presented by Dr. Steven Greer). Greer has a document proving the top secret, special access, unkacknowleged US projects had anti-gravity working in 1952. Of course, doing that would be counter to the Satanists' thinking on all sorts of levels.

Maybe that's enough said. If I either finish or decide not to finish the novel, I may try to figure out what happened to Neal Stephenson.

August 22

As reported last Wednesday (8/17), mass murderess Rochelle Walensky said, "For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations." She sounds like she's apologizing to her masters. They didn't kill enough people, their lies weren't convincing enough, and soon they will be given due process of law and executed, if they weren't already 20+ months ago. Latex Hollywood special effects masks and CGI are quite convincing.

On a related point, I got a report of "Covid" yesterday--symptoms were reduced O2 saturation and vomiting, although the latter might be from the former. People act like there existed no such symptoms before "Covid." I've heard a handful of such reports, but they were in the summer of 2021. Once again, my premise on the matter is very simple: They claimed "Covid" was the worst thing since the Great London Plague of 1665. They took steps unprecedented in American history. Being generous, they had until the end of May, 2020 to demonstrate a massive body count that was definitively from a novel "virus." They still have demonstrated no such thing.

August 20 (starting 00:06)

drum corps update

The drum corps situation was as bad as I feared. A friend got tired of my not looking and decided to look. The video of the open class (2nd tier) awards ceremony shows at least 3 corps worth of drum majors and / or colorguard captains--by definition 22 or under and in perfect health--wearing masks. Two of four instructors I see off hand are wearing masks. This was less than a week ago.

I am very concerned that some or all of the corps required "vaccines." Even as Mr. Red Pill, I am loath to go look. In any event, it would appear at a glance that it was a "normal" season in terms of schedule, and that it ended on the normal day last week.

other stuff

I went looking for the zoomed in video of Fauci on Chuck Todd on 2021/02/28. GhostEzra has a new channel and thus presumably all the old stuff is gone, which sucks. Thus, I can't find it that way. I noticed that Reuters felt the need to "fact check" that incident. For now I'm not going to bother.

While looking for that, I found this: Wyoming State Legislature Senator "Bouchard calls for Fauci to be tried then executed." That's Anthony Bouchard (R-Cheyenne), on or just before 2021/09/10. Nice to see that people with standing agree. On that note, it was fun to see Liz Cheney lose with 28.9% of the vote. Oh, no kidding, the self-same Bouchard was running in that race, too. He only got 2.6%, but I have hope that Trump's endorsed candidate will suffice--Trump's candidate Harriet Hageman won the Republican primary.

Laura Logan spelled it out a few weeks ago regarding the fact that a Satanic cult runs the world. I see dates of July 22 - 23, 2022. On one of Sean's / SGT's sites; that's dated June 27, so that must be closer. It looks like the original video and user were removed from TikTok; big shocker.

August 14 (close to posting 00:25)

Several days ago someone answered my apprentice ad with the intention of offering me work rather than being an apprentice. I rather urgently need work, but enough projects have (partially) failed such that I have to be careful. I don't need a loss; I need at least a handful of small wins. My correspondent will probably read this, and I don't mean to make this more harsh sounding than what I told you. I'm just quickly explaining it to those who weren't in that conversation loop.

Whether I work on his first-proposed project or not, I hope we keep in touch. As I told him, he is one of the few who ever passes my writing tests. My writing tests are NOT hard; it's just that no one writes anymore.

I'm writing this in response to a comment he made about a correlation between intelligence and not fitting in--some of the smartest people in history didn't fit in.

This once again reminds me of Randall Munroe of the XKCD web comic. I have called him an idiot-savant quite a number of times. He complains about not fitting in, and he's very likely a genius along several dimensions, but he's also an extremely dangerous idiot in other dimensions.

At least a handful of his comics are priceless. Some of them I go back and reread when I need a laugh. He is a comic genius, and he obviously knows his software and physics and such. However, he was a Hillary supporter, and he is pro-Covid and pro-vaccine. That is, he leans towards Covid being the most dangerous disease since the Great London Plague of 1665. I am leaning pretty heavily towards viruses generally being fake. Yes, they may be detecting sequences of RNA / DNA and calling it a "virus," but I would not assume they have proven correlation let alone causation. I'd forgotten how much I talked about this on January 29.

Off hand, it doesn't look like I ranted about Ron Unz in a somewhat similar context to Randall. Unz is said to have an insanely high IQ. I read two of Unz' articles on RFK Jr.'s Fauci book. The good news is that Unz is on the right side and heading further in the right direction. I was stunned, though, that until he read RFK's book, Unz attributed "Covid" madness to incompetence and not malice. I realize there is a hypothesis similar to Occam's Razor that says one should assume incompetence before malice. I tend to think that is a false hypothesis, and it's damned sure false when it comes to "Covid" "measures." In fact, it's a very dangerous hypothesis. There is a very rich, very powerful Satanic organization that quite literally does malice for a living.

Munroe may not fit in certain minor ways, but assuming the boosters don't kill him, for now he has smooth sailing in life. He is on the side of all of our institutions. He can happily go work for any of them.

Yes, there is some degree of not fitting in solely due to intelligence. It may or may not take intelligence to think differently. Not all intelligence people think differently, with Munroe being a case in point. Thinking differently is more isolating than intelligence alone.

I could keep whittling on this, but I think I've at least sketched my point--in terms of fitting in, there are different issues at work that don't necessarily correlate.

August 13 (00:17, then after 01:49)

comments on a Star Trek novel and then scope creep - after 01:49

I'm starting from this point in my novel review, about the Romulan boy and the human girl.

I hope it's extraordinarily clear from this site that I am no libtard. Such scenes in some contexts are purely malicious psychological war against white people. But given the context, it was hard not to enjoy that scene. For one, Romulans reached warp speed on their own. They are technologically and culturally on par with humans. That analogy does NOT hold in the real world, when certain groups try to push across such scenes. If left on their own, the other culture in current world fiction will not reach warp speed for 200,000 years if even then, despite Black Panther psy war propaganda crap.

Perhaps I'm getting off topic, but among other bits of evidence, a quick Goo search shows that the Ben Rich quote from roughly 1993 that "We now have the technology to take ET back home" appears to be a real quote. That is, some earth humans have had warp speed for decades.

I very briefly met Ben Rich at USC in '91 or '92, at an Engineering Honors Colloquium talk he gave. I only remember a couple of fragments of that, though. I think I remember USC professor Rusch talking to him. I followed them both out of the building, as I remember, perhaps somewhat impolitely.

Professor Rusch went on our trip to Yosemite just before my first year ('91) began. I really liked him. He died by accident on May 28, 1992, at age 58. (I thought he was a bit older.) I remember being shocked and hurt by that. (For the record, Willard Van Tuyl Rusch) His wife came to Yosemite, and we all warmed to her, too. It hurt that much more to know how she felt.

Shasta County (first posting after 00:43)

This article on Shasta County, California, is one of the most encouraging I've seen in months or perhaps years. For bibliopgrahical purposes, Redding is the county seat of Shasta. Without reading this in detail again, the following was in the first few months of Billuminati's Satanic Crusade, so roughly March - May, 2020. Carlos Zapata is speaking at a county board of supervisors meeting:

Right now we're being peaceful, but it's not gonna be peaceful much longer. I'm probably the only person that has the balls to say what I'm saying right now. That we're building, we're organizing. I've been in combat, and I never want to go back again, but I will, to save this country. If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen.

The context is the Royal Colony of California, or perhaps the Chinese People's Provence of California imposing "Covid" "restrictions." He's basically saying interfere with our lives over "Covid" and die. "The local sheriff, bowing to the county's new political reality, allowed the annual Cottonwood Rodeo to proceed, at a time when large public events were being canceled across the country."

Leonard Moty, a "pro-Covid" county supervisor, was recalled on February 1, 2022. The presumably previously libtard-ish New York-based (?) reporter James Pogue moved to the county. He "went native" as a result of his reporting. Zapata is or was "one of the Cottonwood militia's most prominent members."


Pogue, James. [Letter from Shasta County] "Notes on the State of Jefferson: A sucessionist movement brews in northern California" Harper's Magazine, April, 2022 (I think). Saved to Archive.ph 16 Mar 2022 18:55:27 UTC.

2022, August 2

Who knows where this is going to go? Because it came up in the physical world (like in-person) yesterday and today, I should link again to Hidden_Hand, "Dialogue with 'Hidden Hand,' Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider," edited by Wes Penre, Illuminati News, Dec 27, 2008.

I'm not sure I want to natter about that today, but we'll see. As fantastic as that dialog is, I have ...

I just got an email from a job recruiter whom I might actually want to talk to. I'll post this, though, so that the link will be there.

2022, July 30 - responses to the Gab versions of my apprentices ad

As of 22:00, I have posted this live, a few minutes ago. How much I proofread and such varies widely. I have not done very much of it so far. I will likely start replying on Gab.

I think I'm ready to post to Gab at 22:22 (Eastern Time).

no pay

I'll go back to the first post to Gab in May. There was some negative feedback to "no pay." If you look up medieval apprenticeships, the apprentice worked for the master craftsman. The apprentice most certainly didn't get paid. Also, that's why I used the term "master software dev" or whatever my exact words were. I was using the historically relevant term. As to the jackass who had a sarcastic reply to that, I'll deal with him presently.

I'm offering a better deal. If you (the apprentice) will do work for me, great. I don't necessarily require it, though. I have all sorts of ideas on how an apprentice can be useful to me. One model is if you're working on learning (client-side, web-based) JavaScript, and if you're a green dot (available) on some sort of (possibly type-only) chat program, that is useful to me. I'll explain below.

another variant on why I'm looking for apprentices, and why my freelancing is not working

I say "another variant" because I've described it in so many ways over 9 years. They are all hopefully true, but the reasons have proven hard to unify even in my own head. Thus, I'll try again with my latest thinking. I first need to explain why freelancing has not been working for me, at least so far. That also partially explains "no pay."

I'll give a longer version of this because I should explain that, yes, I have mad skills, but no, I have not been able to exploit them. Somewhere on this site I mentioned a developer who was making $50 / hour and working 50 - 60 hours a week but was poor. That was so insane that I didn't even explore the potential business relationship. I am likely somewhat insane in a few dimensions, but I should try to give potential apprentices hope that I can be useful to them.

I have gotten myself into an absurd situation in life. First, I'll explain what is allegedly possible, and then my utter failure to get remotely close to that. Given my inputs, Hired.com's "AI" says that I should make $155k. I got one request to do an interview at that price, so that gives some weight to it. I may or may not come back to the reasons I declined the offer. I've been contacted by 5 Amazon recruiters in the last few weeks, and a Big Evil Goo recruiter in May. Given that I call them Big Evil Goo, that should settle that one. I don't want to go to hell only slightly proverbially, or more precisely I don't want to incur that sort of karma. Amazon certainly has had a number of forays into evil, but they do real work in the real world. I could probably stomach them. My hesitation on them is another topic.

I realize that's bandwagon effect, but it will have to do. I was actually hired at $80k several years ago. In 2004 I was in an almost unique situation such that I got paid $60 / hour for about 235 hours ($14,000). So those are (more) real numbers.

With that said, I've been (on net) slowly losing money for many years, and my expenses are very low. My freelancing has not worked so far.

I hesitate to look for "real" jobs for several reasons. The first is that I am hard-wired night owl and working 9 - 5 literally starts to kill me. From 1997 - 2002 I gained 60 pounds. I haven't been on a scale in ages, but that is much improved. Several years ago I tried again, and I lasted 5 weeks.

So my typed conversations with recruiters ask them how their job will solve the Knave of the Night Owls problem. Most recruiters (and many others) are functionally illiterate, so they don't respond to emails. (Both the Amazon and Big Evil Goo recruiters said it was up to the manager--they might solve my problem, but I won't work for Goo.)

Another problem is that it takes a certain formula before I'm willing to get on the phone with someone. For one, I'm not fully awake during business hours. For another, I find it frustrating to play phone tag or schedule a call and then get refused on the night owl issue after 7 mintues. That happened to me with a DARPA Lifelog (Facebook) recruiter. That was in 2014 or so; they hadn't plunged into mass-murder. We scheduled a 20 minute call, and it lasted 7 minutes. I basically told him that I don't care if you're the almighty Facebook; I still won't / can't work 9 - 5 hours. To his credit, the evidence is that he tried to find a solution and perhaps spent an hour or two on it, but he could not find one.

One reason I avoid the phone is because of that disaster several years ago. The recruiter listened to me talk at length about how dangerous it would be to try to get me into a 9 - 5 job. His response was "The job description says flexible hours and work from home. Stop talking about 'King of the Night Owls' during the interviews, get in there, show them how great you are, and then we'll negotiate." He's the people person, and he's putting his reputation on the line, so I foolishly took his advice, and it worked to a large degree. I was working at 30 - 45% of capacity, but they actually wanted to keep me. I've talked about that elsewhere, I think. I'll leave it that.

To try to bring that chapter to an end, I was furious at the recruiter for putting me in that position. Both that and a few other instances in life make me fear being persuaded by the sales personality to my detriment. That's another reason I am hesitant to get on the phone with salespeople.

I have found in other contexts that it is likely to go badly if someone wants to get on the phone too fast. It's a sign of an incompatible personality. Thus, I am hesitant to talk to potential freelance clients, too.

The sales part of freelance is exhausting to me. From a people point of view, I should not be doing it. I made a brief foray into seeking "real" jobs a few months ago, and so far I've just been reminded of how bad that path is. Choose my poison.

That's a sketch on why I am not making money as a software dev.

back to why I want apprentices

My financial situation has gotten so bad that I've distanced myself from anyone who is not helping me with this problem. Unfortunately, that leaves no one. Just the green dot that I mentioned above would be helpful in that someone is pursuing technical goals at the same time. The green dot means that I'm around to answer questions as you study. I might ask your opinion on the people parts of a given ad. I'm not expecting my apprentices to be any more people people than I am, but, one, it's hard to be worse than I am. And, for another, *anyone* else's perspective would sometimes be nice. I don't like being in this bubble.

Obviously there are all sorts of ways you can more directly help, but I'm making the point that you don't necessarily need to do work for me like a medieval apprentice.

I am very willing to offer commissions and such. Given my potential earning power, this may not be such a risk on your part, but you would have to take some risk. I don't have a red cent to pay you.

I once paid a guy $1,000 for what was probably 5 hours of useful work. I have no problem paying him at that ratio because he was taking a risk. Unfortunately, he had the nearly worst-case sales personality. After several years, I even considered a deal with a minor devil and contacted him again. I laid down the law on what his job was and wasn't. His response was predicable given his personality.

Helping find a real job is ultimately worth $10,000s to me, but it would have to be paid over time once I got hired. Perhaps not much time, though.

Anyhow, I'm getting somewhat off point. Again, I am not expecting apprentices to be any better people people than I am. If you're just a green dot a few hours a week, that would be a start.

I think that covers "no pay" as well as I can for now.

Why not teach?

The context was at the college level, even as the lowest-ranking guest lecturer without a master's degree or PhD.

I don't want to get paid by a state school because I'm an anarchist. I'm not looking for a classroom full of students. I'm looking for one to start, and a handful at most. My ideal vision is for 3 - 5 at most. (Yes, by the way, I do have one quasi active apprentice right now, but he finally got a real job as a dev. He's busy with that and otherwise busy.)

I want my teaching to also be creating code. I don't want to spend too much time teaching. Besides, I shouldn't even use "teaching." My observation is that no one ever teaches anyone anything. The student must learn for himself. I see my job as sending an apprentice in the right direction, answering questions, and reducing frustration. In 1992 I would spend 3 hours fixing syntax errors. That was not necessarily time well spent. I want to spare apprentices that sort of frustration. Yes, one should spend some time on debugging, of course, but I really wish I had someone around to help then.

I want to solve my problem by doing, not teaching. If in 3 years I've netted $50k then I might consider teaching in the sense suggested.

I'm not a big fan of college, as I elaborate below.

For the record, "$" should be assumed to be Federal Reserve Notes / account money / debt money / the Rothschilds' private Monopoly money. The US Mint of course still produces 1 ounce silver, true dollars, which are currently worth over $20.

apprenticeship over "higher ed" - getting work without a degree

I appreciate a 3rd person's response that one should not bother with a degree, and that education at all levels has galloped towards pure evil including mass murder.

One of the potential benefits to an apprentice is to get work experience that I can vouch for. We can create a site for you to work on or post to, you list "blah.com" as your employer, and I will be your professional, managerial reference. Once again, you don't have to do work for me: if there is something you want to create, I will vouch for the work if I indeed think it's worthy. I can give you feedback on "worthy" as often as you want to make sure you stay in the worthy range.

Even with a recession, I get the impression that some sectors of tech are still desperate. If I think your work is worthy, I will probably bend "1 year" of work experience, and if you can list one year, that may get you hired.

the troll

I had one response bashing my tech skills. I may deal with him here, but I may see what happens on Gab first. It was a one line comment; no apparent research into the matter on his part.

2022, July 14 - "another one bites the dust" (19:30, then updated after 19:34)

It took until October, 2020 for me to get a 2-degree-of-separation claim that someone died of "Covid." I never got a one degree claim. However, now I've heard of the first person I know who probably died of the clot shot / kill shot / bioweapon / "vaccine." Quoting from the memorial invitation: "COVID safety was important to [she who died from 'COVID' 'safety']. For the memorial, quality masks indoors are preferred. For the reception, vaccinations [such as the one that killed her] are preferred." Why don't the guests make arrangements for their own memorial while they're at it?

I learned that she died, wait for it, "unexpectedly." I would imagine someone has done an analysis of "unexpectedly" and synonyms in obituaries lately, but it might be hard to find such analysis, of course. (If nothing good enough is out there, I would probably do it for a few hundred so-called dollars if someone wants to commission it. I unfortunately cannot afford to do it for free even for such a good cause.)

Those 2 pieces of evidence together are a good indication of death by kill shot. She was roughly 82 years old, but "unexpectedly" presumably means just that. As far as I know, she lived almost her entire adult life in one of the infamous libtard cities that is relatively big enough to turn the whole state blue. Or maybe it's more precise to say that (((they))) get away with the notion that it's a blue state, given that we don't know how extreme their vote manipulation has been historically. There is evidence that Trump actually won California in 2020, for example.

Update: I just realized that the reception is at the daughter's house. That would indicate that the daughter is aligned, which is not surprising. I have some hope that the other daughter is not as aligned. I suppose I should look into that one day.

2022, June 24 - regarding the (my) state of drum corps (revised 23:35)

addendum C - new Q posts!!!! (23:35)

I mentioned the Q faction of the military a while ago, in today's entries. Then at 20:26:19 EDT, Q posted for the first time in about 1.5 years (see QAnon.pub). Maybe Fauci's execution will be announced before the end of the drum corps season.

addendum B - drum corps fandom speaks (23:32)

"The texter" started research, probably on DrumCorpsPlanet. So far there is a fan musing about "Covid flareups" during the season. He is considering wearing a mask.

A handful of people wore masks in 2019 and earlier. I don't remember if I've ever seen a mask at a drum corps show, so let's say that 0.1% of fans wore masks in 2019 and earlier.

If a handful of people are wearing masks, I might live with that. If it's above something like 5%, though, I'm not sure I could stand it. If I were sitting near someone wearing a mask, and he spoke to me, I think I'd turn vaguely in his direction and search with my eyes, trying to find the source of the sound. I would say, "I hear a voice, but I can't seem to find the source. I must have slipped into a parallel reality where people more or less literally jump off a cliff when Dr. Fauci says so."

Even if he (or she) didn't speak to me, I'm not sure I could wait very long before I laid into him (or her). Again, just a reference during the show to the effects of "Covid" would probably set me off. There are no effects of Covid. There is the effect of a psychological and economic war fought by the usual suspects. I just don't see how I could enjoy a show, and there is a real chance I'd get into at least a screaming match if not a fist fight with someone.

"Covid flareups"? My potential standard is that 20% of fans need to be 10% as pissed as I am. This guy is -10,000% (negative). He's way the hell in the wrong direction.

addendum A - Dr. Michael Yeadon on the deadly "vaccine" (22:29)

When I got the text mentioned below, I was on the phone with someone "the texter" knows by reference (and vice versa). The person on the phone wanted me to send the following on to "the texter."

The following is Dr. Michael Yeadon speaking. "Dr. Michael Yeadon is former chief scientific officer at Pfizer’s Global Allergy & Respiratory Research Department." This is a Yeadon interview with The Epoch Times; it's 50 minutes, 21 seconds (50:21).

The "label" on BitChute says that the interview was on June 3, but I can't quickly confirm that. The Bitchute bibliography:

"Former Pfizer VP: ‘Massive Fraud Playing Out on a Global Scale’ Epoch Times, June 3 2022"   First published [on BitChute / the specific 
BitChute channel] at 22:48 UTC on June 5th, 2022. 
On the channel Mihai Grigoriu   

original post - just before 21:57

The proverbial shoe dropped. To counter one assumption, I am most definitely not on top of the drum corps season. I have not tried looking at the drum corps calendar since roughly September of 2020 (Yes, 2020, not 2021.) That was when they posted a cartoon of fans with masks. I'm not even sure why I looked at DCI's site about a year later, but then the photograph was of 23 year old kids in perfect health wearing masks--the horrific cartoon became perverse reality.

I had very, very vaguely picked up the notion that there might be a "normal" drum corps season this summer. I didn't actively unsubscribe from Spirit of Atlanta, so I saw part of an email before I deleted it without consciously reading it. I had assumed that the season had already started. My stance several hours ago was that I want none of it.

At 7:58pm I got a text, though, that the season starts this coming Tuesday with a live theater event, which is "normal." So I suppose it's time to deal with this in full.

I discussed this to some degree in my May 30 entry, but I'll start here from the beginning. Looks like I discussed other aspects on June 18, for that matter.

If I went to a drum corps event, there would be a fairly good chance of my literally getting into a fist fight with someone, and I've never been in a fist fight. "Covid" is for all intents and purposes fake. If it's not fake, it was exaggerated 1,000,000 times. The "vaccines" have very likely killed 200,000 in the US, perhaps somewhat less, and perhaps many times more. There are several points of evidence that something like 5% of vaccines lots were very dangerous, then an unknown percentage is still a bioweapon but not as immediately deadly. There is indirect evidence that some percentage are saline. Why they are saline breaks into other subdivisions. One branch is that a few dozen people are trying to avoid trial and execution for mass murder.

The response to "Covid" and the "vaccine" must be on some level revolutionary. It may not take an actual revolution in that I still have fairly good hope that a faction of the US military has cleaned house to some degree covertly, and they are ready to finish cleaning overtly. They are waiting, though, for their wake-up campaign to reach a tipping point. Roughly speaking, I'll call this faction the Q faction as in the somewhat incorrectly named QAnon.

I will not be able to tolerate any references to the effect that "Covid" had on drum corps. I can't just go back like nothing happened. I can't go back until Dr. Fauci's trial and execution has been revealed. That's a partly symbolic aspect of what needs to happen, and it's only a part.

I would go back when DCI's official policy is that Dr. Fauci should be tried for capital crimes. I rather doubt that is the case right now.

In my May 30 entry, I laid out a lesser criteria that if 20% of drum corps fandom are 10% as furious as I am, that might be good enough. The person who sent me the text is one of the people I mentioned (by reference) in that entry, but I had already pretty well decided to ignore the season and never sent the entry to that person.

So, if you want to take on the task, go look at DrumCorpsPlanet or whatever other source and see if anyone else even mentions this. I mean the fans. I would not bother looking at DCI or corps' sites.

In part, this goes to the frustration I've experienced on a number of occasions that people whom I have X in common with are opposed to my Y and Z and A and B. As of 3 years ago, I had reason to like other drum corps fans. I can't tolerate a season like nothing happened. If we're going to pray for justice before every show, that would probably work as a minimal requirement, but I don't see that happening.

This isn't coming out as well as I would like, but I want to post something, send it to my "texter," and get the discussion going. And / or the "texter" can survey fandom. I am not going to survey fandom because I expect that it will only get me more worked up.

2022, June 20 - a nice piece of new art (first posted around 23:00, revised minutes later)

Visit Gatlinburg TV spot (commercial / ad / advertisement), "Remind Us: Power of Quiet." Gatlingburg, TN / Tennessee. Published May 04, 2022. "The Mountains are Calling" series. 29 seconds / a 30 second spot.

Transcript: They remind us of the wonder of living, and the power of quiet moments that put life into focus. The mountains are calling. Plan your next memory at gatlinburg.com.

I assume "they" are "the mountains."

The dialog is given by a female narrator, and it's drawn out like a chant. There are long pauses that I didn't indicate.

I have seen extremely few actual TV commercials in many years. I saw this one while eating last night, at one of my usual restaurant haunts. There was a 40 inch TV 25 feet away from me. Fortunately it was close enough to read the logo. I believe it aired during a show called, Dancing with Myself. I could comment on the show, but I'll pass.

It took me a while to track down the "spot." It does not appear to be on Gatlinburg's Big Evil Goo Tube channel yet. I only found it at the above link.

Among several-to-many reasons I think this is quite good art is that one of the scenes reminds me of Maxfield Parrish's Ecstasy (1929).

Just for that painting and a handful of others, Parrish is one of my favorite artists in any genre.

I could rattle on about this, but I will publish.

Update: The change I made moments later was that I was eating at a restaurant. Part of my point is that I have not watched TV per se in years. I just happened to catch that on someone else's TV.

2022, June 19 - a somewhat frustrating ally, and then more scope creep (posting ca. 04:11am)

Several days ago I talked to a guy with some interesting hand-written signs on the back of his car. They were something like, "This is only a taste of socialism," and "Now are you glad you voted for Biden?" There were a couple of others. Maybe they'll come to me. He lived in Lumpkin County which includes Dahlonega.

I wonder if he thinks anyone actually voted for "Biden" / BidAn / Dan the Actor. I didn't get that far.

I don't remember exactly why or how I started down the path, but I mentioned that I didn't realize how bad things were until 2016 - 2017; I didn't realize they were outright Satanists. He asked me to define who "they" were, and I started with the Rothschilds. I explained how stupid it is to accept that Musk or Bezos or Billuminati have ever been the richest men, when they are only the ones who have to disclose their publicly traded stock wealth. The Rothschilds have privately held companies within trusts within shell corporations. He said something to the effect of very rich people don't effect him.

He seemed to think that the problem was that people had lost their moral compass, and they want everyone else to join them in being compass-less.

I asked him when he thinks this problem started. He went back to the 70s as in the 1970s rather than the 0070s or 2070s BC. He talked about the foundation of the Departments of Energy and Education. That was about as far as we got. He got a call and was summoned away.

He was a white guy in his 70s or perhaps even his 80s and was in very good shape for his age.

It would be very frustrating if he doesn't realize the election was "stolen," although "stolen" does not cover it. More like yet another act of war.

I also find it somewhat disturbing that he blames commoners for "losing their compass." The compass is being scrambled by a big, lavishly funded electromagnet. It actually takes a lot of work to morally agitate people like they have. I mean enormous, relentless work going back thousands of years. It's a lot of work to be successfully evil. They are trying to go to Hell in the sense of Fourth Density Negative. To reach Heaven, it only takes being just over 50% "good" or service to others. It takes 95% evil (service to self) to go to Hell. In other words, it's hard work being successfully evil. (see Hidden_Hand and Ra)

Starting in the 70s is grimly funny. As I believe I have contended in this blog before, I have trouble pointing to a time after 1815 when the US military has openly protected the country. That's when General Andrew Jackson defended New Orleans against the British at the very end of the War of 1812.

But I'm afraid it's worse. Remember that Patrick Henry "smelled a rat" in the form of the Constitutional Convention. I should look at the details, but I've always understood that the signers of the Declaration and the witnesses of the Constitution are almost a disjoint set. Most of the Signers were dead or impoverished by the time the Constitution came along. There were anti-Federalists, including Patrick Henry. I'm nearly certain Jefferson was anti-Federalist, but off hand I don't see him listed as a semi-official anti-Federalist author.

George Washington marched the militia against the Whiskey Rebels in 1794. US Representative "Spotty Lincoln" decried the Mexican-American War in 1846. Lysander Spooner was giving them hell by 1850.

Washington was a Freemason, and the 33rd degree Masons are very likely knowing agents of Lucifer. John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight was interviewed by Pamphlet Anon and his wife Raddix ("Root of Truth" in Latin, so Raddix Veritas or something) in late 2018 as I remember. His father told him that rising to the 33rd involved an oath to Lucifer. Hidden_Hand confirmed the notion. Then you have the American lawyer John Jay Singleton, interviewed by Sarah Westall. He talked about the Masons running yet another money creation scheme using various court documents--bonds, for example--as an asset to create money. He said that the CUSIP lookups easily prove this (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures). I need to track that one down one day. I could tell in about an hour at a "State Court" in 1995 that the whole thing was a sheep shearing festival. It seems they take it yet farther. This lady spent a few million dollars or more to come to the conclusion that the courts might not be doing anything "useful" if your goal is safety or justice or such.

Politicians don't have to be "corrupt." The state in its very conception is evil. A conservative or libertarian state is contradictory. You're going to have to dissolve the state proverbially brick by brick if you want peace on earth.

Then you have the notion that John Hancock and Samuel Adams were upset that the British taxes were so low that their smuggling operations were threatened. They wanted to increase taxes. Robert David Steele interviewed someone and was coming to that conclusion a few months before his murder (murder either directly or by intentional medical malpractice that might as well by murder). I heard him talk about it a bit but didn't track down the source.

I don't have much of a problem with smugglers as long as the goods aren't human, but the idea that they wanted to increase taxes is quite troubling.

I am fairly sure that there was some degree of positive intent among quite a few people during the American Revolution. American has been and still is great in a number of ways. But the problem did not begin in the 1970s. The problem goes back to the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Hidden_Hand explains that in 21st Century English. The concepts of Fourth Density and the negative path of ascension come from the Hidden_Hand dialog. I mentioned the negative path yesterday.

I am not ready to summarize Hidden_Hand right now, but I'll just say that he finally explained the "Why?" I've known to some degree for decades who these people are, how they do what they do, and when and where they have done it. I could not fully understand "Why?" until Hidden_Hand. That is one reason why I think Hidden_Hand's statement is the truth, as outlandish as it may seem from some perspectives. He starts to sketch what I call the Calculus of Evil.

The bad guys don't want slaves exactly, because that violates free will. At a certain point, neither good nor evil can benefit from violating free will. A 5th or 6th density being (demons and angels) more or less can't violate free will. You must sell your soul to Satan; he can't steal it. They want you to worship their agenda as much and as willingly as possible.

Charli XCX is an extreme example. Very recently I added a "quick reference" to my worldview series (linked at top) in which she shows and says in her own words that she recently sold herself. The sale involves blood and sex and chains. Getting someone to volunteer their sex, blood, and pain is a large deposit in the path towards Hell.

Abortion from their point of view is a sacrifice to Moloch, period. I believe this is one of Hillary's underlings saying she'll sacrifice a chicken to Moloch. "Chicken" might even be a code for a child. Whether it's a code or not, when is the last time you heard "Moloch" in a sentence written after 3,000 BC? You have probable horrific video on Anthony Weiner's laptop of Hillary's actions. Jessie Czebotar, interviewed by Sarah Westall and others, says that Hillary was literally the Satanic Wicked Witch of the East (eastern US). Hillary studied under Gloria Vanderbilt, and we have a number of items of evidence against Vanderbilt.

Back to abortion, whatever other issues you want to bring to abortion, their motivation is to convince you to sacrifice your baby to Moloch and thus put Hell points in their account.

Obviously this has wandered, but I'll post it.

2022, June 18 - on pronouns, and then rather large scope creep

I might have seemed hypocritical in a recent tech blog entry. Then again, perhaps not, but either way, I'll muse. I suppose the writing practice in 2010 or so was to sometimes use "they" in a sense that was grammatically incorrect by a 1950 (or even 1990) standard but considered politically correct (psy war). That particular front of the psy war has been aggressively pushed in the last few years, since 2010.

I'm resisting the dictates of the psy war planners in that I did use "he." The possible hypocrisy is that I defended the action.

So, let's look at this from two points of view. I use "libtard" to refer to the foot soldiers. Some of the foot soldiers are probably well intentioned, and their virtue signaling is sometimes an actual attempt to be virtuous. The talking points of the libtards come from very well planned, lavishly funded, very long term operations. The ones creating the notions and planning have committed mass murder at various times. They are Satanic or however you want to define pure evil. With that said, some of their notions start with a point that has 2% of credibility or maybe even 40%. The best lies are either a twist on truth or else they are Big Lies with almost zero validity. For the Big Lies, they have to spend hundreds of billions or perhaps trillions or more over decades propping them up, such as making 300 Holocaust™ movies from very roughly the 70s through perhaps 2015. When I talk about trillions I mean all the variants of their various psy war fronts, not just the Holocaust™.

A sidenote: As I'm writing this, I decided to erase my defense of "he." I will almost certainly make a note on the alteration and refer here. But, I had the defense up for about 24 hours, so I should keep at the commentary.

So, I'll state it again. The pronoun issue is one of a few dozen fronts that comes from a place of pure evil. One option is to dismiss zes ("ze" being one of their pronouns) as witting or unwitting agents of evil, or insane, and be done with the matter. That's a great option. But I defended my usage, so I'll keep commenting.

Just about all of us get caught up in the "autism" of pondering the little points of the enemy and lose site of the fact that everything they do is Big Evil. So, with the above stated--that this commentary is probably getting mildly silly--I'll keep going.

Along the smaller or larger percentage of truth, I'll grant THEM that I did use pronouns without any thought until THEY brought it up. It is somewhat intellectually interesting to ponder things that you didn't ponder before. As an intellectual exercise, it is tempting to engage in the autism of occasionally being conscious of pronoun choices. Although I'm feeling sillier by the moment as I write this. Perhaps I've convinced myself to stop wasting time on the matter.

Bradley / Chelsea Manning

With that said, I will mention one person who brings up this issue: Bradley Manning who became Chelsea Manning. Manning gave 100s of GB or perhaps 1 - 2 TB of "secret" information to WikiLeaks in 2010. I think he wanted to be referred to as she by the time she was sentenced to decades in prison and then had her sentence commuted by the Obama creature and was released.

I'm not sure I'd call her an unqualified heroine, but he had some good reasons for doing what he did. I will try to be respectful in her case, but as you can see gender pronouns can indeed get very weird in this case. "He" had good reasons because no one is disputing she was born physically male, and he was functioning as a he at the time of the leaks. I will try to use "she" for the currently living person, though, because of all "transgender" types, I will try to respect her language; she has earned it.

Gender confusion was a huge contributor for him getting himself into trouble. That gives her a great case of very legitimate gender confusion as opposed to being steered by the psy war.

After her release from prison, Harvard gave her a job, and it appeared she would go on the lecture circuit to talk about her story. Of all the speakers out there, I would be interested in her story. The libtards and their masters are supposed to support "transgender" people to the hilt. But what happened to Manning? She was cancelled, of course. She was cancelled as a "traitor."

So you have the traitorous, mass-murdering, baby raping demon worshipers cancelling her as a traitor. Obviously their mass murder via war agenda is more important than pushing the most legitimately transgender person I can think of. That is one of dozens of examples of their seeming "contradictions."

If my pronoun usage above is inappropriate, I apologize to Chelsea Manning. I apologize only in her specific case because she has earned it.

another "contradiction"

For the record, a horrible example of their "contradictions" is that they are supposed to support women against rape. But when several thousand if not tens of thousands of Pakistanis (maybe 100s-k) rape British white girls on an industrial scale for 30 - 40 years, then racism trumps sexism, and the industrial rape continues. Similarly, Sweden has one of the highest (reported / documented) rape rates in the world. Pro tip: white, native Swedish men didn't start going on a rape spree at the same time they started importing a million or two third world savages. "Third world savages" will have to do for now. One topic at a time.

The actual rape rate in parts of Africa and perhaps Latin America is probably higher, but the rapes in Sweden, for the moment, get reported somewhat more often. The reporting rate will probably decline over time. One can also hope that Europe will expel these immigrants. Along the lines of the Q operation, that may be coming. Or it may come more organically.

capital crimes

The people who encouraged the invasion should get their due process of law, but hopefully at least a few dozen of them in Sweden are convicted of capital crimes. Sweden probably doesn't have capital crimes, but anyhow. As for any place, when execution levels get remotely close to Reign of Terror levels, the counterattack is getting just as bad as the (alleged) attack. I say "alleged" in the case of the French Revolution because I am almost certain the Revolutionaries were the bad guys.

Also in the case of "Covid" and the "vaccine," I would be satisfied with perhaps a dozen or a few dozen trials and executions in the US.

As an alternative, I would accept the sort of truth and reconciliation that has never actually been seen before. Truth and reconciliation in South Africa, for example, is obscene. People who move on to slowly genociding the minority have no claim to such a process.

I have presented evidence elsewhere that Fauci may have been executed before March of 2021. (I think it was "his" interview with Chuck Todd on Feb 28, 2021. It appears to be someone wearing a Hollywood latex special effects mask.) For sake of argument, though, if he is still alive, I might accept his saving his skin if he provides documentation and testimony that ultimately goes back a few hundred years if not a few thousand.

Fauci's Truth and Reconciliation

The 'i' suffix like Fauci and Pelosi are probably indicators of the Italian Black Nobility braches of the Illuminati / Satanic Brotherhood. As I remember, Dr. John Coleman (Committee of 300) spoke of the Guelph family, and they are even mentioned in some sense in the WikiP. To save his skin, I would want confirmation of that and to name names going back several generations. I would want confirmation of the Brotherhood, their practices, their history, etc. I would want to know how his AIDS scam worked and then how his Covid scam worked--the who, what, when, where, how, and especially the specifics of why. I think I partially understand the negative path of ascension's "Why?" but it would be nice to hear the gory details. I would want confirmation of social memory complex / group soul LUCIFER. I would want to know the mechanics of how Lucifer functioned. Along another and march larger branch of reconciliation, perhaps half the assets in the world would have to be seized, or maybe it's 80%, or maybe 95%.

The modern incarnation of asset seizure is more tyranny, but, for whatever it's worth, the only mention of asset seizure in the Constitution is for traitors, and these people are damn sure traitors in the common sense of the term. In the Constitutional sense, I see merit in Lysander Spooner's notion that "An oath to the Constitution is an oath to no one."

Who plans the psy war?

I'll try to go through this briefly, at least briefly for now. The Rothschild banking family of Europe are close enough to the center of evil on earth. They literally own a huge portion of the world's currency. They create fake dollars and loan them at interest. This is to some degree through fractional reserve banking, but in another sense it's simpler than that. They put mortgage notes (houses) in their asset column and create a liability column to issue the mortgage. I have found 3 economics 101 textbooks with chapters the effect of "How Banks Create Money."

They are the chief Satanists. There is good evidence of a Satanic organization that has been enormously powerful for all of history.

As for moving down the chain, if you want keywords to search, the Frankfurt School is perhaps the best known. Tavistock Institute is almost certainly up there. Anything to do with Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew. I suppose I should read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion--that's up there. The Protocols were highlighted in Henry Ford's The International ... published by the Dearborn Independent / Dearborn Publishing Company. I understand the AI likes that word best. There is no reason to use it too often. You'll figure it out. I use the word in the plural once in my January 8 entry.


Patrisse Cullors of BLM (David Cole recently called her a "terrorist heiffer") did some weird ritual where she is chanting about incarceration rates of blacks in LA County or some such. Back to the distortion of a true truth, I would actually agree with her that the percentages and absolute numbers are in fact a problem. I would have much different notions of how to correct the problem, but that is another entry.

That will do for an entry.

2022, May 30 - Agnus Dei (Opus 11, Lamb of God), Samuel Barber, choral work; and then the upcoming 2022 drum corps season

When I get in my car to head for breakfast at 2pm, I usually start a drum corps show on Big Evil Goo Tube. I bought CDs and often video (VHS and DVDs) of almost all the shows I listen to, so I'm ok with the morality of that. Not to mention the $1,000s in tickets over the years.

And yes, then there is the paradox of how much lovely art is on Big Evil Goo Tube. Perhaps later...

In any event, last I checked drum corps shows had to be between 10 - 11.5 minutes. That's longer than my trip to breakfast, so it works well. Yesterday I somewhat foolishly started Alex and Sierra's Say Something (final season of XFactor USA, probably 2013; as I remember she's Sierra Deaton). I had gotten about 1/4 mile by the time it was over; that's the foolish part--it's way too short.

So, I switched the radio on for the first time in months or quite a few months. I caught Compact Discoveries with Fred Flaxman on "The Voice Of Brenau" University (89.1 FM, WBCX, Gainesville, GA). Oddly, Fred called the episode "Music for Insomniacs." He encouraged us not to drive while listening. I find that really weird / odd. The problem I have with driving is that I get tears in about 10 seconds, roughly 3 / 4 of the times I've started the song in the last 12 hours. There is some chance his episodes are free to stream or even download, but I started listening to a version by Vlaams Radiokoor (Belgium, 2015, June 29. The on-video text shows recorded in Brussels. Radiokoor as the name implies is Flemish).

Barber's Adagio for Strings version is probably just as exquisite; I haven't listened to it in a while. Actually, I understand the choral version came (decades?) after the Adagio.

I'd heard variations of both the string and choral version going back to 2000. My introduction was in the Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps' year 2000 show, Age of Reverence. I was there, live, did that, and got both the T-shirt and a poster. It's the only drum corps poster I ever bought. I own something like 60 T-shirts from the 150 shows I went to from 1989 - 2019. I note that SCV 2000s Prayers of Kierkegaard is also by Barber. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to correlate the rest.

As I remember, the first time or two I saw SCV 2000, the show went somewhat over my head. I think it was listening to the mid-season CD in a fellow fan's car when the Adagio really hit me. Then I saw the live show at least 4 more times. In 1999, SCV tied with Blue Devils (BD). Once I got hooked on the Adagio and the rest of their show, I was really rooting for SCV to win outright in 2000. They came in 4th, but it's one of the better 4th place shows ever. It might be in my 2nd tier of favorite shows, although the Adagio is first-tier among (parts of) drum corps shows.

SCV captured Barber's work in a unique way: 80-ish horns (brass instruments). I think Barber would have be thrilled, just as I think Wagner would have been thrilled with Phantom Regiment Drum Corps' Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral.

Out of all the corps, I have found SCV's stuff thoroughly patrolled on GooTube. I think you'll find the Adagio but perhaps not the whole show. I'm not going looking right now in part because the whole drum corps topic is too painful until Dr. Fauci gets his due process of law (possibly a US military tribunal) and then is executed, or his execution months ago is announced.

Out of the years 1998 - 2019, by this time of year I already held tickets for perhaps 18 of those years. As of now I don't even know if there will be a "normal" season, normal being before Billuminati Gates' Satanic Crusade. I saw a very, very small handful of pictures from the 2021 rump season. If they let 23-year-olds march in 2021, the kids are 23 or younger. If they just finished even a rump season they are in perfect health. And they are wearing *$()@&@& masks while they receive their awards, in late August, 2021. Until either "officialdom" executes a few dozen people in the US or I am told that drum corps fandom generally is pushing for that, I don't think I can return. I might literally beat people up. I'm not particularly big, and I have zero fight experience, but I suspect I would win a few matches, motivated by fury. If there are any remaining "Covid" "measures," that would set me off. Any references to the effect of "Covid" on drum corps would set me off.

I was annoyed by DCI's damaging acoustics at finals in 2007 and then 2009 forward. Who would have "thunk" that they would then join a few billion people in such a display. Talk about feeling betrayed.

In an attempt to be productive, I've had 2 friends go with me to shows consistently from 2014 - 2019. If you guys want to check out DrumCorpsPlanet or related fan sites, there is a tiny chance I can be convinced to go. If 20% of fandom are 10% as pissed as I am, I'd consider it. Once again, I won't even link to it because I'd have to verify the link, and I might see something I really don't want to see.

I'm probably going to post this just after 2:37am. I may revise it after that.

2022, May 19 - jury "duty" summons and commandment

As is often the case, I have to back up quite a ways before introducing seemingly simple topics. Jordan Maxwell was a researcher who went to the fundamentals and edges. I am not going to give him a wholehearted recommendation, but several branches of his research were probably correct. For purposes of identification, Maxwell died a few weeks ago, on or just before March 25. (Yandex gives me better info than Big Evil Goo.) Maxwell was a pen name for Russell Pine, born December 28, 1940. I was about to start musing on how Billuminati Gates' mother was a Maxwell almost certainly related to Ghislaine. If it's a pen name, though, it is less likely to be relevant.

Among many other observations, Maxwell once asked his audience, "How many employees does the United States Post Office" have? Note "Post Office," not "Postal Service." I believe the answer was less than 10. WikiP is of course deadly malicious for many topics, but I will take their number that USPS has almost 800k employees. He explained how USPS was privatized and then bought by Lord Rothschild. The partial privatization is probably easy to verify, but the entirety of the situation probably takes some work to dig up. Maxwell may have written the whole issue out with footnotes. In any event, that is all to explain one of my sentences below.

It then occurs to me that Maxwell may have been one of those who advocated what I will call the "straw man" legal theory. Part of the argument is that any "person's" name in all caps is a dead or artificial (never living) entity. I note that "my" name comes in all caps in the jury commandment. The argument continues that at various points in history, all sorts of legal games have been played to manipulate the concepts of "citizens" and such. For example, Ronald Bernard, the Dutch "banker" (former top-level money launderer by his own admission) confirmed several years ago that governments "monetize" babies at birth. I think he said that a Dutch baby's birth certificate is immediately deposited as bond against a future tax-paying asset and allows the government to borrow another 500K Euros. Jordan Maxwell had a similar take. The American lawyer John Jay Singleton was interviewed by Sarah Westall several years ago. He said that you can verify many of these bonds by using "your" (straw man's) Socialist Insecurity Number (SIN) as a CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) number. Sarah verified her children's numbers as such if not her own. He named websites that would return the data.

Part of the idea is that given that the courts are acting way, way outside of common law and possibly Constitutional law, they don't deal in living people. They only deal in the "straw man" incorporated or franchised with the birth certificate. In theory, you can use this in court to your advantage. But that's enough on that.

Next, a random (and unexpected) plug for the (privatized and likely Rothschild-owned) USPS' ("United States" Postal Service's) service known as "Informed Delivery." There are some exceptions, but the short version is that you get an emailed photo of most of your individually addressed mail several hours before the mail comes, and you can check the website at 8pm the night before for the next day's photos. While I was still in bed last Monday, I saw something from the Royal Colony calling itself a "State." That was somewhat alarming. I don't want any mail from them. I grit my teeth when I receive auto tax bills and stamps and driver's licenses. My blood pressure started to go up for just a moment. I could see enough of the envelope and even what was inside to quickly realize it was dury servitude / servility. My blood pressure went back down a little bit, because that was better than various alternatives. One point being that I had several extra hours to process the situation before the mail came. I got to go through my whole wakeup routine. It was probably an improvement versus seeing the mail after the wakeup routine.

Part of the reason I knew what it was is because part of the text was visible in the address window of the envelope. "YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND COMMANDED to lay all business aside and appear..." The boldface and caps are theirs, not mine. First of all, "COMMANDED"??? Who talks like that? Power-crazed employees of Satanic governments, apparently. It's a somewhat separate and somewhat long topic, but I am a right-wing anarchist. Governments are Satanic entities. They don't become "corrupt." They are evil in concept. They are not even corrupt in the sense that they do exactly what they are designed to do. Their actions aren't a "corruption," they are pure from the perspective of their creators. Pure evil.

Anyhow. Who talks like that? I considered telling them to shove it on that basis alone.

So to back up again: if I had steady work and were in a better financial position, I would probably go do it. Not because I was commanded, but because jurors can save criminal defendant's lives. I'll come back to that.

I have just started a new round of job / gig hunting, though, and I'm doing stuff I haven't done in 7 years. I need to keep at that. I was "commanded" to show up at 8am. Too much of that will quite literally raise my chance of death by several downstream effects. Getting myself into worse shape would be near certainty. Saving someone's life or at least saving them great grief would be somewhat improbable in my particular case. I wasn't taking that tradeoff.

I saw the Informed Delivery image around 11am Monday. I opened the letter around 9pm Monday. I emailed my reply at 12:43am a few hours later. At 11:26am I got "Good morning—we have received your email and we have excused you from jury service at this time. No further action is needed & have a good day!" So his boss "commands" and the underling wishes me a good day.

So how did I do it? I've already had 3 people ask me that. One way of looking at it is that I came off as pathetic and at least mildly crazy along several dimensions. I was willing to make that tradeoff. Then I made myself look extremely unattractive to a prosecutor (more below). If the guy got past pathetic and crazy to the prosecutor part, that would nix me from criminal cases. The jury questionnaire asked if I had insurance from two insurance companies. Because I am "commanded" to have auto insurance, I do have it from one of those companies. So apparently that made me somewhat unattractive in a civil jury.

The form / commandment offered several reasons for "deferral/excusal." Apparently "excusal" is a word in a legal context. I said that I'd accept deferral and come back when I was in better financial shape. Whether I am deferred or excused is ambiguous from the email, but it will do for now in any event.

More specifically, I first was somewhat specific about my bad financial shape and explained what sort of documentation / quantification I could offer. Then I'll quote myself just below. The quote is very slightly modified from what I sent, but not in any substance.

To list further items I can document with cryptographically signed emails: in the last week or two I've received two emails from Amazon job recruiters, offering minimum salaries of $160,000. The first thing they want me to do is sign up for a software test. Rather than "Sign me up for the test!" my response was

I would need extremely flexible hours, an overnight shift, or working remotely to Hawaii or someplace west of Hawaii. That requirement takes precedence over money, location, job title, or anything else.

I should add that upon further analysis, Hawaii is too close. I would need to interact with business hours between India and eastern Australia.

I have years and years and years of similar emails, including documentation of a disastrous attempt at working 9 - 5 in 2015.

Many years ago, at two courthouses relatively nearby Forsyth, I gave potential jurors Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) pamphlets. I'd like to think I handed out a few hundred of them in total, but it's been a long time. I am aware of the Georgia Constitution Article 1, Section 1, Paragraph 11 (XI): "the jury shall be the judges of the LAW and the facts" (emphasis mine). This is otherwise known as a codification of "jury nullification."

I haven't even heard of FIJA in decades (although they still have a web presence), and I otherwise don't claim to speak for them. Speaking for myself, though, in criminal cases I have an extreme anti-prosecution bias. To quote the entrepreneur, lawyer, and legal theorist Lysander Spooner, "All legislation whatsoever is an absurdity, a usurpation, and a crime."

That's just a start. I think it's safe to say that voir dire would eliminate me from any criminal cases, and I'm not sure you want me in your jury pool, ever.

As for civil cases, as I indicated on the questionnaire, I have ... (car) insurance, so that's apparently an added complication for the June 13 jury pool.

If I can get my finances in order, and if you don't think I'll taint your jury pool, perhaps some day I would be viable for a civil jury....

As of May 23, 20:04, I had considered this a draft and had not posted it, but I'll probably post it as-is, and I may or may not come back to revise it.

2022, January 29 - are UFOs fake? (2 of 2 today)

Below is my entry on whether "Covid" is fake. When that question was raised, it was raised in a similar context to UFOs. The statement I received was, "UFO's are cool to imagine if they're real."

"Covid" and UFOs are two branches of the same topic. The purpose of the CDC, NIH, FDA, etc. is to whitewash various branches of medicine. Huge branches of medicine are driven by and result only in statistical clouds that are nebulous at best. That is, it's unclear at best whether various branches of medicine make people healthier or sicker.

As I've discussed elsewhere, it is unclear whether whatever they call "Covid" exists. The "vaccine," however, damn sure is killing people. The range in the US is anywhere from 40,000 to maybe a few million. In addition to the vax, it will take decades to figure out how many people died from the reaction to "Covid." This is just one article on that.

So while the FDA and company exist to reverse those numbers, NASA exists to cover up what's in space. That is, part of their job is to poop on the notion of UFOs. Their fake job is to study space when their actual job is to cover up what's in space. One method is getting scientists involved in decades-long tail chases--debating matters that could be resolved with a 3 hour flight in a UFO (see below).

Yes, UFOs are real. Yes, they are driven by relatively simple anti-gravity technology. Yes, their technology implies "free energy." That's why the notion is pooped on. Some of the goals of TPTB are to increase the cost of living and reduce mobility in all its senses, including physical mobility.

It's the same issue. The same people--ideological group--who promote "Covid" cover up UFOs and the resulting technology. Dr. Greer's documents show that the US top secret, unacknowledged, special access projects achieved anti-gravity in 1952.

2022, January 29 - Is "Covid" fake? (1 of 2 today, slighly revised 18:07)

My worldview series linked above has my main "Covid" article, but I don't think that article addresses the question of "fake." I was questioned on my use of the word yesterday, so he we go.

RFK Jr.'s book on Fauci spends 200 pages--almost half the book--arguing that Fauci faked the existence of AIDS, decades ago (Ron Unz' review). The scientist who discovered HIV in 1984 had concluded by 1990 that HIV did not cause AIDS (same Unz article; the scientist is Luc Montagnier). He furthermore concluded that HIV was relatively harmless.

The claim in 2020 was that SARS-CoV-2 was "novel" and apparently the worst health crisis the West has faced since the Great Plague of London of 1665 that killed 25% of London. Even the CDC's highly suspect numbers only show a 0.1% death rate in 2020. However, (((they))) instituted measures that have never been seen in American history, including during the World War to Save Communism. The damage they have caused will take decades to fully understand.

Dr. David Martin, for one, shows that patents for similar gene sequences go back at least 20 years, so there is nothing novel about it.

So back to "fake":

The conclusion of the above is that you can get a PCR test to say anything. "Testing positive" for "Covid" means absolutely nothing based on the PCR test.

"It's real because I had it." I'm not disputing that flu-like symptoms have existed presumably for most or all of human history. One question is whether anything has been different since 2020. Another question is whether virology has developed enough to explain anything or whether it ever will explain anything. I'm not finding Robert David Steele's review of Firstenberg's Invisible Rainbow, but the claim is that "flu" has always been caused by (non-ionizing) radiation, even before radio. Before radio, flu was caused by solar storms. The Spanish Flu was caused by the wide(r) introduction of AM radio. I'm not sure Firstenberg says it, but FM radio seems a good candidate for the Hong Kong flu. To whatever extent anything unusual happened in 2020, which is unclear, 5G is a candidate for "Covid." I further address alternative causes of death in my main "Covid" article mentioned above.

Extraordinary reactions require extraordinary events. There is no extraordinary "virus." The only extraordinary event is how far (((they))) have taken "Covid." As I have discussed elsewhere in my worldview series, they very likely have paid and will spectacularly pay the price. It will be extraordinary. "It will be Biblical."

2022, January 8

I suppose it's time for "the preface." I've seen Venn diagrams of a certain word used by the censors for tracking, so I'll only say it once. Jews define identity along the female line. My mother was such along all known branches of her family. Mother's mother's mother was Orthodox from a town with both a German and Polish name. One of my great-grandfathers through my mother was a Wall Street banker, and relatively highly "ranked," as far as I understand. I have to be related to the Rothschilds somewhere back there. I found two of my family's baby books. That relationship is NOT mentioned as far back as that family tree goes, despite rumor to the contrary.

With that said, I have found that pretty much all the worst things historical said about them / us are very likely true, and many I'm nearly certain are true. Elaborating upon that at great length will have to wait. I'll just say that I will take the position of the guy who published "Frame Game Radio" on YouTube from very roughly 2016 - 2018. I have not gone through the results, but he seems to have been copied to BitChute. He was a full-blooded corporate lawyer in New York City. He was aggressively speaking out against his tribe because he was American first and tribal second, and he felt an obligation lest the inevitable blowback comes back at him.

One day I'll make it a point to set a record getting a site deplatformed, or hopefully that form of warfare will be won by then. One hasn't accomplished anything in life until he is on the ADL's Faces of Hate page. Hmmm... I was going to link to it, but perhaps they realized it provides us with a perfect list of pundits and leaders. The closest I could find was a reference to New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy, but you have to give your email address to get the report. I remember when Blonde in the Belly of the Beast made the list. (For years she also did a show Blonde and the Beta male. Maybe she still does.)

I'm writing all this because I was reminded a while ago of Alison of the Rage After Storm YouTube channel. Her channel is long gone, but a mirror / archive is still there. However, the big scary video that led to her exiting the public stage is not there. It is on BitChute, though: Race Is Real.

So all this started because I was reminded of Alison's "*autistic screeching*" at the very beginning of a video about the fall of Bill Nye. Which in turn reminded me of the #hearthiswell or #HearThisWell hashtag. A central channel of this on YouTube was still there several months ago. Now it's gone, although searching on that hashtag still seems to bring up many of the videos. I found one almost 5 hour compilation of mostly parent testimonies. This was in response to CNN "senior medical correspondent" Elizabeth Cohen in August, 2014. For my own tagging purposes, I always associated the direct quote that triggered that with Julie Gerberding of CDC. Although it seems Gerberding did not start it directly, I can be reasonably sure Gerberding had the same sentiment. This has nothing to do with vaccines, of course.

The point being that there is nothing funny about genocidal vaccines and their decades of test runs that caused autism. However, Rage's screeching is pretty dang funny.

And THAT got started because I felt like doing "*autistic screeching*" after encountering the "headers have already been sent" message.

2021, December 30

A number of inputs led to my starting this. The most immediate was "How is your housing search going?" The short answer is not very quickly. I still need to move, the sooner the better.

The results of my Craig's List ad, on the page linked above, resulted in part with 3 robot response and 2 gay sex solicitations. The solicitations were almost certainly from the same person. Then I got the infamous "call me" response. I emailed her back 12 hours later, but I know for a fact that some mail services block Craig's List relay addresses. Also, people who say "call me" probably don't want to write back.

My issue with precisely "call me" (and phone number included) is certainly relevant to a personal blog, and perhaps I'll address it later.

I suppose any mention of Facebook needs to be prefaced. Oh wait, that led to WikiPedia, which also needs to be prefaced. WikiP is great for a very large number of topics, but at a certain point, you should assume that the editors and "anons" are trying to kill you. For the moment I simply refuse to read their entry on the "Covid" "vaccine" or the kill shot / clot shot phase of Billuminati's Satanic Crusade. I assume they are out to kill everyone.

So that settles my brief thoughts on WikiP. As for Facebook, I was pleasantly surprised to learn the WikiP records the February 4, 2004 date that both DARPA LifeLog was "canceled" and Facebook started. In case it's not clear, that means that LifeLog was handed to Facebook. Zuckerberg is an MK-ULTRA victim. He's "just a patsy." When that common date was posted, Q / (so-called) QAnon's response was that whoever discovered that common date should apply to NSA.

Facebook for several years has of course been "censoring" more and more. Assume the owners (whoever they really are) are trying to kill you.

With those issues aside...

Among other problems, Facebook's format is dreadful. It seems that people on various county groups are routed to a real estate group for housing. And that format is dreadful. I tried it once with little result. I don't think I'll rant about why the format is dreadful.

A related path is to post on my Facebook wall. When I went to do that, I was confronted by an unpleasant photo. So, another digression...

Being in Cumming, Forsyth County, Royal Colony of Georgia, I have managed not to wear a mask yet. For that matter, no one has asked me to do so. I almost got into a screaming match about masks with another customer at a restaurant, but she wasn't asking me to wear one, and I don't think she was wearing one at the time.

Given that Billuminati's Crusade comes from literal Satanists, wearing a mask is way too close to Satan worship. It is approaching the "neither buy nor sell" criteria of Revelation 13:17. The distance among three people shall be 6 feet and 6 and 6, which is the next verse. The hand or forehead implant for the "vaccine" ID is looming.

So I had this acquaintance decades ago who was very pretty and otherwise interesting and who expressed interest in me. To some degree she goes in the "What if?" category. When she's not wearing a mask, she's still quite fetching. But I go on Facebook and there she and her daughter are masked at some overseas airport (that I shall not name).

Anyhow, I will hopefully bring myself to post on my Facebook wall soon.

I've also been trying to figure my chances of finding housing from this web site's readers. That analysis is in my technical blog.

I tried another technique that shows some promise. Let's just say that I was on one or two sites seeking the right person rather than searching for rooms directly. I need to get back to that, too. I got one good lead from that, but I decided that we're not compatible for temporary reasons rather than permanent. Hopefully her situation will improve, but I doubt it will be in time.

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